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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 10

	  select assignment_number
	  into x_assignment_number
	  from per_assignments_f
	  where assignment_id = assignment_id_1
	  AND	assignment_type ='E'		  and rownum < 2 ;  	  	  	  return(x_assignment_number);
Line: 35

  select end_date into x_end_date
  from per_time_periods
  where time_period_id = p_time_period_id;
Line: 39

  select full_name into x_person_name
  from per_people_f
  where person_id = person_id_1
  and x_end_date BETWEEN effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 57

	SELECT 	sum(decode(ppl.dr_cr_flag, 'C',ppsl.pay_amount,0)) sl_Credit_Amount,
		sum(decode(ppl.dr_cr_flag, 'D',ppsl.pay_amount,0)) sl_Debit_Amount
	INTO	cp_credit_amount_sl,
	FROM 	psp_payroll_lines ppl,
		psp_payroll_controls ppc,
		psp_payroll_sub_lines ppsl
	WHERE 	ppl.payroll_control_id 	= ppc.payroll_control_id
	AND	ppl.payroll_line_id 	= ppsl.payroll_line_id
	AND 	ppc.source_type 	= p_source_type
	and 	ppc.payroll_source_code = p_source_code
	and 	ppc.time_period_id 	= p_time_period_id
	and 	(ppc.batch_name 	= p_batch_name or ppc.batch_name IS NULL)
	and 	ppl.person_id 		= person_id_1
	and 	ppl.assignment_id 	= assignment_id_1
	and	ppc.currency_code	= currency_code_1
	and 	ppl.element_type_id 	= element_type_id_1;
Line: 89

  select start_date into p_start_date
  from per_time_periods
  where time_period_id = p_time_period_id;
Line: 94

    /*srw.message(1,'Start Date not found for the selected time period id');*/null;
Line: 98

    /*srw.message(2,'Too many rows found for the selected time period id');*/null;
Line: 176

	select name into x_org_name from hr_organization_units				where organization_id = TO_NUMBER(x_org_id);
Line: 194

  select meaning into x_source_type from psp_lookups
  where lookup_type = 'PSP_SOURCE_TYPE' and lookup_code = p_source_type;
Line: 203

  	select period_name into x_time_period from per_time_periods
  	where time_period_id = p_time_period_id;