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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 18

   select decode(pbg.METHOD_OF_GENERATION_EMP_NUM,'A'
                                       , p_property_off , p_property_on)
                                       , p_property_off, p_property_on)
   into p_employee_property
   ,    p_applicant_property
   from per_business_groups pbg
   where pbg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 44

  select hoi1.org_information12
  ,      hoi1.org_information13
  into   p_minimum_age
  ,      p_maximum_age
  from hr_organization_information hoi1
  where  p_business_group_id +0 = hoi1.organization_id
  and    hoi1.org_information_context = 'Business Group Information';
Line: 74

   select past.assignment_status_type_id
   from   per_assignment_status_types past
   ,      per_ass_status_type_amends pasa
   where  pasa.assignment_status_type_id(+) = past.assignment_status_type_id
   and    pasa.business_group_id(+) + 0 = p_business_group_id
   and    nvl(past.business_group_id,p_business_group_id) = p_business_group_id
   and    nvl(past.legislation_code, p_legislation_code) =p_legislation_code
   and    nvl(pasa.active_flag,past.active_flag) = 'Y'
   and    nvl(pasa.default_flag,past.default_flag) = 'Y'
   and    nvl(pasa.per_system_status,past.per_system_status) = p_required_type;
Line: 100

select 'Y'
from sys.dual
where exists( select 1 from FND_DESCR_FLEX_CONTEXTS fdfc
              where fdfc.APPLICATION_ID = 800
              and fdfc.DESCRIPTIVE_FLEXFIELD_NAME = 'Person Developer DF'
              and fdfc.enabled_flag = 'Y'
              and fdfc.DESCRIPTIVE_FLEX_CONTEXT_CODE = p_legislation_code);
Line: 121

select 'Y'
from sys.dual
where exists( select 1 from fnd_descr_flex_column_usages fdfc
              where fdfc.APPLICATION_ID = 800
              and fdfc.enabled_flag = 'Y');
Line: 261

cursor fut_apl is select 'Y'
                  from sys.dual
                  where exists (select 'future assignment exists'
                                from   per_assignments_f paf
                                where  paf.person_id = p_person_id
                                and    paf.assignment_type = 'A'
                                and    paf.effective_start_date >= p_hire_date);
Line: 291

cursor fut_apl(l_assignment_id number) is select 'Y'
                  from sys.dual
                  where exists (select 'future assignment exists'
                                from   per_assignments_f paf
                                where  paf.assignment_id = l_assignment_id
                                and    paf.assignment_type = 'A'
                                and    paf.effective_start_date >= p_hire_date);
Line: 325

procedure update_period(p_person_id number
      ,p_hire_date date
      ,p_new_hire_date date
      ,p_adjusted_svc_date in date ) is
-- Update Period of serivice start date when Hire_date
-- has changed and Person_type has not.
-- Define Cursor.
cursor pps is select rowid,pps.*
               from per_periods_of_service pps
               where person_id = p_person_id
               and   date_start = p_hire_date
               for update of date_start nowait;
Line: 357

