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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 61

|  Procedure insert_row                                                 |
|                                                                       |
PROCEDURE insert_row
  (x_rowid                            IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ,x_application_id                   IN NUMBER
  ,x_amb_context_code                 IN VARCHAR2
  ,x_description_type_code            IN VARCHAR2
  ,x_description_code                 IN VARCHAR2
  ,x_enabled_flag                     IN VARCHAR2
  ,x_transaction_coa_id               IN NUMBER
  ,x_name                             IN VARCHAR2
  ,x_description                      IN VARCHAR2
  ,x_creation_date                    IN DATE
  ,x_created_by                       IN NUMBER
  ,x_last_update_date                 IN DATE
  ,x_last_updated_by                  IN NUMBER
  ,x_last_update_login                IN NUMBER)


SELECT rowid
FROM   xla_descriptions_b
WHERE  application_id                   = x_application_id
  AND  amb_context_code                 = x_amb_context_code
  AND  description_type_code            = x_description_type_code
  AND  description_code                 = x_description_code
Line: 94

  l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.insert_row';
Line: 98

  trace(p_msg    => 'BEGIN of procedure insert_row',
        p_module => l_log_module,
        p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 103

INSERT INTO xla_descriptions_b
Line: 129

INSERT INTO xla_descriptions_tl
FROM   fnd_languages l
WHERE  l.installed_flag                 IN ('I', 'B')
       FROM   xla_descriptions_tl                t
       WHERE  t.application_id                   = x_application_id
         AND  t.amb_context_code                 = x_amb_context_code
         AND  t.description_type_code            = x_description_type_code
         AND  t.description_code                 = x_description_code
         AND  t.language                         = l.language_code);
Line: 178

  trace(p_msg    => 'END of procedure insert_row',
        p_module => l_log_module,
        p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 183

END insert_row;
Line: 203

SELECT amb_context_code
FROM   xla_descriptions_b
WHERE  application_id                   = x_application_id
  AND  amb_context_code                 = x_amb_context_code
  AND  description_type_code            = x_description_type_code
  AND  description_code                 = x_description_code
FOR UPDATE OF application_id NOWAIT;
Line: 216

SELECT amb_context_code
      ,DECODE(language     , USERENV('LANG'), 'Y', 'N') baselang
FROM   xla_descriptions_tl
WHERE  application_id                   = X_application_id
  AND  amb_context_code                 = X_amb_context_code
  AND  description_type_code            = X_description_type_code
  AND  description_code                 = X_description_code
  AND  USERENV('LANG')                 IN (language     ,source_lang)
FOR UPDATE OF application_id NOWAIT;
Line: 245

   fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FORM_RECORD_DELETED');
Line: 286

|  Procedure update_row                                                 |
|                                                                       |
PROCEDURE update_row
 (x_application_id                   IN NUMBER
 ,x_amb_context_code                 IN VARCHAR2
 ,x_description_type_code            IN VARCHAR2
 ,x_description_code                 IN VARCHAR2
 ,x_enabled_flag                     IN VARCHAR2
 ,x_transaction_coa_id               IN NUMBER
 ,x_name                             IN VARCHAR2
 ,x_description                      IN VARCHAR2
 ,x_last_update_date                  IN DATE
 ,x_last_updated_by                   IN NUMBER
 ,x_last_update_login                 IN NUMBER)
l_log_module  VARCHAR2(240);
Line: 305

  l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.update_row';
Line: 309

  trace(p_msg    => 'BEGIN of procedure update_row',
        p_module => l_log_module,
        p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 314

UPDATE xla_descriptions_b
       last_update_date                 = x_last_update_date
      ,enabled_flag                     = x_enabled_flag
      ,transaction_coa_id               = x_transaction_coa_id
      ,last_updated_by                  = x_last_updated_by
      ,last_update_login                = x_last_update_login
WHERE  application_id                   = X_application_id
  AND  amb_context_code                 = X_amb_context_code
  AND  description_type_code            = X_description_type_code
  AND  description_code                 = X_description_code;
Line: 330

UPDATE xla_descriptions_tl
       last_update_date                 = x_last_update_date
      ,name                             = X_name
      ,description                      = X_description
      ,last_updated_by                  = x_last_updated_by
      ,last_update_login                = x_last_update_login
      ,source_lang                      = USERENV('LANG')
WHERE  application_id                   = X_application_id
  AND  amb_context_code                 = X_amb_context_code
  AND  description_type_code            = X_description_type_code
  AND  description_code                 = X_description_code
  AND  USERENV('LANG')                 IN (language, source_lang);
Line: 349

  trace(p_msg    => 'END of procedure update_row',
        p_module => l_log_module,
        p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 354

