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1 package pay_us_magtape_reporting AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2  /* $Header: pyusmrep.pkh 115.26 2003/08/12 11:31:52 fusman ship $ */
3  /*===========================================================================+
4  |               Copyright (c) 1993 Oracle Corporation                        |
5  |                  Redwood Shores, California, USA                           |
6  |                       All rights reserved.                                 |
7  +============================================================================+
8   Name
9     pay_us_magtape_reporting
11   Purpose
13     The purpose of this package is to support the generation of magnetic tape
14     reports for US legilsative requirements. Specifically this covers federal
15     and state W2's and also State Quarterly Wage Listing's.
17   Notes
19     The generation of each magnetic tape report is a two stage process i.e.
21     1. Create a payroll action identifying the magnetic tape report being
22        generated. Populate a set of assignment actions with each one
23        identifying a person to be included in the report.
25     2. Submit a request to run the generic magnetic tape process which will
26        drive off the data created in stage one. This will result in the
27        production of a structured ascii file which can be transferred to
28        magnetic tape and sent to the relevant authority.
30   History
31   ----------------------------------------------------------------------
32   Date          |   Author      | Ver  | Remarks
33  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
34   10-Feb-1995   J.S.Hobbs         40.0  Created.
36   22 Jun 1995   allee		        Change pre_payment_id ->
37 				        chunk_number
38   04 Aug 1995   ALLEE	                added level_cnt NUMBER
40   29 Sep 1995   allee		        Changed chunk_number ->
41 				        Serial Number.  Although the serial
42                                         number is a varchar2, ORACLE
43                                         implicitly does the data conversion.
45   09 Jan 1996   allee		        Changed serial_number -> tax_unit_id.
46 				        Sunil said it was in CASE.
48   11 Feb 1996   allee		        Made run_magtape and lookup_format
49                                         public Tuned the SQWL_employer cursor.
50 				        Made bal_db_item public for the
51                                         resubmission routine.
53   26 Feb 1996   allee		        Fixed #343239 by adding to the order by
54 				        clause in the employee level cursor.
55   17-APR-1998   bhoman                  Changes made to support SQWL
56                                         diskette reporting.
57   08-AUG-1998   vmehta	                Changed cursors for ohio/indiana W2
58                                         to make them
59 				        date tracked compliant.
60 				        Added new cursor to handle highly
61                                         compensated people for State W2s.
62   17-aug-1998   vmehta	                Changed cursors TIB4_TRANSMITTER and
63 			                OHSTW2_SUPPLEMENTAL to set up the
64 			                TRANSFER_SCHOOL_DISTRICT parameter to
65                                         get the 'OH' school_district_code.
66   30-OCT-1999   rpotnuru                bug 976472.
68   03-DEC-1999   rpotnuru  110.5         bugs 1095096, 1085774.
69                                         Removed serial_number is null check
70                                         from sqwl_employeer and
71                                         sqwl_employee cursors. In case of
72                                         NYSQWL this column is populated
73                                         with 1 if the employee doesnt have
74                                         QTD balances for 4th qtr
75                                         while  generating 4th qtr New York
76                                         SQWL report.
77   10-FEB-2000   ashgupta  40.27         Added code to take care of City of
78                                         Oakland Multi Wage Plan Changes. Enh
79                                         Req 1063413
80   16-MAR-2000  ashgupta   40.28         changed the sqwl_employer_s cursor
81                                         so as to select ' ' instead on null.
82                                         This has to be done since SQWL report
83                                         was failing on r11 database if null
84                                         was used. So to make both r10.7 and r11
85                                         aligned this change was done. Otherwise
86                                         null work fine in r10.7
87   12-JUN-2000  asasthan   115.5         in sync till Q2 2000 and includes
88                                         fnd_date changes
90   19-SEP-2001  tmehra     40.31         Changing sqwl_employee_s cursor to
91                                         remove TRANSFER_WAGE_PLAN parameter.
92                                         This parameter is now set in Employer
93                                         Formula and is passed on to the
94                                         Employee formula.
96   25-FEB-2002  asasthan   115.7         Modified sqwl_transmitter cursor
97                                         for performance Bug 2176726.
98                                         Three unions have been removed.
99                                          #  As "FED" report_qualifier
100                                            is not true for SQWLs this condition
101                                            was removed..
102                                          # Also Transmitter is always
103                                            mandatory for SQWLs so the join
104                                            for null transmitter has been removed
106   04-MAR-2002  asasthan   115.8         Added New Cursors Bug 2103126
107                                         mmrf_sqwl_submitter cursor
108                                         mmrf_sqwl_employer cursor
109                                         mmrf_sqwl_employee cursor
110   16-MAY-2002  asasthan   115.9         Added business_group_id as
111                                         a paramter to the mmrf_sqwl_transmitter
112                                         cursor. This was required by funtion.
113   16-JUL-2002  sodhingr   115.10        Added RULE hint to the cursor
114 					sqwl_employee for bug 2464463.
115   16-JUL-2002  sodhingr   115.10        Added RULE hint to the cursor
116                                         mmrf_sqwl_employee for bug 2464463
117 					(performance issue for Georgia).
118   18-JUL-2002  sodhingr   115.12,13     Added RULE hint to the cursor
119                                         mmrf_sqwl_employee,sqwl_employee_s,
120 				        sqwl_employee_m for bug 2464463
121   22-AUG-2002  rpinjala   115.14        Changed the mmrf_sqwl_transmitter cursor
122                                         to add the transfer_report_category which is used
123                                         in the MMRF_SUBMITTER_DUMMY_SQWL so that header for
124                                         a02, a03 for CA RTM has diff. names.
