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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 36

    select trb.absolute_price
      from ota_resource_bookings     trb
     where trb.resource_booking_id   =    p_resource_booking_id;
Line: 95

    select trb.absolute_price
      from ota_resource_allocations     tra
         , ota_resource_bookings        trb
     where tra.resource_allocation_id   =    p_resource_allocation_id
       and tra.charge_delegate_flag     =    'Y'
       and trb.resource_booking_id      =    tra.equipment_resource_booking_id;
Line: 160

    select nvl( tbd.discount_percentage, 0)
         , tpl.price_list_type
         , tpl.single_unit_price
      from ota_booking_deals         tbd
         , ota_price_lists           tpl
     where tbd.booking_deal_id       =    p_booking_deal_id
       and tbd.type                  =    'P'
       and tpl.price_list_id         =    tbd.price_list_id;
Line: 246

    select tbd.type
         , nvl( tbd.discount_percentage, 0)
         , tbd.price_list_id
         , tbd.event_id
         , tbd.activity_version_id
         , tbd.category
         , tpl.price_list_type
         , nvl( tpl.single_unit_price, 0)
      from ota_booking_deals         tbd
         , ota_price_lists           tpl
         , ota_events                evt
     where tbd.booking_deal_id       =    p_booking_deal_id
       and tpl.price_list_id   (+)   =    tbd.price_list_id
       and evt.event_id              =    p_event_id
       and evt.course_start_date between
       and nvl(tbd.end_date,evt.course_start_date);
Line: 332

select decode(p_price_list_type,'T',tpe.price
,      evt.standard_price
from   ota_events evt
,      ota_price_list_entries tpe
,      ota_price_lists        tpl
where evt.event_id = p_event_id
and   evt.currency_code = p_currency_code
and   tpe.price_basis   = p_price_basis
and   tpe.price_list_id =  p_price_list_id
and   tpl.price_list_id =  p_price_list_id
and   tpl.currency_code =  p_currency_code
and     (tpe.price_basis = 'S'
     or (tpe.price_basis = 'C'
       and p_cust_no_places between
           tpe.minimum_attendees and tpe.maximum_attendees))
and   evt.course_start_date between
      tpe.start_date and nvl(tpe.end_date,evt.course_start_date)
and ((  evt.activity_version_id = tpe.activity_version_id
     and not exists
       (select null
        from   ota_vendor_supplies tvs
        ,      ota_price_list_entries tpe2
        where  tvs.vendor_id = evt.vendor_id
        and    tvs.activity_version_id = evt.activity_version_id
        and    tpe2.vendor_supply_id    = tvs.vendor_supply_id
        and    tpe2.price_list_id       = p_price_list_id
        and evt.course_start_date between
            tpe2.start_date and nvl(tpe2.end_date,evt.course_start_date)
     ( exists
       (select null
        from   ota_vendor_supplies tvs
        where  tvs.vendor_id = evt.vendor_id
        and    tvs.activity_version_id = evt.activity_version_id
        and    tpe.vendor_supply_id    = tvs.vendor_supply_id)
Line: 509

    select evt.standard_price
      from ota_events                evt
     where evt.event_id              =    p_event_id
     and   evt.event_id              =    p_tbd_event_id
     and   evt.currency_code         =    p_currency_code;
Line: 587

    select evt.standard_price
      from ota_events                evt
     where evt.event_id              =    p_event_id
     and   evt.activity_version_id   =    p_activity_version_id
     and   evt.currency_code         =    p_currency_code;
Line: 663

    select evt.standard_price
      from ota_events                evt
         , ota_act_cat_inclusions    aci
     where evt.event_id              =    p_event_id
       and aci.activity_version_id   =    evt.activity_version_id
       and aci.activity_category     =    p_category
       and evt.currency_code         =    p_currency_code;
Line: 738

    select evt.standard_price
      from ota_events                evt
     where evt.event_id              =    p_event_id
     and   evt.currency_code         =    p_currency_code;
Line: 827

  select precision
  from   fnd_currencies
  where  currency_code = p_currency_code;
Line: 832

  select tdb.event_id
  ,      tdb.number_of_places
  ,      nvl(evt.price_basis,'S')
  from   ota_delegate_bookings  tdb
  ,      ota_events             evt
  where  tdb.booking_id = p_booking_id
  and    tdb.event_id   = evt.event_id;
Line: 1158

    select *
      from ota_finance_lines         tfl
     where tfl.finance_header_id     =    p_finance_header_id_from
     and   tfl.cancelled_flag        =    'N'
     order by sequence_number;
Line: 1220

Procedure update_cancel_flag
   p_rec_cancel     in out   nocopy    ota_finance_lines%rowtype
  ,p_new_cancelled_flag  in     varchar2
  ,p_transaction_type    in varchar2
  ,p_object_version_number in out nocopy  number
  ) is
  v_proc                  varchar2(72) := g_package||'update_cancel_flag';
Line: 1262

End update_cancel_flag;
Line: 1285

    select *
      from ota_finance_lines         tfl
     where tfl.finance_header_id     =    p_finance_header_id;
Line: 1319

             update_cancel_flag  ( v_rec_finance_line
                                 , p_new_cancelled_flag
                      ,p_transaction_type => l_transaction_type
                      ,p_object_version_number => v_ovn);
Line: 1364

    select *
      from ota_finance_lines         tfl
     where tfl.finance_line_id       =    p_finance_line_id;
Line: 1369

    select tfh.transfer_status
      from ota_finance_headers       tfh
     where tfh.finance_header_id     =    p_finance_header_id;
Line: 1454

        update_cancel_flag (p_rec_cancel  => v_rec_finance_line
                           ,p_new_cancelled_flag => 'Y'
                           ,p_transaction_type => 'CANCEL_LINE'
                           ,p_object_version_number => p_object_version_number);
Line: 1537

    select *
      from ota_finance_lines         tfl
     where tfl.finance_line_id       =    p_finance_line_id;
Line: 1542

    select tfh.transfer_status
      from ota_finance_headers       tfh
     where tfh.finance_header_id     =    p_finance_header_id;
Line: 1622

        update_cancel_flag ( p_rec_cancel  => v_rec_finance_line
                           , p_new_cancelled_flag => 'N'
                           ,p_transaction_type => 'REINSTATE_LINE'
                           ,p_object_version_number => v_ovn);
Line: 1672

  select finance_line_id
  ,      date_raised
  ,      object_version_number
  ,      sequence_number
  ,      transfer_status
  from   ota_finance_lines
  where  finance_header_id = p_finance_header_id
  and   ((p_include_cancelled = 'N'
      and cancelled_flag = 'N')
      or (p_include_cancelled <> 'N'));