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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 35

 70.1    18-FEB-93 SZWILLIA             Corrected deletes from
                                        PER_BOOKINGS and PER_EVENTS.
                                        Also, added future actions
                                        check to cancellations.
                                        Added messages
 70.2     11-MAR-93 NKHAN               Added 'exit' to end
 70.3    26-MAR-93 SZWILLIA             Addition of maintain_entries_asg
                                        to cancel_termination.
 70.4    04-MAY-93 SZWILLIA             Check on employee_shutdown
                                        modified to deal with FPD on
                                        the same date as ATD - AFTER
 80.1    15-OCT-93 JRHODES              Added check_cobra_benefits
 80.2    29-OCT-93 JHOBBS      B258     Corrected cursor rec_entries in
                                        terminate_entries_and_alus so that it
                                        only selects recurring entries.
 80.3    03-NOV-93 JHOBBS               Altered terminate_entries_and_alus so
                                        that nonrecurring entries are shortened
                                        if they exist past the final process
                                        date. Pay proposals are also now
                                        removed if there are no entries for it.
 80.4    01-JUN-94 JHOBBS      G847     Corrected check_for_future_actions so
                                        that it can only return one row if
                                        future actions exist. The new SQL
                                        should be more efficient.
                               #218334  Added check_for_future_person_type
                                        which is used to validate the
                                        cancellation of a termination. It
                                        checks to see if there are future
                                        person types which are not EX_EMP. If
                                        the cancellation was allowed to take
                                        place overlapping periods of service
                                        etc ... would be created.
 70.13   16-JUN-94 PSHERGILL            fix 220466 added ATTRIBUTE21..30 and
 70.15   14-JUL-94 SZWILLIA    #225892  Problem which came to light on 7.1.3,
                                        related to PL/SQL bug number 225900.
                                        Explicit OPEN of cursor prior to
                                        cursor for loop causes oracle error
                                        when terminating from PERPETEM. However
                                        PERPETEM, although trapping the oracle
                                        error was not failing.
 70.16   23-NOV-94 RFINE       G1725    Suppressed index on business_group_id
 70.17   20-APR-95 TMathers   265290,269193,271941 Fixed these WWBUGS
                                        Added code to check for Future
                                        Person rows and insert/deletes to
                                        per_person_list_changes. Also added
                                        flag to allow only some of Term
                                        details to be deleted.
 70.18   25-APR-95 TMathers   276096    Added legislation code to terminate_alus
                                        and terminate employee so that
                                        If legislation is 'US' and Last_standard
                                        process is null the package will
                                        not fall over.
 70.19   12-MAY-95 TMathers   281104    added rest of fields save notified
                                        and projected to clear_details update.
 70.20   03-JUL-95 RFine      288341    Fixed error in check put in revision
                                        70.18. The lack of an NVL meant that
                                        leg_code <> 'US' was failing when it
                                        was null. Removed the check in
                                        question, as it is now unnecessary.
 70.21   07-JUL-95 RFine      289454    Allow cancel termination to succeed if
                                        future person type changes are to
                                        EX_EMP_APL as well as to EX_EMP,
                                        providing both types don't exist for
                                        the same person. This allows
                                        terminations to be cancelled for
 70.22   24-JUL-95 TMathers   294069    Update LAST_UPDATE_DATE on
                                        pay_element_entries_f with
 70.23   26-JUL-95 RFine      291763    Added missing column PAY_BASIS_ID to
                                        the SQL statement which inserts the new
                                        term_assign row in per_assignments_f.
                                        It was missing, with the effective
                                        result that terminating the person also
                                        cleared the assignments' pay basis.
 70.24   29-AUG-95 RFine      270356    Get the default TERM_ASSIGN status
                                        immediately before inserting a
                                        TERM_ASSIGN assignment record, if one
                                        hasn't already been passed in.
 70.25   19-Sep-95 TMathers   307957    Added and Assignment_type = 'E'
                                        to update cursor of assignments.
 70.27   31-Oct-95 TMathers   314277    Changed updates and checks for
                                        delete_entries to use the p_term_date
                                        a la termination rule instead of
 70.28   23-Jan-96 MSwanson   317302    Add 'not exists' to insert on
                                        per_person_list_changes and update
                                        where record does exist.
 70.29   08-Mar-96 VTreiger   314277    Changed the logic of closing down
                                        the non-recurring element
                                        entries when the final process
                                        date is entered before the end of
                                        the payroll period.
                               334654   Setting the employee assignment
                               334681   status to TERM_ASSIGN is not allowed
                                        if there are certain types of future
                                        non-recurring element entries which
                                        have not been processed in a payroll
                               311763   Delete of future spinal point
 70.30   13-Mar-1996 VTreiger           Restored code in terminate employee
                                        procedure to state from 70.28
 70.31   18-Mar-1996 Vtreiger           Fixed a bug in post_update for
                                        terminate_employee procedure.
 70.32   15-Apr-1996 VTreiger  354874   Included employment category in the
                                        explicit insert for per_assignments_f.
 70.33   15-May-1996 VTreiger  364214   Included additional criteria for
                                        function check_for_future_actions
 70.34   22-May-1996 VTreiger  364214   Restored back to version 70.32.
 70.35   04-Jun-1996 VTreiger  364214   Added function check_for_compl_actions.
                                        This function returns :
                                        Y - if there are any assignment
                                        actions after the Final Process Date.
                                        W - if there exists any completed assignment
                                        action after Actual Termination Date but
                                        before Final Process Date.
                                        N - in all other cases.
                                        New function call is used in procedures :
 70.36   28-Jun-1996 VTreiger  375157   Commented out nocopy removal of pay proposals
                                        when non-recurring entries are processed
                                        while employee termination.
 70.37   11-Oct-1996 VTreiger  441206   Suffix value is saved at termination.
 70.38   17-Oct-1996 VTreiger  306710   Changed procedure terminate_entries_and
                                        alus to return the value of entries
                                        changed warning as 'N' or 'Y' or 'S'.
                               398699   Commented out nocopy contents of procedure
                                        check_cobra_benefits to return false
 70.39   01-Nov-1996 VTreiger  306710   Added procedure terminate_entries_
                                        and_alus overload.
 70.40   03-APR-1998 DShannon  519738    Added calls to delete_covered_dependents and
                                        delete_beneficiaries when entry is terminated
                                        - for both recurring and non-recurring entries
 110.3   30-APR-1998 SASmith            Changes made due to date tracking of assignment_budget_
                                        Addition of processing in :
                                        1. delete_assign_fpd - include deletion/update of
                                        2. cancel_termination - inclusing of update to assignment_budget
                                        values_f when the termination is cancelled.
 115.1   16-OCT-1998 CCarter            New parameters added to insert into per_people_f
                                        in the  terminate employee procedure for OAB.
 115.5   19-Jul-1999 mmillmor 895018    removed some bad code and altered to use
                                        internal security procedures in terminate
 115.6   27-Sep-1999 alogue             Changed insert into per_People to per_all_people_f
                                        inside terminate_employee.
 115.8   27-OCT-1999 rmonge             Added code fixes for bug 920233 and 969491
                                        Bug fix 920233  resolves the problem
                                        with tax records not reversed when reverse
                                        termination process is done on a terminated
                                        employee, and bug 969491
                                        fixes tax records not end dated when the
