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Line 34: mtl_system_items msi,

30: so_lines_all sol1, /* processing */
31: so_headers_all soh, /* to get the header info */
32: so_order_types_all sot,
33: so_line_details sod,
34: mtl_system_items msi,
35: bom_parameters bp
36: where BAC1.base_model_id = sol1.inventory_item_id
37: and soh.header_id = sol1.header_id
38: and sot.order_type_id = soh.order_type_id

Line 280: mtl_system_items_interface m

276: so_lines_all s3, /* Parent of the ATO Model if any */
277: so_lines_all s2, /* Options or Option Classes */
278: so_lines_all s1, /* Model */
279: bom_operational_routings bor,
280: mtl_system_items_interface m
281: where m.set_id = USERENV('SESSIONID')
282: and m.base_item_id = s1.inventory_item_id
283: and m.demand_source_line = s1.line_id
284: and m.base_item_id = bor.assembly_item_id (+)

Line 326: mtl_system_items msi,

322: select BAC1.config_item_id
323: from BOM_ATO_CONFIGURATIONS BAC1, /* the duplicate */
324: so_lines_all solp, /* Parent of ATO Model if any */
325: so_lines_all sol1, /* processing */
326: mtl_system_items msi,
327: bom_parameters bp
328: where BAC1.base_model_id = sol1.inventory_item_id
329: and BAC1.organization_id = sol1.warehouse_id
330: and BAC1.component_item_id = sol1.inventory_item_id