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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 21

                 while calling procedure - jai_ap_utils_pkg.insert_ap_inv_interface

18-Jul-2005  rchandan for bug#4487676.Version 117.2

23-Aug-2005  Ramananda for bug#4559828. File Version 120.3
             This error is coming inspite of GL and AP periods being open

             Org_id in the form is populated when authority site is selected from the
             front end. When 'Process' Button is pressed, form makes a call to
             jai_cmn_rgm_settlement_pkg.create_invoice passing org_id.

             Presently, org_id is not passed to ap_utilities_pkg.get_open_gl_date and
             ap_utilities_pkg.get_current_gl_date. This is defaulted from mo_global.GET_CURRENT_ORG_ID.
             However the value is not retrieved from the same, hence the above reported error

             Added pn_org_id parameter while making a call to
               1. ap_utilities_pkg.get_open_gl_date
               2. ap_utilities_pkg.get_current_gl_date
             in jai_cmn_rgm_settlement_pkg.create_invoice is modified to pass org_id, which is solving the problem.
             i.e "APP-JA-460204: ORA 20001: No Open Period...after "

02-Dec-2005  Bug 4774647. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami  Version 120.4
             Passed operating unit also as this parameter has been added by base.

27-Feb-2006  Bug 4929081. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami version 120.5
             (1) Moved cursor counter_cur after inserting into
           ap_invoices_interface so that invoice_id condition can be used.
             (2) Removed the select for count(*) and put the same in the cursor.
30-JAN-2007  Bug#5631784. Added by CSahoo File Version 120.11
             Forward Porting of BUG#4742259 (TCS solution)
             Changes made in the procedure create_invoice to create invoice at the
						 time of TCS settlement. A new cursor cur_distributions_TCS is defined to fetch
						 tax balances.

27-April-2007   ssawant for bug 5879769,6020629 ,File version 120.6
                Forward porting of
		from 11.5( bug no 5694855) to R12 (bug no 5879769).
		forward porting of bug
		from 11.5( bug no 4287372) to R12 (bug no 6020629).

7-June-2007        ssawant for bug 5662296
		   Forward porting R11 bug 5642053 to R12 bug 5662296.

19-Sep-2007      anujsax for bug#6126142, File Version 120.16
                 The above issue was happening due to passing of SYSDATE for the accounting date
                 for creating AP Invoices and GL Interface.
                 Fix : The seettlement date has been passed as accounting date for AP Invoice and GL Interface
14-OCT-2008	JMEENA for bug#7445742
			Incorporate the changes of bug#6835541


PROCEDURE insert_into_vat_register(
      p_repository_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER   ,
      p_regime_id                  NUMBER   ,
      p_from_party_type            VARCHAR2 ,
      p_from_party_id              NUMBER   ,
      p_from_locn_id               NUMBER   ,
      p_from_tax_type              VARCHAR2 ,
      p_from_trx_amount            NUMBER   ,
      p_to_party_type              VARCHAR2 ,
      p_to_party_id                NUMBER   ,
      p_to_tax_type                VARCHAR2 ,
      p_to_trx_amount      IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER   ,
      p_to_locn_id                 NUMBER   ,
      p_called_from                VARCHAR2 ,
      p_trx_date                   DATE     ,
      p_acct_req                   VARCHAR2 ,
      p_source                     VARCHAR2 ,
      P_SOURCE_TRX_TYPE            VARCHAR2 ,
      p_source_doc_id              NUMBER   ,
      p_settlement_id              NUMBER   ,
      p_reference_id               NUMBER   ,
      p_process_flag OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,
      p_process_message OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,
      p_accounting_date            Date
   ln_repository_id   number;
Line: 150

               pn_repository_id         => ln_repository_id,
               pn_regime_id             => p_regime_id,
               pv_tax_type              => p_from_tax_type ,
               pv_organization_type     => p_from_party_type,
               pn_organization_id       => p_from_party_id,
               pn_location_id           => p_from_locn_id,
               pv_source                => lv_source,
               pv_source_trx_type       => p_source_trx_type ,
               pv_source_table_name     => p_source_table_name,
               pn_source_id             => p_source_doc_id    ,
               pd_transaction_date      => p_trx_date,
               pv_account_name          => jai_constants.recovery,
               pn_charge_account_id     => ln_charge_accounting_id,
               pn_balancing_account_id  => ln_balance_accounting_id,
               pn_credit_amount         => ln_credit_amount,
               pn_debit_amount          => ln_debit_amount,
               pn_assessable_value      => NULL,
               pn_tax_rate              => NULL,
               pn_reference_id          => NULL,
               pn_batch_id              => NULL,
               pn_inv_organization_id   => p_from_party_id,
               pv_invoice_no            => NULL,
               pv_called_from           =>  p_called_from,
               pv_process_flag          => p_process_flag,
               pv_process_message       => p_process_message,
               pd_invoice_date          => NULL
Line: 243

