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Line 2041: Update qp_interface_list_lines qpil

2037: IF p_spawned_request = 'N' or p_spawned_request IS NULL THEN
2039: -- Update the all the lines to be processed with request_id
2040: -- Bug 5208480(5208112,4188784) RAVI
2041: Update qp_interface_list_lines qpil
2042: Set qpil.request_id= l_request_id
2043: Where qpil.rowid IN
2044: (select l.rowid
2045: from qp_interface_list_lines l, qp_interface_list_headers h

Line 2045: from qp_interface_list_lines l, qp_interface_list_headers h

2041: Update qp_interface_list_lines qpil
2042: Set qpil.request_id= l_request_id
2043: Where qpil.rowid IN
2044: (select l.rowid
2045: from qp_interface_list_lines l, qp_interface_list_headers h
2046: where h.process_status_flag='I'
2047: and l.process_status_flag = 'P'
2048: and l.request_id is null
2049: and h.request_id = l_request_id

Line 2074: UPDATE qp_interface_list_lines qpil

2070: /**
2071: If interface action is update then load all null value interface columns
2072: with values from corresponding qp table columns
2073: **/
2074: UPDATE qp_interface_list_lines qpil
2075: SET ( accrual_conversion_rate,
2076: accrual_flag,
2077: accrual_qty,
2078: accrual_uom_code,

Line 3304: FROM qp_interface_list_lines qpil

3300: SET qpip.pricing_attr_value_to = '999999999999999'
3301: WHERE qpip.request_id = l_request_id
3302: AND EXISTS (
3303: SELECT 'YES'
3304: FROM qp_interface_list_lines qpil
3305: WHERE qpil.request_id = qpip.request_id
3306: AND qpip.orig_sys_line_ref = qpil.orig_sys_line_ref
3307: AND qpil.price_break_header_ref is not null
3308: AND qpip.pricing_attr_value_to is null

Line 3328: FROM qp_interface_list_lines

3325: --Number of lines to be processed
3327: SELECT count(*) INTO l_no_of_lines
3328: FROM qp_interface_list_lines
3329: WHERE request_id = l_request_id
3330: AND process_status_flag = 'P'
3331: AND price_break_header_ref is null
3332: AND rltd_modifier_grp_type is null;

Line 3340: FROM qp_interface_list_lines

3336: IF l_no_of_lines = 0 THEN
3338: SELECT count(*) INTO l_count
3339: FROM (SELECT 'Y'
3340: FROM qp_interface_list_lines
3341: WHERE request_id = l_request_id
3342: AND process_status_flag = 'P'
3343: UNION
3344: SELECT 'Y'

Line 3399: UPDATE qp_interface_list_lines

3395: G_thread_info_table(I).request_id := l_new_request_id;
3397: IF I=p_no_of_threads
3398: THEN
3399: UPDATE qp_interface_list_lines
3400: SET request_id = l_new_request_id
3401: WHERE request_id = l_request_id
3402: AND process_status_flag = 'P'
3403: AND price_break_header_ref IS NULL

Line 3407: UPDATE qp_interface_list_lines

3403: AND price_break_header_ref IS NULL
3404: AND rltd_modifier_grp_type IS NULL
3405: AND rownum <= l_batch_size+l_mod;
3406: ELSE
3407: UPDATE qp_interface_list_lines
3408: SET request_id = l_new_request_id
3409: WHERE request_id = l_request_id
3410: AND process_status_flag = 'P'
3411: AND price_break_header_ref IS NULL

Line 3449: UPDATE qp_interface_list_lines qpil

3445: select hsecs into l_start_time from v$timer;
3446: write_log( 'Start time :'||to_char(sysdate,'MM/DD/YYYY:HH:MM:SS'));
3448: -- Bug 5208480(5208112,4188784) RAVI
3449: UPDATE qp_interface_list_lines qpil
3450: SET qpil.request_id = l_request_id
3451: WHERE qpil.rowid IN
3452: ((SELECT c.rowid
3453: FROM qp_interface_list_lines p,qp_interface_list_lines c

Line 3453: FROM qp_interface_list_lines p,qp_interface_list_lines c

3449: UPDATE qp_interface_list_lines qpil
3450: SET qpil.request_id = l_request_id
3451: WHERE qpil.rowid IN
3452: ((SELECT c.rowid
3453: FROM qp_interface_list_lines p,qp_interface_list_lines c
3454: WHERE p.request_id = l_request_id
3455: AND c.request_id = p_request_id
3456: AND c.price_break_header_ref = p.orig_sys_line_ref
3457: AND c.rltd_modifier_grp_type = 'PRICE BREAK'

