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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 26

       select wmti1.transaction_id
	 from wip_move_txn_interface wmti,
	 wip_move_txn_interface wmti1
	 where wmti.group_id = mov_group_id
	 and wmti.overcompletion_transaction_id is not NULL
	 AND wmti.overcompletion_transaction_qty > 0
	 and wmti1.overcompletion_transaction_id = wmti.overcompletion_transaction_id;
Line: 67

	 (p_mov_grp_id => oc_mov_group_id,
	  p_mov_allocs => oc_alloc_recs);
Line: 71

	 (p_grp_id => oc_mov_group_id,
	  p_moves => oc_move_recs);
Line: 79

       delete wip_cost_txn_interface
       where group_id = res_group_id;
Line: 84

        p_mov_grp_id => mov_group_id,
        p_mov_allocs => alloc_recs);
Line: 88

        p_hdr_id      => mtl_header_id,
        p_act_id      => NULL,
        p_materials   => mtl_temp_recs,
        p_lots        => lt_temp_recs,
        p_serials     => sn_temp_recs,
        p_dyn_serials => sn_recs,
        p_ser_marks   => sn_marks);
Line: 98

      p_grp_id => mov_group_id,
      p_moves => move_recs);
Line: 106

Line: 109

          p_materials   => mtl_temp_recs,
          p_lots        => lt_temp_recs,
          p_serials     => sn_temp_recs,
          p_dyn_serials => sn_recs,
          p_ser_marks   => sn_marks,
          p_retcode     => x_retcode,
          p_app         => x_app,
          p_msg         => x_msg);
Line: 127

Line: 157

      p_hdr_id      => mtl_header_id,
      p_act_id      => NULL,
      p_materials   => mtl_tmp_recs,
      p_lots        => mtl_lt_tmp_recs,
      p_serials     => mtl_sn_tmp_recs,
      p_dyn_serials => mtl_dyn_sn_recs,
      p_ser_marks   => mtl_sn_mrks);
Line: 171

      p_materials   => mtl_tmp_recs,
      p_lots        => mtl_lt_tmp_recs,
      p_serials     => mtl_sn_tmp_recs,
      p_dyn_serials => mtl_dyn_sn_recs,
      p_ser_marks   => mtl_sn_mrks,
      p_retcode     => x_retcode,
      p_app         => x_app,
      p_msg         => x_msg);
Line: 203

    insert_sp     IN VARCHAR2,
    bf_page       IN NUMBER,
    err_code      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
    err_app       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
    err_msg       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS

    cmp_mtl_tmp_recs wip_mtl_txns_temp_cleanup.MTL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP_REC;
Line: 226

	select wmti.transaction_id
	from mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt,
	wip_move_txn_interface wmti
	where mmtt.TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID = mtl_header_id
	and mmtt.overcompletion_transaction_id is not null
	and wmti.overcompletion_transaction_id = mmtt.overcompletion_transaction_id;
Line: 250

	  (p_mov_grp_id => oc_mov_group_id,
	   p_mov_allocs => oc_alloc_recs);
Line: 254

	  (p_grp_id => oc_mov_group_id,
	   p_moves => oc_move_recs);
Line: 260

      p_hdr_id      => mtl_header_id,
      p_act_id      => action_id,
      p_materials   => cmp_mtl_tmp_recs,
      p_lots        => cmp_lt_tmp_recs,
      p_serials     => cmp_sn_tmp_recs,
      p_dyn_serials => cmp_dyn_sn_recs,
      p_ser_marks   => cmp_sn_mrks);
Line: 270

      p_hdr_id      => mtl_header_id,
      p_act_id      => NULL,
      p_materials   => bf_mtl_tmp_recs,
      p_lots        => bf_lt_tmp_recs,
      p_serials     => bf_sn_tmp_recs,
      p_dyn_serials => bf_dyn_sn_recs,
      p_ser_marks   => bf_sn_mrks);
Line: 284

    wip_lot_temp_cleanup.insert_rows(p_lots => cmp_lt_tmp_recs);
Line: 285

    wip_serial_temp_cleanup.insert_rows(p_serials => cmp_sn_tmp_recs);
Line: 286

    wip_serial_number_cleanup.insert_rows(p_serials => cmp_dyn_sn_recs);
Line: 301

    wip_mtl_txns_temp_cleanup.insert_rows(p_mtls => cmp_mtl_tmp_recs);
Line: 305

Line: 308

    wip_utilities.do_sql('SAVEPOINT ' || insert_sp);
Line: 312

        p_materials   => bf_mtl_tmp_recs,
        p_lots        => bf_lt_tmp_recs,
        p_serials     => bf_sn_tmp_recs,
        p_dyn_serials => bf_dyn_sn_recs,
        p_ser_marks   => bf_sn_mrks,
        p_retcode     => x_retcode,
        p_app         => x_app,
        p_msg         => x_msg);
Line: 331

Line: 353

      delete wip_move_txn_allocations
      where transaction_id in
        (select transaction_id
         from wip_move_txn_interface
         where group_id = mov_group_id);
Line: 359

      delete wip_move_txn_interface
      where group_id = mov_group_id;
Line: 365

      delete wip_cost_txn_interface
      where group_id = res_group_id;
Line: 372

      delete mtl_serial_numbers
      where group_mark_id = mtl_header_id
        and current_status = 6;
Line: 377

      update mtl_serial_numbers
      set group_mark_id = null,
          line_mark_id = null,
          lot_line_mark_id = null
      where group_mark_id = mtl_header_id;
Line: 384

      delete mtl_serial_numbers_temp
      where group_header_id = mtl_header_id;
Line: 387

      delete mtl_transaction_lots_temp
      where group_header_id = mtl_header_id;
Line: 390

      delete mtl_material_transactions_temp
      where transaction_header_id = mtl_header_id;
Line: 402

    select count(*)
      into ccount
      from mtl_material_transactions_temp
     where transaction_header_id = mtl_hdr_id;
Line: 413

    delete mtl_transaction_lots_temp
    where transaction_temp_id in
      (select transaction_temp_id
       from mtl_material_transactions_temp
       where transaction_header_id=txn_hdr_id
       and transaction_mode=1);
Line: 419

    delete mtl_serial_numbers_temp where
    transaction_temp_id in
      (select transaction_temp_id
       from mtl_material_transactions_temp
       where transaction_header_id=txn_hdr_id
       and transaction_mode=1);
Line: 425

    delete mtl_material_transactions_temp
    where transaction_header_id=txn_hdr_id
    and transaction_mode=1;
Line: 447

  select count(*)
  into   completion_count1
  from   mtl_transactions_interface
  where  transaction_header_id = txn_hdr_id
  and    transaction_type_id in (l_bind1, l_bind2, l_bind3, l_bind4) ;
Line: 456

  select count(*)
  into   completion_count2
  from   mtl_transactions_interface
  where  transaction_header_id = txn_hdr_id
  and    transaction_type_id in (l_bind1, l_bind2, l_bind3, l_bind4) ;
Line: 464

     delete from mtl_transaction_lots_interface
     where transaction_interface_id in
           ( select transaction_interface_id from
             where transaction_header_id = txn_hdr_id
             and transaction_type_id in (35, 43, 38, 48)
           ) ;
Line: 472

      delete from mtl_serial_numbers_interface
      where  transaction_interface_id in
              (  select transaction_interface_id from
                 where transaction_header_id = txn_hdr_id
                 and transaction_type_id in (35, 43, 38, 48)
              ) ;
Line: 480

      delete from mtl_transactions_interface
      where  transaction_header_id = txn_hdr_id
      and    transaction_type_id in (35, 43, 38, 48) ;