              pn_repository_id         => ln_repository_id,
              pn_regime_id             => p_regime_id,
              pv_tax_type              => p_to_tax_type ,
              pv_organization_type     => p_to_party_type,
              pn_organization_id       => p_to_party_id,
              pn_location_id           => p_to_locn_id,
              pv_source                => lv_source,
              pv_source_trx_type       => p_source_trx_type ,
              pv_source_table_name     => p_source_table_name,
              pn_source_id             => p_source_doc_id    ,
              pd_transaction_date      => p_trx_date,
              pv_account_name          => jai_constants.recovery,
              pn_charge_account_id     => ln_charge_accounting_id,
              pn_balancing_account_id  => ln_balance_accounting_id,
              pn_credit_amount         => ln_credit_amount,
              pn_debit_amount          => ln_debit_amount,
              pn_assessable_value      => NULL,
              pn_tax_rate              => NULL,
              pn_reference_id          => NULL,
              pn_batch_id              => NULL,
              pn_inv_organization_id   => p_to_party_id,
              pv_invoice_no            => NULL,
              pv_called_from           =>  p_called_from,
              pv_process_flag          => p_process_flag,
              pv_process_message       => p_process_message,
              pd_invoice_date          => NULL
Line: 317

    p_process_message := 'Error in procedure - insert_records_into_register ' || substr(sqlerrm,1,1500);
Line: 319

end insert_into_vat_register;
Line: 327

      SELECT  NVL(debit_balance,0) - NVL(credit_balance,0) debit_balance,
      service_type_code , /* added by ssawant for bug 5879769 */
      FROM    jai_rgm_stl_balances
      WHERE   settlement_id = pn_settlement_id
      AND     tax_type = lv_tax_type
      AND     NVL(debit_balance,0) - NVL(credit_balance,0) > 0
      ORDER BY 1 desc;
Line: 340

      SELECT  NVL(credit_balance,0) - NVL(debit_balance,0) credit_balance,
      service_type_code ,/* added by ssawant for bug 5879769 */
      FROM    jai_rgm_stl_balances
      WHERE   settlement_id = pn_settlement_id
      AND     tax_type = lv_tax_type
      AND     NVL(credit_balance,0) - NVL(debit_balance,0) > 0
      ORDER BY 1 desc;
Line: 357

      SELECT  (NVL(credit_amount,0) - NVL(debit_amount,0) - NVL(settled_amount,0))*-1 debit_balance, organization_id party_id, rowid
      FROM    jai_rgm_trx_records
      WHERE   tax_type = lv_tax_type
      AND     organization_id = ln_party_id
      AND     nvl(location_id,-999) = nvl(ln_location_id,-999)
      AND     organization_type = lv_party_type
      AND     settlement_id <= pn_settlement_id
      AND     NVL(settled_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
      AND     NVL(credit_amount,0) - NVL(debit_amount,0) - NVL(settled_amount,0) < 0
      ORDER BY 1 desc;
Line: 373

      SELECT  NVL(credit_amount,0) - NVL(debit_amount,0) - NVL(settled_amount,0) credit_balance, organization_id party_id, rowid
      FROM    jai_rgm_trx_records
      WHERE   tax_type = lv_tax_type
      AND     organization_id = ln_party_id
      AND     nvl(location_id,-999) = nvl(ln_location_id,-999)/*rchandan for Service Type FP*/
      AND     organization_type = lv_party_type
      AND     settlement_id <= pn_settlement_id
      AND     NVL(settled_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
      AND     NVL(credit_amount,0) - NVL(debit_amount,0) - NVL(settled_amount,0) > 0
      ORDER BY 1 desc;
Line: 386

      SELECT regime_id
        FROM jai_rgm_settlements
       WHERE settlement_id = pn_settlement_id;
Line: 393

      select regime_code
       where regime_id = lv_regime_id;
Line: 398

        FROM DUAL;
Line: 404

    SELECT  *
    FROM    jai_rgm_stl_balances
    WHERE   NVL(debit_balance,0) >= 0
    AND     NVL(credit_balance,0) >= 0
    AND     settlement_id = pn_settlement_id;
Line: 411

    SELECT primary_registration_no
      FROM jai_rgm_settlements
     WHERE settlement_id = pn_settlement_id;*/
Line: 417

    SELECT jstl.primary_registration_no,
           jbal.party_type             ,
           jbal.party_id               ,
      FROM jai_rgm_stl_balances jbal,jai_rgm_settlements jstl
     WHERE jbal.settlement_id = jstl.settlement_id
       AND jbal.settlement_id = pn_settlement_id;
Line: 430

        SELECT sum(credit_amount)
        FROM   jai_rgm_trx_records
        WHERE  regime_primary_regno = lp_regn_no
        AND    source_trx_type      = 'Invoice Payment'
        AND    transaction_date     = ( select max(settlement_date) + 1
                                          from jai_rgm_stl_balances a
                                         where 2 = (select count(distinct jbal.settlement_date)
                                                      from jai_rgm_stl_balances jbal,jai_rgm_settlements jstl
                                                    where  jbal.settlement_id = jstl.settlement_id
                                                      and  jstl.primary_registration_no =  lp_regn_no and jbal.settlement_date >= a.settlement_date));
Line: 446