Line 3462: FROM qp_interface_list_lines p,qp_interface_list_lines c

3458: AND c.process_status_flag = 'P'
3459: AND p.process_status_flag = 'P' )
3460: UNION
3461: (SELECT c.rowid
3462: FROM qp_interface_list_lines p,qp_interface_list_lines c
3463: WHERE p.process_status_flag = 'I'
3464: AND c.request_id = p_request_id
3465: AND c.price_break_header_ref = p.orig_sys_line_ref
3466: AND c.rltd_modifier_grp_type = 'PRICE BREAK'

Line 3489: UPDATE qp_interface_list_lines qpil

3485: **/
3486: -- Bug#5353889 RAVI START
3487: -- Comment the update as the updates are already done.
3488: /**
3489: UPDATE qp_interface_list_lines qpil
3490: SET ( accrual_conversion_rate,
3491: accrual_flag,
3492: accrual_qty,
3493: accrual_uom_code,

Line 4225: FROM qp_interface_list_lines l, qp_interface_pricing_attribs pa

4221: UPDATE qp_interface_pricing_attribs qpip
4222: SET qpip.request_id = l_request_id
4223: WHERE qpip.rowid IN
4224: ((SELECT /*+ index(PA QP_INTERFACE_PRCNG_ATTRIBS_N4)*/ pa.ROWID --7433219
4225: FROM qp_interface_list_lines l, qp_interface_pricing_attribs pa
4226: WHERE l.request_id = l_request_id
4227: AND (pa.request_id = p_request_id or pa.request_id is NULL)
4228: AND pa.process_status_flag = 'P'
4229: AND l.process_status_flag = 'P'

Line 4238: FROM qp_interface_list_lines l, qp_interface_pricing_attribs pa

4234: -- End Bug No: 6235177
4235: AND pa.orig_sys_line_ref = l.orig_sys_line_ref)
4236: UNION
4237: (SELECT /*+ index(PA QP_INTERFACE_PRCNG_ATTRIBS_N4)*/ pa.ROWID --7433219
4238: FROM qp_interface_list_lines l, qp_interface_pricing_attribs pa
4239: WHERE l.process_status_flag = 'I'
4240: AND (pa.request_id = p_request_id or pa.request_id is NULL)
4241: AND pa.process_status_flag = 'P'
4242: -- Begin Bug No: 6235177

Line 4578: FROM qp_interface_list_lines

4574: END IF;
4575: */
4577: SELECT count(*) INTO l_suc_line
4578: FROM qp_interface_list_lines
4579: WHERE request_id = l_request_id
4580: AND process_status_flag = 'I';
4582: SELECT count(*) INTO l_err_line

Line 4583: FROM qp_interface_list_lines

4579: WHERE request_id = l_request_id
4580: AND process_status_flag = 'I';
4582: SELECT count(*) INTO l_err_line
4583: FROM qp_interface_list_lines
4584: WHERE request_id = l_request_id
4585: AND process_status_flag IS NULL;
4587: SELECT count(*) INTO l_suc_pr_attr

Line 5282: FROM qp_interface_list_lines

5280: --Bug#5359974 RAVI
5282: FROM qp_interface_list_lines
5283: WHERE request_id = p_request_id
5284: AND process_status_flag = 'P'
5285: AND interface_action_code='INSERT'
5286: ORDER BY LIST_LINE_TYPE_CODE; --bug 7315191

Line 5389: FROM qp_interface_list_lines

5387: --Bug#5359974 RAVI
5389: FROM qp_interface_list_lines
5390: WHERE request_id = p_request_id
5391: AND process_status_flag = 'P'
5392: AND interface_action_code='UPDATE';

Line 5625: update qp_interface_list_lines qill1

5621: -- 6028305
5623: if p_process_parent='N' then
5624: --Invalidate all the valid sibling break lines, in this request
5625: update qp_interface_list_lines qill1
5626: set qill1.process_status_flag=null
5627: where qill1.price_break_header_ref is not null
5628: and qill1.request_id=p_request_id
5629: and qill1.process_status_flag is not null

