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Line 38: cnt.event_id = cn_global.inv_event_id and -- INV/CM/DM collection

34: where
35: nvl(cnt.last_collected_date, cnt.notified_date) <= ara.application_date and
36: cnt.collected_flag = 'Y' and -- has been collected before
37: cnt.source_doc_type = 'AR' and -- AR collection
38: cnt.event_id = cn_global.inv_event_id and -- INV/CM/DM collection
39: cnt.source_trx_id = ara.customer_trx_id
40: -- cnt.processed_date between p_start_date and p_end_date -- within interested period
41: AND cnt.org_id = x_org_id -- MOAC Changes made by Ashley
42: AND ara.org_id = cnt.org_id -- MOAC Changes made by Ashley

Line 307: ctl.event_id = cn_global.inv_event_id

303: from cn_trx_lines ctl
304: where ctl.adjusted_flag = 'Y' and
305: ctl.negated_flag = 'N' and
306: ctl.collected_flag = 'N' and
307: ctl.event_id = cn_global.inv_event_id
308: AND org_id = x_org_id;
310: -- Get affected comm_lines_api_id
311: CURSOR neg_api_cursor(p_trx_line_id number) IS