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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 19

  FUNCTION insert_line_trx(
    p_trx_hdr_id                  IN            NUMBER
  , p_item_id                     IN            NUMBER
  , p_revision                    IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_org_id                      IN            NUMBER
  , p_trx_action_id               IN            NUMBER
  , p_subinv_code                 IN            VARCHAR2
  , p_tosubinv_code               IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_locator_id                  IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_tolocator_id                IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_xfr_org_id                  IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_trx_type_id                 IN            NUMBER
  , p_trx_src_type_id             IN            NUMBER
  , p_trx_qty                     IN            NUMBER
  , p_pri_qty                     IN            NUMBER
  , p_uom                         IN            VARCHAR2
  , p_date                        IN            DATE := SYSDATE
  , p_reason_id                   IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_user_id                     IN            NUMBER
  , p_frt_code                    IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_ship_num                    IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_dist_id                     IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_way_bill                    IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_exp_arr                     IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_cost_group                  IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_from_lpn_id                 IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_cnt_lpn_id                  IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_xfr_lpn_id                  IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_trx_src_id                  IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , x_trx_tmp_id                  OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
  , x_proc_msg                    OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
  , p_xfr_cost_group              IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_completion_trx_id           IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_flow_schedule               IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_trx_cost                    IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_project_id                  IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_task_id                     IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_cost_of_transfer            IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_cost_of_transportation      IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_transfer_percentage         IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_transportation_cost_account IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_planning_org_id             IN            NUMBER
  , p_planning_tp_type            IN            NUMBER
  , p_owning_org_id               IN            NUMBER
  , p_owning_tp_type              IN            NUMBER
  , p_trx_src_line_id             IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_secondary_trx_qty           IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_secondary_uom               IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_move_order_line_id          IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_posting_flag                IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_move_order_header_id        IN            NUMBER
  , p_serial_allocated_flag       IN            VARCHAR2
  , p_transaction_status          IN            NUMBER
  , p_process_flag                IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_ship_to_location_id         IN            NUMBER  --eIB Build; Bug# 4348541
Line: 101

  /*  SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
      INTO x_trx_tmp_id
      FROM DUAL; */
Line: 117

    INSERT INTO mtl_material_transactions_temp
               , transaction_temp_id
               , process_flag
               , creation_date
               , created_by
               , last_update_date
               , last_updated_by
               , last_update_login
               , inventory_item_id
               , organization_id
               , subinventory_code
               , locator_id
               , transfer_to_location
               , transaction_quantity
               , primary_quantity
               , transaction_uom
               , secondary_transaction_quantity
               , secondary_uom_code
               , transaction_type_id
               , transaction_action_id
               , transaction_source_type_id
               , transaction_date
               , acct_period_id
               , transfer_organization
               , transfer_subinventory
               , reason_id
               , shipment_number
               , distribution_account_id
               , waybill_airbill
               , expected_arrival_date
               , freight_code
               , revision
               , lpn_id
               , content_lpn_id
               , transfer_lpn_id
               , cost_group_id
               , transaction_source_id
               , trx_source_line_id
               , transfer_cost_group_id
               , completion_transaction_id
               , flow_schedule
               , transaction_cost
               , project_id
               , task_id
               , planning_organization_id
               , planning_tp_type
               , owning_organization_id
               , owning_tp_type
               , posting_flag
               , transfer_cost
               , transportation_cost
               , transfer_percentage
               , transportation_account
               , move_order_header_id
               , move_order_line_id
               , serial_allocated_flag
               , transaction_status
               , ship_to_location --eIB Build; Bug# 4348541
Line: 261

  FUNCTION insert_lot_trx(
    p_trx_tmp_id             IN            NUMBER
  , p_user_id                IN            NUMBER
  , p_lot_number             IN            VARCHAR2
  , p_trx_qty                IN            NUMBER
  , p_pri_qty                IN            NUMBER
  , p_exp_date               IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_description            IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_vendor_name            IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_supplier_lot_number    IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_origination_date       IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_date_code              IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_grade_code             IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_change_date            IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_maturity_date          IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_status_id              IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_retest_date            IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_age                    IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_item_size              IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_color                  IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_volume                 IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_volume_uom             IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_place_of_origin        IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_best_by_date           IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_length                 IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_length_uom             IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_recycled_content       IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_thickness              IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_thickness_uom          IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_width                  IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_width_uom              IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_curl_wrinkle_fold      IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_lot_attribute_category IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute1           IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute2           IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute3           IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute4           IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute5           IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute6           IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute7           IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute8           IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute9           IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute10          IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute11          IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute12          IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute13          IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute14          IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute15          IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute16          IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute17          IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute18          IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute19          IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute20          IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_d_attribute1           IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_d_attribute2           IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_d_attribute3           IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_d_attribute4           IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_d_attribute5           IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_d_attribute6           IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_d_attribute7           IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_d_attribute8           IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_d_attribute9           IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_d_attribute10          IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_n_attribute1           IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_n_attribute2           IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_n_attribute3           IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_n_attribute4           IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_n_attribute5           IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_n_attribute6           IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_n_attribute7           IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_n_attribute8           IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_n_attribute9           IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_n_attribute10          IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , x_ser_trx_id             OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
  , x_proc_msg               OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
  , p_territory_code         IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_vendor_id              IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_secondary_qty          IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_secondary_uom          IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL

  --Bug No 3952081
  --Add arguments to intake new OPM attributes of the lot
  , p_parent_lot_number      IN            MTL_LOT_NUMBERS.PARENT_LOT_NUMBER%TYPE := NULL
  , p_origination_type       IN            MTL_LOT_NUMBERS.ORIGINATION_TYPE%TYPE := NULL
  , p_expriration_action_date IN           MTL_LOT_NUMBERS.EXPIRATION_ACTION_DATE%TYPE := NULL
  , p_expriration_action_code IN           MTL_LOT_NUMBERS.EXPIRATION_ACTION_CODE%TYPE := NULL
  , p_hold_date              IN            MTL_LOT_NUMBERS.HOLD_DATE%TYPE := NULL
    -- Bug# 2032659 Beginning
    l_description            VARCHAR(250) := NULL;
Line: 443

