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1 PACKAGE BODY hri_opl_ben_enrl_actn AS
2 /* $Header: hripbeea.pkb 120.1 2005/11/17 03:14:52 bmanyam noship $ */
3 /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
5    Purpose  :  Collect Benefits Enrollments Action Fact.
7 Description:
8 We try to use HRI_OPL_MULTI_THREAD utility.
9 Process Flow
10 ===========
12 --------------------------
14     Full Refresh
15     1.0.1 Truncate the Events Table.
16     1.0.2 Generate the Person Ranges SQL. (From BEN_PER_IN_LER)
18     Incremental Refresh
19     1.0.1 Generate the Person Ranges SQL. (From HRI_MB_BEN_ENRLACTN_CT).
22 -------------------
24     2.0.1 Gets a range of objects (per_in_lers) to process
25     2.0.2 Calls process_range or process_incr_range for each range.
30 -------------------------
32     3.0.1 Logs process end (success/failure)
33     3.0.2 Purges event queue
34     3.0.3 Full Refresh
35     3.0.4 Incremental Refres
36     3.0.5 Recreates indexes that were dropped in PRE_PROCESS
37     3.0.6 Gathers stats
38 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
41 --
42 -- Global variables representing parameters
43 --
44    g_refresh_start_date          DATE;
45    g_refresh_end_date            DATE;
46    g_full_refresh                VARCHAR2 (5);
47    g_collect_oe_only             VARCHAR2 (5);
48    g_concurrent_flag             VARCHAR2 (5);
49    g_debug_flag                  VARCHAR2 (5);
50    g_global_start_date           DATE;
52 --
53 -- Set to true to output to a concurrent log file
54 --
55    g_conc_request_flag           BOOLEAN       := FALSE;
56 --
57 --
58 -- Global end of time date initialization from the package hr_general
59 --
60    g_end_of_time                 DATE;
61 --
62 -- Global DBI collection start date initialization
63 --
64    g_dbi_collection_start_date   DATE;
65 --
66 -- Global Variable for checking if performance rating is to be collected
67 --
68    g_collect_perf_rating         VARCHAR2 (30);
69    g_collect_prsn_typ            VARCHAR2 (30);
70 --
71 -- Global HRI Multithreading Array
72 --
73    g_mthd_action_array      HRI_ADM_MTHD_ACTIONS%rowtype;
74 --
75 -- Global warning indicator
76 --
77    g_raise_warning               VARCHAR2 (1);
78 --
79    g_enrlactn_evnt_table         VARCHAR2 (50) := 'HRI_MB_BEN_ENRLACTN_CT';
80    g_package                     VARCHAR2 (50) := 'HRI_OPL_BEN_ENRL_ACTN';
81 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
82 -- Inserts row into concurrent program log if debugging is enabled
83 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
84 PROCEDURE dbg(p_text  VARCHAR2) IS
86     --
87        HRI_BPL_CONC_LOG.dbg(p_text);
88     --
89 END dbg;
90 --
91 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
92 -- Inserts row into concurrent program log
93 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
94    PROCEDURE output (p_text VARCHAR2)
95    IS
96    --
97    BEGIN
98       --
99       -- Write to the concurrent request log if called from a concurrent request
100       --
101       IF (g_conc_request_flag = TRUE)
102       THEN
103          --
104          -- Put text to log file
105          --
106          fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, p_text);
107       --
108       ELSE
109          --
110          hr_utility.set_location (p_text, 999);
111       --
112       END IF;
113    --
114    END output;
116   -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
117   -- |--------------------------< RUN_SQL_STMT_NOERR >--------------------------|
118   -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
119   --
120   -- Runs given sql statement dynamically without raising an error
121   --
122   PROCEDURE run_sql_stmt_noerr( p_sql_stmt   VARCHAR2 )
123   IS
124   --
125   BEGIN
126     --
127     EXECUTE IMMEDIATE p_sql_stmt;
128     --
130     --
131     dbg('Error running sql:');
132     dbg(SUBSTR(p_sql_stmt,1,230));
133     --
134   END run_sql_stmt_noerr;
135   --
136 --
137 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
139 -- sets up parameters required for the process.
