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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 5

PROCEDURE hxt_bg_message_insert(
  P_TEXT   IN  VARCHAR2        ) IS
Line: 11

sql_insert  VARCHAR2(300);
Line: 14

Line: 15

  EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_insert USING p_phase, p_text;
Line: 35

  ,      wws.name
  FROM   hxt_weekly_work_schedules  wws;
Line: 43

  ,      rtp.name
  from   hxt_rotation_plans         rtp;
Line: 51

  ,      egt.name
  FROM   hxt_earn_group_types        egt;
Line: 59

  ,      pep.name
  FROM   hxt_prem_eligblty_policies  pep;
Line: 67

  ,      pip.name
  FROM   hxt_prem_interact_policies  pip;
Line: 75

  ,      hcl.name
  FROM   hxt_holiday_calendars       hcl;
Line: 83

  ,      hep.name
  ,      hep.hcl_id
  ,      hep.pip_id
  ,      hep.pep_id
  ,      hep.egt_id
  ,      nvl(hep.business_group_id,-1) bg_id
  FROM   hxt_earning_policies          hep;
Line: 96

  ,      sdp.name
  FROM   hxt_shift_diff_policies  sdp;
Line: 104

         aai.id                         id
  ,      aai.assignment_id              ass_id
  ,      aai.rotation_plan              rp_id
  ,      aai.earning_policy             ep_id
  ,      epg.hcl_id                     ep_hcl
  ,      epg.pip_id                     ep_pip
  ,      epg.pep_id                     ep_pep
  ,      epg.egt_id                     ep_egt
  ,      nvl(epg.business_group_id,-1)  ep_bg
  ,      aai.shift_differential_policy  sdp_id
  ,      ass.business_group_id          ass_bg
  ,      nvl(hdp.business_group_id,-1)  hdp_bg
  FROM   hxt_add_assign_info_f        aai
  ,      hxt_rotation_plans           rpl
  ,      hxt_earning_policies         epg
  ,      hxt_shift_diff_policies      sdp
  ,      hxt_hour_deduct_policies     hdp
  ,      per_assignments_f            ass
  WHERE  aai.assignment_id              = ass.assignment_id
  AND    aai.rotation_plan              = rpl.id (+)
  AND    aai.earning_policy             = epg.id
  AND    aai.shift_differential_policy  = sdp.id (+)
  AND    aai.hour_deduction_policy      = hdp.id (+);
Line: 132

         tim.id                         id
  ,      ptp.period_name                period
  ,      ppf.business_group_id          per_bg
  ,      nvl(pbh.business_group_id,-1)  batch_bg
  ,      ppr.business_group_id          pay_bg
  FROM   hxt_timecards          tim
  ,      per_people_f           ppf
  ,      pay_payrolls           ppr
  ,      pay_batch_headers      pbh
  ,      per_time_periods       ptp
  WHERE  tim.for_person_id      = ppf.person_id
  AND    tim.batch_id           = pbh.batch_id (+)
  AND    tim.payroll_id         = ppr.payroll_id
  AND    tim.time_period_id     = ptp.time_period_id;
Line: 160

  SELECT DISTINCT(pet.business_group_id) bg
  FROM   hxt_work_shifts      wsh
  ,      pay_element_types_f  pet
  WHERE  wsh.tws_id              = p_wp_id
  AND    wsh.shift_diff_ovrrd_id = pet.element_type_id
  AND    pet.business_group_id   is not null
  SELECT DISTINCT(pet.business_group_id) bg
  FROM   hxt_work_shifts     ws
  ,      pay_element_types_f pet
  WHERE  ws.tws_id             = p_wp_id
  AND    ws.off_shift_prem_id  = pet.element_type_id
  AND    pet.business_group_id is not null
  SELECT business_group_id
  FROM   hxt_weekly_work_schedules
  WHERE  id                = p_wp_id
  AND    business_group_id is not null;
Line: 187

      hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Workplan '||p_wp_name||' Is Invalid');
Line: 210