      SELECT description
           , vendor_name
           , supplier_lot_number
           , origination_date
           , date_code
           , grade_code
           , change_date
           , maturity_date
           , retest_date
           , age
           , item_size
           , color
           , volume
           , volume_uom
           , place_of_origin
           , best_by_date
           , LENGTH
           , length_uom
           , recycled_content
           , thickness
           , thickness_uom
           , width
           , width_uom
           , curl_wrinkle_fold
           , lot_attribute_category
           , c_attribute1
           , c_attribute2
           , c_attribute3
           , c_attribute4
           , c_attribute5
           , c_attribute6
           , c_attribute7
           , c_attribute8
           , c_attribute9
           , c_attribute10
           , c_attribute11
           , c_attribute12
           , c_attribute13
           , c_attribute14
           , c_attribute15
           , c_attribute16
           , c_attribute17
           , c_attribute18
           , c_attribute19
           , c_attribute20
           , d_attribute1
           , d_attribute2
           , d_attribute3
           , d_attribute4
           , d_attribute5
           , d_attribute6
           , d_attribute7
           , d_attribute8
           , d_attribute9
           , d_attribute10
           , n_attribute1
           , n_attribute2
           , n_attribute3
           , n_attribute4
           , n_attribute5
           , n_attribute6
           , n_attribute7
           , n_attribute8
           , n_attribute9
           , n_attribute10
           , vendor_id
           , territory_code
        INTO l_description
           , l_vendor_name
           , l_supplier_lot_number
           , l_origination_date
           , l_date_code
           , l_grade_code
           , l_change_date
           , l_maturity_date
           , l_retest_date
           , l_age
           , l_item_size
           , l_color
           , l_volume
           , l_volume_uom
           , l_place_of_origin
           , l_best_by_date
           , l_length
           , l_length_uom
           , l_recycled_content
           , l_thickness
           , l_thickness_uom
           , l_width
           , l_width_uom
           , l_curl_wrinkle_fold
           , l_lot_attribute_category
           , l_c_attribute1
           , l_c_attribute2
           , l_c_attribute3
           , l_c_attribute4
           , l_c_attribute5
           , l_c_attribute6
           , l_c_attribute7
           , l_c_attribute8
           , l_c_attribute9
           , l_c_attribute10
           , l_c_attribute11
           , l_c_attribute12
           , l_c_attribute13
           , l_c_attribute14
           , l_c_attribute15
           , l_c_attribute16
           , l_c_attribute17
           , l_c_attribute18
           , l_c_attribute19
           , l_c_attribute20
           , l_d_attribute1
           , l_d_attribute2
           , l_d_attribute3
           , l_d_attribute4
           , l_d_attribute5
           , l_d_attribute6
           , l_d_attribute7
           , l_d_attribute8
           , l_d_attribute9
           , l_d_attribute10
           , l_n_attribute1
           , l_n_attribute2
           , l_n_attribute3
           , l_n_attribute4
           , l_n_attribute5
           , l_n_attribute6
           , l_n_attribute7
           , l_n_attribute8
           , l_n_attribute9
           , l_n_attribute10
           , l_vendor_id
           , l_territory_code
        FROM mtl_lot_numbers mln, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
       WHERE mln.lot_number = LTRIM(RTRIM(p_lot_number))
         AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_trx_tmp_id
         AND mln.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id
         AND mln.inventory_item_id = mmtt.inventory_item_id;
Line: 587

