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Line 49: app_exception.raise_exception;

45: IF (cur_old_ref_values%NOTFOUND) AND (p_action NOT IN ('INSERT','VALIDATE_INSERT')) THEN
46: CLOSE cur_old_ref_values;
47: fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'FORM_RECORD_DELETED');
48: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
49: app_exception.raise_exception;
51: END IF;
52: CLOSE cur_old_ref_values;

Line 98: app_exception.raise_exception;

94: IF p_inserting OR (old_references.tracking_status <> new_references.tracking_status) THEN
95: IF igs_tr_val_tri.trkp_val_tri_status (new_references.tracking_status,p_inserting,v_message_name) = FALSE THEN
96: fnd_message.set_name('IGS',v_message_name);
97: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
98: app_exception.raise_exception;
99: END IF;
100: END IF;
102: -- Validate the tracking type.

Line 107: app_exception.raise_exception;

103: IF p_inserting OR (old_references.tracking_type <> new_references.tracking_type) THEN
104: IF igs_tr_val_tri.trkp_val_tri_type (new_references.tracking_type, v_message_name) = FALSE THEN
105: fnd_message.set_name('IGS',v_message_name);
106: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
107: app_exception.raise_exception;
108: END IF;
109: END IF;
111: -- Validate the start date.

Line 116: app_exception.raise_exception;

112: IF p_inserting OR (old_references.start_dt <> new_references.start_dt) THEN
113: IF igs_tr_val_tri.trkp_val_tri_strt_dt ( new_references.start_dt, v_message_name) = FALSE THEN
114: fnd_message.set_name('IGS',v_message_name);
115: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
116: app_exception.raise_exception;
117: END IF;
118: END IF;
120: new_references.last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;

Line 140: app_exception.raise_exception;

136: igs_tr_gen_002.trkp_ins_dflt_trst ( new_references.tracking_id, v_message_name);
137: IF v_message_name <> NULL THEN
138: fnd_message.set_name('IGS',v_message_name);
139: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
140: app_exception.raise_exception;
141: END IF;
142: END IF;
144: END afterrowinsertupdatedelete2;

Line 192: app_exception.raise_exception ;

188: IF UPPER(column_name) = 'TRACKING_STATUS' OR column_name IS NULL THEN
189: IF new_references.tracking_status<> UPPER(new_references.tracking_status) THEN
190: fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_GE_INVALID_VALUE');
191: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
192: app_exception.raise_exception ;
193: END IF;
194: END IF ;
196: IF UPPER(column_name) = 'TRACKING_TYPE' OR column_name IS NULL THEN

Line 200: app_exception.raise_exception ;

196: IF UPPER(column_name) = 'TRACKING_TYPE' OR column_name IS NULL THEN
197: IF new_references.tracking_type<> UPPER(new_references.tracking_type) THEN
198: fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_GE_INVALID_VALUE');
199: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
200: app_exception.raise_exception ;
201: END IF;
202: END IF ;
204: IF UPPER(column_name) = 'SEQUENCE_IND' OR column_name IS NULL THEN

Line 208: app_exception.raise_exception ;

204: IF UPPER(column_name) = 'SEQUENCE_IND' OR column_name IS NULL THEN
205: IF new_references.sequence_ind NOT IN ('Y','N') THEN
206: fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_GE_INVALID_VALUE');
207: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
208: app_exception.raise_exception ;
209: END IF;
211: END IF ;
212: --kumma, 2702342, Increased the value of constant from 999 to 9999

Line 217: app_exception.raise_exception ;

213: IF UPPER(column_name) = 'TARGET_DAYS' OR column_name IS NULL THEN
214: IF new_references.target_days < 0 OR new_references.target_days > 9999 THEN
215: fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_GE_INVALID_VALUE');
216: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
217: app_exception.raise_exception ;
218: END IF;
219: END IF ;
221: IF UPPER(column_name) = 'TRACKING_ID' OR column_name IS NULL THEN

Line 225: app_exception.raise_exception ;

221: IF UPPER(column_name) = 'TRACKING_ID' OR column_name IS NULL THEN
222: IF new_references.tracking_id < 1 OR new_references.tracking_id > 999999999 THEN
223: fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_GE_INVALID_VALUE');
224: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
225: app_exception.raise_exception ;
226: END IF;
227: END IF ;
229: IF UPPER(column_name) = 'BUSINESS_DAYS_IND' OR column_name IS NULL THEN

Line 233: app_exception.raise_exception ;

229: IF UPPER(column_name) = 'BUSINESS_DAYS_IND' OR column_name IS NULL THEN
230: IF new_references.business_days_ind NOT IN ('Y','N') THEN
231: fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_GE_INVALID_VALUE');
232: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
233: app_exception.raise_exception ;
234: END IF;
235: END IF ;
237: IF UPPER(column_name) = 'S_CREATED_IND' OR column_name IS NULL THEN

Line 241: app_exception.raise_exception ;

237: IF UPPER(column_name) = 'S_CREATED_IND' OR column_name IS NULL THEN
238: IF new_references.s_created_ind NOT IN ('Y','N') THEN
239: fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_GE_INVALID_VALUE');
240: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
241: app_exception.raise_exception ;
242: END IF;
243: END IF ;
245: IF UPPER(column_name) = 'OVERRIDE_OFFSET_CLC_IND' OR column_name IS NULL THEN

