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Line 67: FROM wsh_new_deliveries

63: mode_of_transport,
64: freight_terms_code,
65: name,
66: customer_id
67: FROM wsh_new_deliveries
68: WHERE delivery_id = del_id;
70: /* J TP Release : dels can be assigned to planned trips as long as they don't create new stops */
71: cursor get_trip_status(c_trip_id in NUMBER) is

Line 314: l_delivery_name wsh_new_deliveries.name%TYPE;

310: l_dummy_trip_ids wsh_util_core.id_tab_type;
311: l_phys_trip_dropoff_loc_id NUMBER;
312: l_trip_pickup_loc_id NUMBER;
313: l_trip_dropoff_loc_id NUMBER;
314: l_delivery_name wsh_new_deliveries.name%TYPE;
316: l_stop_seq_mode NUMBER; --SSN Frontport
318: -- K LPN CONV. rv

Line 1973: WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'Calling program unit WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES_PVT.GET_NAME',WSH_DEBUG_SV.C_PROC_LEVEL);

1969: --
1972: IF l_debug_on THEN
1973: WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'Calling program unit WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES_PVT.GET_NAME',WSH_DEBUG_SV.C_PROC_LEVEL);
1974: END IF;
1975: --
1976: FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('DEL_NAME',wsh_new_deliveries_pvt.get_name(l_del_rows(i)));
1977: -- Bug 3439165

Line 1976: FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('DEL_NAME',wsh_new_deliveries_pvt.get_name(l_del_rows(i)));

1972: IF l_debug_on THEN
1973: WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'Calling program unit WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES_PVT.GET_NAME',WSH_DEBUG_SV.C_PROC_LEVEL);
1974: END IF;
1975: --
1976: FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('DEL_NAME',wsh_new_deliveries_pvt.get_name(l_del_rows(i)));
1977: -- Bug 3439165
1978: FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('TRIP_NAME',wsh_trips_pvt.get_name(p_trip_id));
1979: wsh_util_core.add_message(WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_ERROR);
1980: l_num_error := l_num_error + 1;

Line 2897: from wsh_new_deliveries

2894: cursor get_del_status(c_del_id IN NUMBER) is
2895: select status_code,
2896: nvl(shipment_direction,'O') shipment_direction
2897: from wsh_new_deliveries
2898: where delivery_id = c_del_id;
2900: -- KLR
2901: /*

Line 2905: from wsh_new_deliveries

2901: /*
2902: cursor get_del_status(c_del_id IN NUMBER) is
2903: select status_code,
2904: nvl(shipment_direction,'O') shipment_direction
2905: from wsh_new_deliveries
2906: where delivery_id = c_del_id;
2907: */
2908: cursor get_del_info(c_del_id IN NUMBER) is
2909: select status_code,

Line 2915: from wsh_new_deliveries

2911: gross_weight,
2912: net_weight,
2913: volume, initial_pickup_location_id,
2914: organization_id
2915: from wsh_new_deliveries
2916: where delivery_id = c_del_id;
2918: -- Bug 3875780
2919: CURSOR c_trip_stops(p_trip_id IN NUMBER) IS

Line 3222: UPDATE wsh_new_deliveries

3218: IF l_debug_on THEN
3219: WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name, 'Updating Deliveries and Details With Loading Sequence as NULL');
3220: END IF;
3222: UPDATE wsh_new_deliveries
3223: SET loading_sequence = NULL,
3224: last_update_date = SYSDATE,
3225: last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
3226: last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID

Line 4038: from wsh_new_deliveries where delivery_id = p_del_id;

4036: CURSOR c_del_info(p_del_id in number) is
4037: select freight_terms_code, nvl(shipment_direction, 'O')
4038: from wsh_new_deliveries where delivery_id = p_del_id;
4041: l_rate_delivery VARCHAR2(1);
4042: l_global_params WSH_SHIPPING_PARAMS_PVT.Global_Parameters_Rec_Typ;

Line 4188: FROM wsh_new_deliveries wnd,

4185: CURSOR C_TRIP_DEL_RATE(p_trip_id IN NUMBER, p_freight_terms_code_o IN VARCHAR2,
4186: p_freight_terms_code_i IN VARCHAR2, p_freight_terms_code_d VARCHAR2) IS
4187: select wnd.delivery_id
4188: FROM wsh_new_deliveries wnd,
4189: wsh_trip_stops wts,
4190: wsh_delivery_legs wdl
4191: WHERE wts.stop_id = wdl.pick_up_stop_id AND
4192: wts.trip_id = p_trip_id AND

Line 4199: FROM wsh_new_deliveries wnd,

4195: NVL(wnd.shipment_direction, 'O') IN ('O', 'IO')
4196: and rownum = 1
4197: UNION
4198: select wnd.delivery_id
4199: FROM wsh_new_deliveries wnd,
4200: wsh_trip_stops wts,
4201: wsh_delivery_legs wdl
4202: WHERE wts.stop_id = wdl.pick_up_stop_id AND
4203: wts.trip_id = p_trip_id AND

Line 4210: FROM wsh_new_deliveries wnd,

4206: wnd.shipment_direction = 'I'
4207: and rownum = 1
4208: UNION
4209: select wnd.delivery_id
4210: FROM wsh_new_deliveries wnd,
4211: wsh_trip_stops wts,
4212: wsh_delivery_legs wdl
4213: WHERE wts.stop_id = wdl.pick_up_stop_id AND
4214: wts.trip_id = p_trip_id AND

Line 4223: FROM wsh_new_deliveries wnd,

4220: CURSOR C_TRIP_DEL_NORATE(p_trip_id IN NUMBER, p_freight_terms_code_o IN VARCHAR2,
4221: p_freight_terms_code_i IN VARCHAR2, p_freight_terms_code_d VARCHAR2) IS
4222: select wnd.delivery_id
4223: FROM wsh_new_deliveries wnd,
4224: wsh_trip_stops wts,
4225: wsh_delivery_legs wdl
4226: WHERE wts.stop_id = wdl.pick_up_stop_id AND
4227: wts.trip_id = p_trip_id AND

Line 4234: FROM wsh_new_deliveries wnd,

4230: NVL(wnd.shipment_direction, 'O') IN ('O', 'IO')
4231: and rownum = 1
4232: UNION
4233: select wnd.delivery_id
4234: FROM wsh_new_deliveries wnd,
4235: wsh_trip_stops wts,
4236: wsh_delivery_legs wdl
4237: WHERE wts.stop_id = wdl.pick_up_stop_id AND
4238: wts.trip_id = p_trip_id AND

Line 4245: FROM wsh_new_deliveries wnd,

4241: wnd.shipment_direction = 'I'
4242: and rownum = 1
4243: UNION
4244: select wnd.delivery_id
4245: FROM wsh_new_deliveries wnd,
4246: wsh_trip_stops wts,
4247: wsh_delivery_legs wdl
4248: WHERE wts.stop_id = wdl.pick_up_stop_id AND
4249: wts.trip_id = p_trip_id AND