    INSERT INTO mtl_transaction_lots_temp
               , last_update_date
               , last_updated_by
               , creation_date
               , created_by
               , transaction_quantity
               , primary_quantity
               , secondary_quantity
               , secondary_unit_of_measure
               , lot_number
               , lot_expiration_date
               , serial_transaction_temp_id
               , description
               , vendor_name
               , supplier_lot_number
               , origination_date
               , date_code
               , grade_code
               , change_date
               , maturity_date
               , status_id
               , retest_date
               , age
               , item_size
               , color
               , volume
               , volume_uom
               , place_of_origin
               , best_by_date
               , LENGTH
               , length_uom
               , recycled_content
               , thickness
               , thickness_uom
               , width
               , width_uom
               , curl_wrinkle_fold
               , lot_attribute_category
               , c_attribute1
               , c_attribute2
               , c_attribute3
               , c_attribute4
               , c_attribute5
               , c_attribute6
               , c_attribute7
               , c_attribute8
               , c_attribute9
               , c_attribute10
               , c_attribute11
               , c_attribute12
               , c_attribute13
               , c_attribute14
               , c_attribute15
               , c_attribute16
               , c_attribute17
               , c_attribute18
               , c_attribute19
               , c_attribute20
               , d_attribute1
               , d_attribute2
               , d_attribute3
               , d_attribute4
               , d_attribute5
               , d_attribute6
               , d_attribute7
               , d_attribute8
               , d_attribute9
               , d_attribute10
               , n_attribute1
               , n_attribute2
               , n_attribute3
               , n_attribute4
               , n_attribute5
               , n_attribute6
               , n_attribute7
               , n_attribute8
               , n_attribute9
               , n_attribute10
               , vendor_id
               , territory_code
	       --Bug No 3952081
	       --Insert OPM attributes
	       , HOLD_DATE
         VALUES (
               , SYSDATE
               , p_user_id
               , SYSDATE
               , p_user_id
               , p_trx_qty
               , p_pri_qty
               , p_secondary_qty
               , p_secondary_uom
               , LTRIM(RTRIM(p_lot_number))
               , p_exp_date
--               , x_ser_trx_id
	       , mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
               , NVL(p_description, l_description)
               , NVL(p_vendor_name, l_vendor_name)
               , NVL(p_supplier_lot_number, l_supplier_lot_number)
               , NVL(p_origination_date, l_origination_date)
               , NVL(p_date_code, l_date_code)
               , NVL(p_grade_code, l_grade_code)
               , NVL(p_change_date, l_change_date)
               , NVL(p_maturity_date, l_maturity_date)
               , p_status_id -- This is not attribute column
               , NVL(p_retest_date, l_retest_date)
               , NVL(p_age, l_age)
               , NVL(p_item_size, l_item_size)
               , NVL(p_color, l_color)
               , NVL(p_volume, l_volume)
               , NVL(p_volume_uom, l_volume_uom)
               , NVL(p_place_of_origin, l_place_of_origin)
               , NVL(p_best_by_date, l_best_by_date)
               , NVL(p_length, l_length)
               , NVL(p_length_uom, l_length_uom)
               , NVL(p_recycled_content, l_recycled_content)
               , NVL(p_thickness, l_thickness)
               , NVL(p_thickness_uom, l_thickness_uom)
               , NVL(p_width, l_width)
               , NVL(p_width_uom, l_width_uom)
               , NVL(p_curl_wrinkle_fold, l_curl_wrinkle_fold)
               , NVL(p_lot_attribute_category, l_lot_attribute_category)
               , NVL(p_c_attribute1, l_c_attribute1)
               , NVL(p_c_attribute2, l_c_attribute2)
               , NVL(p_c_attribute3, l_c_attribute3)
               , NVL(p_c_attribute4, l_c_attribute4)
               , NVL(p_c_attribute5, l_c_attribute5)
               , NVL(p_c_attribute6, l_c_attribute6)
               , NVL(p_c_attribute7, l_c_attribute7)
               , NVL(p_c_attribute8, l_c_attribute8)
               , NVL(p_c_attribute9, l_c_attribute9)
               , NVL(p_c_attribute10, l_c_attribute10)
               , NVL(p_c_attribute11, l_c_attribute11)
               , NVL(p_c_attribute12, l_c_attribute12)
               , NVL(p_c_attribute13, l_c_attribute13)
               , NVL(p_c_attribute14, l_c_attribute14)
               , NVL(p_c_attribute15, l_c_attribute15)
               , NVL(p_c_attribute16, l_c_attribute16)
               , NVL(p_c_attribute17, l_c_attribute17)
               , NVL(p_c_attribute18, l_c_attribute18)
               , NVL(p_c_attribute19, l_c_attribute19)
               , NVL(p_c_attribute20, l_c_attribute20)
               , NVL(p_d_attribute1, l_d_attribute1)
               , NVL(p_d_attribute2, l_d_attribute2)
               , NVL(p_d_attribute3, l_d_attribute3)
               , NVL(p_d_attribute4, l_d_attribute4)
               , NVL(p_d_attribute5, l_d_attribute5)
               , NVL(p_d_attribute6, l_d_attribute6)
               , NVL(p_d_attribute7, l_d_attribute7)
               , NVL(p_d_attribute8, l_d_attribute8)
               , NVL(p_d_attribute9, l_d_attribute9)
               , NVL(p_d_attribute10, l_d_attribute10)
               , NVL(p_n_attribute1, l_n_attribute1)
               , NVL(p_n_attribute2, l_n_attribute2)
               , NVL(p_n_attribute3, l_n_attribute3)
               , NVL(p_n_attribute4, l_n_attribute4)
               , NVL(p_n_attribute5, l_n_attribute5)
               , NVL(p_n_attribute6, l_n_attribute6)
               , NVL(p_n_attribute7, l_n_attribute7)
               , NVL(p_n_attribute8, l_n_attribute8)
               , NVL(p_n_attribute9, l_n_attribute9)
               , NVL(p_n_attribute10, l_n_attribute10)
               , NVL(p_vendor_id, l_vendor_id)
               , NVL(p_territory_code, l_territory_code)
	       --Bug 3952081
	       --Use tha passed arguments directly to populate MTLT.
	       , p_parent_lot_number
	       , p_origination_type
	       , p_expriration_action_date
	       , p_expriration_action_code
	       , p_hold_date
                ) RETURNING serial_transaction_temp_id INTO x_ser_trx_id;
Line: 785

  FUNCTION insert_ser_trx(
    p_trx_tmp_id                IN            NUMBER
  , p_user_id                   IN            NUMBER
  , p_fm_ser_num                IN            VARCHAR2
  , p_to_ser_num                IN            VARCHAR2
  , p_ven_ser_num               IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_vet_lot_num               IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_parent_ser_num            IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_end_item_unit_num         IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_serial_attribute_category IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_orgination_date           IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_c_attribute1              IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute2              IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute3              IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute4              IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute5              IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute6              IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute7              IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute8              IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute9              IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute10             IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute11             IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute12             IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute13             IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute14             IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute15             IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute16             IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute17             IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute18             IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute19             IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_c_attribute20             IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_d_attribute1              IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_d_attribute2              IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_d_attribute3              IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_d_attribute4              IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_d_attribute5              IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_d_attribute6              IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_d_attribute7              IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_d_attribute8              IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_d_attribute9              IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_d_attribute10             IN            DATE := NULL
  , p_n_attribute1              IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_n_attribute2              IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_n_attribute3              IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_n_attribute4              IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_n_attribute5              IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_n_attribute6              IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_n_attribute7              IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_n_attribute8              IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_n_attribute9              IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_n_attribute10             IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_status_id                 IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_territory_code            IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_time_since_new            IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_cycles_since_new          IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_time_since_overhaul       IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_cycles_since_overhaul     IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_time_since_repair         IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_cycles_since_repair       IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_time_since_visit          IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_cycles_since_visit        IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_time_since_mark           IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_cycles_since_mark         IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_number_of_repairs         IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_validation_level          IN            NUMBER := NULL
  , p_wms_installed             IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_quantity                  IN            NUMBER := NULL -- Number of Serials between FROM and TO
  , x_proc_msg                  OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
  , p_attribute_category 	IN	      VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_attribute1		IN	      VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_attribute2		IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_attribute3		IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_attribute4		IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_attribute5		IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_attribute6		IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_attribute7		IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_attribute8		IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_attribute9		IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_attribute10		IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_attribute11		IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_attribute12		IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_attribute13		IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_attribute14		IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_attribute15		IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
  , p_dffupdatedflag		IN	      VARCHAR2 := NULL
    l_serial_prefix            NUMBER;
Line: 901

        SELECT mmtt.transaction_temp_id
             , mmtt.transaction_header_id
             , mmtt.inventory_item_id
             , mmtt.organization_id
             , mmtt.transaction_type_id
             , mmtt.subinventory_code
             , mmtt.locator_id
          INTO l_transaction_temp_id
             , l_trx_header_id
             , l_item_id
             , l_org_id
             , l_trx_type_id
             , l_subinventory_code
             , l_locator_id
          FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
         WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_trx_tmp_id;
Line: 922

