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Line 554: mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt,mtl_txn_request_headers moh,

552: CURSOR c11_bulk_all(p_organization_id NUMBER) IS
553: SELECT mmtt.* FROM
554: mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt,mtl_txn_request_headers moh,
555: wsh_pick_grouping_rules spg
556: WHERE mmtt.wms_task_status = 8 -- unreleased
557: And mmtt.cartonization_id IS null -- not cartonized
558: And mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id

Line 583: mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt,mtl_txn_request_headers moh,

579: for update of mmtt.transaction_temp_id; -- to lock the records
581: CURSOR c11_bulk_only_sub_item(p_organization_id NUMBER) IS
582: SELECT mmtt.* FROM
583: mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt,mtl_txn_request_headers moh,
584: wsh_pick_grouping_rules spg
585: WHERE mmtt.wms_task_status = 8 -- unreleased
586: And mmtt.cartonization_id IS null -- not cartonized
587: And mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id

Line 624: wsh_trip_stops wts, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt,mtl_txn_request_headers moh,

621: CURSOR c11_bulk_trip(p_organization_id NUMBER) IS
622: select mmtt.*
623: from wsh_delivery_legs wdl,wsh_delivery_details wdd, wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda,
624: wsh_trip_stops wts, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt,mtl_txn_request_headers moh,
625: wsh_pick_grouping_rules spg
626: where wts.trip_id = p_input_for_bulk.trip_id
627: and wdl.pick_up_stop_id = wts.stop_id
628: and wdl.delivery_id = wda.delivery_id

Line 660: wsh_trip_stops wts, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt,mtl_txn_request_headers moh,

657: CURSOR c11_bulk_trip_sub_item(p_organization_id NUMBER) IS
658: select mmtt.*
659: from wsh_delivery_legs wdl,wsh_delivery_details wdd, wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda,
660: wsh_trip_stops wts, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt,mtl_txn_request_headers moh,
661: wsh_pick_grouping_rules spg
662: where wts.trip_id = p_input_for_bulk.trip_id
663: and wdl.pick_up_stop_id = wts.stop_id
664: and wdl.delivery_id = wda.delivery_id

Line 745: from mtl_txn_request_headers moh,

741: l_fast_possible := true;
742: insert into mtl_allocations_gtmp
743: (move_order_header_id)
744: select moh.header_id
745: from mtl_txn_request_headers moh,
746: wsh_pick_grouping_rules spg
747: where spg.pick_grouping_rule_id = moh.grouping_rule_id
748: AND spg.pick_method <>WMS_GLOBALS.PICK_METHOD_ORDER -- not order pciking
749: AND moh.move_order_type = INV_GLOBALS.g_move_order_pick_wave -- pick wave move order only

Line 3556: FROM mtl_txn_request_headers

3552: , l_autocreate_delivery_flag
3553: FROM wsh_picking_batches
3554: WHERE batch_id =
3555: (SELECT request_number
3556: FROM mtl_txn_request_headers
3557: WHERE header_id = p_move_order_header_id
3558: AND move_order_type = inv_globals.G_MOVE_ORDER_PICK_WAVE);
3560: IF l_auto_pick_confirm_flag = 'Y' THEN

Line 3653: FROM mtl_txn_request_headers

3649: ELSE
3650: -- if (g_trace_on = 1) then log_event('PATCHSET J-- BULK PICKING '); end if;
3651: SELECT move_order_type
3652: INTO l_move_order_type
3653: FROM mtl_txn_request_headers
3654: WHERE header_id = p_move_order_header_id;
3656: if (g_trace_on = 1) then log_event('Move order type:'||l_move_order_type); end if;
3657: END IF;