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Line 38: fnd_lookups lup

34: l_from_list := ' from jtf_task_references_b r,
35: cs_incidents_b_sec sr,
36: jtf_tasks_b t,
37: cs_incident_statuses_b stat,
38: fnd_lookups lup
39: ' ;
40: biv_core_pkg.get_report_parameters(p_param_str);
41: biv_core_pkg.get_where_clause(l_from_list, l_where_clause);
42: l_where_clause := l_where_clause || '

Line 80: fnd_lookups lup

76: from jtf_task_references_b r,
77: cs_incidents_all_b ina,
78: jtf_tasks_b t,
79: cs_incident_statuses_b stat,
80: fnd_lookups lup
81: where ina.incident_id = r.OBJECT_ID
82: and ina.incident_status_id = stat.incident_status_id
83: and nvl(stat.close_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
84: and r.object_type_code = 'SR'

Line 127: l_all fnd_lookups.meaning % type :=

123: l_where_clause varchar2(2000);
124: l_cur number;
125: l_dummy number;
126: l_debug varchar2(30) := fnd_profile.value('BIV:DEBUG');
127: l_all fnd_lookups.meaning % type :=
128: biv_core_pkg.get_lookup_meaning('ALL');
129: begin
130: biv_core_pkg.g_report_id := 'BIV_BIN_RESOURCE';
131: l_session_id := biv_core_pkg.get_session_id;

Line 291: set col14 = ( select meaning from fnd_lookups lup

287: set col1 = 'task' || biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep ||
288: 'task_id' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || id
289: ;
290: update biv_tmp_rt2 t
291: set col14 = ( select meaning from fnd_lookups lup
292: where lup.lookup_code = t.col13
293: and lup.lookup_type = 'JTF_TASK_REASON_CODES'
294: );
295: /*