140 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
141 --
142    PROCEDURE set_parameters (
143       p_mthd_action_id   IN   NUMBER,
144       p_mthd_range_id    IN   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
145    )
146    IS
147    --
148    l_procedure                          VARCHAR2(100) := g_package || '.set_parameters';
149    --
150    BEGIN
151       --
152       -- If parameters haven't already been set, then set them
153       --
154 --      dbg('Entering ' || l_procedure);
155       --
156       g_collect_oe_only := HRI_BPL_BEN_UTIL.get_curr_oe_coll_mode;
157       g_global_start_date := HRI_BPL_PARAMETER.get_bis_global_start_date;
158       --
159       IF p_mthd_action_id IS NULL
160       THEN
161          --
162          -- Called from test harness
163          --
164          g_refresh_start_date   := bis_common_parameters.get_global_start_date;
165          g_refresh_end_date     := hr_general.end_of_time;
166          g_full_refresh         := 'Y';
167          g_concurrent_flag      := 'Y';
168          g_debug_flag           := 'Y';
169          --
170       ELSIF (g_refresh_start_date IS NULL)
171       THEN
172          --
173          g_mthd_action_array    := hri_opl_multi_thread.get_mthd_action_array(p_mthd_action_id);
174          g_refresh_start_date   := g_mthd_action_array.collect_from_date;
175          g_refresh_end_date     := hr_general.end_of_time;
176          g_full_refresh         := g_mthd_action_array.full_refresh_flag;
177          g_concurrent_flag      := 'Y';
178          g_debug_flag           := g_mthd_action_array.debug_flag;
179          --
180       END IF;
181       --
182 --      dbg('Leaving ' || l_procedure);
183       --
184    END set_parameters;
185    --
186 --
187 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
189 -- This procedure includes the logic required for performing the pre_process
190 -- task of HRI multithreading utility.
191 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
192 --
194     PROCEDURE pre_process (
195       p_mthd_action_id   IN              NUMBER,
196       p_sqlstr           OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
197     )
198     IS
199       l_dummy1   VARCHAR2 (4000);
200       l_dummy2   VARCHAR2 (4000);
201       l_schema   VARCHAR2 (10);
202       l_procedure VARCHAR2(100) := g_package || '.pre_process';
204     --
205     dbg('Entering ' || l_procedure);
206     --
207     -- Set Initialization Parameters.
208     set_parameters (p_mthd_action_id);
209     OUTPUT('Full Refresh Flag  : ' || g_full_refresh);
210     OUTPUT('Open Enr Only Flag : ' || g_collect_oe_only);
214       --
215       IF (fnd_installation.get_app_info ('HRI', l_dummy1, l_dummy2, l_schema)) THEN
216          --
217          -- output ('Schema Found: ' || l_schema);
218          -- l_schema := 'BEN';
220          -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
221          --                       Full Refresh Section
222          -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
223          IF (g_full_refresh = 'Y') THEN
224             --
225                 --
226             -- If 'Collect For Current Open Enrollment Only',
227             -- Follow the same flow as Full_Refresh,
228             -- And avoid truncate tables.
229             IF (g_collect_oe_only = 'Y') THEN
230                 -- Return the sql query to fetch PERSON_ID ranges.
231                 -- Select all PERSONs for whom an Open Enrollment is either in Started or Processed State
232                 -- for the Latest Open LE in each BG.
233                 --
234                 p_sqlstr := ' ';
235                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || 'SELECT DISTINCT pil.person_id object_id';
236                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '  FROM ben_per_in_ler pil,';
237                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '       (SELECT MAX(pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt) lf_evt_ocrd_dt';
238                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '               , pil.business_group_id';
239                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '               , pil.ler_id';
240                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '		   FROM ben_per_in_ler pil, ';
241                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '		        ben_ler_f ler ';
242                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '		  WHERE pil.ler_id = ler.ler_id ';
243                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '		    AND ler.typ_cd = ''SCHEDDO''';
244                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '		    AND pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd = ''STRTD''';
245                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '          AND pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt >= ';
246                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '               TO_DATE('''||TO_CHAR(g_global_start_date,'MM/DD/YYYY') ||''',''MM/DD/YYYY'') ';
247                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '           AND pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt BETWEEN ler.effective_start_date ';
248                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '                                      AND ler.effective_end_date ';
249                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '		  GROUP BY pil.business_group_id, pil.ler_id ) pil1';
250                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || ' WHERE pil.ler_id = pil1.ler_id';
251                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '   AND pil.business_group_id = pil1.business_group_id';
252                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '   AND pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = pil1.lf_evt_ocrd_dt ';
253                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || ' ORDER BY pil.person_id   ';
254                 --
255                 OUTPUT(' Collect For Current Open  ');
256                 --
257             ELSE
258                 --
259                  OUTPUT(' Collect For All Open');
260                  OUTPUT(' Disabling Indexes...');
261                 -- Disable WHO triggers on Events table
262                 --
263                 run_sql_stmt_noerr('ALTER TRIGGER ' || g_enrlactn_evnt_table || '_WHO DISABLE');
264                 --
265                 -- Disable Logs and Indexes
266                 --
267                 hri_utl_ddl.log_and_drop_indexes(
268                                  p_application_short_name => 'HRI',
269                                  p_table_name    => g_enrlactn_evnt_table,
270                                  p_table_owner   => l_schema);
272                 --
273                 -- Truncate the table
274                 --
275                 OUTPUT(' Truncating Tables...');
276                 --
277                 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' || l_schema || '.' || g_enrlactn_evnt_table;
278                 --
279                 -- Return the sql query to fetch PERSON_ID ranges.