            SELECT mmtt.transaction_temp_id
                 , mmtt.transaction_header_id
                 , mmtt.inventory_item_id
                 , mmtt.organization_id
                 , mmtt.transaction_type_id
                 , mmtt.subinventory_code
                 , mmtt.locator_id
                 , mtlt.lot_number
              INTO l_transaction_temp_id
                 , l_trx_header_id
                 , l_item_id
                 , l_org_id
                 , l_trx_type_id
                 , l_subinventory_code
                 , l_locator_id
                 , l_lot_number
              FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
             WHERE mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id = p_trx_tmp_id
               AND mtlt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id;
Line: 959

      SELECT COUNT(msn.serial_number)
        INTO l_number_of_serial_numbers
        FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn
       WHERE msn.inventory_item_id = l_item_id
         AND msn.serial_number BETWEEN p_fm_ser_num AND p_to_ser_num
         AND LENGTH(msn.serial_number) = LENGTH(p_fm_ser_num)
         AND current_status = 3
         AND msn.current_organization_id = l_org_id
         AND(msn.group_mark_id IS NULL OR msn.group_mark_id <= 0)
         AND msn.current_subinventory_code = l_subinventory_code
         /*Fixed for bug#6758460
           Condition modified to handle the null locator id
           if item is non locator controlled then this condition
           fails and cause group mark id not marked in MSN
         /*AND msn.current_locator_id = l_locator_id*/
         AND  nvl(msn.current_locator_id,-999999) = nvl(l_locator_id,-999999)
         AND(l_lot_number IS NULL OR msn.lot_number = l_lot_number)
             , NULL -- p_trx_status_enabled
             , l_trx_type_id
             , NULL -- p_lot_status_enabled
             , NULL -- p_serial_status_enabled
             , l_org_id
             , l_item_id
             , l_subinventory_code
             , l_locator_id
             , l_lot_number
             , msn.serial_number
             , 'A'
             ) = 'Y'
Line: 1019

    INSERT INTO mtl_serial_numbers_temp
               , last_update_date
               , last_updated_by
               , creation_date
               , created_by
               , last_update_login
               , vendor_serial_number
               , vendor_lot_number
               , fm_serial_number
               , to_serial_number
               , serial_prefix -- Bug#2527211
               , parent_serial_number
               , end_item_unit_number
               , serial_attribute_category
               , origination_date
               , c_attribute1
               , c_attribute2
               , c_attribute3
               , c_attribute4
               , c_attribute5
               , c_attribute6
               , c_attribute7
               , c_attribute8
               , c_attribute9
               , c_attribute10
               , c_attribute11
               , c_attribute12
               , c_attribute13
               , c_attribute14
               , c_attribute15
               , c_attribute16
               , c_attribute17
               , c_attribute18
               , c_attribute19
               , c_attribute20
               , d_attribute1
               , d_attribute2
               , d_attribute3
               , d_attribute4
               , d_attribute5
               , d_attribute6
               , d_attribute7
               , d_attribute8
               , d_attribute9
               , d_attribute10
               , n_attribute1
               , n_attribute2
               , n_attribute3
               , n_attribute4
               , n_attribute5
               , n_attribute6
               , n_attribute7
               , n_attribute8
               , n_attribute9
               , n_attribute10
               , status_id
               , territory_code
               , time_since_new
               , cycles_since_new
               , time_since_overhaul
               , cycles_since_overhaul
               , time_since_repair
               , cycles_since_repair
               , time_since_visit
               , cycles_since_visit
               , time_since_mark
               , cycles_since_mark
               , number_of_repairs
	       , attribute_category
	       , attribute1
               , attribute2
               , attribute3
               , attribute4
               , attribute5
               , attribute6
               , attribute7
               , attribute8
               , attribute9
               , attribute10
               , attribute11
               , attribute12
               , attribute13
               , attribute14
               , attribute15
               , dff_updated_flag
         VALUES (
               , SYSDATE
               , p_user_id
               , SYSDATE
               , p_user_id
               , p_user_id
               , p_ven_ser_num
               , p_vet_lot_num
               , p_fm_ser_num
               , p_to_ser_num
               , NVL(l_serial_prefix, 1) -- Bug#2527211
               , p_parent_ser_num
               , p_end_item_unit_num
               , p_serial_attribute_category
               , p_orgination_date
               , p_c_attribute1
               , p_c_attribute2
               , p_c_attribute3
               , p_c_attribute4
               , p_c_attribute5
               , p_c_attribute6
               , p_c_attribute7
               , p_c_attribute8
               , p_c_attribute9
               , p_c_attribute10
               , p_c_attribute11
               , p_c_attribute12
               , p_c_attribute13
               , p_c_attribute14
               , p_c_attribute15
               , p_c_attribute16
               , p_c_attribute17
               , p_c_attribute18
               , p_c_attribute19
               , p_c_attribute20
               , p_d_attribute1
               , p_d_attribute2
               , p_d_attribute3
               , p_d_attribute4
               , p_d_attribute5
               , p_d_attribute6
               , p_d_attribute7
               , p_d_attribute8
               , p_d_attribute9
               , p_d_attribute10
               , p_n_attribute1
               , p_n_attribute2
               , p_n_attribute3
               , p_n_attribute4
               , p_n_attribute5
               , p_n_attribute6
               , p_n_attribute7
               , p_n_attribute8
               , p_n_attribute9
               , p_n_attribute10
               , p_status_id
               , p_territory_code
               , p_time_since_new
               , p_cycles_since_new
               , p_time_since_overhaul
               , p_cycles_since_overhaul
               , p_time_since_repair
               , p_cycles_since_repair
               , p_time_since_visit
               , p_cycles_since_visit
               , p_time_since_mark
               , p_cycles_since_mark
               , p_number_of_repairs
	       , p_attribute_category
	       , p_attribute1
               , p_attribute2
               , p_attribute3
               , p_attribute4
               , p_attribute5
               , p_attribute6
               , p_attribute7
               , p_attribute8
               , p_attribute9
               , p_attribute10
               , p_attribute11
               , p_attribute12
               , p_attribute13
               , p_attribute14
               , p_attribute15
	       , p_dffupdatedflag
Line: 1221