Line: 371

   per_periods_of_service_pkg.update_row(p_row_id  => pps_rec.rowid
   ,p_period_of_service_id           => pps_rec.PERIOD_OF_SERVICE_ID
   ,p_business_group_id              => pps_rec.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
   ,p_person_id                      => pps_rec.PERSON_ID
   ,p_date_start                     => p_new_hire_date
   ,p_termination_accepted_per_id => pps_rec.TERMINATION_ACCEPTED_PERSON_ID
   ,p_accepted_termination_date      => pps_rec.ACCEPTED_TERMINATION_DATE
   ,p_actual_termination_date        => pps_rec.ACTUAL_TERMINATION_DATE
   ,p_comments                       => pps_rec.COMMENTS
   ,p_final_process_date             => pps_rec.FINAL_PROCESS_DATE
   ,p_last_standard_process_date     => pps_rec.LAST_STANDARD_PROCESS_DATE
   ,p_leaving_reason                 => pps_rec.LEAVING_REASON
   ,p_notified_termination_date      => pps_rec.NOTIFIED_TERMINATION_DATE
   ,p_projected_termination_date     => pps_rec.PROJECTED_TERMINATION_DATE
   ,p_request_id                     => pps_rec.REQUEST_ID
   ,p_program_application_id         => pps_rec.PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID
   ,p_program_id                     => pps_rec.PROGRAM_ID
   ,p_program_update_date            => pps_rec.PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE
   ,p_attribute_category             => pps_rec.ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY
   ,p_attribute1                     => pps_rec.ATTRIBUTE1
   ,p_attribute2                     => pps_rec.ATTRIBUTE2
   ,p_attribute3                     => pps_rec.ATTRIBUTE3
   ,p_attribute4                     => pps_rec.ATTRIBUTE4
   ,p_attribute5                     => pps_rec.ATTRIBUTE5
   ,p_attribute6                     => pps_rec.ATTRIBUTE6
   ,p_attribute7                     => pps_rec.ATTRIBUTE7
   ,p_attribute8                     => pps_rec.ATTRIBUTE8
   ,p_attribute9                     => pps_rec.ATTRIBUTE9
   ,p_attribute10                    => pps_rec.ATTRIBUTE10
   ,p_attribute11                    => pps_rec.ATTRIBUTE11
   ,p_attribute12                    => pps_rec.ATTRIBUTE12
   ,p_attribute13                    => pps_rec.ATTRIBUTE13
   ,p_attribute14                    => pps_rec.ATTRIBUTE14
   ,p_attribute15                    => pps_rec.ATTRIBUTE15
   ,p_attribute16                    => pps_rec.ATTRIBUTE16
   ,p_attribute17                    => pps_rec.ATTRIBUTE17
   ,p_attribute18                    => pps_rec.ATTRIBUTE18
   ,p_attribute19                    => pps_rec.ATTRIBUTE19
   ,p_attribute20                    => pps_rec.ATTRIBUTE20
   ,p_pds_information_category       => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION_CATEGORY
   ,p_pds_information1               => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION1
   ,p_pds_information2               => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION2
   ,p_pds_information3               => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION3
   ,p_pds_information4               => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION4
   ,p_pds_information5               => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION5
   ,p_pds_information6               => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION6
   ,p_pds_information7               => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION7
   ,p_pds_information8               => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION8
   ,p_pds_information9               => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION9
   ,p_pds_information10              => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION10
   ,p_pds_information11              => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION11
   ,p_pds_information12              => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION12
   ,p_pds_information13              => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION13
   ,p_pds_information14              => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION14
   ,p_pds_information15              => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION15
   ,p_pds_information16              => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION16
   ,p_pds_information17              => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION17
   ,p_pds_information18              => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION18
   ,p_pds_information19              => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION19
   ,p_pds_information20              => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION20
   ,p_pds_information21              => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION21
   ,p_pds_information22              => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION22
   ,p_pds_information23              => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION23
   ,p_pds_information24              => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION24
   ,p_pds_information25              => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION25
   ,p_pds_information26              => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION26
   ,p_pds_information27              => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION27
   ,p_pds_information28              => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION28
   ,p_pds_information29              => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION29
   ,p_pds_information30              => pps_rec.PDS_INFORMATION30
   ,p_adjusted_svc_date              => l_adjusted_svc_date);
Line: 443

end update_period;
Line: 464

select assignment_id
from   per_all_assignments_f paf
where  paf.person_id       = p_person_id
and    paf.assignment_type = 'E'
and    p_start_date between
       paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date;
Line: 547

   select pav.vacancy_id,pav.name
         ,pa.assignment_id -- #2381925
     from per_assignments pa, per_all_vacancies pav
   , per_assignment_status_types pas
   where person_id = p_person_id
   and   pav.vacancy_id = pa.vacancy_id
   and   pa.assignment_status_type_id = pas.assignment_status_type_id
   and   pas.per_system_status = 'ACCEPTED'
   and   pa.assignment_type = 'A'
   and   pav.vacancy_id >nvl(p_last_vacancy,0)
   order by pav.vacancy_id asc;
Line: 577

