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Line 87: from mtl_system_items mtl, bom_inventory_components bic

83: -- entered, but just in case.
84: select bic.component_quantity, mtl.primary_uom_code,
85: mtl.coverage_schedule_id
86: into p_duration, p_uom_code, p_cov_sch_id
87: from mtl_system_items mtl, bom_inventory_components bic
88: where bic.component_item_id = mtl.inventory_item_id
89: and mtl.organization_id = p_organization_id
90: and bic.bill_sequence_id = l_com_bill_seq_id
91: and bic.component_item_id = p_war_inv_item_id

Line 102: from mtl_system_items

98: p_uom_code is null then
99: select service_duration, service_duration_period_code,
100: coverage_schedule_id
101: into p_duration, p_uom_code, p_cov_sch_id
102: from mtl_system_items
103: where inventory_item_id = p_war_inv_item_id
104: and organization_id = p_organization_id;
105: end if;
106: --