  PROCEDURE copy_insert_line_trx(
    x_return_status            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  , x_msg_data                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  , x_msg_count                OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  , x_new_txn_temp_id          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  , p_transaction_temp_id      IN         NUMBER
  , p_transaction_header_id    IN         NUMBER
  , p_inventory_item_id        IN         NUMBER
  , p_revision                 IN         VARCHAR2
  , p_organization_id          IN         NUMBER
  , p_subinventory_code        IN         VARCHAR2
  , p_locator_id               IN         NUMBER
  , p_cost_group_id            IN         NUMBER
  , p_to_organization_id       IN         NUMBER
  , p_to_subinventory_code     IN         VARCHAR2
  , p_to_locator_id            IN         NUMBER
  , p_to_cost_group_id         IN         NUMBER
  , p_txn_qty                  IN         NUMBER
  , p_primary_qty              IN         NUMBER
  , p_sec_txn_qty              IN         NUMBER --INVCONV KKILLAMS
  , p_transaction_uom          IN         VARCHAR2
  , p_lpn_id                   IN         NUMBER
  , p_transfer_lpn_id          IN         NUMBER
  , p_content_lpn_id           IN         NUMBER
  , p_txn_type_id              IN         NUMBER
  , p_txn_action_id            IN         NUMBER
  , p_txn_source_type_id       IN         NUMBER
  , p_transaction_date         IN         DATE
  , p_transaction_source_id    IN         NUMBER
  , p_trx_source_line_id       IN         NUMBER
  , p_move_order_line_id       IN         NUMBER
  , p_reservation_id           IN         NUMBER
  , p_parent_line_id           IN         NUMBER
  , p_pick_slip_number         IN         NUMBER
  , p_wms_task_type            IN         NUMBER
  , p_user_id                  IN         NUMBER
  , p_move_order_header_id     IN         NUMBER
  , p_serial_allocated_flag    IN         VARCHAR2
  , p_operation_plan_id        IN         NUMBER --lezhang
  , p_transaction_status       IN         NUMBER
  ) IS
    l_debug             NUMBER       := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
Line: 1263

    l_api_name          VARCHAR2(30) := 'COPY_INSERT_LINE_TRX';
Line: 1276

      SELECT mmtt.organization_id, mmtt.inventory_item_id, mmtt.transaction_uom
        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
       WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 1281

      SELECT primary_uom_code
        FROM mtl_system_items msi
       WHERE msi.inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
         AND msi.organization_id   = l_organization_id;
Line: 1404

    SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL INTO x_new_txn_temp_id FROM DUAL;
Line: 1406