280                 -- Select all PERSONs for whom an Open Enrollment is either in Started or Processed State
281                 -- Use Profiles to limit entries base on life event occured date.
282                 p_sqlstr := ' ';
283                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || 'SELECT DISTINCT pil.person_id object_id ';
284                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '  FROM ben_per_in_ler pil, ';
285                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '       ben_ler_f ler ';
286                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || ' WHERE pil.ler_id = ler.ler_id ';
287                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '   AND ler.typ_cd = ''SCHEDDO'' ';
288                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '   AND pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd IN (''STRTD'',''PROCD'') ';
289                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '   AND pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt >= ';
290                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '  TO_DATE('''||TO_CHAR(g_global_start_date,'MM/DD/YYYY') || ''',''MM/DD/YYYY'') ';
291                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '   AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 ';
292                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '                 FROM ben_prtt_enrt_actn_f pea ';
293                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || '                WHERE pea.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id ) ';
294                 p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || ' ORDER BY pil.person_id ';
295                 --
296             END IF;
297          ELSE
298          -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
299          --                   Start of Incremental Refresh Section
300          -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
301             --
302             -- Return the sql query to fetch PERSON_ID ranges
303             --
304             p_sqlstr := ' ';
305             p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || ' SELECT DISTINCT peaq.person_id object_id ';
306             p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || ' FROM hri_eq_ben_enrlactn_evts peaq ';
307             p_sqlstr := p_sqlstr || ' ORDER BY peaq.person_id ';
308             --
309             --
310          END IF;
311       END IF;
312       --
313       dbg('Leaving ' || l_procedure);
314       --
316       --
317       WHEN OTHERS
318       THEN
319          output ('Exception in pre_process: ' || substr(SQLERRM,1,200));
320       --
321    END pre_process;
323 --
324 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
326 -- This procedure includes the logic for collecting Eligibility
327 -- and Enrollment Events Fact.
328 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
329 --
330    PROCEDURE collect_enrlactn_evt (p_person_id NUMBER, p_per_in_ler_id NUMBER)
331    IS
332       --
333       -- Cursor to select all the action items that were completed
334       -- after last refresh
335       --
336       CURSOR c_eac_end_date
337       IS
338          SELECT per_in_ler_id, prtt_enrt_rslt_id, person_id, actn_typ_id,
339                 event_date, lf_evt_ocrd_dt, due_dt, actn_typ_cd, rqd_flag,
340                 cmpltd_dt, prtt_enrt_actn_id
341            FROM hri_eq_ben_enrlactn_evts peaq
342           WHERE per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
343             AND event_cd = 'COMPLETED'
344             AND cmpltd_dt IS NOT NULL;
345       --
346       -- Cursor to select all the action items that were created since
347       -- last refresh
348       --
349       CURSOR c_eac_optional_actn
350       IS
351          SELECT per_in_ler_id, prtt_enrt_rslt_id, person_id, actn_typ_id,
352                 event_date, lf_evt_ocrd_dt, due_dt, actn_typ_cd, rqd_flag,
353                 cmpltd_dt, prtt_enrt_actn_id
354            FROM hri_eq_ben_enrlactn_evts peaq
355           WHERE per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id AND event_cd = 'INSERTED';
356       --
357       -- Cursor to select all action items that were zapped since last refresh
358       --    1. Delete the enrollment (bepearhi.pkb logs the event in queue)
359       --    2. Void the life event (bepilrhi.pkb logs the event in queue)
360       --
361       cursor c_peac is
362          SELECT peaq.lf_evt_ocrd_dt, peaq.person_id,
363                 peaq.per_in_ler_id, peaq.PRTT_ENRT_ACTN_ID
364            FROM hri_eq_ben_enrlactn_evts peaq
365           WHERE peaq.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
366             AND peaq.person_id = p_person_id
367             AND peaq.event_cd IN ('ZAP');
368       --
369       -- Variables for HRI_EQ_BEN_ENRLACTN_EVTS
370       --
371       l_per_in_ler_id_tab       g_per_in_ler_id_tab_type;
372       l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id_tab   g_prtt_enrt_rslt_id_tab_type;
373       l_person_id_tab           g_person_id_tab_type;
374       l_actn_typ_id_tab         g_actn_typ_id_tab_type;
375       l_event_date_tab          g_event_date_tab_type;
376       l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt_tab      g_lf_evt_ocrd_dt_tab_type;
377       l_due_dt_tab              g_due_dt_tab_type;
378       l_actn_typ_cd_tab         g_actn_typ_cd_tab_type;
379       l_rqd_flag_tab            g_rqd_flag_tab_type;
380       l_cmpltd_dt_tab           g_cmpltd_dt_tab_type;
381       l_prtt_enrt_actn_id_tab   g_prtt_enrt_actn_id_tab_type;
382       l_procedure VARCHAR2(100) := g_package || '.collect_enrlactn_evt [IR]';
383       --
384       -- End of Variables for HRI_EQ_BEN_ENRLACTN_EVTS
385       --
386       dml_errors                EXCEPTION;
387       PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (dml_errors, -24381);
388       --
389    --
390    BEGIN
391       --
392       dbg('Entering ' || l_procedure);
393       --
394       -- Step 1. Create action items which are newly created
395       --
396       OPEN c_eac_optional_actn;
397          --
398          FETCH c_eac_optional_actn BULK COLLECT INTO l_per_in_ler_id_tab,
399                                                      l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id_tab,
400                                                      l_person_id_tab,
401                                                      l_actn_typ_id_tab,
