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Line 24: Employer Balances in pay_action_information table.

20: Name : pay_us_action_arch
22: Description : This procedure is used by the External Process
23: Archive process to archive the Employee and
24: Employer Balances in pay_action_information table.
26: Change List
27: -----------
28: Date Name Vers Bug No Description

Line 4859: from pay_action_information

4855: cursor c_get_archive_info(cp_action_context_id in number
4856: ,cp_assignment_id in number) is
4857: select action_information_id, effective_date,
4858: object_version_number
4859: from pay_action_information
4860: where action_context_id = cp_action_context_id
4861: and action_context_type = 'AAP'
4862: and assignment_id = cp_assignment_id
4863: and action_information_category = 'EMPLOYEE DETAILS';

Line 4912: pay_action_information_api.update_action_information

4908: close c_get_employee_info;
4910: hr_utility.trace('lv_employee_name = *' || lv_employee_name ||'*');
4912: pay_action_information_api.update_action_information
4913: (p_action_information_id => ln_action_information_id
4914: ,p_object_version_number => ln_ovn
4915: ,p_action_information1 => lv_employee_name
4916: );

Line 5638: from pay_action_information

5634: and paa.assignment_action_id = cp_prepayment_action_id;
5636: cursor c_check_pay_action( cp_payroll_action_id in number) is
5637: select count(*)
5638: from pay_action_information
5639: where action_context_id = cp_payroll_action_id
5640: and action_context_type = 'PA';
5642: cursor c_payment_info(cp_prepay_action_id number) is

Line 5706: from pay_action_information pai

5702: and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
5703: and ppa.payroll_id = cp_payroll_id
5704: and ppa.action_type in ('Q', 'R', 'I','B')
5705: and not exists (select 'x'
5706: from pay_action_information pai
5707: where pai.action_context_id = cp_xfr_action_id
5708: and pai.assignment_id = paf1.assignment_id)
5709: and not exists (select 1
5710: from pay_payment_information_v ppi

Line 5723: from pay_action_information pai

5719: cursor c_prev_run_information(cp_assignment_id in number
5720: ,cp_xfr_action_id in number
5721: ,cp_effective_date in date) is
5722: select max(pai.effective_date)
5723: from pay_action_information pai
5724: where pai.action_context_type = 'AAP'
5725: and pai.assignment_id = cp_assignment_id
5726: and pai.action_information_category in ('AC EARNINGS', 'AC DEDUCTIONS')
5727: and pai.action_context_id <> cp_xfr_action_id