    INSERT INTO mtl_material_transactions_temp(
                , transaction_temp_id
                , inventory_item_id
                , revision
                , organization_id
                , subinventory_code
                , locator_id
                , cost_group_id
                , transfer_organization
                , transfer_subinventory
                , transfer_to_location
                , transfer_cost_group_id
                , transaction_quantity
                , primary_quantity
                , transaction_uom
                , move_order_header_id
                , move_order_line_id
                , serial_allocated_flag
                , reservation_id
                , lpn_id
                , transfer_lpn_id
                , content_lpn_id
                , transaction_type_id
                , transaction_action_id
                , transaction_source_type_id
                , transaction_source_name
                , transaction_source_id
                , trx_source_line_id
                , trx_source_delivery_id
                , demand_source_header_id
                , demand_source_line
                , demand_source_delivery
                , transaction_cost
                , transaction_date
                , acct_period_id
                , distribution_account_id
                , parent_line_id
                , parent_transaction_temp_id
                , pick_slip_number
                , container_item_id
                , cartonization_id
                , standard_operation_id
                , operation_plan_id
                , wms_task_type
                , wms_task_status
                , task_priority
                , task_group_id
                , transaction_reference
                , requisition_line_id
                , requisition_distribution_id
                , reason_id
                , lot_number
                , lot_expiration_date
                , serial_number
                , receiving_document
                , demand_id
                , rcv_transaction_id
                , move_transaction_id
                , completion_transaction_id
                , schedule_id
                , repetitive_line_id
                , employee_code
                , primary_switch
                , schedule_update_code
                , setup_teardown_code
                , item_ordering
                , negative_req_flag
                , operation_seq_num
                , picking_line_id
                , physical_adjustment_id
                , cycle_count_id
                , rma_line_id
                , customer_ship_id
                , currency_code
                , currency_conversion_rate
                , currency_conversion_type
                , currency_conversion_date
                , ussgl_transaction_code
                , vendor_lot_number
                , encumbrance_account
                , encumbrance_amount
                , ship_to_location
                , shipment_number
                , transfer_cost
                , transportation_cost
                , transportation_account
                , freight_code
                , containers
                , waybill_airbill
                , expected_arrival_date
                , new_average_cost
                , value_change
                , percentage_change
                , material_allocation_temp_id
                , allowed_units_lookup_code
                , wip_entity_type
                , department_id
                , department_code
                , wip_supply_type
                , supply_subinventory
                , supply_locator_id
                , valid_subinventory_flag
                , valid_locator_flag
                , wip_commit_flag
                , shippable_flag
                , posting_flag
                , required_flag
                , process_flag
                , item_segments
                , item_description
                , item_trx_enabled_flag
                , item_location_control_code
                , item_restrict_subinv_code
                , item_restrict_locators_code
                , item_revision_qty_control_code
                , item_primary_uom_code
                , item_uom_class
                , item_shelf_life_code
                , item_shelf_life_days
                , item_lot_control_code
                , item_serial_control_code
                , item_inventory_asset_flag
                , error_code
                , error_explanation
                , attribute_category
                , attribute1
                , attribute2
                , attribute3
                , attribute4
                , attribute5
                , attribute6
                , attribute7
                , attribute8
                , attribute9
                , attribute10
                , attribute11
                , attribute12
                , attribute13
                , attribute14
                , attribute15
                , movement_id
                , reservation_quantity
                , shipped_quantity
                , transaction_line_number
                , task_id
                , to_task_id
                , source_task_id
                , project_id
                , source_project_id
                , pa_expenditure_org_id
                , to_project_id
                , expenditure_type
                , final_completion_flag
                , transfer_percentage
                , transaction_sequence_id
                , material_account
                , material_overhead_account
                , resource_account
                , outside_processing_account
                , overhead_account
                , flow_schedule
                , demand_class
                , qa_collection_id
                , kanban_card_id
                , overcompletion_transaction_id
                , overcompletion_primary_qty
                , overcompletion_transaction_qty
                , end_item_unit_number
                , scheduled_payback_date
                , line_type_code
                , put_away_strategy_id
                , put_away_rule_id
                , pick_strategy_id
                , pick_rule_id
                , common_bom_seq_id
                , common_routing_seq_id
                , cost_type_id
                , org_cost_group_id
                , source_code
                , source_line_id
                , transaction_mode
                , lock_flag
                , transaction_status
                , last_update_date
                , last_updated_by
                , creation_date
                , created_by
                , last_update_login
                , request_id
                , program_application_id
                , program_id
                , program_update_date
                , secondary_transaction_quantity --INVCONV kkillams
         SELECT decode(p_transaction_header_id, fnd_api.g_miss_num, NULL, NULL, transaction_header_id, p_transaction_header_id)
              , x_new_txn_temp_id
              , decode(l_inventory_item_id, NULL, inventory_item_id, l_inventory_item_id)
              , decode(p_revision, fnd_api.g_miss_char, NULL, NULL, revision, p_revision)
              , decode(l_organization_id, NULL, organization_id, l_organization_id)
              , decode(p_subinventory_code, fnd_api.g_miss_char, NULL, NULL, subinventory_code, p_subinventory_code)
              , decode(p_locator_id, fnd_api.g_miss_num, NULL, NULL, locator_id, p_locator_id)
              , decode(p_cost_group_id, fnd_api.g_miss_num, NULL, NULL, cost_group_id, p_cost_group_id)
              , decode(p_to_organization_id, fnd_api.g_miss_num, NULL, NULL, transfer_organization, p_to_organization_id)
              , decode(p_to_subinventory_code, fnd_api.g_miss_char, NULL, NULL, transfer_subinventory, p_to_subinventory_code)
              , decode(p_to_locator_id, fnd_api.g_miss_num, NULL, NULL, transfer_to_location, p_to_locator_id)
              , decode(p_to_cost_group_id, fnd_api.g_miss_num, NULL, NULL, transfer_cost_group_id, p_to_cost_group_id)
              , decode(l_txn_qty, NULL, transaction_quantity, l_txn_qty)
              , decode(l_primary_qty, NULL, primary_quantity, l_primary_qty)
              , decode(l_transaction_uom, NULL, transaction_uom, l_transaction_uom)
              , decode(p_move_order_header_id, fnd_api.g_miss_num, NULL, NULL, move_order_header_id, p_move_order_header_id)
              , decode(p_move_order_line_id, fnd_api.g_miss_num, NULL, NULL, move_order_line_id, p_move_order_line_id)
              , decode(p_serial_allocated_flag, fnd_api.g_miss_char, NULL, NULL, serial_allocated_flag, p_serial_allocated_flag)
              , decode(p_reservation_id, fnd_api.g_miss_num, NULL, NULL, reservation_id, p_reservation_id)
              , decode(p_lpn_id, fnd_api.g_miss_num, NULL, NULL, lpn_id, p_lpn_id)
              , decode(p_transfer_lpn_id, fnd_api.g_miss_num, NULL, NULL, transfer_lpn_id, p_transfer_lpn_id)
              , decode(p_content_lpn_id, fnd_api.g_miss_num, NULL, NULL, content_lpn_id, p_content_lpn_id)
              , decode(p_txn_type_id, NULL, transaction_type_id, p_txn_type_id)
              , decode(p_txn_action_id, NULL, transaction_action_id, p_txn_action_id)
              , decode(p_txn_source_type_id, NULL, transaction_source_type_id, p_txn_source_type_id)
              , transaction_source_name
              , decode(p_transaction_source_id, fnd_api.g_miss_num, NULL, NULL, transaction_source_id, p_transaction_source_id)
              , decode(p_trx_source_line_id, fnd_api.g_miss_num, NULL, NULL, trx_source_line_id, p_trx_source_line_id)
              , trx_source_delivery_id
              , decode(p_transaction_source_id, fnd_api.g_miss_num, NULL, NULL, demand_source_header_id, p_transaction_source_id)
              , decode(p_trx_source_line_id, fnd_api.g_miss_num, NULL, NULL, demand_source_line, p_trx_source_line_id)
              , demand_source_delivery
              , transaction_cost
              , l_transaction_date
              , l_acct_period_id
              , distribution_account_id
              , decode(p_parent_line_id, fnd_api.g_miss_num, NULL, NULL, parent_line_id, p_parent_line_id)
              , parent_transaction_temp_id
              , decode(p_pick_slip_number, fnd_api.g_miss_num, NULL, NULL, pick_slip_number, p_pick_slip_number)
              , container_item_id
              , cartonization_id
              , standard_operation_id
              , decode(p_operation_plan_id, fnd_api.g_miss_num, NULL, NULL, operation_plan_id, p_operation_plan_id) --lezhang
              , decode(p_wms_task_type, fnd_api.g_miss_num, NULL, NULL, wms_task_type, p_wms_task_type)
              , wms_task_status
              , task_priority
              , task_group_id
              , transaction_reference
              , requisition_line_id
              , requisition_distribution_id
              , reason_id
              , lot_number
              , lot_expiration_date
              , serial_number
              , receiving_document
              , demand_id
              , rcv_transaction_id
              , move_transaction_id
              , completion_transaction_id
              , schedule_id
              , repetitive_line_id
              , employee_code
              , primary_switch
              , schedule_update_code
              , setup_teardown_code
              , item_ordering
              , negative_req_flag
              , operation_seq_num
              , picking_line_id
              , physical_adjustment_id
              , cycle_count_id
              , rma_line_id
              , customer_ship_id
              , currency_code
              , currency_conversion_rate
              , currency_conversion_type
              , currency_conversion_date
              , ussgl_transaction_code
              , vendor_lot_number
              , encumbrance_account
              , encumbrance_amount
              , ship_to_location
              , shipment_number
              , transfer_cost
              , transportation_cost
              , transportation_account
              , freight_code
              , containers
              , waybill_airbill
              , expected_arrival_date
              , new_average_cost
              , value_change
              , percentage_change
              , material_allocation_temp_id
              , allowed_units_lookup_code
              , wip_entity_type
              , department_id
              , department_code
              , wip_supply_type
              , supply_subinventory
              , supply_locator_id
              , valid_subinventory_flag
              , valid_locator_flag
              , wip_commit_flag
              , shippable_flag
              , posting_flag
              , required_flag
              , process_flag
              , item_segments
              , item_description
              , item_trx_enabled_flag
              , item_location_control_code
              , item_restrict_subinv_code
              , item_restrict_locators_code
              , item_revision_qty_control_code
              , item_primary_uom_code
              , item_uom_class
              , item_shelf_life_code
              , item_shelf_life_days
              , item_lot_control_code
              , item_serial_control_code
              , item_inventory_asset_flag
              , error_code
              , error_explanation
              , attribute_category
              , attribute1
              , attribute2
              , attribute3
              , attribute4
              , attribute5
              , attribute6
              , attribute7
              , attribute8
              , attribute9
              , attribute10
              , attribute11
              , attribute12
              , attribute13
              , attribute14
              , attribute15
              , movement_id
              , reservation_quantity
              , shipped_quantity
              , transaction_line_number
              , task_id
              , to_task_id
              , source_task_id
              , project_id
              , source_project_id
              , pa_expenditure_org_id
              , to_project_id
              , expenditure_type
              , final_completion_flag
              , transfer_percentage
              , transaction_sequence_id
              , material_account
              , material_overhead_account
              , resource_account
              , outside_processing_account
              , overhead_account
              , flow_schedule
              , demand_class
              , qa_collection_id
              , kanban_card_id
              , overcompletion_transaction_id
              , overcompletion_primary_qty
              , overcompletion_transaction_qty
              , end_item_unit_number
              , scheduled_payback_date
              , line_type_code
              , put_away_strategy_id
              , put_away_rule_id
              , pick_strategy_id
              , pick_rule_id
              , common_bom_seq_id
              , common_routing_seq_id
              , cost_type_id
              , org_cost_group_id
              , source_code
              , source_line_id
              , transaction_mode
              , lock_flag
              , NVL(p_transaction_status, transaction_status)
              , SYSDATE
              , nvl(p_user_id, fnd_global.user_id)
              , SYSDATE
              , nvl(p_user_id, fnd_global.user_id)
              , last_update_login
              , request_id
              , program_application_id
              , program_id
              , program_update_date
              , decode(p_sec_txn_qty, fnd_api.g_miss_num, NULL, NULL, secondary_transaction_quantity, p_sec_txn_qty) --INVCONV KKILLAMS
        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
       WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 1798