                                        employee is terminated.
 115.9   06-MAR-2000  Rvydyana          Leapfroged version created for v115.6
                                        with backported changes for 1176101
 115.10  06-MAR-2000  Rvydyana          Leapfroged version of v115.8 with code fix
                                        for 1176101 ie. Added call to
                                        ben_dt_trg_handle in cancel termination.
115.11   16-NOV-1999 I Harding 1076054  Added extra attributes to insert into
                                        PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F during the post update
                                        work following a termination of an
                                        employee. Requested by John Rhodes
                                        following French Phase 1.
115.12   13-MAR-2000 CSimpson           Added town_of_birth, region_of_birth,
                                        country_of_birth and global_person_id attribs
                                        into per_all_people_f insert in terminate_employee.
115.13   26-Jul-2000 mmillmor 996015    Added code to delete pay proposals at the same
                                        time as element entries
115.14   17-Aug-2000 VTreiger 1363723   Commented out nocopy copying of ATTRIBUTEx columns
                                        from EMP record to EX_EMP record.
115.15   04-Aug-2000 Dscully  1348553   Fixed end dating of tax records.
115.16   12-Sep-2000 MReid    889806    Excluded Magnetic Reports from check for
                                        future dated completed actions.
115.17   15-SEP-00   GPERRY             Added hook points to benefits code whenerever
                                        per_periods_of_service is inserted or updated.
                                        Fixed WWBUG 1390173
115.18   15-SEP-00   GPERRY             Leapfrog of 115.16 with fix for
                                        WWBUG 1390173.
115.19   06-OCT-00   TMATHERS           11.5.3 incompatibility, 1348553 is patchset B for
                                        payroll, so need to back out nocopy that change to work
                                        woth base 11.5.3.
115.20   06-OCT-00   TMATHERS           Leapfrog of 115.18 including AND requiring fix
                                        for 1348553, new paramater to
115.21   19-OCT-00   GPERRY             Fixed WWBUG 1408379.
                                        Added support for life event triggers for OAB.
115.22   23-OCT-00   SBIRNAGE           Added an extra line to two where clauses to fix bug
115.23   29-MAR-01   vshukhat           Bug 1711085. Commented out nocopy code that disables
                                        last_standard_process for US legislature.
115.24   09-APR-01                      Reverted back some previous changes.
115.25   09-MAY-01   MGettins           Reverse out nocopy changes for bug 1363723
115.26   10-jul-01   rvydyana           TAR 1660650.999
115.27   06-Jul-01   pbodla             - Bug 1877018 : added final_process_date
                                        before calling ben_pps_ler.ler_chk
                                        to detect potential life events.
                                        - Bug 1854968 : Pass old actual termination
                                        date to ben_dt_trgr_handle.periods_of_service
115.28   02-oct-01  vsjain              Added notice_period, notice_period_uom,
                                        employee_category to terminate employee proc
115.29                                  LEAPFROG VERSION BASED ON 115.27
115.30   05-Oct-01  mbocutt 1570258     Prevent delete of events which are 'I'nterview
                                        as these may be linked to reviews and pay
115.31   30-Oct-01  mbocutt 1271513     Change cancel terminate code to correctly
                                        handle future dated assignments on reverse
115.32   01-Nov-01  mbocutt             Added som emissed variable declarations.
115.33   05-NOV-01  kmullapu            Modified INSERT INTO PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F in
                                        terminate_employee to include
                                        PER_INFORMATION 21 TO 30
115.35   22-AUG-02  adhunter            correct gscc warning. change msg name
                                        to HR_6519_EMP_CANC_ACTIONS_EXIST
115.38   05-DEC-02   pkakar             added nocopy to parameters
115.39   16-DEC-02   dcasemor 2711532   Added predicate to exclude BEE
                                        payroll actions to:
                                        - check_for_compl_actions
                                        - check_for_future_actions
115.40   10-FEB-02  vramanai 2784295    Removed the code which requires LSPD
                                        to be not null for non-US legislations
115.42   3-Mar-03   mbocutt  2820633    Changes to reverse term code so that the
                                        assignment update made during termination on
                                        ATD is removed if there are no differences
                                        between it and the previous DT instance of
                                        the assignment.  Modified behaviour introduced
                                        in fix for bug 1271513.
115.43   11-Mar-03  mbocutt  2843882    The above fix did not work when ATD=FPD. Adjus
                                        ted fix to handle this case.
115.44   Sept-2003  mbocutt             Ex-person security enhancements.
                                        Remove call to copy_to_person_list_changes and
                                        other direct refs to PER_PERSON_LIST_CHANGES.
                                        This file is now dependent on other
                                        security changes delivered in Nov 2003 FP.
115.45   17-Oct-2003 smparame 3077943   Procedure Cancel_termination modified.
                                        l_final_process_date is set to
                                        p_actual_termination_date + 1 if it is equal
                                        to p_actual_termination_date before resetting
                                        assignment records.
115.46   19-FEB-04  smparame 3446768    Cursor rec_entries in terminate_entries_and_alus
                                        procedure modified to increase performance.
115.47   11-MAR-04  adudekul 3100620.   In proc cancel_termination,
                                        changed warning message HR_6519_EMP_CANC_ACTIONS_EXIST
                                        to PER_449053_EMP_TERM_FUT_ERROR.
115.48   11-MAR-04  adudekul 3100620.   Modified proc check_for_compl_actions.
115.49   02-APR-04  smparame 3077943.   Changes made to the 3077943 are reverted.
115.50   04-Apr-04  bsubrama 1370960.   Added code to revert the roles when
                                        termination is reversed.
115.51   23-Aug-2004 njaladi 3735333.   Modified proc terminate_employee
                                        and delete_assign_atd for better performance.
115.52   16-SEP-2004 adudekul 3889294.  In procedure cancel_termination, added
                                        code to manipulate the PTU records, legislation
                                        specific actions and hr workflow sync code.
115.53   14-SEP-2004 smparame 3983715   Cursor rec_entries in
                                        terminate_entries_and_alus procedure
                                        modified to increase performance.
115.54   16-Jun-2005 ghshanka 4436297   cursor 'future_person_types'
                                        in the funtion 'check_for_future_person_type' is
                                        modified to query from per_person_type_usages_f table.
115.55   27-jun-2005 njaladi            Backed out changes done in 115.54 and this version
                                        is same as 115.53.
115.58   13-Jan-2006 ghshanka 4919804   Modified the procedure cancel_termination to call
                                        the procedure pay_pog_all_assignments_pkg.after_delete
115.58   16-jan-2006 ghshanka 4919804   Modified the call to pay_pog_all_assignments_pkg.after_delete
                                        by passing the end of time value to p_effective_end_date parameter.
115.58   17-Jan-2006 ghshanka 4919804   Modified the procedure cancel_termination to call
                                        the procedure pay_pog_all_assignments_pkg.after_delete when
                                        Finalprocessdate is not null.
115.59   22-Mar-2006 LSilveir 4449472   Overloaded terminate_entries_and_alus and added
                                        new ALU validation into delete_alus.
115.60   04-Apr-2006 ghshanka 4457651   modified the function check_for_future_person_type
                                        by adding a new cursor to check for COMBINATION of
                                        future person types of type 'CWK and EMP'.
115.61   24-Apr-2006 asgugupt 5152164   modified the procedure CANCEL_TERMINATION
115.62   09-May-2006 ghshanka 5152164   modified the procedure CANCEL_TERMINATION
115.63   19-May-2006 ggnanagu           Added the call to adjust_salary_proposals
                                        in per_saladmin_utility to fix bug 5200269
115.65   14-JUN-2006 avarri   4371218   Modified cancel_termination to fix 4371218
115.66   17-JUL-2006 agolechh 4308892   This version of hrempter calls pay_element_entry_api
					instead of performing direct DML statements on
115.67   26-Jul-2006 thabara  5368246   Modified terminate_entries_and_alus and
                                        delete_alus to end date ALUs with final
                                        process date regardless of the
                                        termination rule.
115.68   20-Sep-2006 SNukala  5507290   Modified cancel_termination and added call to
                                        maintain EX-EMP incase of canceling termination
                                        Leaving reason 'Retirement' type ex-employee.
115.69  10-AUG-2007 pchowdav  6313195   Reverted back the changes done for
                                        bug 4371218.
115.71  07-FEB-2008 ckesanap  6801103   Modified cursor rec_entries in delete_entries(). Also
                                        added a condition - to call pay_element_entry_api in
					DELETE mode only if p_term_date is not equal to
					max_effective_end_date for the record.
================================================================= */
g_package  varchar2(33)    := '  hrempter.';  -- Global package name
Line: 342