        SELECT sum(jbal.credit_balance) credit_balance,sum(jbal.debit_balance) debit_balance
        FROM   jai_rgm_stl_balances jbal,jai_rgm_settlements jstl
        WHERE  jbal.settlement_id           = jstl.settlement_id
        AND    jstl.primary_registration_no = lp_regn_no
        AND    jbal.tax_type                = lp_tax_type
        AND    jbal.party_id                = lp_org_id
        AND    jstl.settlement_date         = ( select max(settlement_date)
                                          from jai_rgm_stl_balances a
                                         where 2 = (select count(distinct jbal.settlement_date)
                                                      from jai_rgm_stl_balances jbal,jai_rgm_settlements jstl
                                                    where  jbal.settlement_id = jstl.settlement_id
                                                      and  jstl.primary_registration_no =  lp_regn_no and jbal.settlement_date >= a.settlement_date ));
Line: 472

      SELECT sum(credit_amount)
      FROM   jai_rgm_trx_records
      WHERE  source_trx_type      = 'Invoice Payment'
      AND    settlement_id        = ( SELECT MAX(jbal.settlement_id)
                                        FROM jai_rgm_stl_balances jbal,jai_rgm_settlements jstl
                                       WHERE jbal.settlement_id           = jstl.settlement_id
                                         AND jstl.primary_registration_no = cp_regn_no
                                         AND jbal.party_type              = cp_org_type
                                         AND jbal.party_id                = cp_org_id
                                         AND nvl(jbal.location_id,-999)   = nvl(cp_location_id,-999)
                                         AND jbal.settlement_id          <> pn_settlement_id /*This clause is used to exclude the current settlement*/
Line: 495

      SELECT sum(credit_balance) credit_balance,sum(debit_balance) debit_balance
        FROM jai_rgm_stl_balances
       WHERE settlement_id                = ( SELECT MAX(jbal.settlement_id)
                                                FROM jai_rgm_stl_balances jbal,jai_rgm_settlements jstl
                                               WHERE jbal.settlement_id           = jstl.settlement_id
                                                 AND jstl.primary_registration_no = cp_regn_no
                                                 AND jbal.party_type              = cp_org_type
                                                 AND jbal.party_id                = cp_org_id
                                                 AND nvl(jbal.location_id,-999)   = nvl(cp_location_id,-999)
                                                 AND jbal.settlement_id          <> pn_settlement_id/*This clause is used to exclude the current settlement*/
         AND tax_type                      = cp_tax_type;
Line: 708

      FOR I in (select  distinct b.regime_id, b.settlement_date, a.tax_type
                from    jai_rgm_stl_balances a,
                        jai_rgm_settlements b
                where   a.settlement_id = b.settlement_id
                AND     a.settlement_id = pn_settlement_id)
        SELECT  count(*)
        INTO    ln_debit_cnt
        FROM    jai_rgm_stl_balances
        WHERE   settlement_id = pn_settlement_id
        AND     debit_balance >0;
Line: 726

        SELECT  count(*)
        INTO    ln_credit_cnt
        FROM    jai_rgm_stl_balances
        WHERE   settlement_id = pn_settlement_id
        AND     credit_balance >0;
Line: 765

              (p_repository_id => ln_repository_id,
              p_regime_id => i.regime_id,
              p_from_party_type => cur_credit.party_type,
              p_from_party_id => cur_credit.party_id,
              p_from_locn_id => cur_credit.location_id,/* added by ssawant for bug 5879769 */
              p_from_tax_type => i.tax_type,
	      p_from_service_type => cur_credit.service_type_code,/* added by ssawant for bug 5879769 */
              p_from_trx_amount => ln_transfer_amt,
              p_to_party_type => cur_debit.party_type,
              p_to_party_id => cur_debit.party_id,
              p_to_locn_id => cur_debit.location_id,/* added by ssawant for bug 5879769 */
              p_to_tax_type => i.tax_type,
	      p_to_service_type   => cur_debit.service_type_code,/* added by ssawant for bug 5879769 */
              p_to_trx_amount => ln_transfer_amt,
              p_called_from => 'SETTLEMENT',
              p_trx_date => i.settlement_date,
              p_acct_req => jai_constants.yes,
              p_source => 'SETTLEMENT',
              p_source_trx_type => 'SETTLEMENT',
              p_source_table_name => 'JAI_RGM_SETTLEMENTS',
              p_source_doc_id => pn_settlement_id,
              p_settlement_id => pn_settlement_id,
              p_reference_id => NULL,
              p_process_flag => pv_process_flag,
              p_process_message => pv_process_message,
              p_accounting_date => i.settlement_date);
Line: 804

           insert_into_vat_register(p_repository_id => ln_repository_id,
                  p_regime_id => i.regime_id,
                  p_from_party_type => cur_credit.party_type,
                  p_from_party_id => cur_credit.party_id,
                  p_from_locn_id => NULL,
                  p_from_tax_type => i.tax_type,
                  p_from_trx_amount => ln_transfer_amt,
                  p_to_party_type => cur_debit.party_type,
                  p_to_party_id => cur_debit.party_id,
                  p_to_locn_id => cur_debit.location_id,
                  p_to_tax_type => i.tax_type,
                  p_to_trx_amount => ln_transfer_amt,
                  p_called_from => 'SETTLEMENT',
                  p_trx_date => i.settlement_date,
                  p_acct_req => jai_constants.yes,
                  p_source => 'SETTLEMENT',
                  p_source_trx_type => 'SETTLEMENT',
                  p_source_table_name => 'JAI_RGM_SETTLEMENTS',
                  p_source_doc_id => ln_dist_dtl_id,
                  p_settlement_id => pn_settlement_id,
                  p_reference_id => NULL,
                  p_process_flag => pv_process_flag,
                  p_process_message => pv_process_message,
                      p_accounting_date => i.settlement_date);
Line: 839

            update  jai_rgm_stl_balances
            SET     debit_balance = debit_balance - ln_transfer_amt
            WHERE   rowid = cur_debit.rowid;
Line: 843

            update  jai_rgm_stl_balances
            SET     credit_balance = credit_balance - ln_transfer_amt
            WHERE   rowid = cur_credit.rowid;
Line: 856