Line 5631: and exists (Select 'Y' from qp_interface_list_lines qill2

5627: where qill1.price_break_header_ref is not null
5628: and qill1.request_id=p_request_id
5629: and qill1.process_status_flag is not null
5630: --if any sibling of this child line fails validation in this request
5631: and exists (Select 'Y' from qp_interface_list_lines qill2
5632: where qill2.process_status_flag is null
5633: and qill2.request_id=p_request_id
5634: and qill2.price_break_header_ref=qill1.price_break_header_ref);

Line 5638: update qp_interface_list_lines qill1

5634: and qill2.price_break_header_ref=qill1.price_break_header_ref);
5636: write_log('Inside process_parent Lines Loaded for INS1: '||G_INS_LINE_REC.orig_sys_line_ref.count);
5637: --Invalidate all the valid price break header lines, in this request
5638: update qp_interface_list_lines qill1
5639: set qill1.process_status_flag=null
5640: where qill1.price_break_header_ref is null
5641: and qill1.LIST_LINE_TYPE_CODE='PBH'
5642: and qill1.request_id=p_request_id

Line 5645: and exists (Select 'Y' from qp_interface_list_lines qill2

5641: and qill1.LIST_LINE_TYPE_CODE='PBH'
5642: and qill1.request_id=p_request_id
5643: and qill1.process_status_flag is not null
5644: --if any price break qill2 of this header line fails validation in this request
5645: and exists (Select 'Y' from qp_interface_list_lines qill2
5646: where qill2.process_status_flag is null
5647: and qill2.LIST_LINE_TYPE_CODE='PLL'
5648: and qill2.request_id=p_request_id
5649: and qill2.price_break_header_ref=qill1.orig_sys_line_ref);

Line 5665: UPDATE qp_interface_list_lines

5662: --set process_status_flag
5663: FORALL I IN G_INS_LINE_REC.orig_sys_line_ref.FIRST
5664: ..G_INS_LINE_REC.orig_sys_line_ref.LAST
5665: UPDATE qp_interface_list_lines
5666: SET process_status_flag = decode(G_INS_LINE_REC.process_status_flag(I),'P', 'I',G_INS_LINE_REC.process_status_flag(I))
5667: WHERE orig_sys_line_ref = G_INS_LINE_REC.orig_sys_line_ref(I)
5668: AND orig_sys_header_ref = G_INS_LINE_REC.orig_sys_header_ref(I)
5669: AND request_id = p_request_id; -- Bug No: 6235177


5737: orig_sys_pricing_attr_ref,error_message)
5738: VALUES
5739: (qp_interface_errors_s.nextval, sysdate ,FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID, sysdate,
5740: FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID, FND_GLOBAL.CONC_LOGIN_ID, p_request_id, 660,
5742: G_INS_LINE_REC.orig_sys_header_ref(I),G_INS_LINE_REC.orig_sys_line_ref(I),
5743: null,null,l_msg_txt);
5744: END;
5745: END IF;

Line 5975: update qp_interface_list_lines qill1

5972: -- 6028305
5973: if p_process_parent='N' then
5974: --Invalidate all the valid sibling break lines, in this request
5975: update qp_interface_list_lines qill1
5976: set qill1.process_status_flag=null
5977: where qill1.price_break_header_ref is not null
5978: and qill1.request_id=p_request_id
5979: and qill1.process_status_flag is not null

Line 5981: and exists (Select 'Y' from qp_interface_list_lines qill2

5977: where qill1.price_break_header_ref is not null
5978: and qill1.request_id=p_request_id
5979: and qill1.process_status_flag is not null
5980: --if any sibling of this child line fails validation in this request
5981: and exists (Select 'Y' from qp_interface_list_lines qill2
5982: where qill2.process_status_flag is null
5983: and qill2.request_id=p_request_id
5984: and qill2.price_break_header_ref=qill1.price_break_header_ref);

Line 5988: update qp_interface_list_lines qill1

5984: and qill2.price_break_header_ref=qill1.price_break_header_ref);
5987: --Invalidate all the valid price break header lines, in this request
5988: update qp_interface_list_lines qill1
5989: set qill1.process_status_flag=null
5990: where qill1.price_break_header_ref is null
5991: and qill1.LIST_LINE_TYPE_CODE='PBH'
5992: and qill1.request_id=p_request_id