  select distinct(pet.business_group_id) bg
  from   hxt_rotation_schedules          rts
  ,      hxt_weekly_work_schedules       wws
  ,      hxt_work_shifts                 wsh
  ,      pay_element_types_f             pet
  where  wws.id                = rts.tws_id
  and    rts.rtp_id            = p_rp_id
  and    wsh.tws_id            = wws.id
  and    wsh.off_shift_prem_id = pet.element_type_id
  and    pet.business_group_id is not null
  select distinct(pet.business_group_id) bg
  from   hxt_rotation_schedules          rts
  ,      hxt_weekly_work_schedules       wws
  ,      hxt_work_shifts                 wsh
  ,      pay_element_types_f             pet
  where  wws.id                  = rts.tws_id
  and    rts.rtp_id              = p_rp_id
  and    wsh.tws_id              = wws.id
  and    wsh.shift_diff_ovrrd_id = pet.element_type_id
  and    pet.business_group_id	 is not null
  select distinct
  from   hxt_weekly_work_schedules wws
  ,      hxt_rotation_schedules    rts
  where  wws.id                = rts.tws_id
  and    rts.rtp_id            = p_rp_id
  and    wws.business_group_id is not null;
Line: 248

      hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Rotation Plan '||p_rp_name||' Is Invalid');
Line: 271

  select distinct(pet.business_group_id) bg
  from 	 hxt_earn_groups                 egr
  , 	 pay_element_types_f             pet
  where  egr.egt_id            = p_eg_id
  and    egr.element_type_id   = pet.element_type_id
  and    pet.business_group_id is not null;
Line: 286

      hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Earning Group '||p_eg_name||' Is Invalid');
Line: 309

  select distinct(pet.business_group_id) bg
  from 	 hxt_prem_eligblty_pol_rules     epr
  , 	 pay_element_types_f             pet
  where  epr.pep_id      = p_pep_id
  and    epr.elt_base_id = pet.element_type_id
  select distinct(pet.business_group_id) bg
  from   hxt_prem_eligblty_rules         elr
  ,      pay_element_types_f             pet
  where  elr.pep_id      = p_pep_id
  and    elr.elt_base_id = pet.element_type_id
  select distinct(pet.business_group_id) bg
  from   hxt_prem_eligblty_rules         elr
  ,      pay_element_types_f             pet
  where  elr.pep_id         = p_pep_id
  and    elr.elt_premium_id = pet.element_type_id;
Line: 335

      hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Premium Eligibility Policy '||p_pep_name||' Is Invalid');
Line: 358

  select distinct(pet.business_group_id) bg
  from   hxt_prem_interact_rules         itr
  ,      pay_element_types_f             pet
  where  itr.pip_id            = p_pip_id
  and    itr.elt_prior_prem_id = pet.element_type_id
  select distinct(pet.business_group_id) bg
  from   hxt_prem_interact_rules         itr
  ,      pay_element_types_f             pet
  where  itr.pip_id             = p_pip_id
  and    itr.elt_earned_prem_id = pet.element_type_id
  select distinct(pet.business_group_id) bg
  from   hxt_prem_interact_pol_rules     ipr
  ,      pay_element_types_f             pet
  where  ipr.pip_id             = p_pip_id
  and    ipr.elt_earned_prem_id = pet.element_type_id;
Line: 384

      hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Premium Interaction Policy '||p_pip_name||' Is Invalid');
Line: 407

  select distinct(pet.business_group_id) bg
  from   hxt_holiday_calendars           hcl
  ,      pay_element_types_f             pet
  where  hcl.id                = p_hcl_id
  and    hcl.element_type_id   = pet.element_type_id
  and    pet.business_group_id is not null
  select distinct(hou.business_group_id) bg
  from   hxt_holiday_calendars           hcl
  ,      hr_organization_units           hou
  where  hcl.id                = p_hcl_id
  and    hcl.organization_id   = hou.organization_id
  and    hou.business_group_id is not null;
Line: 429

      hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Holiday Calendar '||p_hcl_name||' Is Invalid');
Line: 452

  select distinct(pet.business_group_id) bg
  from   hxt_earning_rules               her
  ,      pay_element_types_f             pet
  where  her.egp_id            = p_epr_id
  and    her.element_type_id   = pet.element_type_id
  and    pet.business_group_id is not null;
Line: 467

      hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Earning Policy '||p_epr_name||' Has Invalid Rules');
Line: 514

    hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Earnings Policy '||p_egp_name||' References Conflicting Business Groups. Ref: EPR');
Line: 524

    hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Earnings Policy '||p_egp_name||' References Conflicting Business Groups. Ref: HCL');
Line: 535

      hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Earnings Policy '||p_egp_name||' References Conflicting Business Groups. Ref: PIP');
Line: 547

      hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Earnings Policy '||p_egp_name||' References Conflicting Business Groups. Ref: PEP');
Line: 559

      hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Earnings Policy '||p_egp_name||' References Conflicting Business Groups. Ref: EGT');
Line: 564

    hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Earnings Policy '||p_egp_name||' Has Invalid References');
Line: 582

  select distinct(pet.business_group_id) bg
  from   hxt_shift_diff_rules            sdr
  ,      pay_element_types_f             pet
  where  sdr.sdp_id            = p_sdp_id
  and    sdr.element_type_id   = pet.element_type_id
  and    pet.business_group_id is not null;
Line: 597

      hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Shift Differential Policy '||p_sdp_name||' Is Invalid');
Line: 644

    hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Assisgnment ID '||p_ass_id||' References Conflicting Business Groups. Ref: HDP');
Line: 653

      hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Assisgnment ID '||p_ass_id||' References Conflicting Business Groups. Ref: RP');
Line: 663

      hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Assisgnment ID '||p_ass_id||' References Conflicting Business Groups. Ref: SDP');
Line: 672

    hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Assisgnment ID '||p_ass_id||' References Conflicting Business Groups. Ref: EP');
Line: 676

    hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Assignment ID '||p_ass_id||' Has Invalid References');
Line: 693

  select distinct(pet.business_group_id) bg
  from   hxt_sum_hours_worked_f          shw
  ,      pay_element_types_f             pet
  where  shw.tim_id            = p_tim_id
  and    shw.element_type_id   = pet.element_type_id
  and    pet.business_group_id is not null
  select distinct(ass.business_group_id) bg
  from   hxt_sum_hours_worked_f          shw
  ,      per_assignments_f               ass
  where  shw.tim_id        = p_tim_id
  and    shw.assignment_id = ass.assignment_id;
Line: 714

      hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Timecard ID '||p_tim_id||' Has Invalid Summary Hours References');
Line: 737

  select distinct(pet.business_group_id) bg
  from   hxt_det_hours_worked_f   dhw
  ,      pay_element_types_f      pet
  where  dhw.tim_id            = p_tim_id
  and    dhw.element_type_id   = pet.element_type_id
  and    pet.business_group_id is not null
  select distinct(ass.business_group_id) bg
  from   hxt_det_hours_worked_f   dhw
  ,      per_assignments_f        ass
  where  dhw.tim_id         = p_tim_id
  and    dhw.assignment_id  = ass.assignment_id;
Line: 758

      hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Timecard ID '||p_tim_id||' Has Invalid Det Hours References');
Line: 799

    hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Timecard ID '||p_tim_id||' For Period '||p_period||' Pay Batch Is Invalid');
Line: 804

    hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Timecard ID '||p_tim_id||' For Period '||p_period||' Payroll Is Invalid');
Line: 812

    hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Timecard ID '||p_tim_id||' For Period '||p_period||' Summary Information References Invalid Business Group');
Line: 820

    hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Timecard ID '||p_tim_id||' For Period '||p_period||' Detail Information References Invalid Business Group');
Line: 824

    hxt_bg_message_insert('V','Timecard ID '||p_tim_id||' For Period '||p_period||' Has Invalid References.');
Line: 937

PROCEDURE hxt_bg_workplans_update IS
g_rp_bg      number   := 0;
Line: 944

  select distinct
         wsh.tws_id                 id
  ,      pet.business_group_id      bg
  from   hxt_weekly_work_schedules  wws
  ,      hxt_work_shifts            wsh
  ,      pay_element_types_f        pet
  where  wws.business_group_id    is null
  and    wws.id                   = wsh.tws_id
  and    ((wsh.off_shift_prem_id  = pet.element_type_id
  and    pet.business_group_id    is not null)
  or     (wsh.shift_diff_ovrrd_id = pet.element_type_id
  and    pet.business_group_id    is not null));
Line: 958