      FOR I in (select  *
                from    jai_rgm_stl_balances
                where   settlement_id = pn_settlement_id)
        IF NVL(i.debit_balance,0) = NVL(i.credit_balance,0) THEN
          UPDATE  jai_rgm_trx_records
          SET     settled_flag = 'Y',
                  settled_amount = NULL
          WHERE   tax_type = i.tax_type
          AND     organization_id = i.party_id
          AND     nvl(location_id,-999) = nvl(i.location_id,-999)
          AND     organization_type = i.party_type
          AND     settlement_id <= pn_settlement_id;
Line: 871

          SELECT  count(*)
          INTO    ln_debit_cnt
          FROM    jai_rgm_trx_records
          WHERE   tax_type = i.tax_type
          AND     organization_id = i.party_id
          AND     nvl(location_id,-999)  = nvl(i.location_id,-999)
          AND     organization_type = i.party_type
          AND     settlement_id <= pn_settlement_id
          AND     NVL(settled_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
          AND     NVL(credit_amount,0) - NVL(debit_amount,0) - NVL(settled_amount,0) < 0;
Line: 887

          SELECT  count(*)
          INTO    ln_credit_cnt
          FROM    jai_rgm_trx_records
          WHERE   tax_type = i.tax_type
          AND     organization_id = i.party_id
          AND     nvl(location_id,-999)  = nvl(i.location_id,-999)
          AND     organization_type = i.party_type
          AND     settlement_id <= pn_settlement_id
          AND     NVL(settled_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
          AND     NVL(credit_amount,0) - NVL(debit_amount,0) - NVL(settled_amount,0) > 0;
Line: 915

              UPDATE  jai_rgm_trx_records
              SET     settled_amount = NVL(settled_amount,0) - ln_transfer_amt,
                      settled_flag = 'P'
              WHERE   rowid = cur_debit.rowid;
Line: 920

              UPDATE  jai_rgm_trx_records
              SET     settled_amount = NVL(settled_amount,0) + ln_transfer_amt,
                      settled_flag = 'P'
              WHERE   rowid = cur_credit.rowid;
Line: 933

        UPDATE  jai_rgm_trx_records
        SET     settled_flag = 'Y',
                settled_amount = debit_amount*-1
        WHERE   settlement_id <= pn_settlement_id
        AND     organization_id = i.party_id
        AND     organization_type = i.party_type
        AND     nvl(location_id,-999)  = nvl(i.location_id,-999)
        AND     tax_type = i.tax_type
        AND     debit_amount > 0
        AND     debit_amount = settled_amount*-1;
Line: 944

        UPDATE  jai_rgm_trx_records
        SET     settled_flag = 'Y',
                settled_amount = credit_amount
        WHERE   settlement_id <= pn_settlement_id
        AND     organization_id = i.party_id
        AND     nvl(location_id,-999)  = nvl(i.location_id,-999)
        AND     organization_type = i.party_type
        AND     tax_type = i.tax_type
        AND     credit_amount > 0
        AND     credit_amount = settled_amount;
Line: 978

                            pn_last_updated_by    IN  ap_invoices_interface.last_updated_by%TYPE,
                            pd_last_update_date   IN  ap_invoices_interface.last_update_date%TYPE,
                            pn_last_update_login  IN  ap_invoices_interface.last_update_login%TYPE,
                            pv_system_invoice_no OUT NOCOPY jai_rgm_settlements.system_invoice_no%TYPE,
                            pv_process_flag OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                            pv_process_message OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)

    /* Bug 5243532. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami
     * (1) Removed the cursor c_functional_currency which is referring
     * to hr_operating_units and implemented using caching logic.
     * (2) Removed cursor cur_currency_precision as the precision
     * is derived using caching logic.

    CURSOR for_terms_id(ven_id NUMBER,ven_site_id NUMBER) IS
    SELECT  terms_id,
            --payment_method_lookup_code, --commented the column by Sanjikum for Bug#4482462
    FROM    po_vendor_sites_all
    WHERE   vendor_id = pn_vendor_id
    AND     vendor_site_id = pn_vendor_site_id;
Line: 1002

    SELECT  terms_id,
            --payment_method_lookup_code, --commented the column by Sanjikum for Bug#4482462
    FROM    po_vendors
    WHERE   vendor_id = pn_vendor_id;
Line: 1009

    SELECT  NVL(MAX(line_number),0)
    FROM    ap_invoice_lines_interface
    -- bug 4929081. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami
    WHERE invoice_id = pn_invoice_id;
Line: 1015