Line 5995: and exists (Select 'Y' from qp_interface_list_lines qill2

5991: and qill1.LIST_LINE_TYPE_CODE='PBH'
5992: and qill1.request_id=p_request_id
5993: and qill1.process_status_flag is not null
5994: --if any price break qill2 of this header line fails validation in this request
5995: and exists (Select 'Y' from qp_interface_list_lines qill2
5996: where qill2.process_status_flag is null
5997: and qill2.LIST_LINE_TYPE_CODE='PLL'
5998: and qill2.request_id=p_request_id
5999: and qill2.price_break_header_ref=qill1.orig_sys_line_ref);

Line 6009: UPDATE qp_interface_list_lines

6006: --set process_status_flag
6007: FORALL I IN G_UDT_LINE_REC.orig_sys_line_ref.FIRST
6008: ..G_UDT_LINE_REC.orig_sys_line_ref.LAST
6009: UPDATE qp_interface_list_lines
6010: SET process_status_flag = decode(G_UDT_LINE_REC.process_status_flag(I),'P', 'I',G_UDT_LINE_REC.process_status_flag(I))
6011: WHERE orig_sys_line_ref = G_UDT_LINE_REC.orig_sys_line_ref(I)
6012: AND orig_sys_header_ref = G_UDT_LINE_REC.orig_sys_header_ref(I)
6013: AND request_id = p_request_id; -- Bug No: 6235177

Line 6113: FROM qp_interface_pricing_attribs pa, qp_interface_list_lines l

6113: FROM qp_interface_pricing_attribs pa, qp_interface_list_lines l
6114: WHERE pa.request_id = p_request_id
6115: AND l.request_id = p_request_id -- bug no 5881528
6116: AND l.orig_sys_line_ref = pa.orig_sys_line_ref
6117: AND l.process_status_flag = 'I'

Line 6182: FROM qp_interface_pricing_attribs pa, qp_interface_list_lines l

6182: FROM qp_interface_pricing_attribs pa, qp_interface_list_lines l
6183: WHERE pa.request_id = p_request_id
6184: AND l.request_id = p_request_id -- bug no 5881528
6185: AND l.orig_sys_line_ref = pa.orig_sys_line_ref
6186: AND l.process_status_flag = 'I'

Line 6344: from qp_interface_pricing_Attribs q1,qp_interface_list_lines q2,qp_interface_list_lines q3

6340: and qill1.process_status_flag is not null
6341: and exists
6343: (select 'Y'
6344: from qp_interface_pricing_Attribs q1,qp_interface_list_lines q2,qp_interface_list_lines q3
6345: where q1.process_status_flag is null
6346: and q1.request_id=p_request_id
6347: and q2.request_id=p_request_id
6348: and q3.request_id=p_request_id

Line 6364: from qp_interface_pricing_Attribs q1,qp_interface_list_lines q2,qp_interface_list_lines q3

6360: and qill1.request_id=p_request_id
6361: and qill1.process_status_flag is not null
6362: and exists
6363: (select 'Y'
6364: from qp_interface_pricing_Attribs q1,qp_interface_list_lines q2,qp_interface_list_lines q3
6365: where q1.process_status_flag is null
6366: and q1.request_id=p_request_id
6367: and q2.request_id=p_request_id
6368: and q3.request_id=p_request_id

Line 6378: update qp_interface_list_lines qill

6374: and qill1.ORIG_SYS_LINE_REF=q3.ORIG_SYS_LINE_REF);
6377: ---- updating the corresponding list lines
6378: update qp_interface_list_lines qill
6379: set process_Status_flag = null
6380: where qill.request_id=p_request_id
6381: and qill.process_status_flag is not null
6382: and exists

Line 6559: from qp_interface_pricing_Attribs q1,qp_interface_list_lines q2,qp_interface_list_lines q3

6555: and qill1.process_status_flag is not null
6556: and exists
6558: (select 'Y'
6559: from qp_interface_pricing_Attribs q1,qp_interface_list_lines q2,qp_interface_list_lines q3
6560: where q1.process_status_flag is null
6561: and q1.request_id=p_request_id
6562: and q2.request_id=p_request_id
6563: and q3.request_id=p_request_id

Line 6580: from qp_interface_pricing_Attribs q1,qp_interface_list_lines q2,qp_interface_list_lines q3

6576: and qill1.request_id=p_request_id
6577: and qill1.process_status_flag is not null
6578: and exists
6579: (select 'Y'
6580: from qp_interface_pricing_Attribs q1,qp_interface_list_lines q2,qp_interface_list_lines q3
6581: where q1.process_status_flag is null
6582: and q1.request_id=p_request_id
6583: and q2.request_id=p_request_id
6584: and q3.request_id=p_request_id