  select distinct
         wws.id                     wp_id
  ,      rp_sub.rp_count            rp_cnt
  ,      ass_sub.ass_count          ass_cnt
  from   hxt_weekly_work_schedules         wws
  ,      (select tws_id             wp_id
         ,       count(rtp_id)      rp_count
         from    hxt_rotation_schedules
         group by tws_id)                  rp_sub
  ,      (select rts.tws_id         wp_id
         ,       count(distinct(ass.business_group_id)) ass_count
         from    per_assignments_f         ass
         ,       hxt_add_assign_info_f     aai
         ,       hxt_rotation_plans        rtp
         ,       hxt_rotation_schedules    rts
         where   ass.assignment_id = aai.assignment_id
         and     aai.rotation_plan = rtp.id
         and     rtp.id            = rts.rtp_id
         group by rts.tws_id)              ass_sub
  where  wws.business_group_id is null
  and    wws.id                = ass_sub.wp_id (+)
  and    wws.id                = rp_sub.wp_id (+)
  and    not exists(select 'X'
                    from   hxt_work_shifts      wsh
                    ,      pay_element_types_f  pet
                    where  wws.id                   = wsh.tws_id
                    and    ((wsh.off_shift_prem_id  = pet.element_type_id
                    and    pet.business_group_id    is not null)
                    or     (wsh.shift_diff_ovrrd_id = pet.element_type_id
                    and    pet.business_group_id    is not null)));
Line: 990

  select distinct(pet.business_group_id) rp_bg
  from    hxt_rotation_schedules         rts
  ,       hxt_weekly_work_schedules      wws
  ,       hxt_work_shifts                wsh
  ,       pay_element_types_f            pet
  where   rts.tws_id               = wws.id
  and     wws.id                   = wsh.tws_id
  and     ((wsh.off_shift_prem_id  = pet.element_type_id
  and     pet.business_group_id is not null)
  or      (wsh.shift_diff_ovrrd_id = pet.element_type_id
  and     pet.business_group_id    is not null))
  and     rts.rtp_id               IN (select sub.rtp_id
                                       from   hxt_rotation_schedules sub
                                       where  sub.tws_id = p_wp_id)
  select distinct(wws.business_group_id) rp_bg
  from    hxt_rotation_schedules         rts
  ,       hxt_weekly_work_schedules      wws
  where   rts.tws_id               = wws.id
  and     wws.business_group_id    is not null
  and     rts.rtp_id               IN (select sub.rtp_id
                                       from   hxt_rotation_schedules sub
                                       where  sub.tws_id = p_wp_id);
Line: 1015

  select distinct(ass.business_group_id) ass_bg
  from    per_assignments_f              ass
  ,       hxt_add_assign_info_f          aai
  ,       hxt_rotation_plans             rtp
  ,       hxt_rotation_schedules         rts
  where   ass.assignment_id  = aai.assignment_id
  and     aai.rotation_plan  = rtp.id
  and     rtp.id             = rts.rtp_id
  and     rts.tws_id         = p_wp_id;
Line: 1027

Procedure update_workplans
  (p_wp_id  IN  number
  ,p_bg_id  IN  number
  ) is
l_wp_id number;
Line: 1039

  UPDATE hxt_weekly_work_schedules
  SET    business_group_id = l_bg_id
  WHERE  id = l_wp_id;
Line: 1043

hxt_bg_message_insert('U','Updating Workplan ID '||l_wp_id||' With Business Group '||l_bg_id);
Line: 1045

End update_workplans;
Line: 1049

Procedure update_rp_refs
  (p_bg     IN  number
  ,p_old_id IN  number
  ,p_new_id IN  number
  ) is
l_new_id   number;
Line: 1062

  select  aai.id                    id
  ,       aai.assignment_id         ass_id
  ,       aai.effective_start_date  esd
  ,       aai.effective_end_date    eed
  from    hxt_add_assign_info_f  aai
  ,       per_assignments_f      ass
  where   ass.business_group_id = p_bg
  and     ass.assignment_id     = aai.assignment_id
  and     aai.rotation_plan     = p_old_id;
Line: 1082

  update hxt_add_assign_info_f
  set    rotation_plan = l_new_id
  where  id                   = l_aai_id
  and    effective_start_date = l_aai_esd
  and    effective_end_date   = l_aai_eed;
Line: 1088

hxt_bg_message_insert('U','Updating Assignment ID '||l_ass_id||' To Reference Rotation Plan ID '||l_new_id);
Line: 1092