    SELECT  jai_rgm_settlements_s1.NEXTVAL --rchandan for bug#4487676. JAI_RGM_SETTLEMENT_INVOICE_S is replaced with JAI_RGM_SETTLEMENTS_S1
    FROM    dual;
Line: 1020

    SELECT  tax_type, debit, credit, NVL(debit,0) - NVL(credit,0) balance_amount
    WHERE   settlement_id = pn_settlement_id
    AND     NVL(debit,0) - NVL(credit,0) > 0;
Line: 1030

    SELECT party_id                          ,
           location_id                       ,
           service_type_code                 ,
           tax_type                          ,
		       sum(debit_balance) debit_balance  ,
		       sum(credit_balance) credit_balance,
		       NVL(sum(debit_balance),0) - NVL(sum(credit_balance),0) balance_amount
		 WHERE settlement_id = pn_settlement_id
		 GROUP BY party_id,location_id,service_type_code,tax_type
    HAVING sum(debit_balance) - sum(credit_balance) > 0 ;
Line: 1044

    SELECT party_id,location_id,tax_type,
           sum(debit_balance) debit_balance, sum(credit_balance) credit_balance,
           NVL(sum(debit_balance),0) - NVL(sum(credit_balance),0) balance_amount
    WHERE   settlement_id = pn_settlement_id
    GROUP BY party_id,location_id,tax_type
    HAVING sum(debit_balance) - sum(credit_balance) > 0 ;
Line: 1053

		SELECT party_id,location_id,tax_type,
					 sum(debit_balance) debit_balance, sum(credit_balance) credit_balance,
					 NVL(sum(debit_balance),0) - NVL(sum(credit_balance),0) balance_amount
		WHERE   settlement_id = pn_settlement_id
    GROUP BY party_id,location_id,tax_type;
Line: 1061

    SELECT  attribute_sequence, attribute_code tax_type, RATE
    WHERE   regime_id = pn_regime_id
    AND     registration_type = p_reg_type--rchandan for bug#4428980
Line: 1068

    SELECT regime_code,description
     WHERE regime_id = pn_regime_id;
Line: 1073

    SELECT party_id,location_id
      FROM jai_rgm_stl_balances
     WHERE settlement_id = pn_settlement_id
     GROUP BY party_id,location_id
     HAVING sum(debit_balance) - sum(credit_balance) > 0;
Line: 1082

    SELECT  'Y'
      FROM  ap_invoices_interface
     WHERE  invoice_id = pn_invoice_id;
Line: 1194

                    p_jai_source                  => 'SETTLEMENT',
                    p_invoice_id                  => ln_invoice_id,
                    p_invoice_num                 => lv_invoice_num,
                    p_invoice_date                => v_open_gl_date,
                    p_gl_date                     => v_open_gl_date,
                    p_vendor_id                   => pn_vendor_id,
                    p_vendor_site_id              => pn_vendor_site_id,
                    p_invoice_amount              => ROUND(pn_invoice_amount, ln_precision),
                    p_invoice_currency_code       => lv_currency_code,
                    p_terms_id                    => for_terms_id_rec.terms_id,
                    p_description                 => 'Settlement of '||lv_regime.description||' Liability on '||pd_settlement_date||' for registration no '||pv_regsitration_no,      /*4245365*/
    		    /* Bug 5359044. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami
		     * Changed the p_source from 'EXTERNAL'
                    /* Bug 5373747. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami
                     * As per the discussion with AP Team changing the source
                     * as 'INDIA TAX SETTLEMENT'
                    p_source                      => 'INDIA TAX SETTLEMENT',
                    p_voucher_num                 => lv_invoice_num,
                    --p_payment_method_lookup_code  => for_terms_id_rec.payment_method_lookup_code, --commented by Sanjikum for Bug#4482462
                    p_pay_group_lookup_code       => for_terms_id_rec.pay_group_lookup_code,
                    p_org_id                      => pn_org_id,
                    p_created_by                  => pn_created_by,
                    p_creation_date               => pd_creation_date,
                    p_last_updated_by             => pn_last_updated_by,
                    p_last_update_date            => pd_last_update_date,
                    p_last_update_login           => pn_last_update_login);
Line: 1254

                      p_jai_source                  => 'SETTLEMENT',
                      p_invoice_id                  => ln_invoice_id,
                      p_invoice_line_id             => ln_invoice_line_id,
                      p_line_number                 => counter_tds_dm_v,
                      p_line_type_lookup_code       => 'ITEM',
                      p_amount                      => ROUND(i.balance_amount,ln_precision),
                      p_accounting_date             => v_open_gl_date,
                      p_description                 => lv_regime.description||' Liability Payment for Tax Type '||i.tax_type||' of Service Type '||i.service_type_code,  /*4245365*//* added by ssawant for bug 5879769 . Added service_type_code*/
                      p_dist_code_combination_id    => ln_dist_code_combination_id,
                      p_created_by                  => pn_created_by,
                      p_creation_date               => pd_creation_date,
                      p_last_updated_by             => pn_last_updated_by,
                      p_last_update_date            => pd_last_update_date,
                      p_last_update_login           => pn_last_update_login);
Line: 1297