  PROCEDURE delete_assign_atd(p_assignment_id           NUMBER
                             ,p_actual_termination_date DATE)
  l_proc varchar2(72):=g_package||'delete_assign_atd';
Line: 348

  hr_utility.trace('Entered delete_assign_atd for assign '||p_assignment_id);
Line: 357

  DELETE per_bookings  pb
  WHERE event_id in ( SELECT event_id
                FROM   per_events  pev
                WHERE  pev.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
                AND    pev.date_start    > p_actual_termination_date
Line: 365

  DELETE per_events pev
  WHERE  pev.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
  AND    pev.date_start > p_actual_termination_date
  AND    pev.event_or_interview = 'E';
Line: 371

  DELETE per_letter_request_lines lrl
  WHERE  lrl.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
  AND    lrl.date_from > p_actual_termination_date;
Line: 375

  end delete_assign_atd;
Line: 380

  PROCEDURE delete_assign_fpd(p_assignment_id           NUMBER
                             ,p_final_process_date   DATE)
  l_proc varchar2(72):=g_package||'delete_assign_fpd';
Line: 392

    select *
    from   per_assignment_budget_values_f abv
    where  abv.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    and    p_final_process_date
           between  abv.effective_start_date
           and      abv.effective_end_date;
Line: 404

  hr_utility.trace('Entered delete_assign_fpf for assign '||p_assignment_id);
Line: 407

  UPDATE per_secondary_ass_statuses sas
  SET    sas.end_date      = p_final_process_date
  WHERE  sas.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
  AND    sas.end_date IS NULL;
Line: 413

  DELETE per_secondary_ass_statuses sas
  WHERE  sas.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
  AND    sas.start_date > p_final_process_date;
Line: 418

  UPDATE pay_personal_payment_methods_f  ppm
  SET    ppm.effective_end_date = p_final_process_date
  WHERE  ppm.assignment_id      = p_assignment_id
  AND    p_final_process_date
         BETWEEN ppm.effective_start_date
         AND     ppm.effective_end_date;
Line: 426

  DELETE pay_personal_payment_methods_f  ppm
  WHERE  ppm.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
  AND    ppm.effective_start_date > p_final_process_date;
Line: 431

  UPDATE pay_cost_allocations_f pca
  SET    pca.effective_end_date = p_final_process_date
  WHERE  pca.assignment_id      = p_assignment_id
  AND    p_final_process_date
         BETWEEN  pca.effective_start_date
         AND      pca.effective_end_date;
Line: 439

  DELETE pay_cost_allocations_f pca
  WHERE  pca.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
  AND    pca.effective_start_date > p_final_process_date;
Line: 444

  UPDATE per_spinal_point_placements_f  spp
  SET    spp.effective_end_date = p_final_process_date
  WHERE  spp.assignment_id      = p_assignment_id
  AND    p_final_process_date
         BETWEEN  spp.effective_start_date
         AND      spp.effective_end_date;
Line: 453

  DELETE per_spinal_point_placements_f spp
  WHERE spp.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
  AND spp.effective_start_date > p_final_process_date;
Line: 462

  DELETE per_assignment_budget_values_f  abv
  WHERE  abv.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
  AND    abv.effective_start_date > p_final_process_date;
Line: 490

      update per_assignment_budget_values_f  abv
      set    abv.effective_end_date = p_final_process_date
      where  abv.assignment_budget_value_id = l_c1.assignment_budget_value_id
      and    abv.effective_start_date = l_c1.effective_start_date
      and    abv.effective_end_date = l_c1.effective_end_date;
Line: 506

  end delete_assign_fpd;
Line: 512

  PROCEDURE delete_employee_atd(p_person_id               NUMBER
                               ,p_actual_termination_date DATE)
  l_proc varchar2(72):=g_package||'delete_employee_atd';
Line: 518

  hr_utility.trace('Entered delete_employee_atd for person '||p_person_id);
Line: 521

  DELETE per_absence_attendances  paa
  WHERE  paa.person_id         = p_person_id
  AND    paa.date_start        > p_actual_termination_date;
Line: 527

  DELETE per_bookings pb
  WHERE  pb.person_id  = p_person_id
              FROM   per_events  pev
              WHERE  pev.date_start         > p_actual_termination_date
              AND    pev.emp_or_apl         = 'E'
              AND    pev.event_or_interview = 'E'
              AND    pb.event_id            = pev.event_id);
Line: 539

  DELETE per_bookings pb
  WHERE  pb.person_id = p_person_id
              FROM   per_events pev
              WHERE  pev.event_id           = pb.event_id
              AND    pev.date_start         > p_actual_termination_date
              AND    pev.event_or_interview = 'I'
              AND    pev.assignment_id IS NOT NULL
              AND    pev.assignment_id NOT IN (SELECT assignment_id
                                               FROM   per_assignments_f
                                               WHERE  person_id = p_person_id
Line: 554

  DELETE per_letter_request_lines lrl
  WHERE  lrl.person_id = p_person_id
  AND    lrl.date_from > p_actual_termination_date;
Line: 558

  end delete_employee_atd;
Line: 564

  PROCEDURE delete_de_assign(p_assignment_id    NUMBER
                            ,p_delete_date      DATE )

  l_proc varchar2(72):=g_package||'delete_de_assign';
Line: 572

  hr_utility.trace('Entered delete_de_assign for '||p_assignment_id);
Line: 575

  DELETE per_assignments_f ass
  WHERE  ass.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
  AND    ass.effective_start_date > p_delete_date;
Line: 579

  end delete_de_assign;
Line: 595

  SELECT  max(ass.effective_end_date)
  INTO    l_max_end_date
  FROM    per_assignments_f  ass
  WHERE   ass.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 623

    SELECT 'Y'
    INTO   l_action_chk
    FROM   sys.dual
    WHERE  exists
         (SELECT null
          FROM   pay_payroll_actions pac,
                 pay_assignment_actions act,
                 per_assignments_f asg
          WHERE  asg.person_id = p_person_id
          AND    act.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
          AND    pac.payroll_action_id = act.payroll_action_id
          AND    pac.action_type <> 'BEE'
          AND    pac.effective_date > p_action_date);
Line: 677

    SELECT 'Y'
      INTO   l_action_chk
      FROM   sys.dual
      WHERE  exists
           (SELECT null
            FROM   pay_payroll_actions pac,
                   pay_assignment_actions act,
                   per_assignments_f asg
            WHERE  asg.person_id = p_person_id
            AND  act.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
            AND  pac.payroll_action_id = act.payroll_action_id
            AND  pac.action_type NOT IN ('X','BEE') -- Bug 889806, 2711532
            AND  pac.effective_date > p_fpr_date);
Line: 696

      SELECT 'W'
      INTO   l_action_chk
      FROM   sys.dual
      WHERE  exists
         (SELECT null
          FROM   pay_payroll_actions pac,
                 pay_assignment_actions act,
                 per_assignments_f asg
          WHERE  asg.person_id = p_person_id
          AND    act.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
          AND    pac.payroll_action_id = act.payroll_action_id
          AND    pac.action_status = 'C'
          AND    pac.action_type <> 'BEE'
          AND    (pac.effective_date BETWEEN l_action_date AND p_fpr_date));
Line: 733