END update_row;
Line: 358

|  Procedure delete_row                                                 |
|                                                                       |
PROCEDURE delete_row
  (x_application_id                   IN NUMBER
  ,x_amb_context_code                 IN VARCHAR2
  ,x_description_type_code            IN VARCHAR2
  ,x_description_code                 IN VARCHAR2)

l_log_module       VARCHAR2(240);
Line: 371

  l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.delete_row';
Line: 375

  trace(p_msg    => 'BEGIN of procedure delete_row',
        p_module => l_log_module,
        p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 380

DELETE FROM xla_descriptions_tl
WHERE application_id                   = x_application_id
  AND amb_context_code                 = x_amb_context_code
  AND description_type_code            = x_description_type_code
  AND description_code                 = x_description_code;
Line: 391

DELETE FROM xla_descriptions_b
WHERE application_id                   = x_application_id
  AND amb_context_code                 = x_amb_context_code
  AND description_type_code            = x_description_type_code
  AND description_code                 = x_description_code;
Line: 403

  trace(p_msg    => 'END of procedure delete_row',
        p_module => l_log_module,
        p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 408

END delete_row;
Line: 429

DELETE FROM xla_descriptions_tl T
       FROM   xla_descriptions_b                 b
       WHERE  b.application_id                   = t.application_id
         AND  b.amb_context_code                 = t.amb_context_code
         AND  b.description_type_code            = t.description_type_code
         AND  b.description_code                 = t.description_code);
Line: 438

UPDATE xla_descriptions_tl   t
SET   (name
   = (SELECT b.name
      FROM   xla_descriptions_tl                b
      WHERE  b.application_id                   = t.application_id
        AND  b.amb_context_code                 = t.amb_context_code
        AND  b.description_type_code            = t.description_type_code
        AND  b.description_code                 = t.description_code
        AND  b.language                         = t.source_lang)
WHERE (t.application_id
    IN (SELECT subt.application_id
        FROM   xla_descriptions_tl                    subb
              ,xla_descriptions_tl                    subt
        WHERE  subb.application_id                   = subt.application_id
         AND  subb.amb_context_code                  = subt.amb_context_code
         AND  subb.description_type_code             = subt.description_type_code
         AND  subb.description_code                  = subt.description_code
         AND  subb.language                         = subt.source_lang
         AND (SUBB.name                             <> SUBT.name
          OR  SUBB.description                      <> SUBT.description
          OR (subb.description                      IS NULL
         AND  subt.description                      IS NOT NULL)
          OR (subb.description                      IS NOT NULL
         AND  subt.description                      IS NULL)
Line: 475

INSERT INTO xla_descriptions_tl
FROM   xla_descriptions_tl              b
      ,fnd_languages                    l
WHERE  l.installed_flag                IN ('I', 'B')
  AND  b.language                       = userenv('LANG')
       FROM   xla_descriptions_tl                t
       WHERE  t.application_id                   = b.application_id
         AND  t.amb_context_code                 = b.amb_context_code
         AND  t.description_type_code            = b.description_type_code
         AND  t.description_code                 = b.description_code
         AND  t.language                         = l.language_code);
Line: 537

  ,p_last_update_date            IN VARCHAR2
  ,p_custom_mode                 IN VARCHAR2)
  CURSOR c_app_id IS
  SELECT application_id
  FROM   fnd_application
  WHERE  application_short_name          = p_application_short_name;
Line: 549

  f_ludate                DATE;        -- entity update date in file
Line: 551

  db_ludate               DATE;        -- entity update date in db
Line: 569

  f_ludate := nvl(to_date(p_last_update_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD'), sysdate);
Line: 576

    SELECT last_updated_by, last_update_date
      INTO db_luby, db_ludate
      FROM xla_descriptions_tl
     WHERE application_id         = l_application_id
       AND amb_context_code       = p_amb_context_code
       AND description_type_code  = p_description_type_code
       AND description_code       = p_description_code
       AND language               = userenv('LANG');
Line: 587

      UPDATE xla_descriptions_tl
         SET name                   = p_name
            ,description            = p_description
            ,last_update_date       = f_ludate
            ,last_updated_by        = f_luby
            ,last_update_login      = 0
            ,source_lang            = userenv('LANG')
       WHERE userenv('LANG')        IN (language, source_lang)
         AND application_id         = l_application_id
         AND amb_context_code       = p_amb_context_code
         AND description_type_code  = p_description_type_code
         AND description_code       = p_description_code;