                    p_jai_source                  => 'SETTLEMENT',
                    p_invoice_id                  => ln_invoice_id,
                    p_invoice_line_id             => ln_invoice_line_id,
                    p_line_number                 => counter_tds_dm_v,
                    p_line_type_lookup_code       => 'ITEM',
                    p_amount                      => ROUND(i.balance_amount,ln_precision),
                    p_accounting_date             => v_open_gl_date,
                    p_description                 => lv_regime.description||' Liability Payment for Organization:'||i.party_id||'Location:'||i.location_id||' Tax Type: '||i.tax_type,  /*4245365*/
                    p_dist_code_combination_id    => ln_dist_code_combination_id,
                    p_created_by                  => pn_created_by,
                    p_creation_date               => pd_creation_date,
                    p_last_updated_by             => pn_last_updated_by,
                    p_last_update_date            => pd_last_update_date,
                    p_last_update_login           => pn_last_update_login);
Line: 1340

												p_jai_source                  => 'SETTLEMENT',
												p_invoice_id                  => ln_invoice_id,
												p_invoice_line_id             => ln_invoice_line_id,
												p_line_number                 => counter_tds_dm_v,
												p_line_type_lookup_code       => 'ITEM',
												p_amount                      => ROUND(i.balance_amount,ln_precision),
												p_accounting_date             => v_open_gl_date,
												p_description                 => lv_regime.description||' Liability Payment for Organization:'||i.party_id||'Location:'||i.location_id||' Tax Type: '||i.tax_type,
												p_dist_code_combination_id    => ln_dist_code_combination_id,
												p_created_by                  => pn_created_by,
												p_creation_date               => pd_creation_date,
												p_last_updated_by             => pn_last_updated_by,
												p_last_update_date            => pd_last_update_date,
												p_last_update_login           => pn_last_update_login);
Line: 1403

          p_jai_source                  => 'SETTLEMENT',
          p_invoice_id                  => ln_invoice_id,
          p_invoice_line_id             => ln_invoice_line_id,
          p_line_number                 => counter_tds_dm_v,
          p_line_type_lookup_code       => 'ITEM',
          p_amount                      => ln_amount1,
          p_accounting_date             => v_open_gl_date,
          p_description                 => 'Service Tax Excess Payment for Tax Type '||lv_tax_type1,
          p_dist_code_combination_id    => ln_dist_code_combination_id,
          p_created_by                  => pn_created_by,
          p_creation_date               => pd_creation_date,
          p_last_updated_by             => pn_last_updated_by,
          p_last_update_date            => pd_last_update_date,
          p_last_update_login           => pn_last_update_login);
Line: 1438

          p_jai_source                  => 'SETTLEMENT',
          p_invoice_id                  => ln_invoice_id,
          p_invoice_line_id             => ln_invoice_line_id,
          p_line_number                 => counter_tds_dm_v,
          p_line_type_lookup_code       => 'ITEM',
          p_amount                      => ln_amount2,
          p_accounting_date             => v_open_gl_date,
          p_description                 => 'Service Tax Excess Payment for Tax Type '||lv_tax_type2,
          p_dist_code_combination_id    => ln_dist_code_combination_id,
          p_created_by                  => pn_created_by,
          p_creation_date               => pd_creation_date,
          p_last_updated_by             => pn_last_updated_by,
          p_last_update_date            => pd_last_update_date,
          p_last_update_login           => pn_last_update_login);
Line: 1485

          p_jai_source                  => 'SETTLEMENT',
          p_invoice_id                  => ln_invoice_id,
          p_invoice_line_id             => ln_invoice_line_id,
          p_line_number                 => counter_tds_dm_v,
          p_line_type_lookup_code       => 'ITEM',
          p_amount                      => ln_amount,
          p_accounting_date             => v_open_gl_date,
          p_description                 => 'Value Added Tax Excess Payment for Tax Type '||lv_tax_type,
          p_dist_code_combination_id    => ln_dist_code_combination_id,
          p_created_by                  => pn_created_by,
          p_creation_date               => pd_creation_date,
          p_last_updated_by             => pn_last_updated_by,
          p_last_update_date            => pd_last_update_date,
          p_last_update_login           => pn_last_update_login);
Line: 1572

    SELECT  MAX(settlement_date)
    WHERE   party_id = pn_org_id;
Line: 1594

    SELECT MAX(jbal.settlement_date)
      FROM JAI_RGM_STL_BALANCES jbal,jai_rgm_settlements jstl
     WHERE jbal.settlement_id = jstl.settlement_id
       AND jstl.regime_id = pn_regime_id
       AND party_id = pn_org_id
       AND location_id = pn_location_id;
Line: 1624

    SELECT  debit_balance, credit_balance
    WHERE   party_id = pn_org_id
    AND     tax_type = pv_tax_type
    AND     settlement_date = (SELECT MAX(settlement_date)
                              FROM    JAI_RGM_STL_BALANCES
                              WHERE   party_id = pn_org_id
                              AND     tax_type = pv_tax_type);
Line: 1638

                SELECT  debit_balance, credit_balance
                FROM    JAI_RGM_STL_BALANCES
                WHERE   party_id = pn_org_id
                AND     tax_type = pv_tax_type
                AND     settlement_id = (SELECT MAX(settlement_id)
		WHERE party_id = pn_org_id
		AND tax_type = pv_tax_type);
Line: 1678