    SELECT 'Y'
    INTO   l_action_chk
    FROM   sys.dual
    WHERE  exists
       (select '1'
      from per_people_f ppf
    where ppf.person_id = p_person_id
    and  p_action_date < ppf.effective_start_date);
Line: 761

  SELECT  ppt.system_person_type
  FROM    per_people_f ppf,
      per_person_types ppt
  WHERE   ppf.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
  AND      ppf.person_id = p_person_id
  AND     ppf.business_group_id + 0 = ppt.business_group_id + 0
  AND      p_action_date < ppf.effective_start_date;
Line: 775

   SELECT  ppt.system_person_type
     per_person_types ppt ,
     per_person_type_usages_f pptf
             pptf.person_id = p_person_id
    AND     p_action_date < pptf.effective_start_date
    AND      pptf.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
    and    ppt.business_group_id=l_bus_id
    and    ppt.system_person_type like 'CWK';
Line: 787

   select business_group_id
    from per_people_f ppf
    where person_id=p_person_id
    and p_action_date < ppf.effective_start_date;
Line: 997

  PROCEDURE delete_entries(p_assignment_id      NUMBER,
                           p_term_date          DATE,
                           p_term_rule          VARCHAR2,
               p_final_process_date DATE,
               p_entries_changed_warning IN OUT
               VARCHAR2) IS
   -- Cursor to return all recurring element entries for the assignment that
   -- are for an element with the correct post termination rule and also exists
   -- after the termination date

   -- bug fix 3446768. Cursor modified to increase
   -- performance.
   -- bug fix 3983715. Cursor modified to improve execution
   -- time.cursor split into two.
   -- bug fix 4308892. Cursor modified to return min ee.effective_start_date,
   -- which is required for element entry API call.
   -- 6801103. Modified the effective_end_date condition.
      CURSOR rec_entries(p_assignment_id  NUMBER,
                         p_term_date      DATE
                         ) IS
       SELECT ee.element_entry_id,
              MIN(ee.effective_start_date) effective_start_date,
              MAX(ee.effective_end_date) effective_end_date
       FROM   pay_element_entries_f ee
       WHERE  ee.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
         AND  ee.effective_end_date >= p_term_date
         AND  ee.entry_type = 'E'
       GROUP BY ee.element_entry_id, ee.element_link_id,ee.element_type_id;
Line: 1031

        SELECT 'Y'
           FROM   pay_element_types_f et
        WHERE  et.element_type_id = p_element_type_id
           AND  et.post_termination_rule = p_term_rule
        AND  et.processing_type = 'R';
Line: 1045

    SELECT ee.element_entry_id,
           min(ee.effective_start_date) effective_start_date,
           max(ee.effective_end_date) effective_end_date
    FROM   pay_element_entries_f ee
    WHERE  ee.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
      AND  ee.effective_end_date > p_term_date
      AND  ((ee.entry_type <> 'E')
       OR   (ee.entry_type = 'E'
                   FROM   pay_element_links_f el,
                          pay_element_types_f et
                   WHERE  el.element_link_id = ee.element_link_id
                     AND  et.element_type_id = el.element_type_id
                     AND  et.processing_type = 'N')))
                   FROM   pay_element_links_f el,
                          pay_element_types_f et
                   WHERE  el.element_link_id = ee.element_link_id
                     AND  et.element_type_id = el.element_type_id
                     AND  et.post_termination_rule = p_term_rule)
    GROUP BY ee.element_entry_id, ee.element_link_id;
Line: 1073

   SELECT ptp.end_date
   FROM per_time_periods ptp,
        per_all_assignments_f paaf
   WHERE paaf.assignment_id = p_asg_id
     AND p_start_date BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date AND paaf.effective_end_date
     AND paaf.payroll_id = ptp.payroll_id
     AND p_start_date BETWEEN ptp.start_date AND ptp.end_date;
Line: 1084

    select ppp.pay_proposal_id
    ,      ppp.multiple_components
    from per_pay_proposals ppp
    ,    per_all_assignments_f asg
    ,    per_pay_bases ppb
    ,    pay_element_types_f pet
    ,    pay_input_values_f piv
    where ppp.assignment_id=p_assignment_id
    and   asg.assignment_id=p_assignment_id
    and   ppp.change_date between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
    and   ppb.pay_basis_id=asg.pay_basis_id
    and   ppb.input_value_id=piv.input_value_id
    and   ppp.change_date between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date
    and   piv.element_type_id=pet.element_type_id
    and   ppp.change_date between pet.effective_start_date and pet.effective_end_date
    and   pet.post_termination_rule = p_term_rule
    and   ppp.change_date>p_term_date;
Line: 1104

   l_last_update_date constant date := trunc(sysdate);
Line: 1126

    l_delete_warning           boolean;
Line: 1128

  l_proc varchar2(72):=g_package||'delete_entries';
Line: 1147

          SELECT el.element_type_id
          INTO   l_element_type_id
          FROM   pay_element_links_f el
          WHERE  el.element_link_id = rec_entry.element_link_id
            AND  rec_entry.effective_end_date BETWEEN el.effective_start_date
                                                  AND el.effective_end_date;
Line: 1160

          SELECT 'Y' INTO l_ret_chng FROM dual WHERE EXISTS
          (SELECT 'Y' FROM pay_element_entry_values_f eev
                      WHERE  eev.element_entry_id     = rec_entry.element_entry_id
                      AND  eev.effective_start_date > p_term_date);
Line: 1172

          SELECT 'Y' INTO l_ret_chng FROM dual WHERE EXISTS
          (SELECT 'Y' FROM pay_element_entries_f ee
                      WHERE  ee.element_entry_id     = rec_entry.element_entry_id
                      AND  ee.effective_start_date > p_term_date);
Line: 1184

          SELECT 'Y' INTO l_ret_chng FROM dual WHERE EXISTS
          (SELECT 'Y' FROM pay_element_entry_values_f eev
                      WHERE  eev.element_entry_id   = rec_entry.element_entry_id
                      AND  eev.effective_end_date > p_term_date);
Line: 1196

          SELECT 'Y' INTO l_ret_chng FROM dual WHERE EXISTS
          (SELECT 'Y' FROM pay_element_entries_f ee
                      WHERE  ee.element_entry_id   = rec_entry.element_entry_id
                      AND  ee.effective_end_date > p_term_date);
Line: 1208

          SELECT 'Y' INTO l_ret_chng FROM dual WHERE EXISTS
          (SELECT 'Y' FROM pay_element_entries_f ee
                      WHERE  ee.element_entry_id     = rec_entry.element_entry_id
                      AND ee.creator_type = 'SP'
                      AND  ee.effective_start_date > p_term_date);
Line: 1221

          SELECT 'Y' INTO l_ret_chng FROM dual WHERE EXISTS
          (SELECT 'Y' FROM pay_element_entries_f ee
                      WHERE  ee.element_entry_id   = rec_entry.element_entry_id
                      AND ee.creator_type = 'SP'
                      AND  ee.effective_end_date > p_term_date);
Line: 1240

     SELECT el.element_type_id, et.process_in_run_flag
     INTO   l_element_type_id, l_process_in_run_flag
     FROM   pay_element_links_f el, pay_element_types_f et
     WHERE  el.element_link_id = nonrec_entry.element_link_id
       AND  et.element_type_id = el.element_type_id
       AND  nonrec_entry.effective_end_date BETWEEN el.effective_start_date
                                                AND el.effective_end_date
       /*   Bug 1406063 */
       AND  nonrec_entry.effective_end_date BETWEEN et.effective_start_date
                                       AND et.effective_end_date;
Line: 1264

