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Line 308: eng_engineering_changes eec

304: X_task_id,
305: X_project_id
306: FROM per_people_f mev,
307: eng_change_order_types_vl ecot,
308: eng_engineering_changes eec
309: WHERE eec.organization_id = X_org_id
310: AND eec.change_notice = X_change_notice
311: AND eec.requestor_id = mev.party_id(+)--mev.person_id(+) -- Bug 4644000
312: AND eec.change_order_type_id = ecot.change_order_type_id

Line 322: FROM wf_roles r, eng_engineering_changes eec, eng_ecn_approval_lists al

318: /*
319: OLD CODE, removed for performance bug 3666795
320: SELECT r.name
321: INTO X_approval_list_name
322: FROM wf_roles r, eng_engineering_changes eec, eng_ecn_approval_lists al
323: WHERE eec.approval_list_id = al.approval_list_id
324: AND eec.organization_id = X_org_id
325: AND eec.change_notice = X_change_notice
326: AND al.approval_list_name = r.display_name ;

Line 336: FROM eng_ecn_approval_lists al, eng_engineering_changes eec

332: select r.name
333: INTO X_approval_list_name
334: from wf_local_roles r
335: where r.display_name in (SELECT al.approval_list_name
336: FROM eng_ecn_approval_lists al, eng_engineering_changes eec
337: WHERE eec.approval_list_id = al.approval_list_id
338: AND eec.organization_id = X_org_id
339: AND eec.change_notice = X_change_notice) ;
340: Exception

Line 559: UPDATE eng_engineering_changes

555: itemkey => itemkey,
556: actid => actid,
557: funcmode => funcmode,
558: result => X_eco_result);
559: UPDATE eng_engineering_changes
560: SET approval_status_type = 5,
561: approval_date = sysdate
562: WHERE organization_id = X_org_id
563: AND change_notice = X_change_notice;

Line 573: UPDATE eng_engineering_changes

569: AND organization_id = X_org_id
570: AND status_type = 1; /* Rev Item Status = Open */
572: --bug 2307416
573: UPDATE eng_engineering_changes
574: SET status_type = 4
575: ,status_code = 4 --Bug 3526627: Changes for 11.5.10, set the status_code also
576: WHERE change_notice = X_change_notice
577: AND organization_id = X_org_id

Line 637: UPDATE eng_engineering_changes

633: itemkey => itemkey,
634: actid => actid,
635: funcmode => funcmode,
636: result => X_eco_result);
637: UPDATE eng_engineering_changes
638: SET approval_status_type = 4,
639: approval_date = null
640: WHERE organization_id = X_org_id
641: AND change_notice = X_change_notice;

Line 707: UPDATE eng_engineering_changes

703: itemkey => X_itemkey,
704: actid => actid,
705: funcmode => funcmode,
706: result => X_eco_result);
707: UPDATE eng_engineering_changes
708: SET approval_status_type = 7,
709: approval_date = ''
710: WHERE organization_id = X_org_id
711: AND change_notice = X_change_notice;

Line 1125: FROM eng_engineering_changes eec

1121: SELECT
1122: eec.change_id
1123: INTO
1124: X_change_id
1125: FROM eng_engineering_changes eec
1126: WHERE eec.organization_id = X_org_id
1127: AND eec.change_notice = X_change_notice;
1129: l_requester_name := FND_GLOBAL.USER_NAME;

Line 1145: avalue => 'FND:entity=ENG_ENGINEERING_CHANGES'||'&'||'pk1name=CHANGE_ID'||'&'||'pk1value='||X_change_id);

1141: -- Attachments hookup calls
1142: wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => itemtype,
1143: itemkey => itemkey,
1144: aname => '#ATTACHMENTS',
1145: avalue => 'FND:entity=ENG_ENGINEERING_CHANGES'||'&'||'pk1name=CHANGE_ID'||'&'||'pk1value='||X_change_id);
1148: /* Generate XML form business event*/