           select vacancy_id
           into  l_dummy_id
           from per_all_vacancies pav
           where pav.number_of_openings <
                  (select count(distinct assignment_id) + 1
                    from per_all_assignments_f paf
                    where paf.vacancy_id = pav.vacancy_id
                    and   paf.assignment_type = 'E')
           and pav.vacancy_id = p_vacancy_id;
Line: 630

   select count(pa.assignment_id)
   into   p_num_accepted_appls
   from   per_assignments pa
   ,      per_assignment_status_types past
   where  pa.person_id =  p_person_id
   and    pa.assignment_status_type_id = past.assignment_status_type_id
   and    past.per_system_status = 'ACCEPTED';
Line: 647

         select pa.assignment_id
         into   p_new_primary_id
         from   per_assignments pa
         ,      per_assignment_status_types past
         where  pa.person_id =  p_person_id
         and    pa.assignment_status_type_id = past.assignment_status_type_id
         and    past.per_system_status = 'ACCEPTED';
Line: 678

   select count(pa.assignment_id)
   into   p_num_appls
   from   per_assignments pa
   where  pa.person_id =p_person_id
   and    pa.assignment_type = 'A';
Line: 693

	select min(effective_start_date), max(effective_end_date)
	from   per_people_f
	where  person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 716

	select min(effective_start_date), max(effective_end_date)
	from   per_assignments_f
	where  assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 822

      select fcl.meaning
      into p_ethnic_meaning
      from fnd_common_lookups fcl
      where fcl.lookup_type = 'US_ETHNIC_GROUP'
      and application_id = 800
      and fcl.lookup_code = p_ethnic_code;
Line: 830

      select fcl.meaning
      into p_visa_meaning
      from fnd_common_lookups fcl
      where fcl.lookup_type = 'US_VISA_TYPE'
      and application_id = 800
      and fcl.lookup_code = p_visa_code;
Line: 838

      select fcl.meaning
      into p_veteran_meaning
      from fnd_common_lookups fcl
      where fcl.lookup_type = 'US_VETERAN_STATUS'
      and application_id = 800
      and fcl.lookup_code = p_veteran_code;
Line: 846

      select fcl.meaning
      into p_i9_meaning
      from fnd_common_lookups fcl
      where fcl.lookup_type = 'PER_US_I9_STATE'
      and application_id = 800
      and fcl.lookup_code = p_i9_code;
Line: 854

      select fcl.meaning
      into p_new_hire_meaning
      from fnd_common_lookups fcl
      where fcl.lookup_type = 'US_NEW_HIRE_STATUS'
      and application_id = 800
      and fcl.lookup_code = p_new_hire_code;
Line: 862

      select fcl.meaning
      into p_reason_for_meaning
      from fnd_common_lookups fcl
      where fcl.lookup_type = 'US_NEW_HIRE_EXCEPTIONS'
      and application_id = 800
      and fcl.lookup_code = p_reason_for_code;
Line: 870

      select fcl.meaning
      into p_ethnic_disc_meaning
      from fnd_common_lookups fcl
      where fcl.lookup_type = 'US_ETHNIC_DISCLOSURE'
      and application_id = 800
      and fcl.lookup_code = p_ethnic_disc_code;
Line: 879

      select fcl.meaning
      into p_ethnic_meaning
      from fnd_common_lookups fcl
      where fcl.lookup_type = 'ETH_TYPE'
      and application_id = 800
      and fcl.lookup_code = p_ethnic_code;
Line: 896

select 'X'
into l_temp
from   sys.dual
where  exists ( select 'Events rows exist'
                from   per_events pe
                ,      per_assignments_f a
                where  pe.business_group_id  +0 = p_business_group_id
                and    pe.assignment_id = a.assignment_id
                and    pe.date_start
                     between a.effective_start_date and a.effective_end_date
                and    pe.date_start > p_hire_date
                and    a.person_id = p_person_id