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Line 74: ' from wip_discrete_jobs a , wip_entities b, mtl_system_items_kfv m, mtl_parameters p ' ||

70: ' decode(a.overcompletion_tolerance_type, ' ||
71: ' 1, ''Percent'', ' ||
72: ' 2, ''Amount'') Tol_Type, ' ||
73: ' a.overcompletion_tolerance_value Tol_Value ' ||
74: ' from wip_discrete_jobs a , wip_entities b, mtl_system_items_kfv m, mtl_parameters p ' ||
75: ' where b.wip_entity_id = a.wip_entity_id ' ||
76: ' and b.organization_id = a.organization_id ' ||
77: ' and m.inventory_item_id = a.primary_item_id ' ||
78: ' and m.organization_id = a.organization_id ' ||

Line 164: 'from wip_requirement_operations a, wip_entities b, mtl_system_items_kfv m '||

160: ' a.quantity_allocated, '||
161: ' a.quantity_backordered, '||
162: ' a.quantity_relieved, '||
163: ' a.creation_date '||
164: 'from wip_requirement_operations a, wip_entities b, mtl_system_items_kfv m '||
165: 'where b.wip_entity_id = a.wip_entity_id '||
166: 'and b.organization_id = a.organization_id '||
167: 'and a.inventory_item_id = m.inventory_item_id '||
168: 'and a.organization_id = m.organization_id ';

Line 1722: ' wip_discrete_jobs wj, mtl_system_items_kfv msi, mtl_system_items_kfv msi_comp '||

1718: ' b.supply_subinventory, '||
1719: ' b.supply_locator_id, '||
1720: ' b.component_sequence_id '||
1721: 'from bom_bill_of_materials a, bom_inventory_components b, '||
1722: ' wip_discrete_jobs wj, mtl_system_items_kfv msi, mtl_system_items_kfv msi_comp '||
1723: 'where a.common_bill_sequence_id = b.bill_sequence_id '||
1724: 'and a.organization_id = wj.organization_id '||
1725: 'and a.assembly_item_id = wj.primary_item_id '||
1726: 'and wj.common_bom_sequence_id = a.bill_sequence_id '||

Line 1781: ' bom_standard_operations b , mtl_system_items_kfv msi '||

1777: ' decode(a.operation_yield_enabled, 1, ''Yes'', '||
1778: ' 2, ''No'', '||
1779: ' a.operation_yield_enabled) operation_yield_enabled '||
1780: 'from bom_operation_sequences a, bom_operational_routings bor, wip_discrete_jobs wj, '||
1781: ' bom_standard_operations b , mtl_system_items_kfv msi '||
1782: 'where a.routing_sequence_id = bor.common_routing_sequence_id '||
1783: 'and wj.organization_id = bor.organization_id '||
1784: 'and wj.common_routing_sequence_id = bor.routing_sequence_id '||
1785: 'and a.standard_operation_id = b.standard_operation_id(+) ' ||

Line 1812: ' FROM mtl_system_items_kfv msik, '||

1808: ' wor.resource_seq_num, '||
1809: ' wor.resource_id, '||
1810: ' br.resource_code, '||
1811: ' decode(wor.autocharge_type , 3, ''PO Move'', 4, ''PO Receipt'') AutoCharge_Type '||
1812: ' FROM mtl_system_items_kfv msik, '||
1813: ' bom_resources br, '||
1814: ' wip_operation_resources wor '||
1815: ' WHERE msik.inventory_item_id = br.purchase_item_id '||
1816: ' AND msik.organization_id = br.organization_id '||

Line 2215: 'from wip_repetitive_schedules a , wip_repetitive_items wri, wip_entities b, mtl_system_items m , mtl_parameters p '||

2211: ' a.bom_revision, '||
2212: ' a.routing_revision, '||
2213: ' nvl(a.alternate_bom_designator, ''PRIMARY'') alternate_bom_designator, '||
2214: ' nvl(a.alternate_routing_designator, ''PRIMARY'') alternate_routing_designator '||
2215: 'from wip_repetitive_schedules a , wip_repetitive_items wri, wip_entities b, mtl_system_items m , mtl_parameters p '||
2216: 'where b.wip_entity_id = a.wip_entity_id '||
2217: 'and wri.wip_entity_id = a.wip_entity_id '||
2218: 'and b.organization_id = a.organization_id '||
2219: 'and m.inventory_item_id = b.primary_item_id '||