         SELECT 'Y' INTO l_ret_chng FROM dual WHERE EXISTS
          (SELECT 'Y' FROM pay_element_entry_values_f eev
                 WHERE  eev.element_entry_id     = nonrec_entry.element_entry_id);
Line: 1275

         SELECT 'Y' INTO l_ret_chng FROM dual WHERE EXISTS
          (SELECT 'Y' FROM pay_element_entries_f ee
                 WHERE  ee.element_entry_id     = nonrec_entry.element_entry_id);
Line: 1286

         SELECT 'Y' INTO l_ret_chng FROM dual WHERE EXISTS
          (SELECT 'Y' FROM pay_element_entries_f ee
                 WHERE  ee.element_entry_id     = nonrec_entry.element_entry_id
                 AND ee.creator_type = 'SP');
Line: 1302

         SELECT 'Y' INTO l_ret_chng FROM dual WHERE EXISTS
          (SELECT 'Y' FROM pay_element_entry_values_f eev
             WHERE  eev.element_entry_id   = nonrec_entry.element_entry_id
             AND  eev.effective_end_date = nonrec_entry.effective_end_date);
Line: 1316

           SELECT 'Y' INTO l_ret_chng FROM dual WHERE EXISTS
            (SELECT 'Y' FROM pay_element_entries_f ee
               WHERE  ee.element_entry_id   = nonrec_entry.element_entry_id
               AND  ee.effective_end_date = nonrec_entry.effective_end_date);
Line: 1328

           SELECT 'Y' INTO l_ret_chng FROM dual WHERE EXISTS
            (SELECT 'Y' FROM pay_element_entries_f ee
               WHERE  ee.element_entry_id   = nonrec_entry.element_entry_id
               AND ee.creator_type = 'SP'
               AND  ee.effective_end_date = nonrec_entry.effective_end_date);
Line: 1341

           SELECT 'Y' INTO l_ret_chng FROM dual WHERE EXISTS
            (SELECT 'Y' FROM pay_element_entry_values_f eev
             WHERE  eev.element_entry_id   = nonrec_entry.element_entry_id
             AND  eev.effective_end_date = nonrec_entry.effective_end_date);
Line: 1395

           SELECT el.element_type_id
           INTO   l_element_type_id
           FROM   pay_element_links_f el
           WHERE  el.element_link_id = rec_entry.element_link_id
             AND  rec_entry.effective_end_date BETWEEN el.effective_start_date
                                                   AND el.effective_end_date;
Line: 1417

            p_element_entry_id => rec_entry.element_entry_id,
            p_end_date => p_term_date,
            p_validation_start_date => p_term_date);
Line: 1423

            p_element_entry_id => rec_entry.element_entry_id,
            p_end_date => p_term_date,
            p_validation_start_date => p_term_date);
Line: 1436

             ** Original code, below, performs a delete from PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F
             ** and PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F where the entry effective start
             ** date is greater than the termination date (i.e. the entry starts
             ** after the employee is terminated). Therefore the entry, and its
             ** values, can be completely removed.
             ** The DML statements can be replaced with a single call to
             ** pay_element_entry_api.delete_element_entry using the 'ZAP' mode.
             DELETE FROM pay_element_entry_values_f eev
             WHERE  eev.element_entry_id     = rec_entry.element_entry_id
               AND  eev.effective_start_date > p_term_date;
Line: 1451

             DELETE FROM pay_element_entries_f ee
             WHERE  ee.element_entry_id     = rec_entry.element_entry_id
               AND  ee.effective_start_date > p_term_date;
Line: 1457

             select object_version_number
             into l_ee_object_version_number
             from pay_element_entries_f
             where element_entry_id = rec_entry.element_entry_Id
             and effective_start_date = rec_entry.effective_start_date;
Line: 1463

               p_validate => false,
               p_datetrack_delete_mode => 'ZAP',
               p_effective_date => rec_entry.effective_start_date,
               p_element_entry_id => rec_entry.element_entry_id,
               p_object_version_number => l_ee_object_version_number,
               p_effective_start_date => l_ee_effective_start_date,
               p_effective_end_date => l_ee_effective_end_date,
               p_delete_warning => l_delete_warning
Line: 1479

             ** Original code, below, updates PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F and
             ** PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F, setting the effective_end_date
             ** of the entry end date to the termination date where the
             ** entry end date falls some point after the termination date.
             ** The DML statements can be replaced with a single call to
             ** pay_element_entry_api.delete_element_entry using the 'DELETE' mode.
             UPDATE pay_element_entry_values_f eev
             SET    eev.effective_end_date = p_term_date
             WHERE  eev.element_entry_id   = rec_entry.element_entry_id
               AND  eev.effective_end_date > p_term_date;
Line: 1494

             UPDATE pay_element_entries_f ee
             SET    ee.effective_end_date = p_term_date
             ,      ee.last_update_date   = l_last_update_date
             WHERE  ee.element_entry_id   = rec_entry.element_entry_id
               AND  ee.effective_end_date > p_term_date;
Line: 1502

             select object_version_number
             into l_ee_object_version_number
             from pay_element_entries_f
             where element_entry_id = rec_entry.element_entry_Id
             and effective_start_date = rec_entry.effective_start_date;
Line: 1510

               p_validate => false,
               p_datetrack_delete_mode => 'DELETE',
               p_effective_date => p_term_date,
               p_element_entry_id => rec_entry.element_entry_id,
               p_object_version_number => l_ee_object_version_number,
               p_effective_start_date => l_ee_effective_start_date,
               p_effective_end_date => l_ee_effective_end_date,
               p_delete_warning => l_delete_warning
Line: 1539

     SELECT el.element_type_id, et.process_in_run_flag
     INTO   l_element_type_id, l_process_in_run_flag
     FROM   pay_element_links_f el, pay_element_types_f et
     WHERE  el.element_link_id = nonrec_entry.element_link_id
       AND  et.element_type_id = el.element_type_id
       AND  nonrec_entry.effective_end_date BETWEEN el.effective_start_date
                                                AND el.effective_end_date
       /*   Bug 1406063 */
       AND  nonrec_entry.effective_end_date BETWEEN et.effective_start_date
                                       AND et.effective_end_date;
Line: 1577

      p_element_entry_id => nonrec_entry.element_entry_id,
      p_end_date => p_term_date,
      p_validation_start_date => p_term_date);
Line: 1583

      p_element_entry_id => nonrec_entry.element_entry_id,
      p_end_date => p_term_date,
      p_validation_start_date => p_term_date);
Line: 1596

       DELETE FROM pay_run_results rr
       WHERE  rr.source_type = 'E'
         AND  rr.source_id = nonrec_entry.element_entry_id
         AND  rr.status not like 'P%';
Line: 1607

       ** Original code, below, performs a delete from PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F
       ** and PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F since the entry effective start
       ** date is greater than the termination date (i.e. the entry starts
       ** after the employee is terminated). Therefore the entry, and its
       ** values, can be completely removed.
       ** The DML statements can be replaced with a single call to
       ** pay_element_entry_api.delete_element_entry using the 'ZAP' mode.
       DELETE FROM pay_element_entry_values_f eev
       WHERE  eev.element_entry_id = nonrec_entry.element_entry_id;
Line: 1620

