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1 package psp_er_ame as
2 /* $Header: PSPERAMS.pls 120.0 2005/06/02 16:02 appldev noship $*/
3   procedure get_first_approvers(p_request_id    in integer,
4                               p_start_person  in integer,
5                               p_end_person    in integer,
6                               p_return_status out nocopy varchar2,
7                               p_retry_request_id in integer default null);
9  /* The global variable G_APPROVER_BASIS is concatenated string of Effort Detail
10  * attributes, for example it can take value "Assignment, Expenditure_Type".
11  *
12  * This variable will be  used when approval_type is CUSTOM,
13  * and it is not used at all when seeded approval option is used.
14  *
15  * By default, when user chooses approval Type as CUSTOM, AME (Oracle Approvals
16  *  Management) will be invoked for each Effort Detail record. A Effort report
17  *  detail record contains effort percentages at the detail choosen in the
18  *  summarization critera in the Template. For example effort detail record can
19  *  contain values Asg, Project, Award, Task, Exp type.
20  *
21  *  When AME is invoked, it returns a single approver or list of Approvers
22  *  for detail record as setup in AME. For example, if a employee works on 6
23  *  different combinations of Project/Task/Award/Exp org/GL account, then
24  *  AME will invoked 6 times.
25  *
26  *  However if at a customer site, a approver is based on
27  *  distinct combination of Project and Exp type, there is no point in invoking
28  *  AME for each detail record. In this case, AME should be invoked only for
29  *  each distinct combination of emp or/and asg, Project, Exp type.
30  *
31  *  This kind of optimization is already built-in, for Seeded options. For example,
32  *  when approval type is "Principal Investigator of Grant" then AME will be invoked
33  *  only for each Award. In order to extend similar optimization to CUSTOM approval
34  *  type, this global variable has been introduced. This global
35  *  variable will be set to string of effort attributes such that, invoking AME
36  *  once for each distinct combination of these attributes will suffice to get all
37  *  required approvers.
38  *
39  * In other words, this global variable can be used to improve performance
40  * (by reducing calls to AME) when approval type is CUSTOM. To get the exact
41  * names of the attributes please see the column names of table
43  *
44  * Another Global variable G_NO_OF_ATTRIBUTES should be set to  number of
45  * attributes  in the concatenated string G_APPROVAL_BASIS. In the example above
46  * it should be set to 2.
47  */
50   g_approver_basis varchar2(2000) := ' ';
51   g_no_of_attributes integer := 0;
52 end;