      inv_log_util.trace('Inserted a new record into MMTT with TxnTempID = ' || x_new_txn_temp_id, g_pkg_name || '.' || l_api_name, 5);
Line: 1813

  END copy_insert_line_trx;
Line: 1821

  FUNCTION delete_ser_trx(
    p_trx_header_id       IN            NUMBER
  , p_trx_tmp_id          IN            NUMBER
  , p_serial_trx_tmp_id   IN            NUMBER
  , p_serial_control_code IN            NUMBER
  , p_user_id             IN            NUMBER
  , x_proc_msg            OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
    l_debug NUMBER := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
Line: 1832

    DELETE FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp
          WHERE transaction_temp_id = NVL(p_serial_trx_tmp_id, p_trx_tmp_id);
Line: 1851

   *    1. Deletes a MMTT record given the Transaction Temp ID
   *    2. If it is a Lot Controlled Item, cascades the Delete till MTLT
   *    3. If it is a Serial Controlled Item , cascades the Delete till MSNT. Unmarks the Serial.
   *    4. Cascades the delete till WDT. Care should be taked to call the API if the Task is Loaded.
  PROCEDURE delete_transaction(
    x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  , x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  , x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  , p_transaction_temp_id            NUMBER
  , p_update_parent                  BOOLEAN
  ) IS
    l_inventory_item_id   NUMBER;
Line: 1877

      SELECT msi.inventory_item_id, msi.lot_control_code, msi.serial_number_control_code, mmtt.parent_line_id
             ,mmtt.transaction_header_id --Bug#6211912
        FROM mtl_system_items msi, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
       WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
         AND msi.inventory_item_id = mmtt.inventory_item_id
         AND msi.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id;
Line: 1889

      TRACE('Cleaning up MMTT, MTLT and MSNT for Txn Temp ID = ' || p_transaction_temp_id, 'INV_TRX_UTIL_PUB.DELETE_TRANSACTION');
Line: 1897

      TRACE('Item ID        = ' || l_inventory_item_id, 'INV_TRX_UTIL_PUB.DELETE_TRANSACTION');
Line: 1898

      TRACE('Lot Control    = ' || l_lot_control_code, 'INV_TRX_UTIL_PUB.DELETE_TRANSACTION');
Line: 1899

      TRACE('Serial Control = ' || l_serial_control_code, 'INV_TRX_UTIL_PUB.DELETE_TRANSACTION');
Line: 1900

      TRACE('Parent Line ID = ' || l_parent_line_id, 'INV_TRX_UTIL_PUB.DELETE_TRANSACTION');
Line: 1904

    IF l_parent_line_id IS NOT NULL AND p_update_parent THEN
      IF l_debug = 1 THEN
        TRACE('Child Record... Updating the Parent: TxnTempID = ' || l_parent_line_id, 'INV_TRX_UTIL_PUB.DELETE_TRANSACTION');
Line: 1909

        x_return_status       => x_return_status
      , p_parent_line_id      => l_parent_line_id
      , p_child_line_id       => p_transaction_temp_id
      , p_lot_control_code    => l_lot_control_code
      , p_serial_control_code => l_serial_control_code
Line: 1919

          TRACE('Error occurred while updating the Parent Record', 'INV_TRX_UTIL_PUB.DELETE_TRANSACTION');
Line: 1930

       UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
       SET group_mark_id = NULL, line_mark_id = NULL, lot_line_mark_id = NULL
       WHERE group_mark_id  IN (SELECT serial_transaction_temp_id
                                 FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                                 WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id)
       OR group_mark_id = l_txn_hdr_id ; --Bug#6211912
Line: 1939

        DELETE mtl_serial_numbers_temp
         WHERE transaction_temp_id IN (SELECT serial_transaction_temp_id
                                        FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                                        WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id);
Line: 1946

       UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
       SET group_mark_id = NULL, line_mark_id = NULL, lot_line_mark_id = NULL
       WHERE group_mark_id = p_transaction_temp_id
       OR group_mark_id = l_txn_hdr_id ; --Bug#6211912
Line: 1953

       DELETE mtl_serial_numbers_temp
       WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 1959

        TRACE('Serials unmarked in MSN = ' || l_unmarked_count, 'INV_TRX_UTIL_PUB.DELETE_TRANSACTION');
Line: 1960

Line: 1966

      DELETE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
       WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 1970

Line: 1975

    DELETE wms_dispatched_tasks
     WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 1979

Line: 1983

    DELETE mtl_material_transactions_temp
     WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 1987