      SELECT sum(debit_balance), sum(credit_balance) /* added sum by ssawant for bug 5879769 */
    WHERE party_id = pn_org_id
      AND location_id = pn_location_id
      AND tax_type = pv_tax_type
      AND nvl(service_type_code,'-999') = nvl(pv_service_type_code, '-999' ) /* added by ssawant for bug 5879769 */
      AND settlement_id                 = (SELECT MAX(jbal.settlement_id)
                                           FROM JAI_RGM_STL_BALANCES jbal,
					   jai_rgm_settlements jstl
				            WHERE jbal.settlement_id = jstl.settlement_id
				              AND jstl.regime_id = pn_regime_id
				              AND party_id = pn_org_id
				              AND location_id = pn_location_id
					      AND nvl(service_type_code,'-999') = nvl(pv_service_type_code, '-999' ) /* added by ssawant for bug 5879769 */
				              AND tax_type = pv_tax_type);
Line: 1726

    SELECT  tax_type                  ,
            SUM(debit_balance) debit  ,
            SUM(credit_balance) credit,
            NVL(SUM(debit_balance),0) - NVL(SUM(credit_balance),0) balance_amount,
            party_id                  ,
            party_type                ,
            location_id               ,
            service_type_code   /* added by ssawant for bug 5879769 */
    FROM    jai_rgm_stl_balances
    WHERE   settlement_id = pn_settlement_id
    GROUP BY tax_type, party_type, party_id,location_id,service_type_code   /* added by ssawant for bug 5879769 */
    HAVING NVL(SUM(debit_balance),0) - NVL(SUM(credit_balance),0) > 0;
Line: 1740

    SELECT  *
    FROM    jai_rgm_settlements
    WHERE settlement_id = pn_settlement_id;
Line: 1745

    SELECT  attribute_sequence, attribute_code tax_type, RATE
    WHERE   regime_id = pn_regime_id
    AND     registration_type = p_reg_type   --rchandan for bug#4428980
Line: 1754

    SELECT  org_id
    FROM    po_vendor_sites_all
    WHERE   vendor_id = c_vendor_id
    AND     vendor_site_id = c_vendor_site_id;
Line: 1760

    SELECT regime_code,description
     WHERE regime_id = pn_regime_id;
Line: 1765

    SELECT party_id,location_id
      FROM jai_rgm_stl_balances
     WHERE settlement_id = pn_settlement_id
     GROUP BY party_id,location_id
     HAVING sum(debit_balance) - sum(credit_balance) > 0;
Line: 1771

    /*SELECT organization_id,location_id
     WHERE regime_code = 'VAT'
       AND rownum = 1;     */
Line: 1812

          p_repository_id        => ln_repository_id,
          p_regime_id            => pn_regime_id,
          p_tax_type             => i.tax_type,
          p_organization_type    => jai_constants.orgn_type_io,   /* added by ssawant for bug 5879769 */
          p_organization_id      => i.party_id,
          p_location_id          => i.location_id ,   /* added by ssawant for bug 5879769 */
          p_source               => jai_constants.source_settle_in,
          p_source_trx_type      => 'Invoice Payment',
          p_source_table_name    => 'JAI_RGM_SETTLEMENTS',
          p_source_document_id   => pn_settlement_id,
          p_transaction_date     => pd_transaction_date,/* +1 is removed by ssawant for bug 5662296 */
          p_account_name         => NULL,
          p_charge_account_id    => NULL,
          p_balancing_account_id => NULL,
          p_amount               => i.balance_amount,
          p_discounted_amount    => ln_discounted_amount,
          p_assessable_value     => NULL,
          p_tax_rate             => NULL,
          p_reference_id         => NULL,
          p_batch_id             => NULL,
          p_called_from          => 'JAIRGMSP',
          p_accntg_required_flag => jai_constants.no,
          p_process_flag         => pv_process_flag,
          p_process_message      => pv_process_message,
          p_accounting_date      => pd_transaction_date,
          p_currency_code        => jai_constants.func_curr, --File.Sql.35 Cbabu
	  p_service_type_code    => i.service_type_code /* added by ssawant for bug 5879769 */
Line: 1847

          UPDATE jai_rgm_trx_records
             SET settlement_id = pn_settlement_id
           WHERE repository_id = ln_repository_id;
Line: 1865

                                  pn_repository_id  => ln_repository_id,
                                      pn_regime_id  => pn_regime_id,
                                       pv_tax_type  => i.tax_type,
                              pv_organization_type  => jai_constants.orgn_type_io,
                                pn_organization_id  => i.party_id,
                                    pn_location_id  => i.location_id,
                                         pv_source  => jai_constants.source_settle_in,
                                pv_source_trx_type  => 'Invoice Payment',
                              pv_source_table_name  => 'JAI_RGM_SETTLEMENTS',
                                      pn_source_id  => pn_settlement_id,
                               pd_transaction_date  => pd_transaction_date,/* +1 is removed by ssawant for bug 5662296 */
                                   pv_account_name  => jai_constants.recovery,
                              pn_charge_account_id  => ln_charge_accounting_id,
                           pn_balancing_account_id  => NULL,
                                  pn_credit_amount  => ln_credit_amount,
                                   pn_debit_amount  => ln_debit_amount,
                               pn_assessable_value  => NULL,
                                       pn_tax_rate  => NULL,
                                   pn_reference_id  => NULL,
                                       pn_batch_id  => NULL,
                            pn_inv_organization_id  => i.party_id,
                                     pv_invoice_no  => NULL,
                                    pv_called_from  => 'JAIRGMSP',
                                   pv_process_flag  => pv_process_flag,
                                pv_process_message  => pv_process_message,
                                pd_invoice_date     => NULL
Line: 1900