402                                                      l_event_date_tab,
403                                                      l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt_tab,
404                                                      l_due_dt_tab,
405                                                      l_actn_typ_cd_tab,
406                                                      l_rqd_flag_tab,
407                                                      l_cmpltd_dt_tab,
408                                                      l_prtt_enrt_actn_id_tab;
409          --
410       CLOSE c_eac_optional_actn;
411       --
412       IF l_per_in_ler_id_tab.COUNT > 0
413       THEN
414          --
415          FORALL i IN l_per_in_ler_id_tab.FIRST .. l_per_in_ler_id_tab.LAST SAVE EXCEPTIONS
416             --
417             INSERT INTO hri_mb_ben_enrlactn_ct
418                         ( sspnd_ind,
419                           actn_item_ind,
420                           interim_ind,
421                           change_date,
422                           effective_start_date,
423                           effective_end_date,
424                           person_id,
425                           asnd_lf_evt_dt,
426                           actn_typ_cd,
427                           compobj_sk_pk,
428                           enrt_perd_id,
429                           actn_typ_id,
430                           prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
431                           prtt_enrt_actn_id,
432                           per_in_ler_id,
433                           interim_enrt_rslt_id,
434                           interim_compobj_sk_pk, due_dt
435                          )
436                          ( SELECT (CASE WHEN (l_rqd_flag_tab (i) = 'Y'
437                                              AND l_cmpltd_dt_tab (i) IS NULL)
438                                         THEN 1
439                                         ELSE 0 END) sspnd_ind,
440                                   (CASE WHEN (l_cmpltd_dt_tab (i) IS NULL) -- 4541338
441                                         THEN 1
442                                         ELSE 0 END ) actn_item_ind,
443                                   DECODE (pen.rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id, NULL, 0, 1),
444                                   l_event_date_tab (i),
445                                   --l_event_date_tab (i),
446                                   pen.effective_start_Date,
447                                   hr_api.g_eot,
448                                   l_person_id_tab (i),
449                                   l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt_tab (i),
450                                   l_actn_typ_cd_tab (i),
451                                   copd.compobj_sk_pk compobj_sk_pk,
452                                   enpd.enrt_perd_id,
453                                   l_actn_typ_id_tab (i),
454                                   pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
455                                   l_prtt_enrt_actn_id_tab (i),
456                                   l_per_in_ler_id_tab (i),
457                                   pen.rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id,
458                                   copd_int.compobj_sk_pk interim_compobj_sk_pk,
459                                   l_due_dt_tab (i)
460                              FROM ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen,
461                                   hri_cs_time_benrl_prd_ct enpd,
462                                   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen_int,
463                                   hri_cs_compobj_ct copd_int,
464                                   hri_cs_compobj_ct copd,
465                                   ben_opt_f opt,
466                                   ben_pl_f pln
467                             WHERE pen.per_in_ler_id = l_per_in_ler_id_tab (i)
468                               AND pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id_tab (i)
469                               AND enpd.pgm_id = pen.pgm_id
470                               AND l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt_tab (i) = enpd.asnd_lf_evt_dt
471                               AND (   copd.oipl_id = pen.oipl_id
472                                    OR (pen.oipl_id IS NULL AND copd.oipl_id = -1)
473                                   )
474                               AND copd.pl_id = pen.pl_id
475                               AND copd.pgm_id = pen.pgm_id
476                               AND opt.opt_id(+) = copd.opt_id
477                               AND pln.pl_id = copd.pl_id
478                               AND l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt_tab (i) BETWEEN opt.effective_start_date(+)
479                                                                AND opt.effective_end_date(+)
480                               AND l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt_tab (i) BETWEEN pln.effective_start_date
481                                                                AND pln.effective_end_date
482                               AND pen.rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id = pen_int.prtt_enrt_rslt_id(+)
483                               /* AND copd_int.oipl_id(+) = NVL (pen_int.oipl_id, -1) */
484                               AND (   copd_int.oipl_id = pen_int.oipl_id
485                                    OR (pen_int.oipl_id IS NULL AND NVL(copd_int.oipl_id,-1) = -1)
486                                   )
487                               AND copd_int.pgm_id(+) = pen_int.pgm_id
488                               AND copd_int.pl_id(+) = pen_int.pl_id
489                               AND pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd IS NULL
490                               /* Bug 4562628 */
491                               and (    pen_int.effective_start_date is null
492                                     or (pen.effective_Start_date between pen_int.effective_Start_date
493                                                                      and pen_int.effective_end_date)
494                                )
495                               /* Bug 4562628 */
496                          );
497             --
498          --
499       END IF;
500       --
501       dbg('Created New Action Items');
502       --
503       -- Step 2. End date exising records to one day prior.