Line 2318: 'from wip_requirement_operations a, wip_entities b, mtl_system_items_kfv m '||

2314: ' a.quantity_allocated, '||
2315: ' a.quantity_backordered, '||
2316: ' a.quantity_relieved, '||
2317: ' a.creation_date '||
2318: 'from wip_requirement_operations a, wip_entities b, mtl_system_items_kfv m '||
2319: 'where b.wip_entity_id = a.wip_entity_id '||
2320: 'and b.organization_id = a.organization_id '||
2321: 'and a.inventory_item_id = m.inventory_item_id '||
2322: 'and a.organization_id = m.organization_id ';

Line 3903: ' wip_discrete_jobs wj, mtl_system_items_kfv msi, mtl_system_items_kfv msi_comp '||

3899: ' b.supply_subinventory, '||
3900: ' b.supply_locator_id, '||
3901: ' b.component_sequence_id '||
3902: 'from bom_bill_of_materials a, bom_inventory_components b, '||
3903: ' wip_discrete_jobs wj, mtl_system_items_kfv msi, mtl_system_items_kfv msi_comp '||
3904: 'where a.common_bill_sequence_id = b.bill_sequence_id '||
3905: 'and a.organization_id = wj.organization_id '||
3906: 'and a.assembly_item_id = wj.primary_item_id '||
3907: 'and wj.common_bom_sequence_id = a.bill_sequence_id '||

Line 3962: ' bom_standard_operations b , mtl_system_items_kfv msi '||

3958: ' decode(a.operation_yield_enabled, 1, ''Yes'', '||
3959: ' 2, ''No'', '||
3960: ' a.operation_yield_enabled) operation_yield_enabled '||
3961: 'from bom_operation_sequences a, bom_operational_routings bor, wip_discrete_jobs wj, '||
3962: ' bom_standard_operations b , mtl_system_items_kfv msi '||
3963: 'where a.routing_sequence_id = bor.common_routing_sequence_id '||
3964: 'and wj.organization_id = bor.organization_id '||
3965: 'and wj.common_routing_sequence_id = bor.routing_sequence_id '||
3966: 'and a.standard_operation_id = b.standard_operation_id(+) ' ||

Line 3993: ' FROM mtl_system_items_kfv msik, '||

3989: ' wor.resource_seq_num, '||
3990: ' wor.resource_id, '||
3991: ' br.resource_code, '||
3992: ' decode(wor.autocharge_type , 3, ''Po Move'', 4, ''PO Receipt'') AutoCharge_Type' ||
3993: ' FROM mtl_system_items_kfv msik, '||
3994: ' bom_resources br, '||
3995: ' wip_operation_resources wor '||
3996: ' WHERE msik.inventory_item_id = br.purchase_item_id '||
3997: ' AND msik.organization_id = br.organization_id '||

Line 4090: ' from wip_flow_schedules a , wip_entities b, mtl_system_items_kfv m, mtl_parameters p ' ||

4086: ' a.bom_revision, ' ||
4087: ' a.routing_revision, ' ||
4088: ' nvl(a.alternate_bom_designator, ''PRIMARY'') alternate_bom_designator, ' ||
4089: ' nvl(a.alternate_routing_designator, ''PRIMARY'') alternate_routing_designator ' ||
4090: ' from wip_flow_schedules a , wip_entities b, mtl_system_items_kfv m, mtl_parameters p ' ||
4091: ' where b.wip_entity_id = a.wip_entity_id ' ||
4092: ' and b.organization_id = a.organization_id ' ||
4093: ' and m.inventory_item_id = a.primary_item_id ' ||
4094: ' and m.organization_id = a.organization_id ' ||

Line 5393: SELECT * FROM mtl_system_items mtl

5389: SELECT count(*)
5390: into l_count
5391: FROM dual
5392: WHERE exists (
5393: SELECT * FROM mtl_system_items mtl
5394: WHERE mtl.replenish_to_order_flag = 'Y'
5395: AND mtl.build_in_wip_flag = 'Y'
5396: AND mtl.wip_supply_type in (1,2,6)
5397: AND mtl.bom_item_type in (1,2,4)