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Line 78: from mtl_system_items_kfv

74: if p_item_id is NULL then return 'Other'; end if;
75: if p_org_id is NULL then
76: select concatenated_segments
77: into l_item
78: from mtl_system_items_kfv
79: where inventory_item_id = p_item_id AND organization_id is NULL;
80: else
81: select concatenated_segments
82: into l_item

Line 83: from mtl_system_items_kfv

79: where inventory_item_id = p_item_id AND organization_id is NULL;
80: else
81: select concatenated_segments
82: into l_item
83: from mtl_system_items_kfv
84: where inventory_item_id = p_item_id AND organization_id = p_org_id;
85: end if;
86: return l_item;

Line 175: from mtl_system_items

171: where parameter_name = 'MSD_MASTER_ORG';
173: select NVL(primary_uom_code,'Ea')
174: into l_master_uom
175: from mtl_system_items
176: where inventory_item_id = item_id
177: and organization_id = l_master_org;
179: conv_rate := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(item_id,NULL,NULL,uom_code,l_master_uom,NULL,NULL);

Line 202: from mtl_system_items

198: BEGIN
199: if p_item_id is null then return NULL; end if;
200: select list_price_per_unit
201: into l_ret
202: from mtl_system_items
203: where (p_item_id = inventory_item_id) and
204: ((organization_id = p_org_id) OR (organization_id is null));
205: return l_ret;

Line 532: mtl_system_items msi, -- Parent

528: select 1
529: from
530: msd_app_instance_orgs morg,
531: bom_bill_of_materials bbm,
532: mtl_system_items msi, -- Parent
533: bom_inventory_components bic
534: where
535: bic.bill_sequence_id = bbm.bill_sequence_id
536: and bbm.organization_id = morg.organization_id

Line 574: mtl_system_items msi, -- Parent

570: select 1
571: from
572: msd_app_instance_orgs morg,
573: bom_bill_of_materials bbm,
574: mtl_system_items msi, -- Parent
575: bom_inventory_components bic
576: where
577: bic.bill_sequence_id = bbm.bill_sequence_id
578: and bbm.organization_id = morg.organization_id

Line 634: mtl_system_items msi, -- Parent

630: select 1
631: from
632: msd_app_instance_orgs morg,
633: bom_bill_of_materials bbm,
634: mtl_system_items msi, -- Parent
635: bom_inventory_components bic
636: where
637: bic.component_sequence_id = l_component_seq_id
638: and bic.bill_sequence_id = bbm.bill_sequence_id

Line 662: mtl_system_items msi,

658: select 1
659: from
660: msd_app_instance_orgs morg,
661: bom_bill_of_materials bbm,
662: mtl_system_items msi,
663: bom_inventory_components bic
664: where
665: bic.bill_sequence_id = bbm.bill_sequence_id
666: and bbm.organization_id = morg.organization_id

Line 724: mtl_system_items msi

720: CURSOR c_parent IS
721: SELECT assemb.assembly_item_id, msi.bom_item_type
722: FROM bom_bill_of_materials assemb,
723: bom_inventory_components comp,
724: mtl_system_items msi
725: WHERE
726: assemb.bill_sequence_id = comp.bill_sequence_id
727: and comp.component_sequence_id = p_comp_seq_id
728: and assemb.assembly_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id

Line 822: mtl_system_items parent,

818: CURSOR c_count IS
820: count(1)
821: FROM
822: mtl_system_items parent,
823: bom_inventory_components bic,
824: bom_bill_of_materials bom
825: WHERE
826: parent.bom_item_type = 5 and

Line 874: from mtl_system_items itm

870: CURSOR c_config_model (p_header_id IN NUMBER,
871: p_org_id IN NUMBER,
872: p_ato_line_id IN NUMBER) IS
873: select count(1)
874: from mtl_system_items itm
875: where inventory_item_id = (select inventory_item_id
876: from oe_order_lines_all l
877: where l.item_type_code = 'CONFIG'
878: and l.header_id = p_header_id

Line 1267: from mtl_system_items_kfv

1263: BEGIN
1265: select mrp_planning_code,pick_components_flag
1266: into lv_mrp_planning_code,lv_pick_components_flag
1267: from mtl_system_items_kfv
1268: where inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
1269: and organization_id = p_organization_id;
1271: If ( lv_mrp_planning_code <> 6 OR (lv_mrp_planning_code = 6 and lv_pick_components_flag ='Y')) THEN