504       --
505       OPEN c_eac_end_date;
506         --
507         FETCH c_eac_end_date BULK COLLECT INTO l_per_in_ler_id_tab,
508                                                l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id_tab,
509                                                l_person_id_tab,
510                                                l_actn_typ_id_tab,
511                                                l_event_date_tab,
512                                                l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt_tab,
513                                                l_due_dt_tab,
514                                                l_actn_typ_cd_tab,
515                                                l_rqd_flag_tab,
516                                                l_cmpltd_dt_tab,
517                                                l_prtt_enrt_actn_id_tab;
518         --
519       CLOSE c_eac_end_date;
521       IF l_per_in_ler_id_tab.COUNT > 0
522       THEN
523          --
524          FORALL i IN l_per_in_ler_id_tab.FIRST .. l_per_in_ler_id_tab.LAST SAVE EXCEPTIONS
525             UPDATE hri_mb_ben_enrlactn_ct peac
526                SET peac.effective_end_date = l_event_date_tab (i) - 1
527              WHERE peac.per_in_ler_id = l_per_in_ler_id_tab (i)
528                AND peac.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = l_prtt_enrt_rslt_id_tab (i)
529                AND peac.prtt_enrt_actn_id = l_prtt_enrt_actn_id_tab (i)
530                AND peac.actn_typ_id = l_actn_typ_id_tab (i)
531                AND peac.asnd_lf_evt_dt = l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt_tab (i);
532          --
533       END IF;
534       --
535       dbg ('End-dated Existing Records To A Day Prior');
536       --
537       -- Step 3. Delete Records for which Results were ZAPPED.
538       --
539       -- Case (i) The ZAP event logged by bepilrhi.pkb >> hrieqele.pkb
540       --          The record in event queue will not have PRTT_ENRT_ACTN_ID
541       --          and PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_ID populated.
542       --          But will have only PER_IN_LER_ID populated. In such case
543       --          delete all records from fact for the given PER_IN_LER_ID
544       -- Case (ii) The ZAP event logged by benelinf.pkb >> bepearhi.pkb >> hrieqeea.pkb
545       --           The record in event queue will have both PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_ID
546       --           and PRTT_ENRT_ACTN_ID. Hence delete records in the fact table
547       --           for the given PRTT_ENRT_ACTN_ID
548       --
549       OPEN c_peac;
550         --
551         FETCH c_peac BULK COLLECT INTO l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt_tab,
552                                        l_person_id_tab,
553                                        l_per_in_ler_id_tab,
554                                        l_prtt_enrt_actn_id_tab;
555         --
556       CLOSE c_peac;
557       --
558       IF l_per_in_ler_id_tab.COUNT > 0
559       THEN
560          --
561          FORALL i IN l_per_in_ler_id_tab.FIRST .. l_per_in_ler_id_tab.LAST SAVE EXCEPTIONS
562               DELETE FROM hri_mb_ben_enrlactn_ct peac
563               WHERE peac.asnd_lf_evt_dt = l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt_tab (i)
564                 and  peac.person_id = l_person_id_tab(i)
565                 and  peac.per_in_ler_id = l_per_in_ler_id_tab (i)
566                 /* See Case(i) and Case(ii) above for clause below */
567                 and  peac.PRTT_ENRT_ACTN_ID  = nvl(l_prtt_enrt_actn_id_tab (i),peac.PRTT_ENRT_ACTN_ID ) ;
568          --
569       end if;
570       --
571       dbg ('Deleted Zapped Records');
572       --
573       --
574       -- output('Incremental Update Completed');
575       --
576       dbg('Leaving ' || l_procedure);
577       --
578    --
580       --
581       WHEN dml_errors
582       THEN
583          output ('Exception in collect_enrlactn_evt: ' || SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 190));
584       --
585    END collect_enrlactn_evt;
587 --
588 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
590 -- This procedure includes the logic for collecting Eligibility
591 -- and Enrollment Events Fact.