Line 249: app_exception.raise_exception;

245: IF UPPER(column_name) = 'OVERRIDE_OFFSET_CLC_IND' OR column_name IS NULL THEN
246: IF new_references.override_offset_clc_ind NOT IN ('Y','N') THEN
247: fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_GE_INVALID_VALUE');
248: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
249: app_exception.raise_exception;
250: END IF;
251: END IF;
253: IF UPPER(column_name) = 'PUBLISH_IND' OR column_name IS NULL THEN

Line 257: app_exception.raise_exception;

253: IF UPPER(column_name) = 'PUBLISH_IND' OR column_name IS NULL THEN
254: IF new_references.publish_ind NOT IN ('Y','N') THEN
255: fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_GE_INVALID_VALUE');
256: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
257: app_exception.raise_exception;
258: END IF;
259: END IF;
261: IF column_name IS NULL THEN

Line 266: app_exception.raise_exception;

262: IF (new_references.sequence_ind = 'Y' OR new_references.business_days_ind = 'Y') AND
263: new_references.override_offset_clc_ind = 'Y' THEN
264: fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_TR_CANNOT_CHK_SEQ_OR_BD');
265: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
266: app_exception.raise_exception;
267: END IF;
268: END IF;
270: END check_constraints;

Line 282: app_exception.raise_exception;

278: ELSE
279: IF NOT igs_pe_person_pkg.get_pk_for_validation ( new_references.source_person_id ) THEN
280: fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'FORM_RECORD_DELETED');
281: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
282: app_exception.raise_exception;
283: END IF;
284: END IF;
286: IF (((old_references.originator_person_id = new_references.originator_person_id)) OR

Line 293: app_exception.raise_exception;

289: ELSE
290: IF NOT igs_pe_person_pkg.get_pk_for_validation ( new_references.originator_person_id ) THEN
291: fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'FORM_RECORD_DELETED');
292: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
293: app_exception.raise_exception;
294: END IF;
295: END IF;
297: IF (((old_references.tracking_status = new_references.tracking_status)) OR

Line 304: app_exception.raise_exception;

300: ELSE
301: IF NOT igs_tr_status_pkg.get_pk_for_validation ( new_references.tracking_status ) THEN
302: fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'FORM_RECORD_DELETED');
303: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
304: app_exception.raise_exception;
305: END IF;
306: END IF;
308: IF (((old_references.tracking_type = new_references.tracking_type)) OR

Line 315: app_exception.raise_exception;

311: ELSE
312: IF NOT igs_tr_type_pkg.get_pk_for_validation ( new_references.tracking_type ) THEN
313: fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'FORM_RECORD_DELETED');
314: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
315: app_exception.raise_exception;
316: END IF;
317: END IF;
319: END check_parent_existance;

Line 405: app_exception.raise_exception;

401: IF (cur_rowid%FOUND) THEN
402: CLOSE cur_rowid;
403: fnd_message.set_name ('IGS', 'IGS_TR_TRI_PE_FK');
404: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
405: app_exception.raise_exception;
406: RETURN;
407: END IF;
408: CLOSE cur_rowid;

Line 466: app_exception.raise_exception;

462: beforerowinsertupdate1 ( p_inserting => TRUE );
463: IF get_pk_for_validation ( new_references.tracking_id ) THEN
464: fnd_message.set_name ('IGS', 'IGS_GE_MULTI_ORG_DUP_REC');
465: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
466: app_exception.raise_exception;
467: END IF;
468: check_constraints;
469: check_parent_existance;

Line 484: app_exception.raise_exception;

480: beforerowinsertupdate1 ( p_inserting => TRUE );
481: IF get_pk_for_validation ( new_references.tracking_id ) THEN
482: fnd_message.set_name ('IGS', 'IGS_GE_MULTI_ORG_DUP_REC');
483: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
484: app_exception.raise_exception;
485: END IF;
486: check_constraints;
488: ELSIF (p_action = 'VALIDATE_UPDATE') THEN

Line 585: app_exception.raise_exception;

582: ELSE
583: fnd_message.set_name( 'FND', 'SYSTEM-INVALID ARGS');
584: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
585: app_exception.raise_exception;
586: END IF;
588: before_dml(p_action =>'INSERT',
589: x_rowid =>x_rowid,

Line 711: app_exception.raise_exception;

708: CLOSE c1;
709: fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FORM_RECORD_DELETED');
710: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
711: app_exception.raise_exception;
712: RETURN;
713: END IF;
714: CLOSE c1;

Line 741: app_exception.raise_exception;

737: NULL;
738: ELSE
739: fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FORM_RECORD_CHANGED');
740: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
741: app_exception.raise_exception;
742: END IF;
743: RETURN;
745: END lock_row;

Line 795: app_exception.raise_exception;

792: ELSE
793: fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'SYSTEM-INVALID ARGS');
794: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
795: app_exception.raise_exception;
796: END IF;
798: before_dml(p_action =>'UPDATE',
799: x_rowid =>x_rowid,