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1 package dbms_describe is
3   ------------
4   --  OVERVIEW
5   --
6   -- This package is used to describe the arguments of a stored
7   -- procedure.  The client specifies an object name and describe returns
8   -- a set of indexed tables with the results.  Full name
9   -- translation is performed and security checking is also
10   -- checked on the final object.
12   --------
13   --  USES
14   --
15   -- The primary client of this package is ODESSP (Oracle Call
16   -- Interface Describe PRocedure).
18   ---------------
20   --
21   --  Currently describes of remote objects are not supported.  It is
22   --  intended to support this at some point in the future.
23   --
24   --  Currently descibes of all procedures/functions within a package
25   --  is not supported. We could add a 'describe_package' procedure
26   --  that returns the names of all procedures/functions for the named
27   --  package and then the client could call 'describe_procedure' for
28   --  those in which it has an interest.
30   ------------
31   --  SECURITY
32   --
33   -- Describe is available to PUBLIC and performs it's own
34   -- security checking based on the object being described.
36   -----------------------
38   --
39   type varchar2_table is table of dbms_id index by binary_integer;
40   -- Indexed table type which is used to return the argument names.
42   type number_table   is table of number       index by binary_integer;
43   -- Indexed table type which is used to return various argument fields.
45   ------------
46   --  EXAMPLES
47   --
48   --  External service interface
49   ------------------------------
50   --
51   -- The ODESSP OCI call may be used to call this routine from a user
52   -- program.  (See the Oracle Call Interface guide for a description)
53   -- Also, this routine could be called from other stored procedures
54   -- using the varchar2_table and number_table types.
55   --
56   --   EXAMPLE :
57   --
58   --   Client provides -
59   --
61   --   total_elements - 100
62   --
63   --   ACCOUNT_UPDATE is an overloaded function in package ACCOUNTING
64   --   with specification :
65   --
66   --     type number_table is table of number index by binary_integer
67   --     table account (account_no number, person_id number,
68   --                    balance number(7,2))
69   --     table person  (person_id number(4), person_nm varchar2(10))
70   --
71   --     function ACCOUNT_UPDATE (account number,
72   --       person person%rowtype, amounts number_table,
73   --       trans_date date) return account.balance%type;
74   --
75   --     function ACCOUNT_UPDATE (account number,
76   --       person person%rowtype, amounts number_table,
77   --       trans_no number) return account.balance%type;
78   --
79   --
80   --   Values returned -
81   --
82   --   overload position   argument  level  datatype length prec scale rad
83   --   -------------------------------------------------------------------
84   --          1        0                0   NUMBER      7    2     0    0
85   --          1        1   ACCOUNT      0   NUMBER     22    0     0    0
86   --          1        2   PERSON       0   RECORD
87   --          1        2     PERSON_ID  1   NUMBER      4    0     0    0
88   --          1        2     PERSON_NM  1   VARCHAR2   10
89   --          1        3   AMOUNTS      0   TABLE
90   --          1        3                1   NUMBER     22    0     0    0
91   --          1        4   TRANS_NO     0   NUMBER     22    0     0    0
92   --
93   --          0        0                0   NUMBER      7    2     0    0
94   --          0        1   ACCOUNT      0   NUMBER     22    0     0    0
95   --          0        2   PERSON       0   RECORD
96   --          0        2    PERSON_ID   1   NUMBER      4    0     0    0
97   --          0        2    PERSON_NM   1   VARCHAR2   10
98   --          0        3   AMOUNTS      0   TABLE
99   --          0        3                1   NUMBER     22    0     0    0
100   --          0        4   TRANS_DATE   0   DATE
101   --
103   ----------------------------
105   --
106   procedure describe_procedure (object_name in varchar2,
107     reserved1 in varchar2, reserved2 in varchar2,
108     overload out number_table, position out number_table,
109     level out number_table, argument_name out varchar2_table,
110     datatype out number_table, default_value out number_table,
111     in_out out number_table, length out number_table,
112     precision out number_table, scale out number_table,
113     radix out number_table, spare out number_table,
114     include_string_constraints boolean := FALSE);
115   --
116   --  Describe pl/sql object with the given name.  Returns the arguments
117   --    ordered by overload, position.  The name resolution follows the
118   --    rules for SQL.  Top level procedures and functions, as well as
119   --    packaged procedures and functions, may be described.  Procedures
120   --    and functions in package STANDARD must be prefixed by "STANDARD"
121   --    (e.g., 'standard.greatest' will describe function "GREATEST" in
122   --    package "STANDARD").