592 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
593 --
594    PROCEDURE collect_enrlactn_evt (p_pil_rec g_pil_rec_type)
595    IS
596       --
597       dml_errors   EXCEPTION;
598       PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (dml_errors, -24381);
599       l_procedure VARCHAR2(100) := g_package || '.collect_enrlactn_evt [FR]';
600       --
601    BEGIN
602       --
603       dbg('Entering ' || l_procedure);
604       --
605       IF (g_collect_oe_only = 'Y') THEN
606         -- If Only Current Open Enrollment is being Collected,
607         -- Delete any prior run's stray records, if present.
608         DELETE from hri_mb_ben_enrlactn_ct
609          WHERE person_id = p_pil_rec.person_id
610            AND asnd_lf_evt_dt = p_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
611            AND per_in_ler_id = p_pil_rec.per_in_ler_id;
612         --
613       END IF;
614       -- output('Start Of Full Refresh');
615       -- Populate Benefits Enrollment Actions Fact
616       -- Insert Actions (From Enrollment Action Items BEN_PRTT_ENRT_ACT_F)
617       --
618       INSERT INTO hri_mb_ben_enrlactn_ct
619                   (
620                     sspnd_ind,
621                     actn_item_ind,
622                     interim_ind,
623                     change_date,
624                     effective_start_date,
625                     effective_end_date,
626                     person_id,
627                     asnd_lf_evt_dt,
628                     actn_typ_cd,
629                     compobj_sk_pk,
630                     enrt_perd_id,
631                     actn_typ_id,
632                     prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
633                     prtt_enrt_actn_id,
634                     per_in_ler_id,
635                     interim_enrt_rslt_id,
636                     interim_compobj_sk_pk,
637                     due_dt
638                    )
639                    (
640                      SELECT (CASE WHEN (pea.rqd_flag = 'Y'
641                                         AND pea.cmpltd_dt IS NULL)
642                                   THEN 1
643                                   ELSE 0 END) sspnd_ind,
644                              (CASE WHEN (pea.cmpltd_dt IS NULL) -- 4541338
645                                    THEN 1
646                                    ELSE 0 END ) actn_item_ind,
647                              DECODE (pen.rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id, NULL, 0, 1),
648                              pea.effective_start_date,
649                              pea.effective_start_date,
650                              pea.effective_end_date,
651                              p_pil_rec.person_id,
652                              p_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,
653                              act.type_cd,
654                              copd.compobj_sk_pk compobj_sk_pk,
655                              enpd.enrt_perd_id,
656                              pea.actn_typ_id,
657                              pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
658                              pea.prtt_enrt_actn_id,
659                              p_pil_rec.per_in_ler_id,
660                              pen.rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id,
661                              copd_int.compobj_sk_pk interim_compobj_sk_pk, pea.due_dt
662                         FROM ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen,
663                              ben_prtt_enrt_actn_f pea,
664                              hri_cs_time_benrl_prd_ct enpd,
665                              ben_actn_typ act,
666                              ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen_int,
667                              hri_cs_compobj_ct copd_int,
668                              hri_cs_compobj_ct copd,
669                              ben_opt_f opt,
670                              ben_pl_f pln
671                        WHERE pen.per_in_ler_id = p_pil_rec.per_in_ler_id
672                          AND pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = pea.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
673                          AND pea.actn_typ_id = act.actn_typ_id
674                          AND enpd.pgm_id = pen.pgm_id
675                          AND p_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = enpd.asnd_lf_evt_dt
676                          AND (   copd.oipl_id = pen.oipl_id
677                               OR (pen.oipl_id IS NULL AND copd.oipl_id = -1)
678                              )
679                          AND copd.pl_id = pen.pl_id
680                          AND copd.pgm_id = pen.pgm_id
681                          AND opt.opt_id(+) = copd.opt_id
682                          AND pln.pl_id = copd.pl_id
683                          AND p_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt BETWEEN opt.effective_start_date(+)
684                                                           AND opt.effective_end_date(+)
685                          AND p_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt BETWEEN pln.effective_start_date
686                                                           AND pln.effective_end_date
687                          AND pen.rplcs_sspndd_rslt_id = pen_int.prtt_enrt_rslt_id(+)
688                          /* AND copd_int.oipl_id(+) = NVL(pen_int.oipl_id, -1) */
689                          AND (   copd_int.oipl_id = pen_int.oipl_id
690                               OR (pen_int.oipl_id IS NULL AND NVL(copd_int.oipl_id,-1) = -1)
691                              )
692                          AND copd_int.pgm_id(+) = pen_int.pgm_id
693                          AND copd_int.pl_id(+) = pen_int.pl_id
694                          -- AND pen.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot  /* Bug 4562628 */
695                          AND pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt = hr_api.g_eot
696                          AND pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd IS NULL
697                          /* Bug 4562628 */
698                          and pea.effective_Start_date between pen.effective_Start_date and pen.effective_end_date
699                          and (    pen_int.effective_start_date is null
700                                or (pen.effective_Start_date between pen_int.effective_Start_date
701                                                                 and pen_int.effective_end_date)
702                           )
703                          /* Bug 4562628 */
704                    );
705       --
706       -- output ('Full Refresh Completed');
707       --
708       dbg('Leaving ' || l_procedure);
709       --
711       WHEN dml_errors
712       THEN
713          --
714          output ('Exception in collect_enrlactn_evt : ' || SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 200));
715          --
716    END collect_enrlactn_evt;
718 --
719 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
721 -- Is called in FULL REFRESH mode.