       DELETE FROM pay_element_entries_f ee
       WHERE  ee.element_entry_id = nonrec_entry.element_entry_id;
Line: 1625

       select object_version_number
       into l_ee_object_version_number
       from pay_element_entries_f
       where element_entry_id = nonrec_entry.element_entry_Id
       and effective_start_date = nonrec_entry.effective_start_date;
Line: 1631

         p_validate => false,
         p_datetrack_delete_mode => 'ZAP',
         p_effective_date => nonrec_entry.effective_start_date,
         p_element_entry_id => nonrec_entry.element_entry_id,
         p_object_version_number => l_ee_object_version_number,
         p_effective_start_date => l_ee_effective_start_date,
         p_effective_end_date => l_ee_effective_end_date,
         p_delete_warning => l_delete_warning
Line: 1664

      p_element_entry_id => nonrec_entry.element_entry_id,
      p_end_date => p_term_date,
      p_validation_start_date => p_term_date);
Line: 1670

      p_element_entry_id => nonrec_entry.element_entry_id,
      p_end_date => p_term_date,
      p_validation_start_date => p_term_date);
Line: 1721

          p_element_entry_id => nonrec_entry.element_entry_id,
          p_end_date => p_term_date,
          p_validation_start_date => p_final_process_date);
Line: 1727

          p_element_entry_id => nonrec_entry.element_entry_id,
          p_end_date => p_term_date,
          p_validation_start_date => p_final_process_date);
Line: 1738

           ** Original code, below, updates PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F and
           ** PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F, setting the effective_end_date
           ** of the entry end date to the termination date where the
           ** entry end date falls some point after the termination date.
           ** The DML statements can be replaced with a single call to
           ** pay_element_entry_api.delete_element_entry using the 'DELETE' mode.
           UPDATE pay_element_entries_f ee
           SET ee.effective_end_date = p_final_process_date
           ,   ee.last_update_date   = l_last_update_date
           WHERE ee.element_entry_id = nonrec_entry.element_entry_id
             AND ee.effective_end_date = nonrec_entry.effective_end_date;
Line: 1750

           UPDATE pay_element_entry_values_f eev
           SET eev.effective_end_date = p_final_process_date
           WHERE eev.element_entry_id = nonrec_entry.element_entry_id
             AND eev.effective_end_date = nonrec_entry.effective_end_date;
Line: 1757

           select object_version_number
           into l_ee_object_version_number
           from pay_element_entries_f
           where element_entry_id = nonrec_entry.element_entry_Id
           and effective_start_date = nonrec_entry.effective_start_date;
Line: 1763

             p_validate => false,
             p_datetrack_delete_mode => 'DELETE',
             p_effective_date => p_final_process_date,
             p_element_entry_id => nonrec_entry.element_entry_id,
             p_object_version_number => l_ee_object_version_number,
             p_effective_start_date => l_ee_effective_start_date,
             p_effective_end_date => l_ee_effective_end_date,
             p_delete_warning => l_delete_warning
Line: 1802

        DELETE FROM per_pay_proposal_components
        WHERE pay_proposal_id=pay_rec.pay_proposal_id;
Line: 1806

      DELETE FROM per_pay_proposals
      WHERE pay_proposal_id=pay_rec.pay_proposal_id;
Line: 1815

  END delete_entries;
Line: 1823

  PROCEDURE delete_alus(p_assignment_id  NUMBER,
                        p_term_date      DATE,
                        --p_term_rule      VARCHAR2,
-- 115.59 (START)
                        --p_changes IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
                        p_changes IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                        p_alu_change_warning IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
-- 115.59 (END)
  l_alu_change VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
Line: 1839

  l_proc varchar2(72):=g_package||'delete_alus';
Line: 1845

      FROM pay_payroll_actions    ppa
          ,pay_assignment_actions paa
     WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
       AND ppa.action_type IN ('R','Q','V','B')
       AND paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
       AND NVL(ppa.date_earned,ppa.effective_date) > p_term_date;
Line: 1876

   DELETE FROM pay_assignment_link_usages_f alu
   WHERE  alu.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
     AND  alu.effective_start_date > p_term_date;
Line: 1886

   UPDATE pay_assignment_link_usages_f alu
   SET    alu.effective_end_date = p_term_date
   WHERE  alu.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
     AND  alu.effective_end_date > p_term_date;
Line: 1900

  END delete_alus;
Line: 1963

Line: 1984

Line: 2002

Line: 2023

Line: 2038

Line: 2051

Line: 2067

Line: 2088

Line: 2131

  FROM   per_people_f pp
  WHERE  pp.person_id = p_person_id
Line: 2139

  FROM   per_assignments_f ass
  WHERE  ass.person_id = p_person_id
  AND    p_actual_termination_date
         BETWEEN ass.effective_start_date
         AND     ass.effective_end_date
  AND    assignment_type = 'E'
Line: 2151

  select legislation_code
  from per_business_groups
  where business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 2164

  if p_trigger = 'PRE_UPDATE' then
Line: 2204

     SELECT current_employee_flag
     INTO   l_current_employee_flag
     FROM   per_people_f  pp
     WHERE  pp.person_id = p_person_id
     AND    p_actual_termination_date + 1
            BETWEEN pp.effective_start_date
            AND     pp.effective_end_date;
Line: 2256

       SELECT person_type_id
       ,      c_emp_rec.current_applicant_flag
       ,      null
       ,      c_emp_rec.current_applicant_flag
       INTO   l_person_type_id
       ,      l_current_applicant_flag
       ,      l_current_employee_flag
       ,      l_current_emp_or_apl_flag
       FROM   per_person_types
       WHERE  business_group_id  = p_business_group_id --#3735333
       AND    default_flag       = 'Y'
       AND    active_flag        = 'Y'
       AND  ((c_emp_rec.current_applicant_flag = 'Y'
         AND  system_person_type = 'EX_EMP_APL')
       OR    (c_emp_rec.current_applicant_flag IS NULL
         AND  system_person_type = 'EX_EMP'));
Line: 2274

--       ,work_telephone
       (      c_emp_rec.person_id
       ,      p_actual_termination_date + 1
       ,      c_emp_rec.effective_end_date
       ,      c_emp_rec.business_group_id
       ,      l_person_type_id
       ,      c_emp_rec.last_name
       ,      c_emp_rec.start_date
       ,      c_emp_rec.applicant_number
       ,      c_emp_rec.comment_id
       ,      l_current_applicant_flag
       ,      l_current_emp_or_apl_flag
       ,      l_current_employee_flag
       ,      c_emp_rec.date_employee_data_verified
       ,      c_emp_rec.date_of_birth
       ,      c_emp_rec.email_address
       ,      c_emp_rec.employee_number
       ,      c_emp_rec.expense_check_send_to_address
       ,      c_emp_rec.first_name
       ,      c_emp_rec.full_name
       ,      c_emp_rec.known_as
       ,      c_emp_rec.marital_status
       ,      c_emp_rec.middle_names
       ,      c_emp_rec.nationality
       ,      c_emp_rec.national_identifier
       ,      c_emp_rec.previous_last_name
       ,      c_emp_rec.registered_disabled_flag
       ,      c_emp_rec.sex
       ,      c_emp_rec.title
       ,      c_emp_rec.suffix
       ,      c_emp_rec.vendor_id
--       ,      c_emp_rec.work_telephone
       ,      c_emp_rec.request_id
       ,      c_emp_rec.program_application_id
       ,      c_emp_rec.program_id
       ,      c_emp_rec.program_update_date
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute_category
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute1
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute2
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute3
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute4
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute5
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute6
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute7
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute8
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute9
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute10
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute11
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute12
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute13
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute14
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute15
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute16
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute17
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute18
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute19
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute20
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute21
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute22
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute23
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute24
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute25
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute26
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute27
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute28
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute29
       ,      c_emp_rec.attribute30
       ,      SYSDATE
       ,      -1
       ,      -1
       ,      c_emp_rec.created_by
       ,      c_emp_rec.creation_date
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information_category
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information1
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information2
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information3
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information4
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information5
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information6
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information7
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information8
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information9
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information10
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information11
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information12
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information13
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information14
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information15
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information16
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information17
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information18
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information19
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information20
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information21
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information22
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information23
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information24
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information25
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information26
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information27
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information28
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information29
       ,      c_emp_rec.per_information30
       ,      c_emp_rec.work_schedule
       ,      c_emp_rec.correspondence_language
       ,      c_emp_rec.student_status
       ,      c_emp_rec.fte_capacity
       ,      c_emp_rec.on_military_service
       ,      c_emp_rec.second_passport_exists
       ,      c_emp_rec.background_check_status
       ,      c_emp_rec.background_date_check
       ,      c_emp_rec.blood_type
       ,      c_emp_rec.last_medical_test_date
       ,      c_emp_rec.last_medical_test_by
       ,      c_emp_rec.rehire_recommendation
       ,      c_emp_rec.rehire_reason
       ,      c_emp_rec.resume_exists
       ,      c_emp_rec.resume_last_updated
       ,      c_emp_rec.office_number
       ,      c_emp_rec.internal_location
       ,      c_emp_rec.mailstop
       ,      c_emp_rec.honors
       ,      c_emp_rec.pre_name_adjunct
       ,      c_emp_rec.hold_applicant_date_until
       ,      c_emp_rec.benefit_group_id
       ,      c_emp_rec.receipt_of_death_cert_date
       ,      c_emp_rec.coord_ben_med_pln_no
       ,      c_emp_rec.coord_ben_no_cvg_flag
       ,      c_emp_rec.uses_tobacco_flag
       ,      c_emp_rec.dpdnt_adoption_date
       ,      c_emp_rec.dpdnt_vlntry_svce_flag
       ,      c_emp_rec.date_of_death
       ,      c_emp_rec.original_date_of_hire
       ,      c_emp_rec.town_of_birth
      ,      c_emp_rec.region_of_birth
      ,      c_emp_rec.country_of_birth
      ,      c_emp_rec.global_person_id
Line: 2552

