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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 13

  SELECT icx_sec.g_session_id
  INTO   l_session_id
  FROM   dual;
Line: 17

  /* Delete the rows from the table bix_dm_bin for the current icx session and bin     */
  /* so that we donot display the leftover rows from the previous execution of the bin */
  DELETE bix_dm_bin
  WHERE  bin_code    = 'BIX_CALLS_TYPE_BIN'
  AND    session_id  = l_session_id;
Line: 24

  SELECT MAX(period_start_date)
  INTO   l_reporting_date
  FROM   bix_dm_agent_call_sum;
Line: 29

  INSERT /*+ PARALLEL(tb,2) */ INTO bix_dm_bin tb (
	   , bin_code
        , col1
        , col2
	   , col4
	   , col6
	   , col8 )
  ( SELECT /*+ PARALLEL(acs,2) */
        , to_char(acs.classification_id) || 'n'
	   , cct.classification
	   , bix_util_pkg.get_hrmiss_frmt(SUM(acs.abandon_time)
					/ DECODE(SUM(acs.calls_abandoned), 0, 1, SUM(acs.calls_abandoned)))
	   , bix_util_pkg.get_hrmiss_frmt(SUM(acs.queue_time)
					/ DECODE(SUM(acs.calls_in_queue), 0, 1, SUM(acs.calls_in_queue)))
	   , trunc((SUM(acs.calls_answrd_within_x_time)
					/ DECODE(SUM(acs.in_calls_handled), 0, 1, SUM(acs.in_calls_handled))) * 100, 2)
    FROM     bix_dm_agent_call_sum acs
	      , cct_classifications cct
    WHERE  acs.period_start_date = l_reporting_date
    AND    acs.classification_id = cct.classification_id
    GROUP BY acs.classification_id
	     ,  cct.classification );