123   --  Input parameters:
124   --    object_name
125   --      The name of the procedure being described. The form is
126   --        [[part1.]part2.]part3[@dblink]
127   --      The syntax follows the rules for identifiers in SQL.  The name may
128   --      be a synonym and may contain delimited identifiers (double quoted
129   --      strings). This parameter is required and may not be null.
130   --      The total length of the name is limited to 197 bytes.
131   --    reserved1, reserved2
132   --      Reserved for future use.  Must be set to null or empty string.
133   --    include_string_constraints
134   --      Output the constraints on stringy formal types.
135   --  Output parameters:
136   --    overload
137   --       A unique number assigned to the procedure signature.  If a
138   --       procedure is overloaded, this field will hold a different
139   --       value for each version of the procedure.
140   --    position
141   --       Position of the argument in the parameter list beginning with 1.
142   --       Position 0 indicates a function return value.
143   --    level
144   --       If the argument is a composite type (like record), this
145   --       parameter returns the level of datatype.  See example
146   --       section for a usage example.
147   --    argument_name
148   --       The name of the argument.
149   --    datatype
150   --       Oracle datatype of the parameter. These are:
151   --           0 - This row is a placeholder for a procedure with
152   --               no arguments.
153   --           1 - VARCHAR2
154   --           2 - NUMBER
156   --           8 - LONG
157   --          11 - ROWID
158   --          12 - DATE
159   --          23 - RAW
160   --          24 - LONG RAW
161   --          58 - OPAQUE TYPE
162   --          96 - CHAR
163   --         100 - BINARY_FLOAT
164   --         101 - BINARY_DOUBLE
165   --         104 - UROWID
166   --         106 - MLSLABEL
167   --         112 - CLOB
168   --         113 - BLOB
169   --         114 - BFILE
170   --         121 - OBJECT
171   --         122 - NESTED TABLE
172   --         123 - VARRAY
173   --         178 - TIME
174   --         179 - TIME WITH TIME ZONE
175   --         180 - TIMESTAMP
176   --         181 - TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
177   --         182 - INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH
178   --         183 - INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND
179   --         231 - TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE
180   --         250 - PL/SQL RECORD (see "Notes:" below)
181   --         251 - PL/SQL TABLE
182   --         252 - PL/SQL BOOLEAN (see "Notes:" below)
183   --    default_value
184   --       1 if the parameter has a default value.  0, otherwise.
185   --    in_out
186   --       0 = IN param, 1 = OUT param, 2 = IN/OUT param
187   --    length
188   --       The data length of the argument.
189   --       For CHAR(N)/VARCHAR2(N), length is N, the number of bytes on the
190   --       server. For NCHAR(N)/NVARCHAR2(N), length is N, the number of
191   --       characters on the server (this is different from the number of
192   --       bytes required to store the string).
193   --       Starting with Oracle 9.0, NCHAR only supports UTF8 and AL16UTF16.
194   --    precision
195   --       Precision of the argument (if the datatype is number).
196   --    scale
197   --       Scale of the argument (if the datatype is number).
198   --    radix
199   --       Radix of the argument (if the datatype is number).
200   --    spare
201   --       Reserved for future functionality.
202   --  Exceptions:
203   --    ORA-20000 - A package was specified.  Can only specify top-level
204   --      procedure/functions or procedures/functions within a package.
205   --    ORA-20001 - The procedure/function does not exist within the package.
206   --    ORA-20002 - The object is remote.  This procedure cannot currently
207   --      describe remote objects.
208   --    ORA-20003 - The object is invalid.  Invalid objects cannot be
209   --      described.
210   --    ORA-20004 - A syntax error in the specification of the object's name.
211   --  Notes:
212   --    There is currently no way from a 3gl to directly bind to an
213   --    argument of type 'record' or 'boolean'.  For booleans, there are
214   --    the following work-arounds.  Assume function F returns a boolean, G
215   --    is a procedure with one IN boolean argument, and H is a procedure
216   --    which has one OUT boolean argument.
217   --    Then you can execute these functions, binding in DTYINTs (native
218   --    integer) as follows, where 0=>FALSE and 1=>TRUE:
219   --
220   --      begin :dtyint_bind_var := to_number(f); end;
221   --
222   --      begin g(to_boolean(:dtyint_bind_var)); end;
223   --
224   --      declare b boolean; begin h(b); if b then :dtyint_bind_var := 1;
225   --        else :dtyint_bind_var := 0; end if; end;
226   --
227   --    Access to procedures with arguments of type 'record' would require
228   --    writing a wrapper similar to that in the 3rd example above (see
229   --    function H).
230 end;