End update_rp_refs;
Line: 1101

  select distinct
         pbg.business_group_id          id
  ,      to_char(pbg.business_group_id) name
  from   per_business_groups   pbg;
Line: 1107

  select hxt_seqno.nextval
  from   dual;
Line: 1111

  select name
  ,      start_day
  ,      date_from
  ,      description
  ,      date_to
  from   hxt_weekly_work_schedules
  where  id = p_wp_id;
Line: 1120

  select sht_id
  ,      week_day
  ,      seq_no
  ,      early_start
  ,      late_stop
  ,      off_shift_prem_id
  ,      shift_diff_ovrrd_id
  from   hxt_work_shifts
  where  tws_id = p_wp_id;
Line: 1132

hxt_bg_message_insert('U','Duplicating Workplan ID '||p_wp_id||' Across All Business Groups');
Line: 1144

      Insert Into hxt_weekly_work_schedules
      (  id
      ,  name
      ,  start_day
      ,  date_from
      ,  description
      ,  date_to
      ,  created_by
      ,  creation_date
      ,  last_updated_by
      ,  last_update_date
      ,  last_update_login
      ,  business_group_id
      (  l_id
      ,  r_workplan_rec.name||'-'||busg.name
      ,  r_workplan_rec.start_day
      ,  r_workplan_rec.date_from
      ,  r_workplan_rec.description
      ,  r_workplan_rec.date_to
      ,  -1
      ,  sysdate
      ,  -1
      ,  sysdate
      ,  -1
      ,  busg.id
Line: 1174

        Insert into hxt_work_shifts
        (  sht_id
        ,  tws_id
        ,  week_day
        ,  seq_no
        ,  early_start
        ,  late_stop
        ,  created_by
        ,  creation_date
        ,  last_updated_by
        ,  last_update_date
        ,  last_update_login
        ,  off_shift_prem_id
        ,  shift_diff_ovrrd_id
        (  shifts.sht_id
        ,  l_id
        ,  shifts.week_day
        ,  shifts.seq_no
        ,  shifts.early_start
        ,  shifts.late_stop
        ,  -1
        ,  sysdate
        ,  -1
        ,  sysdate
        ,  -1
        ,  shifts.off_shift_prem_id
        ,  shifts.shift_diff_ovrrd_id
Line: 1210

  delete from hxt_work_shifts
  where tws_id = p_wp_id;
Line: 1213

  delete from hxt_weekly_work_schedules
  where id = p_wp_id;
Line: 1229

TYPE t_delete_recs is table of NUMBER INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
Line: 1231

l_delete_wp t_delete_recs;
Line: 1232

l_delete_rp t_delete_recs;
Line: 1235

  select distinct
         pbg.business_group_id          id
  ,      to_char(pbg.business_group_id) name
  from   per_business_groups   pbg;
Line: 1241

  select hxt_seqno.nextval
  from   dual;
Line: 1245

  select distinct
  ,      wws.name
  ,      wws.start_day
  ,      wws.date_from
  ,      wws.description
  ,      wws.date_to
  from   hxt_weekly_work_schedules  wws
  ,      hxt_rotation_schedules     rts
  where  wws.id     = rts.tws_id
  and    rts.rtp_id = p_rp_id;
Line: 1258

  select distinct
  ,      week_day
  ,      seq_no
  ,      early_start
  ,      late_stop
  ,      off_shift_prem_id
  ,      shift_diff_ovrrd_id
  from   hxt_work_shifts
  where  tws_id = p_wp_id;
Line: 1270

  select distinct
  ,      rtp.name
  ,      rtp.date_from
  ,      rtp.description
  ,      rtp.date_to
  from   hxt_rotation_plans     rtp
  ,      hxt_rotation_schedules rts
  where  rtp.id     = rts.rtp_id
  and    rts.tws_id = p_wp_id;
Line: 1282

  select start_date
  from   hxt_rotation_schedules
  where  tws_id = p_wp_id
  and    rtp_id = p_rp_id;
Line: 1288

  select id
  from   hxt_weekly_work_schedules
  where  business_group_id = p_bg_id
  and    name              = p_name;
Line: 1295

hxt_bg_message_insert('U','Duplicating Rotation Plans For Workplan ID '||p_wp_id||' Across All Business Groups');
Line: 1307