       UPDATE per_people_f pp
       SET    pp.effective_end_date = p_actual_termination_date
       WHERE CURRENT OF c_employee;
Line: 2560

  elsif p_trigger = 'POST_UPDATE' then
Line: 2574

      SELECT per_system_status
      INTO   l_per_system_status
      FROM   per_assignment_status_types
      WHERE  assignment_status_type_id = c_ass_rec.assignment_status_type_id;
Line: 2585

Line: 2591

Line: 2629

Line: 2640

Line: 2644

        UPDATE per_assignments_f
        SET    effective_end_date = p_final_process_date
        WHERE CURRENT OF c_assignment;
Line: 2658

Line: 2675

        select stt.assignment_status_type_id
        into   l_assignment_status_type_id
        from   per_assignment_status_types stt,
           per_ass_status_type_amends sta
        where  nvl(sta.per_system_status,stt.per_system_status) =
        and       stt.assignment_status_type_id =
                    sta.assignment_status_type_id (+)
        and       sta.business_group_id(+) = c_ass_rec.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
        and    nvl(stt.business_group_id, c_ass_rec.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID) =
        and    nvl(sta.active_flag,stt.active_flag) = 'Y'
        and    nvl(sta.default_flag, stt.default_flag) = 'Y';
Line: 2692

          INSERT INTO per_assignments_f
           ( ASSIGNMENT_ID
           , BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
           , RECRUITER_ID
           , GRADE_ID
           , POSITION_ID
           , JOB_ID
           , PAYROLL_ID
           , LOCATION_ID
           , SUPERVISOR_ID
           , PERSON_ID
           , ORGANIZATION_ID
           , PEOPLE_GROUP_ID
           , VACANCY_ID
           , ASSIGNMENT_TYPE
           , PRIMARY_FLAG
           , APPLICATION_ID
           , CHANGE_REASON
           , COMMENT_ID
           , FREQUENCY
           , MANAGER_FLAG
           , NORMAL_HOURS
           , PROBATION_UNIT
           , SET_OF_BOOKS_ID
           , TIME_NORMAL_START
           , PAY_BASIS_ID
           , REQUEST_ID
           , PROGRAM_ID
           , LAST_UPDATE_DATE
           , LAST_UPDATED_BY
           , LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN
           , CREATED_BY
           , CREATION_DATE
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE1
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE2
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE3
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE4
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE5
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE6
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE7
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE8
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE9
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE10
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE11
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE12
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE13
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE14
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE15
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE16
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE17
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE18
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE19
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE20
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE21
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE22
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE23
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE24
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE25
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE26
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE27
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE28
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE29
           , ASS_ATTRIBUTE30
           , CAGR_GRADE_DEF_ID
           , CAGR_ID_FLEX_NUM
           , CONTRACT_ID
           , SAL_REVIEW_PERIOD
           , SOURCE_TYPE
           , TITLE
           , NOTICE_PERIOD_UOM
           , WORK_AT_HOME
           , JOB_POST_SOURCE_NAME )
           ( c_ass_rec.ASSIGNMENT_ID
           , p_actual_termination_date + 1
           , l_effective_end_date
           , c_ass_rec.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
           , c_ass_rec.RECRUITER_ID
           , c_ass_rec.GRADE_ID
           , c_ass_rec.POSITION_ID
           , c_ass_rec.JOB_ID
           , nvl (p_assignment_status_type_id, l_assignment_status_type_id)
           , c_ass_rec.PAYROLL_ID
           , c_ass_rec.LOCATION_ID
           , c_ass_rec.SUPERVISOR_ID
           , c_ass_rec.SPECIAL_CEILING_STEP_ID
           , c_ass_rec.PERSON_ID
           , c_ass_rec.ORGANIZATION_ID
           , c_ass_rec.PEOPLE_GROUP_ID
           , c_ass_rec.SOFT_CODING_KEYFLEX_ID
           , c_ass_rec.VACANCY_ID
           , c_ass_rec.ASSIGNMENT_SEQUENCE
           , c_ass_rec.ASSIGNMENT_TYPE
           , c_ass_rec.PRIMARY_FLAG
           , c_ass_rec.APPLICATION_ID
           , c_ass_rec.ASSIGNMENT_NUMBER
           , c_ass_rec.CHANGE_REASON
           , c_ass_rec.COMMENT_ID
           , c_ass_rec.DATE_PROBATION_END
           , c_ass_rec.DEFAULT_CODE_COMB_ID
           , c_ass_rec.EMPLOYMENT_CATEGORY
           , c_ass_rec.FREQUENCY
           , c_ass_rec.INTERNAL_ADDRESS_LINE
           , c_ass_rec.MANAGER_FLAG
           , c_ass_rec.NORMAL_HOURS
           , c_ass_rec.PERIOD_OF_SERVICE_ID
           , c_ass_rec.PROBATION_PERIOD
           , c_ass_rec.PROBATION_UNIT
           , c_ass_rec.SET_OF_BOOKS_ID
           , c_ass_rec.TIME_NORMAL_FINISH
           , c_ass_rec.TIME_NORMAL_START
           , c_ass_rec.PAY_BASIS_ID
           , c_ass_rec.REQUEST_ID
           , c_ass_rec.BARGAINING_UNIT_CODE
           , c_ass_rec.LABOUR_UNION_MEMBER_FLAG
           , c_ass_rec.HOURLY_SALARIED_CODE
           , c_ass_rec.PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID
           , c_ass_rec.PROGRAM_ID
           , c_ass_rec.PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE
           , SYSDATE
           , -1
           , -1
           , c_ass_rec.CREATED_BY
           , c_ass_rec.CREATION_DATE
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE1
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE2
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE3
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE4
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE5
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE6
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE7
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE8
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE9
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE10
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE11
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE12
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE13
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE14
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE15
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE16
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE17
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE18
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE19
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE20
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE21
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE22
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE23
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE24
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE25
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE26
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE27
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE28
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE29
           , c_ass_rec.ASS_ATTRIBUTE30
           , c_ass_rec.CAGR_GRADE_DEF_ID
           , c_ass_rec.CAGR_ID_FLEX_NUM
           , c_ass_rec.COLLECTIVE_AGREEMENT_ID
           , c_ass_rec.CONTRACT_ID
           , c_ass_rec.ESTABLISHMENT_ID
           , c_ass_rec.OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER
           , c_ass_rec.PERF_REVIEW_PERIOD
           , c_ass_rec.PERF_REVIEW_PERIOD_FREQUENCY
           , c_ass_rec.PERSON_REFERRED_BY_ID
           , c_ass_rec.RECRUITMENT_ACTIVITY_ID
           , c_ass_rec.SAL_REVIEW_PERIOD
           , c_ass_rec.SAL_REVIEW_PERIOD_FREQUENCY
           , c_ass_rec.SOURCE_ORGANIZATION_ID
           , c_ass_rec.SOURCE_TYPE
           , c_ass_rec.TITLE
           , c_ass_rec.NOTICE_PERIOD
           , c_ass_rec.NOTICE_PERIOD_UOM
           , c_ass_rec.WORK_AT_HOME
           , c_ass_rec.EMPLOYEE_CATEGORY
           , c_ass_rec.JOB_POST_SOURCE_NAME);
Line: 2900

