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Line 436: l_detail_inv_rec WSH_USA_INV_PVT.DeliveryDetailInvRecType;

432: AND NVL(wdd.oe_interfaced_flag, 'N') = 'N'
433: AND wda.delivery_detail_id = wdd.delivery_detail_id
434: AND wda.parent_Delivery_Detail_id = wdd1.delivery_Detail_id(+);
436: l_detail_inv_rec WSH_USA_INV_PVT.DeliveryDetailInvRecType;
437: l_detail_info WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_ACTIONS.SplitDetailRecType;
438: l_uom_converted BOOLEAN;
439: l_counter NUMBER;
440: l_rs VARCHAR2(1);

Line 580: IF wsh_usa_inv_pvt.is_mo_type_putaway (c.move_order_line_id) = 'Y' THEN

576: END IF;
577: -- Keeping the function call separate to avoid extra overhead of calling
578: -- a function for each check, it will be called only when above is
579: -- satisfied
580: IF wsh_usa_inv_pvt.is_mo_type_putaway (c.move_order_line_id) = 'Y' THEN
581: --{
582: IF l_debug_on THEN
583: WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'DO NOT ALLOW SPLIT FOR PUTAWAY MOL,---',c.move_order_line_id) ;
584: WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'ORDER NUMBER---',c.source_header_number) ;

Line 754: WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name, 'Calling WSH_USA_INV_PVT.get_detailed_quantity');

750: -- the detailed quantity of the move order line
751: -- or the quantity in the delivery detail, which ever is
752: -- greater.
753: IF l_debug_on THEN
754: WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name, 'Calling WSH_USA_INV_PVT.get_detailed_quantity');
755: WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'move_order',c.move_order_line_id);
756: END IF;
758: -- Bug3143426 (included branch for l_res_qty_to_transfer calculation)

Line 763: WSH_USA_INV_PVT.get_detailed_quantity (

759: -- HW OPMCONV. Removed forking and Call get_detailed_quantity as a procedure
760: -- anxsharm, X-dock changes
761: --{
762: IF c.move_order_line_id IS NOT NULL THEN
763: WSH_USA_INV_PVT.get_detailed_quantity (
764: p_mo_line_id => c.move_order_line_id,
765: x_detailed_qty => l_detailed_qty,
766: x_detailed_qty2 => l_detailed_qty2,
767: x_return_status => x_return_status);

Line 1017: WSH_USA_INV_PVT.get_detailed_quantity (

1013: -- detailed quantity is only for details released to warehouse.
1014: -- anxsharm, X-dock changes
1015: --{
1016: IF c.released_status = 'S' AND c.move_order_line_id IS NOT NULL THEN
1017: WSH_USA_INV_PVT.get_detailed_quantity (
1018: p_mo_line_id => c.move_order_line_id,
1019: x_detailed_qty => l_detailed_qty,
1020: x_detailed_qty2 => l_detailed_qty2,
1021: x_return_status => x_return_status);

Line 1070: WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'Calling program unit WSH_USA_INV_PVT.SPLIT_RESERVATION',WSH_DEBUG_SV.C_PROC_LEVEL);

1066: --wrudge
1067: -- bug 2121426: pass the correct quantity of reservations to transfer
1068: --
1069: IF l_debug_on THEN
1070: WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'Calling program unit WSH_USA_INV_PVT.SPLIT_RESERVATION',WSH_DEBUG_SV.C_PROC_LEVEL);
1071: END IF;
1072: --
1074: WSH_USA_INV_PVT.Split_Reservation (

Line 1074: WSH_USA_INV_PVT.Split_Reservation (

1070: WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'Calling program unit WSH_USA_INV_PVT.SPLIT_RESERVATION',WSH_DEBUG_SV.C_PROC_LEVEL);
1071: END IF;
1072: --
1074: WSH_USA_INV_PVT.Split_Reservation (
1075: p_delivery_detail_split_rec => l_detail_inv_rec,
1076: p_source_code => p_source_code,
1077: p_source_header_id => p_changed_attributes(l_counter).source_header_id,
1078: p_original_source_line_id => p_changed_attributes(l_counter).original_source_line_id,

Line 1197: WSH_USA_INV_PVT.Get_total_reserved_quantity (

1193: close c_total_requested_quantity ;
1195: -- Get total already reserved on the original line
1196: -- HW OPMCONV - Added Qty2 parameter
1197: WSH_USA_INV_PVT.Get_total_reserved_quantity (
1198: p_source_code => p_source_code ,
1199: p_source_header_id => p_changed_attributes(l_counter ).source_header_id ,
1200: p_source_line_id => p_changed_attributes(l_counter ).original_source_line_id ,
1201: p_organization_id => p_changed_attributes(l_counter ).organization_id ,

Line 1218: WSH_USA_INV_PVT.Get_total_reserved_quantity (

1214: IF l_total_spare_rsv > 0 THEN --{
1216: -- Get total reserved quantity on current line
1217: -- HW OPMCONV - Pass Qty2 as a parameter
1218: WSH_USA_INV_PVT.Get_total_reserved_quantity (
1219: p_source_code => p_source_code ,
1220: p_source_header_id => p_changed_attributes(l_counter ).source_header_id ,
1221: p_source_line_id => p_changed_attributes(l_counter ).source_line_id ,
1222: p_organization_id => p_changed_attributes(l_counter ).organization_id ,

Line 1301: WSH_USA_INV_PVT.get_detailed_quantity (

1297: -- detailed quantity is only for details released to warehouse.
1298: -- anxsharm, X-dock changes
1299: --{
1300: IF c.released_status = 'S' AND c.move_order_line_id IS NOT NULL THEN
1301: WSH_USA_INV_PVT.get_detailed_quantity (
1302: p_mo_line_id => c.move_order_line_id,
1303: x_detailed_qty => l_detailed_qty,
1304: x_detailed_qty2 => l_detailed_qty2,
1305: x_return_status => x_return_status);

Line 1362: WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'TRansfering unstaged reservations : BEfore WSH_USA_INV_PVT.Split_Reservation ');

1358: l_detail_inv_rec.locator_id := c.locator_id;
1359: l_detail_inv_rec.lpn_id := c.lpn_id;
1361: IF l_debug_on THEN
1362: WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'TRansfering unstaged reservations : BEfore WSH_USA_INV_PVT.Split_Reservation ');
1363: END IF;
1364: -- HW OPMCONV - Added Qty2
1365: l_res_qty_to_transfer := LEAST ( nvl(c.picked_quantity , c.requested_quantity ) ,
1366: l_total_res_qty_to_transfer );

Line 1386: WSH_USA_INV_PVT.Split_Reservation (

1382: WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'l_res_qty2_to_transfer = min of above = ' || l_res_qty2_to_transfer );
1383: WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'released_status = ' || c.released_Status );
1384: END IF;
1386: WSH_USA_INV_PVT.Split_Reservation (
1387: p_delivery_detail_split_rec => l_detail_inv_rec,
1388: p_source_code => p_source_code,
1389: p_source_header_id => p_changed_attributes(l_counter).source_header_id,
1390: p_original_source_line_id => p_changed_attributes(l_counter).original_source_line_id,

Line 1400: WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'unepected error after WSH_USA_INV_PVT.Split_Reservation ');

1396: x_return_status => l_rs);
1399: IF l_debug_on THEN
1400: WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'unepected error after WSH_USA_INV_PVT.Split_Reservation ');
1401: END IF;
1402: exit unstaged_rsv_loop ;
1403: END IF;