      Insert into hxt_rotation_plans
      (  id
      ,  name
      ,  date_from
      ,  description
      ,  date_to
      ,  created_by
      ,  creation_date
      ,  last_updated_by
      ,  last_update_date
      ,  last_update_login
      (  l_rp_id
      ,  rotplans.name||'-'||busg.name
      ,  rotplans.date_from
      ,  rotplans.description
      ,  rotplans.date_to
      ,  -1
      ,  sysdate
      ,  -1
      ,  sysdate
      ,  -1
Line: 1343

        Insert Into hxt_weekly_work_schedules
        (  id
        ,  name
        ,  start_day
        ,  date_from
        ,  description
        ,  date_to
        ,  created_by
        ,  creation_date
        ,  last_updated_by
        ,  last_update_date
        ,  last_update_login
        ,  business_group_id
        (  l_wp_id
        ,  r_workplan_rec.name||'-'||busg.name
        ,  r_workplan_rec.start_day
        ,  r_workplan_rec.date_from
        ,  r_workplan_rec.description
        ,  r_workplan_rec.date_to
        ,  -1
        ,  sysdate
        ,  -1
        ,  sysdate
        ,  -1
        ,  busg.id
Line: 1373

          Insert into hxt_work_shifts
          (  sht_id
          ,  tws_id
          ,  week_day
          ,  seq_no
          ,  early_start
          ,  late_stop
          ,  created_by
          ,  creation_date
          ,  last_updated_by
          ,  last_update_date
          ,  last_update_login
          ,  off_shift_prem_id
          ,  shift_diff_ovrrd_id
          (  shifts.sht_id
          ,  l_wp_id
          ,  shifts.week_day
          ,  shifts.seq_no
          ,  shifts.early_start
          ,  shifts.late_stop
          ,  -1
          ,  sysdate
          ,  -1
          ,  sysdate
          ,  -1
          ,  shifts.off_shift_prem_id
          ,  shifts.shift_diff_ovrrd_id
Line: 1409

        Insert into hxt_rotation_schedules
        (  rtp_id
        ,  tws_id
        ,  start_date
        ,  created_by
        ,  creation_date
        ,  last_updated_by
        ,  last_update_date
        ,  last_update_login
        (  l_rp_id
        ,  l_wp_id
        ,  rotsched.start_date
        ,  -1
        ,  sysdate
        ,  -1
        ,  sysdate
        ,  -1
Line: 1434

        update_rp_refs(busg.id, rotplans.id, l_rp_id);
Line: 1441

  For delete_rp in c_rotplan_rec loop
    l_rp_counter := l_rp_counter+1;
Line: 1443

    l_delete_rp(l_rp_counter) := delete_rp.id;
Line: 1447

    delete from hxt_rotation_schedules
    where rtp_id = l_delete_rp(i);
Line: 1452

    delete from hxt_rotation_plans
    where id = l_delete_rp(i);
Line: 1456

  delete from hxt_work_shifts
  where tws_id = p_wp_id;
Line: 1459

  delete from hxt_weekly_work_schedules
  where id = p_wp_id;
Line: 1470

    update_workplans(wpbg.id, wpbg.bg);
Line: 1490

          update_workplans(global.wp_id, g_rp_bg);
Line: 1498

        update_workplans(global.wp_id, g_ass_bg);
Line: 1514

          update_workplans(global.wp_id, g_rp_bg);
Line: 1529

          update_workplans(global.wp_id, g_ass_bg);
Line: 1531

          update_workplans(global.wp_id, g_ass_bg);
Line: 1547

PROCEDURE hxt_bg_earnings_update IS
g_ass_bg     number;
Line: 1553

  select distinct
         hep.id                                 ep_id
  ,      count(distinct(ass.business_group_id)) count_bg
  from   hxt_earning_policies    hep
  ,      hxt_add_assign_info_f   aai
  ,      per_assignments_f       ass
  where  hep.id                = aai.earning_policy
  and    aai.assignment_id     = ass.assignment_id
  and    hep.business_group_id is null
  group by hep.id;
Line: 1565

  select hep.id                ep_id
  ,      hep.hcl_id            hcl_id
  ,      hep.pip_id            pip_id
  ,      hep.pep_id            pep_id
  ,      hep.egt_id            egt_id
  from   hxt_earning_policies  hep
  where  hep.business_group_id is null
  and    not exists(select 'X'
                    from   hxt_add_assign_info_f   aai
                    where  aai.earning_policy = hep.id);
Line: 1577