Line 6594: update qp_interface_list_lines qill

6590: and qill1.ORIG_SYS_LINE_REF=q3.ORIG_SYS_LINE_REF);
6592: write_log( 'Number of attribute lines picked1: '||SQL%ROWCOUNT);
6593: ---- updating the corresponding list lines
6594: update qp_interface_list_lines qill
6595: set process_Status_flag = null
6596: where qill.request_id=p_request_id
6597: and qill.process_status_flag is not null
6598: and exists

Line 6711: from qp_list_lines l, qp_interface_list_lines il

6708: Delete from qp_rltd_modifiers
6709: where from_rltd_modifier_id IN
6710: (select l.list_line_id
6711: from qp_list_lines l, qp_interface_list_lines il
6712: where il.request_id = p_request_id
6713: and l.request_id = p_request_id -- changes made by rassharm 6028305
6714: and il.process_status_flag IS NULL
6715: and il.interface_action_code ='INSERT'

Line 6723: from qp_list_lines l, qp_interface_list_lines il

6720: Delete from qp_rltd_modifiers
6721: where to_rltd_modifier_id IN
6722: (select l.list_line_id
6723: from qp_list_lines l, qp_interface_list_lines il
6724: where il.request_id = p_request_id
6725: and l.request_id = p_request_id -- changes made by rassharm 6028305
6726: and il.process_status_flag IS NULL
6727: and il.interface_action_code ='INSERT'

Line 6748: from qp_list_lines l, qp_interface_list_lines il

6745: Delete from qp_list_lines
6746: where list_line_id IN
6747: (select l.list_line_id
6748: from qp_list_lines l, qp_interface_list_lines il
6749: where il.request_id = p_request_id
6750: and l.request_id = p_request_id -- changes made by rassharm 6028305
6751: and il.process_status_flag IS NULL
6752: and il.interface_action_code ='INSERT'

Line 6833: UPDATE qp_interface_list_lines

6830: write_log('Number of invalid lines: '|| l_orig_sys_line_ref_tbl.count);
6832: FORALL I in l_orig_sys_line_ref_tbl.first..l_orig_sys_line_ref_tbl.last
6833: UPDATE qp_interface_list_lines
6834: SET process_status_flag = NULL
6835: WHERE orig_sys_header_ref = l_orig_sys_header_ref_tbl(I)
6836: AND orig_sys_line_ref = l_orig_sys_line_ref_tbl(I)
6837: AND request_id = p_request_id; --Bug No: 6235177


6880: orig_sys_pricing_attr_ref,error_message)
6881: VALUES
6882: (qp_interface_errors_s.nextval, sysdate ,FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID, sysdate,
6883: FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID, FND_GLOBAL.CONC_LOGIN_ID, p_request_id, 660,
6885: null,l_orig_sys_line_ref_tbl(I),null,null,l_msg_txt);
6887: write_log('Leaving Validate_Lines');

Line 6917: FROM qp_interface_list_lines

6913: CURSOR c_pbh_child_line IS
6914: SELECT orig_sys_line_ref,
6915: orig_sys_header_ref,
6916: price_break_header_ref
6917: FROM qp_interface_list_lines
6918: WHERE request_id = p_request_id
6919: AND process_status_flag IS NULL
6920: AND price_break_header_ref IS NOT NULL;

Line 7070: elsif l_table_name = 'QP_INTERFACE_LIST_LINES' then

7066: ||'/'||l_entity_type
7067: ||'/'||l_table_name
7068: ||'/'||l_orig_sys_header_ref
7069: ||' '||l_error_message);
7070: elsif l_table_name = 'QP_INTERFACE_LIST_LINES' then
7071: fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,to_char(l_request_id)
7072: ||'/'||l_entity_type
7073: ||'/'||l_table_name
7074: ||'/'||l_orig_sys_header_ref

Line 7116: DELETE FROM qp_interface_list_lines

7112: DELETE FROM qp_interface_pricing_attribs
7113: WHERE request_id = p_request_id
7114: AND process_status_flag = 'I';
7116: DELETE FROM qp_interface_list_lines
7117: WHERE request_id = p_request_id
7118: AND process_status_flag = 'I';
7120: DELETE FROM qp_interface_qualifiers