125   28-AUG-2002  sodhingr   115.15        Removed the RULE hint from the following cursors
126 					and remove the call to pay_magtape_generic.date_earned
127 					instead checking the same condition in a subquery instead
128 					of function call to improve the performance issue reported
129 					in bug 2464463.
130 					mmrf_sqwl_employee,sqwl_employee,sqwl_employee_s,sqwl_employee_m
131   10-SEP-2002  sodhingr   115.16        Changed the condition for effective start date as <= instead of just
132 					equal to (=) in the following cursors.
133 					mmrf_sqwl_employee,sqwl_employee,sqwl_employee_s,sqwl_employee_m
134   11-SEP-2002  sodhingr   15.17        Added the condition :
135 					      AND LEAST(SS.effective_end_date, PA.effective_date)
136 				              between PE.effective_start_date and PE.effective_end_date
137 				       for bug 2464463
138   01-OCT-2002  sodhingr   15.18        For bug 2604618,changed the following cursors.
139 					mmrf_sqwl_employee,sqwl_employee_s,sqwl_employee_m
140   10-NOV-2002 sodhingr    115.19       Added new cursor mmrf_nysqwl_employer for NY MMREF as the
141 					employers should be sorted by EIN not by the name(bug 2451245)
142   10-FEB-2002 sodhingr    115.20	changed the cursor mmrf_sqwl_transmitter, to remove the dependency
143 					on W2 reporting rules for SQWL, bug 2752145
144   19-MAR-2003 sodhingr    115.21        changed the cursor sqwl_employee_jurisdiction to get the data from
145                                         archive tables  instead of live table. This is changed for
146                                         bug 2852640
147   15-MAY-2003 fusman      115.22        changed the cursor sqwl_employer to add business_group_id
149   15-MAY-2003 tmehra      115.23        Removed the sqwl_employer_s and sqwl_employee_s cursors
150                                         as part of the RTS and RTM category merger for CA.
151   06-AUG-2003 fusman      115.24        3094891. Moved all the sqwl cursors to pay_us_sqwl_archive package header.
152  ============================================================================*/
155   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
156   -- Name
157   --   lookup_format
158   -- Purpose
159   --   Find the format to be applied when generating the report.
160   -- Arguments
161   -- Notes
162   -- SQWLD - p_media_type parameter
163   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
164  --
165  function lookup_format
166  (
167   p_period_end  in date,
168   p_report_type in varchar2,
169   p_state       in varchar2,
170   p_media_type  in varchar2 := NULL
171  ) return varchar2;
173   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
174   -- Name
175   --   bal_db_item
176   -- Purpose
177   --   Given the name of a balance DB item as would be seen in a fast formula
178   --   it returns the defined_balance_id of the balance it represents.
179   -- Arguments
180   -- Notes
181   --   A defined +balance_id is required by the PLSQL balance function.
182   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
183  --
184  function bal_db_item
185  (
186   p_db_item_name varchar2
187  ) return number;
189   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
190   -- Name
191   --   redo
192   -- Purpose
193   --   Calls the procedure run_magtape directly from SRS. This procedure
194   --   handles the error buffer and return code interface with SRS.
195   --   We are going to derive all the  parameters from the vi
196   -- Arguments
197   -- Notes
198   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
199  procedure redo
200  (
201   errbuf               out nocopy  varchar2,
202   retcode              out nocopy  number,
203   p_payroll_action_id  in varchar2
204  );
205  --
206   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
207   -- Name
208   --   run_magtape
209   -- Purpose
210   --   Submits the magnetic tape process to be run by the concurrent manager.
211   --   We also define the name of the output and the format here
212   -- Arguments
213   -- Notes
214   -- SQWLD - p_media_type parameter
215   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
216  --
219  procedure run_magtape
220  (
221   p_effective_date     date,
222   p_report_type        varchar2,
223   p_payroll_action_id  varchar2,
224   p_state              varchar2,
225   p_reporting_year     varchar2,
226   p_reporting_quarter  varchar2,
227   p_trans_legal_co_id  varchar2,
228   p_media_type  in varchar2 := NULL
229  );
231   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
232   -- Name
233   --   run
234   -- Purpose
235   --   This is the main procedure responsible for generating the list of
236   --   assignment actions and then submitting the request to produce the
237   --   magnetic tape report.
238   -- Arguments
239   --   errbuf              - error message string passed back to SRS.
240   --   retcode             - error code passed back to SRS ie.
241   --                           0 - Success
242   --                           1 - Warning
243   --                           2 - Error
244   --   p_business_group_id - business group the user is running under when the
245   --                         report is generated.
246   --   p_report_type       - either 'W2' or 'SQWL'
247   --   p_state             - either 'FED' for federal or the state code of a
248   --                         state eg. PA for Pennsylvania
249   --   p_quarter           - identifies the quarter being reported eg. 03 is
250   --                         the 1st quarter.  This is defaulted to '12' for
251   --                         the W2 Report
252   --   p_year              - identifies the year being reported on.
253   --   p_trans_legal_co_id - identifies the Transmitter Tax Unit.
254   -- Notes
255   --   This procedure is invoked from the SRS screens.
256   -- SQWLD - p_media_type parameter
257   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
258  --
259  procedure run
260  (
261   errbuf               out nocopy  varchar2,
262   retcode              out nocopy  number,
263   p_business_group_id   in number,
264   p_report_type         in varchar2,
265   p_state               in varchar2,
266   p_quarter             in varchar2,
267   p_year                in varchar2,
268   p_trans_legal_co_id   in number,
269   p_media_type  in varchar2 := NULL
270  );
271  --
272 end pay_us_magtape_reporting;