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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 8

  /*   Insert_FormulaEffectivity */

  /*   This PL/SQL procedure is responsible for */
  /*   inserting a formula effectivity. */
  /* HISTORY                            */
  /*   Mohit Kapoor 10-May-2002 Bug 2186284  */
  /*      Modified the insert statement such that the start_date */
  /*      and end_date are inserted without timestamp.  */
  /* ============================================= */

     PROCEDURE Insert_FormulaEffectivity
     (  p_api_version           IN      NUMBER                                  ,
        p_init_msg_list         IN      varchar2                                ,
        p_commit                IN      varchar2                                ,
        x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY     varchar2                                ,
        x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER                                  ,
        x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2                                ,
        p_formula_effectivity_rec    IN      fm_form_eff%ROWTYPE
        /*  Local Variables definitions */
        l_api_name              CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)  := 'INSERT_FORMULAEFFECTIVITY';
Line: 35

        SAVEPOINT  Insert_FormulaEffectivity_PVT;
Line: 54

	/* Later on this insert should be changed to */
	/* make insert on business view as opposed to tables directly. */

   /* Bug 2186284 Mohit Kapoor */
   /* Modified p_formula_effectivity_rec.end_date and  */
   /* p_formula_effectivity_rec.start_date to use      */
   /* trunc(p_formula_effectivity_rec.end_date),       */
   /* trunc(p_formula_effectivity_rec.start_date)      */
      INSERT INTO fm_form_eff
        (fmeff_id, orgn_code,
         item_id, formula_use,
         end_date, start_date,
         inv_min_qty, inv_max_qty,
         min_qty, max_qty,
         std_qty, item_um,
         preference, routing_id,
         formula_id, cust_id,
         trans_cnt, text_code,
         delete_mark, created_by,
         creation_date, last_update_date,
         last_updated_by, last_update_login)
        (p_formula_effectivity_rec.fmeff_id, p_formula_effectivity_rec.orgn_code,
         p_formula_effectivity_rec.item_id, p_formula_effectivity_rec.formula_use,
         TRUNC(p_formula_effectivity_rec.end_date), TRUNC(p_formula_effectivity_rec.start_date),
         p_formula_effectivity_rec.inv_min_qty, p_formula_effectivity_rec.inv_max_qty,
         p_formula_effectivity_rec.min_qty, p_formula_effectivity_rec.max_qty,
         p_formula_effectivity_rec.std_qty, p_formula_effectivity_rec.item_um,
         p_formula_effectivity_rec.preference, p_formula_effectivity_rec.routing_id,
         p_formula_effectivity_rec.formula_id, p_formula_effectivity_rec.cust_id,
         p_formula_effectivity_rec.trans_cnt, p_formula_effectivity_rec.text_code,
         p_formula_effectivity_rec.delete_mark, p_formula_effectivity_rec.created_by,
         p_formula_effectivity_rec.creation_date, p_formula_effectivity_rec.last_update_date,
         p_formula_effectivity_rec.last_updated_by, p_formula_effectivity_rec.last_update_login);
Line: 108

                ROLLBACK to Insert_FormulaEffectivity_PVT;
Line: 115

                ROLLBACK to Insert_FormulaEffectivity_PVT;
Line: 122

                ROLLBACK to Insert_FormulaEffectivity_PVT;
Line: 128

  END Insert_FormulaEffectivity;
Line: 134

  /*   Update_FormulaEffectivity */

  /*   This PL/SQL procedure is responsible for */
  /*   updating a formula effectivity. */
  /* HISTORY:  */
  /* RajaSekhar   03/02/2002 BUG#2202559 */
  /* Modified the code to update the effective  */
  /* END_DATE of the frozen formula  */
  /* Mohit Kapoor 10-May-2002 Bug 2186284     */
  /*   Modified the update statement such that the start_date  */
  /*   and end_dates are updated without timestamp. */
  /* K. RajaSekhar Reddy 10/04/2002 BUG#2583665  */
  /*   Modified IF statement to update the formula effectivity record  */
  /*   with the existing orgn_code, if it's value is not passed or passed as null.  */
  /* ============================================= */

     PROCEDURE Update_FormulaEffectivity
     (  p_api_version           IN      NUMBER                                  ,
        p_init_msg_list         IN      VARCHAR2                                ,
        p_commit                IN      VARCHAR2                                ,
        x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2                                ,
        x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER                                  ,
        x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2                                ,
        p_formula_effectivity_rec    IN      fm_form_eff%ROWTYPE

        /*  Local Variables definitions */
        l_api_name              CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)  := 'UPDATE_FORMULAEFFECTIVITY';
Line: 181

	FROM 	fm_form_eff
	WHERE	fmeff_id = vfmeff_id;
Line: 187

        SAVEPOINT  Update_FormulaEffectivity_PVT;
Line: 206

	/*  Later on to be changed to update a business view */
	/*  and not a table. */

	/*  Certain vaildation to be performed. */
	OPEN get_record(p_formula_effectivity_rec.fmeff_id);
Line: 289

      UPDATE fm_form_eff SET
        orgn_code          = l_orgn_code,
        formula_use        = l_formula_use,
        end_date           = TRUNC(l_end_date),
        start_date         = TRUNC(l_start_date),
        inv_min_qty        = l_inv_min_qty,
        inv_max_qty        = l_inv_max_qty,
        min_qty            = l_min_qty,
        max_qty            = l_max_qty,
        std_qty            = l_std_qty,
        item_um            = l_item_um,
        preference         = l_preference,
        --BEGIN BUG#2202559 RajaSekhar
        --The columns creation_date and created _by are commented as update
        --statement should not overwrite them. DECODE is used to update the column
        --with the database value if it is not passed in PL/SQL record.
        routing_id         = DECODE(p_formula_effectivity_rec.routing_id, NULL, routing_id, p_formula_effectivity_rec.routing_id),
        cust_id            = DECODE(p_formula_effectivity_rec.cust_id, NULL, cust_id, p_formula_effectivity_rec.cust_id),
        --creation_date	   = p_formula_effectivity_rec.creation_date,
        --created_by	   = p_formula_effectivity_rec.created_by,
        last_update_date   = p_formula_effectivity_rec.last_update_date,
        last_updated_by    = p_formula_effectivity_rec.last_updated_by,
        delete_mark	   = DECODE(p_formula_effectivity_rec.delete_mark, NULL, delete_mark, p_formula_effectivity_rec.delete_mark),
        text_code	   = DECODE(p_formula_effectivity_rec.text_code, NULL, text_code, p_formula_effectivity_rec.text_code),
        trans_cnt	   = DECODE(p_formula_effectivity_rec.trans_cnt, NULL, trans_cnt, p_formula_effectivity_rec.trans_cnt)
        --END BUG#2202559
        fmeff_id = p_formula_effectivity_rec.fmeff_id;
Line: 338

                ROLLBACK to Update_FormulaEffectivity_PVT;
Line: 345

                ROLLBACK to Update_FormulaEffectivity_PVT;
Line: 352

                ROLLBACK to Update_FormulaEffectivity_PVT;
Line: 358

  END Update_FormulaEffectivity;