Line: 1992

Line: 1993

  END delete_transaction;
Line: 1995

  PROCEDURE delete_lot_ser_trx(
    p_trx_tmp_id    IN            NUMBER
  , p_org_id        IN            NUMBER
  , p_item_id       IN            NUMBER
  , p_lotctrl       IN            NUMBER
  , p_serctrl       IN            NUMBER
  , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
  ) IS
    CURSOR c_serial(l_txn_tmp_id IN NUMBER) IS
      SELECT fm_serial_number, NVL(to_serial_number, fm_serial_number) to_serial_number
        FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp
       WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_txn_tmp_id;
Line: 2009

      SELECT serial_transaction_temp_id
        FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
       WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_txn_tmp_id;
Line: 2014

    TRACE('parameters passed to delete_lot_ser_trx', 'INVTRXUB', 9);
Line: 2036

      DELETE FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt WHERE msnt.transaction_temp_id = p_trx_tmp_id;
Line: 2058

      DELETE FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
            WHERE msnt.transaction_temp_id IN(
                                SELECT mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
                                  FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
                                 WHERE mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id = msnt.transaction_temp_id
                                   AND mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_trx_tmp_id);
Line: 2065

      DELETE FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_trx_tmp_id;
Line: 2070

       DELETE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
       WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_trx_tmp_id;
Line: 2074

        TRACE('Records deleted in MTLT = ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT, 'INV_TRX_UTIL_PUB.delete_lot_ser_trx');
Line: 2089

  END delete_lot_ser_trx;
Line: 2092

   *  Procedure: UPDATE_PARENT_MMTT
   *    This procedure updates or deletes the parent task when one of the child tasks
   *    is deleted. Generally this procedure is called before deleting a Child Record.
   *    1. Parent MMTT Qty is updated if there will be more than one MMTT even after
   *       the deletion of the child record.
   *    2. Parent MMTT is deleted along with the Task when there will be only one MMTT
   *       after the deletion of the child record. Child Tasks will not be dispatched
   *       or Queued.
  PROCEDURE update_parent_mmtt(
    x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
  , p_parent_line_id      IN            NUMBER
  , p_child_line_id       IN            NUMBER
  , p_lot_control_code    IN            NUMBER
  , p_serial_control_code IN            NUMBER
  ) IS
    l_debug              NUMBER      := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
Line: 2122

      SELECT c.inventory_item_id, c.primary_quantity, c.transaction_quantity, c.transaction_uom, p.transaction_uom
        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp c, mtl_material_transactions_temp p
       WHERE c.transaction_temp_id = p_child_line_id
         AND p.transaction_temp_id = p_parent_line_id;
Line: 2132

      TRACE('Either Parent TxnTempID or Child TxnTempID is invalid', 'INV_TRX_UTIL_PUB.UPDATE_PARENT_MMTT');
Line: 2140

        DELETE mtl_serial_numbers_temp
         WHERE transaction_temp_id IN (SELECT serial_transaction_temp_id FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                                        WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_parent_line_id)
           AND fm_serial_number IN (SELECT msnt.fm_serial_number
                                      FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
                                     WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_child_line_id
                                       AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id)
         RETURNING fm_serial_number BULK COLLECT INTO l_serials_tbl;
Line: 2150

          DELETE mtl_serial_numbers_temp
           WHERE transaction_temp_id IN (SELECT serial_transaction_temp_id FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                                          WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_parent_line_id)
             AND ROWNUM <= l_child_pri_qty
           RETURNING fm_serial_number BULK COLLECT INTO l_serials_tbl;
Line: 2157

        DELETE mtl_serial_numbers_temp
         WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_parent_line_id
          AND fm_serial_number IN (SELECT msnt.fm_serial_number FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
                                    WHERE msnt.transaction_temp_id = p_child_line_id)
         RETURNING fm_serial_number BULK COLLECT INTO l_serials_tbl;
Line: 2164

          DELETE mtl_serial_numbers_temp
           WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_parent_line_id
             AND ROWNUM <= l_child_pri_qty
           RETURNING fm_serial_number BULK COLLECT INTO l_serials_tbl;
Line: 2173

          UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
             SET group_mark_id = NULL, line_mark_id = NULL, lot_line_mark_id = NULL
           WHERE inventory_item_id = l_item_id
             AND serial_number = l_serials_tbl(i);
Line: 2182

      UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp p
         SET (p.primary_quantity, p.transaction_quantity) =
             (SELECT p.primary_quantity - SUM(c.primary_quantity)
                   , p.transaction_quantity - inv_convert.inv_um_convert(l_item_id, NULL, SUM(c.transaction_quantity), l_child_uom, l_parent_uom, NULL, NULL)
                FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp c
               WHERE c.transaction_temp_id = p_child_line_id
      	         AND c.lot_number = p.lot_number
      	       GROUP BY c.lot_number)
       WHERE p.transaction_temp_id = p_parent_line_id;
Line: 2192

      DELETE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
       WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_parent_line_id
         AND primary_quantity <= 0;
Line: 2198

      TRACE('Updating the Parent Task with Txn Temp ID = ' || p_parent_line_id, 'INV_TRX_UTIL_PUB.UPDATE_PARENT_MMTT');
Line: 2201

    UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
       SET transaction_quantity = transaction_quantity - inv_convert.inv_um_convert(inventory_item_id, NULL, l_child_txn_qty, l_child_uom, transaction_uom, NULL, NULL)
         , primary_quantity = primary_quantity - l_child_pri_qty
     WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_parent_line_id
     RETURNING primary_quantity INTO l_parent_pri_qty;
Line: 2213

                 , 'INV_TRX_UTIL_PUB.UPDATE_PARENT_MMTT');
Line: 2226

                    , 'INV_TRX_UTIL_PUB.UPDATE_PARENT_MMTT');
Line: 2232

           TRACE('Deleting the Parent Task with Txn Temp ID = ' || p_parent_line_id, 'INV_TRX_UTIL_PUB.UPDATE_PARENT_MMTT');
Line: 2235

         DELETE wms_dispatched_tasks WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_parent_line_id;
Line: 2236

         DELETE mtl_material_transactions_temp WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_parent_line_id;
Line: 2244

        TRACE('Unexpected Error occurred - ' || SQLERRM, 'INV_TRX_UTIL_PUB.UPDATE_PARENT_MMTT');
Line: 2246

  END update_parent_mmtt;