722 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
723 --
724    PROCEDURE process_full_range (
725       p_start_object_id   IN   NUMBER,
726       p_end_object_id     IN   NUMBER
727    )
728    IS
729       --
730       CURSOR c_pil
731       IS
732            SELECT pil.per_in_ler_id,
733                   pil.person_id,
734                   pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,
735                   pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd,
736                   pil.business_group_id
737              FROM ben_per_in_ler pil, ben_ler_f ler
738             WHERE pil.ler_id = ler.ler_id
739               AND ler.typ_cd = 'SCHEDDO'
740               AND pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd IN ('STRTD', 'PROCD')
741               AND pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt >= g_global_start_date
742               AND pil.person_id BETWEEN p_start_object_id
743                                     AND p_end_object_id
744          ORDER BY pil.person_id;
745       --
746         CURSOR c_pil_oe IS
747         SELECT pil.per_in_ler_id,
748                pil.person_id,
749                pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,
750                pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd,
751                pil.business_group_id
752           FROM ben_per_in_ler pil,
753               (SELECT MAX(pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt) lf_evt_ocrd_dt
754                     , pil.business_group_id
755                     , pil.ler_id
756                  FROM ben_per_in_ler pil,
757                       ben_ler_f ler
758                 WHERE pil.ler_id = ler.ler_id
759                   AND ler.typ_cd = 'SCHEDDO'
760                   AND pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'STRTD'
761                   AND pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt BETWEEN ler.effective_start_date
762                                              AND ler.effective_end_date
763                 GROUP BY pil.business_group_id, pil.ler_id ) pil1
764          WHERE pil.ler_id = pil1.ler_id
765            AND pil.business_group_id = pil1.business_group_id
766            AND pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = pil1.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
767            AND pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt >= g_global_start_date
768            AND pil.person_id BETWEEN p_start_object_id AND p_end_object_id
769          ORDER BY pil.person_id;
770       --
771       l_pil_tbl   g_pil_tab_type;
772       --
773    BEGIN
774       --
775       IF (g_collect_oe_only = 'Y') THEN
776           --
777           OPEN c_pil_oe;
778           FETCH c_pil_oe BULK COLLECT INTO l_pil_tbl;
779           CLOSE c_pil_oe;
780           --
781       ELSE
782           --
783           OPEN c_pil;
784           FETCH c_pil BULK COLLECT INTO l_pil_tbl;
785           CLOSE c_pil;
786           --
787       END IF;
789       --
790       -- For each PIL collect the Election and Enrollment Information
791       --
792       IF (l_pil_tbl.COUNT > 0)
793       THEN
794          FOR i IN l_pil_tbl.FIRST .. l_pil_tbl.LAST
795          LOOP
796             --
797             -- 1. Load the Enrollments Action Fact
798             --
799             collect_enrlactn_evt (p_pil_rec => l_pil_tbl (i));
800             --
801          END LOOP;
802       END IF;
803       --
805       WHEN OTHERS
806       THEN
807           output ('Exception in process_range : ' || SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 200));
808    END process_full_range;
810 --
811 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
813 -- This procedure is called in INCREMENTAL REFRESH mode.
814 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
815 --
816    PROCEDURE process_incr_range (
817       p_start_object_id   IN   NUMBER,
818       p_end_object_id     IN   NUMBER
819    )
820    IS
821       --
822       CURSOR c_per_in_evt
823       IS
824          SELECT DISTINCT penq.person_id, penq.per_in_ler_id
825                     FROM hri_eq_ben_enrlactn_evts penq
826                    WHERE penq.person_id BETWEEN p_start_object_id
827                                             AND p_end_object_id
828                 ORDER BY penq.person_id;
829       --
830       l_person_tbl   g_number_tab_type;
831       l_pil_tbl      g_number_tab_type;
832       --
833    BEGIN
834       --
835       -- 1. Load the Election Events Fact
836       --
837       OPEN c_per_in_evt;
838       FETCH c_per_in_evt BULK COLLECT INTO l_person_tbl, l_pil_tbl;
839       CLOSE c_per_in_evt;
840       --
841       FOR i IN l_person_tbl.FIRST .. l_person_tbl.LAST
842       LOOP
843          --
844          collect_enrlactn_evt (p_person_id          => l_person_tbl (i),
845                                p_per_in_ler_id      => l_pil_tbl (i)
846                               );
847          --
848       END LOOP;
849       --
850       l_person_tbl.DELETE;
851       l_pil_tbl.DELETE;
852       --
854       WHEN OTHERS
855       THEN
856           output ('Exception in process_incr_range : ' || SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 200));
857    END process_incr_range;
859 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
861 -- This procedure is dynamically called from HRI Multithreading utility.
