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Line 921: (g_user_id <> Fnd_Global.user_id) THEN

917: END get_warning_message;
918: PROCEDURE Set_Connection_Context IS
919: BEGIN
920: IF (g_user_id = Okl_Api.G_MISS_NUM) OR
921: (g_user_id <> Fnd_Global.user_id) THEN
922: g_user_id := Fnd_Global.user_id;
923: g_reset_access_flag := TRUE;
924: g_reset_lang_flag := TRUE;
925: END IF;

Line 922: g_user_id := Fnd_Global.user_id;

918: PROCEDURE Set_Connection_Context IS
919: BEGIN
920: IF (g_user_id = Okl_Api.G_MISS_NUM) OR
921: (g_user_id <> Fnd_Global.user_id) THEN
922: g_user_id := Fnd_Global.user_id;
923: g_reset_access_flag := TRUE;
924: g_reset_lang_flag := TRUE;
925: END IF;
926: IF (g_resp_id = Okl_Api.G_MISS_NUM) OR

Line 927: (g_resp_id <> Fnd_Global.resp_id) THEN

923: g_reset_access_flag := TRUE;
924: g_reset_lang_flag := TRUE;
925: END IF;
926: IF (g_resp_id = Okl_Api.G_MISS_NUM) OR
927: (g_resp_id <> Fnd_Global.resp_id) THEN
928: g_resp_id := Fnd_Global.resp_id;
929: g_reset_resp_flag := TRUE;
930: END IF;
931: END;

Line 928: g_resp_id := Fnd_Global.resp_id;

924: g_reset_lang_flag := TRUE;
925: END IF;
926: IF (g_resp_id = Okl_Api.G_MISS_NUM) OR
927: (g_resp_id <> Fnd_Global.resp_id) THEN
928: g_resp_id := Fnd_Global.resp_id;
929: g_reset_resp_flag := TRUE;
930: END IF;
931: END;
932: FUNCTION Get_K_Access_Level(p_chr_id IN NUMBER,

Line 961: AND ras.resp_id = Fnd_Global.resp_id

957: CURSOR resp_csr IS
958: SELECT ras.access_level
959: FROM okc_subclass_resps ras
960: WHERE ras.scs_code = l_scs_code
961: AND ras.resp_id = Fnd_Global.resp_id
962: AND l_date BETWEEN ras.start_date AND NVL(ras.end_date, l_date);
963: -- This cursor retrieves the resource id corresponding to the logged
964: -- in user. The resource has to have a role of CONTRACT for this to be
965: -- considered

Line 971: WHERE res.user_id = Fnd_Global.user_id

967: SELECT res.resource_id
968: FROM jtf_rs_resource_extns res,
969: jtf_rs_role_relations rrr,
970: jtf_rs_roles_b rr
971: WHERE res.user_id = Fnd_Global.user_id
972: AND l_date BETWEEN res.start_date_active
973: AND NVL(res.end_date_active, l_date)
974: AND res.resource_id = rrr.role_resource_id
975: AND rrr.role_resource_type = 'RS_INDIVIDUAL'