  select distinct
         ass.business_group_id  bg_id
  from   hxt_add_assign_info_f  aai
  ,      per_assignments_f      ass
  where  aai.assignment_id  = ass.assignment_id
  and    aai.earning_policy = p_id;
Line: 1585

  select distinct
         pet.business_group_id bg_id
  from 	 hxt_earn_groups       egr
  ,      hxt_earn_group_types  egt
  , 	 pay_element_types_f   pet
  where  egt.id                = p_id
  and    egt.id                = egr.egt_id
  and    egr.element_type_id   = pet.element_type_id
  and    pet.business_group_id is not null;
Line: 1596

  select distinct
         pet.business_group_id       bg_id
  from   hxt_prem_eligblty_policies  pep
  ,      hxt_prem_eligblty_pol_rules epr
  , 	 pay_element_types_f         pet
  where  pep.id                = p_id
  and    pep.id                = epr.pep_id
  and    epr.elt_base_id       = pet.element_type_id
  and    pet.business_group_id is not null
  select distinct
         pet.business_group_id       bg_id
  from   hxt_prem_eligblty_policies  pep
  ,      hxt_prem_eligblty_rules     elr
  ,      pay_element_types_f         pet
  where  pep.id                = p_id
  and    pep.id                = elr.pep_id
  and    ((elr.elt_base_id     = pet.element_type_id
  and    pet.business_group_id is not null)
  or    (elr.elt_premium_id    = pet.element_type_id
  and    pet.business_group_id is not null));
Line: 1619

  select distinct
         pet.business_group_id       bg_id
  from 	 hxt_prem_interact_policies  pip
  ,      hxt_prem_interact_rules     itr
  ,      pay_element_types_f         pet
  where  pip.id                   = p_id
  and    pip.id                   = itr.pip_id
  and    ((itr.elt_prior_prem_id  = pet.element_type_id
  and    pet.business_group_id    is not null)
  or     (itr.elt_earned_prem_id  = pet.element_type_id
  and    pet.business_group_id    is not null))
  select distinct
         pet.business_group_id        bg_id
  from   hxt_prem_interact_policies   pip
  ,      hxt_prem_interact_pol_rules  ipr
  ,      pay_element_types_f          pet
  where  pip.id                 = p_id
  and    pip.id                 = ipr.pip_id
  and    ipr.elt_earned_prem_id = pet.element_type_id
  and    pet.business_group_id  is not null;
Line: 1642

  select distinct
         pet.business_group_id  bg_id
  from   hxt_holiday_calendars  hcl
  ,      pay_element_types_f    pet
  where  hcl.id                 = p_id
  and    hcl.element_type_id    = pet.element_type_id
  and    pet.business_group_id  is not null
  select distinct
         hou.business_group_id  bg_id
  from   hxt_holiday_calendars  hcl
  ,      hr_organization_units  hou
  where  hcl.id                 = p_id
  and    hcl.organization_id    = hou.organization_id
  and    hou.business_group_id  is not null;
Line: 1659

  select distinct
         pet.business_group_id  bg_id
  from   hxt_earning_rules      epr
  ,      pay_element_types_f    pet
  where  epr.egp_id             = p_id
  and    epr.element_type_id    = pet.element_type_id
  and    pet.business_group_id  is not null;
Line: 1669

Procedure update_earn_policies
  (p_ep_id  IN  number
  ,p_bg_id  IN  number
  ) is
l_ep_id number;
Line: 1681

  UPDATE hxt_earning_policies
  SET    business_group_id = l_bg_id
  WHERE  id = l_ep_id;
Line: 1685

hxt_bg_message_insert('U','Updating Earning Policy ID '||l_ep_id||' With Business Group ID '||l_bg_id);
Line: 1687

