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Line 734: jai_inv_items_pkg.jai_get_attrib (

731: /*
732: ||Get the value for the item classification pertaining to the IO and inventory item combination
733: */
734: jai_inv_items_pkg.jai_get_attrib (
735: p_regime_code => jai_constants.tcs_regime ,
736: p_organization_id => p_ooh.ship_from_org_id , -- Organization id of the Selling organization (warehouse_id)
737: p_inventory_item_id => rec_cur_validate_all_items.inventory_item_id ,
738: p_attribute_code => jai_constants.rgm_attr_cd_itm_class ,

Line 754: pv_log_msg => 'Error In processing of jai_inv_items_pkg.jai_get_attrib'||fnd_global.local_chr(10)

750: */
751: --call to debug package
752: /*commented by csahoo for bug# 6401388
753: jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print ( pn_reg_id => ln_reg_id ,
754: pv_log_msg => 'Error In processing of jai_inv_items_pkg.jai_get_attrib'||fnd_global.local_chr(10)
755: ||', lv_process_flag -> '|| lv_process_flag ||fnd_global.local_chr(10)
756: ||', lv_process_message -> '||lv_process_message
757: );*/

Line 1185: jai_inv_items_pkg.jai_get_attrib (

1182: /*
1183: ||Get the value for the item classification pertaining to the IO and inventory item combination
1184: */
1185: jai_inv_items_pkg.jai_get_attrib (
1186: p_regime_code => jai_constants.tcs_regime ,
1187: p_organization_id => rec_cur_validate_all_items.organization_id ,
1188: p_inventory_item_id => rec_cur_validate_all_items.inventory_item_id ,
1189: p_attribute_code => jai_constants.rgm_attr_cd_itm_class ,

Line 1205: pv_log_msg => 'Error In processing of jai_inv_items_pkg.jai_get_attrib'||fnd_global.local_chr(10)

1201: */
1202: --call to debug package
1203: /*commented by csahoo for bug# 6401388
1204: jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print ( pn_reg_id => ln_reg_id ,
1205: pv_log_msg => 'Error In processing of jai_inv_items_pkg.jai_get_attrib'||fnd_global.local_chr(10)
1206: ||', lv_process_flag -> '|| lv_process_flag ||fnd_global.local_chr(10)
1207: ||', lv_process_message -> '||lv_process_message
1208: );*/

Line 1595: jai_inv_items_pkg.jai_get_attrib (

1592: /*
1593: ||Get the value for the item classification pertaining to the IO and inventory item combination
1594: */
1595: jai_inv_items_pkg.jai_get_attrib (
1596: p_regime_code => jai_constants.tcs_regime ,
1597: p_organization_id => ln_app_fr_organization_id ,
1598: p_inventory_item_id => ln_app_fr_inventory_item_id ,
1599: p_attribute_code => jai_constants.rgm_attr_cd_itm_class ,

Line 1667: jai_inv_items_pkg.jai_get_attrib (

1664: /*
1665: ||Get the value for the item classification pertaining to the IO and inventory item combination
1666: */
1667: jai_inv_items_pkg.jai_get_attrib (
1668: p_regime_code => jai_constants.tcs_regime ,
1669: p_organization_id => ln_app_to_organization_id ,
1670: p_inventory_item_id => ln_app_to_inventory_item_id ,
1671: p_attribute_code => jai_constants.rgm_attr_cd_itm_class ,

Line 2191: jai_inv_items_pkg.jai_get_attrib (

2187: LOOP
2188: /*
2189: ||Get the value for the item classification pertaining to the IO and inventory item combination
2190: */
2191: jai_inv_items_pkg.jai_get_attrib (
2192: p_regime_code => jai_constants.tcs_regime ,
2193: p_organization_id => rec_cur_get_inv_line_det.organization_id ,
2194: p_inventory_item_id => rec_cur_get_inv_line_det.inventory_item_id ,
2195: p_attribute_code => jai_constants.rgm_attr_cd_itm_class ,