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2      ( feature_boolean  OUT  NUMBER,
3        aux_count        OUT  NUMBER,
4        feature_info     OUT  CLOB)
5 AS
6   num_obj_types         number;
7   num_obj_tables        number;
8   num_obj_columns       number;
9   num_obj_views         number;
10   num_anydata_cols      number;
11   num_nt_cols           number;
12   num_varray_cols       number;
13   num_octs              number;
14   feature_usage         varchar2(1000);
15   TYPE cursor_t         IS REF CURSOR;
16   cursor_coltype        cursor_t;
17   total_count           number;
18   flag                  number;
21   --initialize
22   num_obj_types         :=0;
23   num_obj_tables        :=0;
24   num_obj_columns       :=0;
25   num_obj_views         :=0;
26   num_anydata_cols      :=0;
27   num_nt_cols           :=0;
28   num_varray_cols       :=0;
29   num_octs              :=0;
30   total_count           :=0;
31   flag                  :=0;
33   feature_boolean := 0;
34   aux_count := 0;
36   /* get number of object types */
37   execute immediate 'select count(*) from sys.type$ t, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u
38           where o.owner# = u.user# and o.oid$ = t.tvoid and
39             u.name not in (select schema_name from v$sysaux_occupants) and
40             u.name not in (''OE'', ''IX'', ''PM'', ''DVSYS'',
41                            ''LBACSYS'', ''GSMADMIN_INTERNAL'') and
42             u.name not like ''FLOWS_%'' and
43             u.name not like ''APEX_%'''
44           into num_obj_types;
46   /* get number of object tables */
47   execute immediate 'select count(*) from  sys.tab$ t, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u
48           where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = t.obj# and
49                 bitand(t.property, 1) = 1 and bitand(o.flags, 128) = 0 and
50                 u.name not in (select schema_name from v$sysaux_occupants) and
51                 u.name not in (''OE'', ''PM'', ''GSMADMIN_INTERNAL'') and
52                 u.name not like ''FLOWS_%'' and
53                 u.name not like ''APEX_%'''
54           into num_obj_tables;
57   /* get number of object views */
58   execute immediate 'select count(*) from sys.typed_view$ t, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u
59           where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = t.obj# and
60                 u.name not in (select schema_name from v$sysaux_occupants) and
61                 u.name not in (''OE'', ''DVSYS'') and
62                 u.name not like ''FLOWS_%'' and
63                 u.name not like ''APEX_%'''
64           into num_obj_views;
66   /* get number of object columns, nested table columns, varray columns,
67    * anydata columns and OCTs
68    */
69   OPEN cursor_coltype FOR '
70     select /*+ index(o i_obj1) */ count(*), bitand(t.flags, 16414)
71     from sys.coltype$ t, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u
72     where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = t.obj# and
73           u.name not in (select schema_name from v$sysaux_occupants) and
74           u.name not in (''OE'', ''IX'', ''PM'', ''DVSYS'',
75                          ''GSMADMIN_INTERNAL'') and
76           u.name not like ''FLOWS_%'' and
77           u.name not like ''APEX_%'' and
78           ((bitand(t.flags, 30) != 0) OR
79            (bitand(t.flags, 16384) = 16384 and
80             t.toid = ''00000000000000000000000000020011''))
81     group by (bitand(t.flags, 16414))';
84   LOOP
85     BEGIN
86       FETCH cursor_coltype INTO total_count, flag;
87       EXIT WHEN cursor_coltype%NOTFOUND;
89       /* number of nested table columns */
90       IF flag = 4 THEN
91         num_nt_cols := total_count;
92       END IF;
94       /* number of varray columns */
95       IF flag = 8 THEN
96         num_varray_cols := total_count;
97       END IF;
99       /* number of OCTs */
100       IF flag = 12 THEN
101         num_octs := total_count;
102       END IF;
104       /* number of adt and ref columns */
105       IF (flag = 2 or flag = 16) THEN
106         num_obj_columns  := num_obj_columns + total_count;
107       END IF;
109       /* number of anydata columns */
110       IF (flag = 16384) THEN
111         num_anydata_cols := total_count;
112       END IF;
113     END;
114   END LOOP;
116   if ((num_obj_types > 0) OR (num_obj_tables > 0) OR (num_obj_columns >0)
117       OR (num_obj_views > 0) OR (num_anydata_cols > 0) OR (num_nt_cols > 0)
118       OR (num_varray_cols > 0) OR (num_octs > 0)) then
120     feature_boolean := 1;
121     feature_usage := 'num of object types: ' || to_char(num_obj_types) ||
122         ',' || 'num of object tables: ' || to_char(num_obj_tables) ||
123         ',' || 'num of adt and ref columns: ' || to_char(num_obj_columns) ||
124         ',' || 'num of object views: ' || to_char(num_obj_views) ||
125         ',' || 'num of anydata cols: ' || to_char(num_anydata_cols) ||
126         ',' || 'num of nested table cols: ' || to_char(num_nt_cols) ||
127         ',' || 'num of varray cols: ' || to_char(num_varray_cols) ||
128         ',' || 'num of octs: ' || to_char(num_octs);
130     feature_info := to_clob(feature_usage);
131   else
132     feature_info := to_clob('OBJECT usage not detected');
133   end if;
135 end;