End update_earn_policies;
Line: 1691

Procedure update_ep_refs
  (p_bg     IN  number
  ,p_old_id IN  number
  ,p_new_id IN  number
  ) is
l_new_id     number;
Line: 1704

  select  aai.id                    id
  ,       aai.assignment_id         ass_id
  ,       aai.effective_start_date  esd
  ,       aai.effective_end_date    eed
  from    hxt_add_assign_info_f     aai
  ,       per_assignments_f         ass
  where   ass.business_group_id     = p_bg
  and     ass.assignment_id         = aai.assignment_id
  and     aai.earning_policy        = p_old_id;
Line: 1724

    update hxt_add_assign_info_f
    set    earning_policy       = l_new_id
    where  id                   = l_aai_id
    and    effective_start_date = l_aai_esd
    and    effective_end_date   = l_aai_eed;
Line: 1730

hxt_bg_message_insert('U','Updating Assignment ID '||l_ass_id||' To Reference Earning Policy ID '||l_new_id);
Line: 1734

End update_ep_refs;
Line: 1749

  select distinct
         pbg.business_group_id          id
  ,      to_char(pbg.business_group_id) name
  from   per_business_groups   pbg;
Line: 1755

  select hxt_seqno.nextval
  from   dual;
Line: 1759

  select hcl_id
  ,      fcl_earn_type
  ,      name
  ,      effective_start_date
  ,      pip_id
  ,      pep_id
  ,      egt_id
  ,      description
  ,      effective_end_date
  ,      organization_id
  ,      round_up
  ,      min_tcard_intvl
  from   hxt_earning_policies
  where  id = p_ep_id;
Line: 1775

  select element_type_id
  ,      seq_no
  ,      name
  ,      egr_type
  ,      hours
  ,      effective_start_date
  ,      days
  ,      effective_end_date
  from   hxt_earning_rules
  where  egp_id = p_ep_id;
Line: 1802

      Insert into hxt_earning_policies
      (  id
      ,  hcl_id
      ,  fcl_earn_type
      ,  name
      ,  effective_start_date
      ,  pip_id
      ,  pep_id
      ,  egt_id
      ,  description
      ,  effective_end_date
      ,  created_by
      ,  creation_date
      ,  last_updated_by
      ,  last_update_date
      ,  last_update_login
      ,  organization_id
      ,  round_up
      ,  min_tcard_intvl
      ,  business_group_id
      (  l_ep_id
      ,  earnpols.hcl_id
      ,  earnpols.fcl_earn_type
      ,  earnpols.name||'-'||busg.name
      ,  earnpols.effective_start_date
      ,  earnpols.pip_id
      ,  earnpols.pep_id
      ,  earnpols.egt_id
      ,  earnpols.description
      ,  earnpols.effective_end_date
      ,  -1
      ,  sysdate
      ,  -1
      ,  sysdate
      ,  -1
      ,  earnpols.organization_id
      ,  earnpols.round_up
      ,  earnpols.min_tcard_intvl
      ,  busg.id
Line: 1852

        Insert into hxt_earning_rules
        (  id
        ,  element_type_id
        ,  egp_id
        ,  seq_no
        ,  name
        ,  egr_type
        ,  hours
        ,  effective_start_date
        ,  days
        ,  effective_end_date
        ,  created_by
        ,  creation_date
        ,  last_updated_by
        ,  last_update_date
        ,  last_update_login
        (  l_er_id
        ,  rules.element_type_id
        ,  l_ep_id
        ,  rules.seq_no
        ,  rules.name
        ,  rules.egr_type
        ,  rules.hours
        ,  rules.effective_start_date
        ,  rules.days
        ,  rules.effective_end_date
        ,  -1
        ,  sysdate
        ,  -1
        ,  sysdate
        ,  -1
Line: 1896

      update_ep_refs(busg.id, p_ep_id, l_ep_id);
Line: 1901

hxt_bg_message_insert('U','Duplicating Earning Policy '||l_name||' Across All Business Groups');
Line: 1903

  delete from hxt_earning_rules
  where egp_id = p_ep_id;
Line: 1906

  delete from hxt_earning_policies
  where id = p_ep_id;
Line: 1923

      update_earn_policies(epols.ep_id, g_ass_bg);
Line: 1937

        update_earn_policies(earpols.ep_id, g_nonass_bg);
Line: 1944

            update_earn_policies(earpols.ep_id, g_nonass_bg);
Line: 1951

                update_earn_policies(earpols.ep_id, g_nonass_bg);
Line: 1958

                    update_earn_policies(earpols.ep_id, g_nonass_bg);
Line: 1965

                        update_earn_policies(earpols.ep_id, g_nonass_bg);