862 -- Calls Collection procedures for Election Event and Elibility Enrollment Event Facts
863 -- for All PER_IN_LER_IDs obtained from the thread range.
864 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
865    PROCEDURE process_range (
866       errbuf              OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
867       retcode             OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
868       p_mthd_action_id    IN              NUMBER,
869       p_mthd_range_id     IN              NUMBER,
870       p_start_object_id   IN              NUMBER,
871       p_end_object_id     IN              NUMBER
872    )
873    IS
874       --
875       l_procedure                    VARCHAR2(100) := g_package || 'process_range';
876       --
877    BEGIN
878       --
879       -- Enable output to concurrent request log
880       --
881       dbg('Entering ' || l_procedure);
882       --
883       g_conc_request_flag := TRUE;
884       --
885       -- 1. Set parameters for this thread.
886       --
887       set_parameters (p_mthd_action_id      => p_mthd_action_id,
888                       p_mthd_range_id       => p_mthd_range_id);
889       --
890       IF g_full_refresh = 'Y'
891       THEN
892          --
893          process_full_range (p_start_object_id      => p_start_object_id,
894                              p_end_object_id        => p_end_object_id);
895          --
896       ELSE
897          --
898          process_incr_range (p_start_object_id      => p_start_object_id,
899                              p_end_object_id        => p_end_object_id);
900          --
901       END IF;
902       --
903       errbuf := 'SUCCESS';
904       retcode := 0;
905       --
906       dbg('Leaving ' || l_procedure);
907       --
909       WHEN OTHERS
910       THEN
911          --
912          dbg('Error ' || l_procedure);
913          output ('Error encountered while processing range = ' || p_mthd_range_id );
914          output (SQLERRM);
915          errbuf := SQLERRM;
916          retcode := SQLCODE;
917          --
918          RAISE;
919          --
920    END process_range;
922 --
923 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
925 -- This procedure is dynamically invoked by the HRI Multithreading utility.
926 -- It performs all the clean up action for after collection.
927 --       Enable the MV logs
928 --       Purge the Election and Eligibility Events' incremental events queue
929 --       Update BIS Refresh Log
930 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
931 --
932    PROCEDURE post_process (p_mthd_action_id NUMBER)
933     IS
934         --
935         l_dummy1   VARCHAR2 (2000);
936         l_dummy2   VARCHAR2 (2000);
937         l_schema   VARCHAR2 (400);
938         --
939     BEGIN
940         --
941         dbg ('Inside post_process');
942         --
943         set_parameters (p_mthd_action_id);
944         OUTPUT('Full Refresh Flag  : ' || g_full_refresh);
945         OUTPUT('Open Enr Only Flag : ' || g_collect_oe_only);
946         --
947         IF (fnd_installation.get_app_info ('HRI',l_dummy1,l_dummy2,l_schema)) THEN
948             --
949             IF (g_full_refresh = 'Y') THEN
950             --
951                 -- output ('Full Refresh selected - Creating indexes');
952                 --
953                 HRI_UTL_DDL.recreate_indexes(
954                 p_application_short_name => 'HRI',
955                 p_table_name    => g_enrlactn_evnt_table,
956                 p_table_owner   => l_schema);
957                 --
958                 run_sql_stmt_noerr('ALTER TRIGGER ' || g_enrlactn_evnt_table || '_WHO ENABLE');
959                 --
960             ELSE
961                 --
962                 -- Incremental Changes
963                 -- Enable the WHO trigger on the events fact table
964                 --
965                 IF (HRI_BPL_BEN_UTIL.get_archive_events = 'Y') THEN
966                     -- If Event Queue is to be be archived add code here
967                     dbg ('Archive the events queue');
968                 END IF;
969                 --
970             END IF;
971             --
972             -- Purge the Events Queue. The events queue needs to be purged
973             -- even after the after full refresh. Recollecting incremental changes
974             -- will be useless if a full refresh has been run.
975             EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'truncate table ' || l_schema || '.HRI_EQ_BEN_ENRLACTN_EVTS';
976         --
977         END IF;
978         --
979         dbg ('Exiting post_process');
980         --
982     --
984         --
985         RAISE;
986         --
987     END post_process;
988 --
989 END hri_opl_ben_enrl_actn;