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Line 75: from qpr_dimension_values

72: begin
73: if c_vol_band_rec.limit_dim_level = 'PRODUCT_CATEGORY' then
74: select 1 into l_insert_measure
75: from qpr_dimension_values
76: where dim_code='PRD'
77: and hierarchy_code='PRODUCTCATEGORY' and
78: level2_value = c_vol_band_rec.limit_dim_level_value
79: and level1_value = to_char(p_inventory_item_id)

Line 83: from qpr_dimension_values

79: and level1_value = to_char(p_inventory_item_id)
80: and rownum<2;
81: elsif c_vol_band_rec.limit_dim_level = 'PRODUCT_FAMILY' then
82: select 1 into l_insert_measure
83: from qpr_dimension_values
84: where dim_code='PRD'
85: and hierarchy_code='PRODUCTFAMILY' and
86: level2_value = c_vol_band_rec.limit_dim_level_value
87: and level1_value = to_char(p_inventory_item_id)

Line 139: from qpr_dimension_values

135: cursor c_level_values(p_dim_code varchar2, p_hierarchy_code varchar2,
136: p_instance_id number, p_level_seq_num number,
137: p_scope_value varchar2, p_value varchar2) is
138: select 1
139: from qpr_dimension_values
140: where dim_code = p_dim_code
141: and hierarchy_code = p_hierarchy_code
142: and instance_id = p_instance_id
143: and level1_value = p_value