      UPDATE jai_rgm_trx_records
         SET settlement_id = pn_settlement_id
       WHERE repository_id = ln_repository_id;
Line: 1933

            p_repository_id         => ln_repository_id,
            p_regime_id             => pn_regime_id,
            p_tax_type              => lv_tax_type1,
            p_organization_type     => jai_constants.orgn_type_ou,
            p_organization_id       => ln_org_id,
            p_location_id           => NULL,
            p_source                => jai_constants.source_settle_in,
            p_source_trx_type       => 'Invoice Payment',
            p_source_table_name     => 'JAI_RGM_SETTLEMENTS',
            p_source_document_id    => pn_settlement_id,
            p_transaction_date      => pd_transaction_date,/* +1 is removed by ssawant for bug 5662296 */
            p_account_name          => NULL,
            p_charge_account_id     => NULL,
            p_balancing_account_id  => NULL,
            p_amount                => ln_amount1,
            p_discounted_amount     => ln_discounted_amount,
            p_assessable_value      => NULL,
            p_tax_rate              => NULL,
            p_reference_id          => NULL,
            p_batch_id              => NULL,
            p_called_from           => 'JAIRGMSP',
            p_accntg_required_flag  => jai_constants.no,
            p_process_flag          => pv_process_flag,
            p_process_message       => pv_process_message,
            p_accounting_date       => pd_transaction_date
          , p_currency_code           => jai_constants.func_curr --File.Sql.35 Cbabu
Line: 1967

            p_repository_id         => ln_repository_id,
            p_regime_id             => pn_regime_id,
            p_tax_type              => lv_tax_type2,
            p_organization_type     => jai_constants.orgn_type_ou,
            p_organization_id       => ln_org_id,
            p_location_id           => NULL,
            p_source                => jai_constants.source_settle_in,
            p_source_trx_type       => 'Invoice Payment',
            p_source_table_name     => 'JAI_RGM_SETTLEMENTS',
            p_source_document_id    => pn_settlement_id,
            p_transaction_date      => pd_transaction_date, /* +1 is removed by ssawant for bug 5662296 */
            p_account_name          => NULL,
            p_charge_account_id     => NULL,
            p_balancing_account_id  => NULL,
            p_amount                => ln_amount2,
            p_discounted_amount     => ln_discounted_amount,
            p_assessable_value      => NULL,
            p_tax_rate              => NULL,
            p_reference_id          => NULL,
            p_batch_id              => NULL,
            p_called_from           => 'JAIRGMSP',
            p_accntg_required_flag  => jai_constants.no,
            p_process_flag          => pv_process_flag,
            p_process_message       => pv_process_message,
            p_accounting_date       => pd_transaction_date
          , p_currency_code           => jai_constants.func_curr --File.Sql.35 Cbabu
Line: 2021

                                      pn_repository_id  => ln_repository_id,
                                          pn_regime_id  => pn_regime_id,
                                           pv_tax_type  => lv_tax_type,
                                  pv_organization_type  => jai_constants.orgn_type_io,
                                    pn_organization_id  => org_io_rec.party_id,
                                        pn_location_id  => org_io_rec.location_id,
                                             pv_source  => jai_constants.source_settle_in,
                                    pv_source_trx_type  => 'Invoice Payment',
                                  pv_source_table_name  => 'JAI_RGM_SETTLEMENTS',
                                          pn_source_id  => pn_settlement_id,
                                   pd_transaction_date  => pd_transaction_date, /* +1 is removed by ssawant for bug 5662296 */
                                       pv_account_name  => NULL,
                          pn_charge_account_id  => NULL,
                   pn_balancing_account_id  => NULL,
                          pn_credit_amount  => ln_credit_amount,
                           pn_debit_amount  => ln_debit_amount,
                       pn_assessable_value  => NULL,
                               pn_tax_rate  => NULL,
                           pn_reference_id  => NULL,
                               pn_batch_id  => NULL,
                    pn_inv_organization_id  => org_io_rec.party_id,
                             pv_invoice_no  => NULL,
                            pv_called_from  => 'JAIRGMSP',
                           pv_process_flag  => pv_process_flag,
                        pv_process_message  => pv_process_message,
                        pd_invoice_date     => NULL
Line: 2084

 	 SELECT MAX(jbal.settlement_date)
 	   FROM JAI_RGM_STL_BALANCES jbal,jai_rgm_settlements jstl
 	  WHERE jbal.settlement_id = jstl.settlement_id
 	    AND jstl.regime_id     = pn_regime_id
 	    AND jstl.primary_registration_no = pn_regn_no
 	    AND jbal.party_id      = nvl(pn_organization_id,jbal.party_id)
 	    AND jbal.location_id   = nvl(pn_location_id,jbal.location_id);