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1 PACKAGE BODY qa_chart_generic_pkg AS
2 /* $Header: qacgenb.pls 120.2 2006/03/20 12:08:39 bso noship $ */
4     --
5     -- Tracking Bug 4939897
6     -- R12 Forms Tech Stack Upgrade - Obsolete Oracle Graphics
7     --
9     PROCEDURE populate_data(
10     --
11     -- A simple procedure to execute a SQL and populate the
12     -- qa_chart_generic table with the resulting values.  The SQL
13     -- should always select two columns: x-axis ticker label and
14     -- numeric y-value and should almost ways have an ORDER BY clause
15     -- so that the leftmost x-axis ticker as appear on the resultant
16     -- graph comes first and so forth.
17     --
18     -- bso Tue Jan 10 16:10:13 PST 2006
19     --
20         p_chart_id NUMBER,
21         p_sql VARCHAR2,
22         p_row_limit NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
23         x_row_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) IS
25         l_x_values dbms_sql.varchar2s;
26         l_y_values dbms_sql.number_table;
27         l_line_values dbms_sql.number_table;
28         l_row_count NUMBER;
29         l_sql VARCHAR2(30000);
31     BEGIN
32         --
33         -- Dev Notes: This does not work if l_sql contains GROUP BY
34         -- becuase rownum cannot be used as SELECT when there is GB.
35         --
36         -- Constructed a simple SQL by using the input p_sql string
37         -- so to query all all data selected by it and populate
38         -- the qa_chart_generic table with the results.
39         --
40         -- l_sql :=
41         --   'INSERT INTO qa_chart_generic(
42         --        created_by,
43         --        creation_date,
44         --        last_updated_by,
45         --        last_update_date,
46         --        last_update_login,
47         --        chart_id,
48         --        line,
49         --        x_value,
50         --        y_value)
51         --    SELECT
52         --        fnd_global.user_id,
53         --        sysdate,
54         --        fnd_global.user_id,
55         --        sysdate,
56         --        fnd_global.login_id,
57         --        :1,
58         --        rownum,' ||
59         --    l_sql;
60         --
62             --
63             -- Dev Notes: A different method has been investigated to
64             -- see if there is really a need to chop off the SELECT:
65             --
66             -- SELECT * FROM
67             --     (SELECT fnd_global.user_id, sysdate ... etc FROM dual),
68             --     (<original SQL>);
69             --
70             -- It seems to work, except there doesn't seem to be a way
71             -- to generate incremental line numbers for the line column.
72             -- Adding rownum to the dual clause simply generates rownum
73             -- once (i.e., all lines will have 1).
74             --
75             -- bso Tue Jan 10 16:48:14 PST 2006
76             --
78         --
79         -- Rewritten to use BULK COLLECT
80         -- bso Wed Feb  8 14:43:03 PST 2006
81         --
83         --
84         -- Bug 5044017.  If p_row_limit is given, rewrite the SQL so
85         -- only first p_row_limit rows are fetched by applying a rownum
86         -- filter.  Needed for Pareto top_n_groups feature but is also
87         -- a generic feature for future purpose.
88         -- bso Mon Mar 20 11:43:04 PST 2006
89         --
90         IF p_row_limit IS NULL THEN
91             EXECUTE IMMEDIATE p_sql
92             BULK COLLECT INTO l_x_values, l_y_values;
93         ELSE
94             l_sql := 'SELECT * FROM (' || p_sql ||
95                      ') WHERE rownum <= :1';
97             EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql
98             BULK COLLECT INTO l_x_values, l_y_values
99             USING p_row_limit;
100         END IF;
102         l_row_count := sql%ROWCOUNT;
104         FOR i IN l_x_values.FIRST .. l_x_values.LAST LOOP
105             l_line_values(i) := i;
106         END LOOP;
108         --
109         -- Notice, currently the legend column of qa_chart_generic
110         -- is unused.  In future expansion, we may introduce a new
111         -- procedure populate_data_with_legend where the input SQL
112         -- string selects a third (legend) column to populate it.
113         --
114         IF l_row_count > 0 THEN
115             FORALL i IN 1 .. l_row_count
116                 INSERT INTO qa_chart_generic(
117                     created_by,
118                     creation_date,
119                     last_updated_by,
120                     last_update_date,
121                     last_update_login,
122                     chart_id,
123                     line,
124                     x_value,
125                     y_value)
126                 VALUES (
127                     fnd_global.user_id,  -- created_by
128                     sysdate,             -- creation_date
129                     fnd_global.user_id,  -- last_updated_by
130                     sysdate,             -- last_update_date
131                     fnd_global.login_id, -- last_update_login
132                     p_chart_id,          -- chart_id
133                     l_line_values(i),    -- line
134                     l_x_values(i),       -- x_value
135                     l_y_values(i));      -- y_value
136         END IF;
138         x_row_count := l_row_count;
140     END populate_data;
143     PROCEDURE populate_data_autonomous(
144         p_chart_id NUMBER,
145         p_sql VARCHAR2,
146         p_row_limit NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
147         x_row_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) IS
149     PRAGMA autonomous_transaction;
151     BEGIN
152         populate_data(
153             p_chart_id,
154             p_sql,
155             p_row_limit,
156             x_row_count);
157         COMMIT;
158     END populate_data_autonomous;
161     PROCEDURE delete_data(p_chart_id NUMBER) IS
162     BEGIN
163         DELETE FROM qa_chart_generic
164         WHERE chart_id = p_chart_id;
165     END delete_data;
168     PROCEDURE delete_data_autonomous(p_chart_id NUMBER) IS
169     PRAGMA autonomous_transaction;
170     BEGIN
171         delete_data(p_chart_id);
172         COMMIT;
173     END delete_data_autonomous;
177 END qa_chart_generic_pkg;