            UPDATE per_assignments_f ass
            SET    ass.effective_end_date = p_actual_termination_date
            WHERE CURRENT OF c_assignment;
Line: 2909

Line: 2955

  SELECT ass.assignment_id
  FROM   per_assignments_f ass
  WHERE  ass.person_id = p_person_id
  AND    p_final_process_date
         BETWEEN ass.effective_start_date
         AND     ass.effective_end_date
Line: 2968

  if p_trigger = 'PRE_UPDATE' then
Line: 2971

  SELECT actual_termination_date
  INTO   l_actual_termination_date
  FROM   per_periods_of_service
  WHERE  person_id = p_person_id
  AND    final_process_date IS NULL
  AND    p_final_process_date BETWEEN date_start
                              AND     to_date('31/12/4712','DD/MM/YYYY');
Line: 2980

    SELECT current_employee_flag
    INTO   l_current_employee_flag
    FROM   per_people_f  pp
    WHERE  pp.person_id = p_person_id
    AND  ((p_final_process_date = l_actual_termination_date
       AND p_final_process_date + 1 BETWEEN pp.effective_start_date
                                    AND     pp.effective_end_date)
       OR (p_final_process_date > l_actual_termination_date
    AND    p_final_process_date
           BETWEEN pp.effective_start_date
           AND     pp.effective_end_date));
Line: 3026

  elsif p_trigger = 'POST_UPDATE' then
Line: 3037

Line: 3057

Line: 3061

        UPDATE per_assignments_f  ass
        SET    ass.effective_end_date = p_final_process_date
        WHERE CURRENT OF c_assignment;
Line: 3069

Line: 3107

     select *
       from per_all_assignments_f
      where assignment_id = c_assignment_id
        and c_effective_date between effective_start_date
                            and effective_end_date;
Line: 3365

  SELECT assignment_id
  ,      assignment_status_type_id
  ,      business_group_id
  FROM   per_assignments_f ass
  WHERE  ass.person_id = p_person_id
  AND    ass.effective_end_date = p_actual_termination_date
Line: 3376

  SELECT assignment_id
  ,      assignment_status_type_id
  ,      business_group_id
  ,      effective_start_date
  ,      effective_end_date
  ,      payroll_id
  ,      object_version_number
  FROM   per_assignments_f ass
  WHERE  ass.person_id = p_person_id
  AND    ass.effective_end_date = p_actual_termination_date
Line: 3396

    select *
    from   per_periods_of_service
    where  person_id = p_person_id
    and    actual_termination_date = p_actual_termination_date;
Line: 3403

    select role_id
    ,old_end_date from
    where person_id = p_person_id
    and end_date = p_actual_termination_date
    for update nowait;
Line: 3427

    select *
    from   per_assignment_budget_values_f
    where  assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    and    effective_end_date = l_final_process_date;
Line: 3441

  select legislation_code
  from per_business_groups
  where business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 3446

  select '1'
  from user_objects
  where object_name = p_pkg_name
  and object_type = 'PACKAGE';
Line: 3461

    SELECT pos.period_of_service_id
    ,      pos.business_group_id
    ,      pos.leaving_reason
    ,      pos.date_start
    ,      pos.final_process_date
    ,      pos.last_standard_process_date
    INTO   l_period_of_service_id
    ,      l_business_group_id
    ,      l_old_leaving_reason
    ,      l_date_start
    ,      l_final_process_date
    ,      l_last_standard_process_date
    FROM   per_periods_of_service pos
    WHERE  pos.person_id = p_person_id
    AND    pos.actual_termination_date = p_actual_termination_date;
Line: 3484

 /* UPDATE per_contracts_f pc
  SET    pc.effective_end_date = to_date('31/12/4712','DD/MM/YYYY')
  WHERE  pc.person_id          = p_person_id
  AND    p_actual_termination_date
         BETWEEN pc.effective_start_date
         AND     pc.effective_end_date;
Line: 3491

  DELETE from per_contracts_f pc
  WHERE  pc.person_id = p_person_id
  AND    pc.effective_start_date > p_actual_termination_date;*/
Line: 3533

  UPDATE per_all_people_f pp
  SET    pp.effective_end_date = to_date('31/12/4712','DD/MM/YYYY')
  WHERE  pp.person_id          = p_person_id
  AND    p_actual_termination_date
         BETWEEN pp.effective_start_date
         AND     pp.effective_end_date;
Line: 3541

  DELETE per_all_people_f pp
  WHERE  pp.person_id = p_person_id
  AND    pp.effective_start_date > p_actual_termination_date;
Line: 3594

     UPDATE per_periods_of_service pos
     SET    pos.actual_termination_date           = null
     ,      pos.last_standard_process_date        = null
     ,      pos.final_process_date                = null
     ,      pos.termination_accepted_person_id    = null
     ,      pos.leaving_reason                    = null
     ,      pos.accepted_termination_date         = null
     WHERE  pos.person_id               = p_person_id
     AND    pos.actual_termination_date = p_actual_termination_date;
Line: 3648

     UPDATE per_periods_of_service pos
     SET    pos.actual_termination_date           = null
     ,      pos.last_standard_process_date        = null
     ,      pos.final_process_date                = null
     ,      pos.termination_accepted_person_id    = null
     ,      pos.leaving_reason                    = null
     ,      pos.notified_termination_date         = null
     ,      pos.projected_termination_date        = null
     ,      pos.accepted_termination_date         = null
     WHERE  pos.person_id               = p_person_id
     AND    pos.actual_termination_date = p_actual_termination_date;
Line: 3682

    SELECT per_system_status
    INTO   l_per_system_status
    FROM   per_assignment_status_types
    WHERE  assignment_status_type_id = c_ass_rec.assignment_status_type_id;
Line: 3728

      UPDATE per_assignments_f ass
      SET    ass.effective_end_date = l_effective_end_date
      WHERE  assignment_id = c_ass_rec.assignment_id
        AND  effective_end_date = l_max_end_date;
Line: 3739

        (p_effective_date                       => l_session_date
        ,p_datetrack_mode                       => 'DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE'
        ,p_validation_start_date            => c_ass_rec.effective_START_DATE
        ,p_validation_end_date          => c_ass_rec.effective_end_date
        ,P_ASSIGNMENT_ID                        => c_ass_rec.assignment_id
        ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE           => l_effective_end_of_time
        ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE         => c_ass_rec.effective_START_DATE
        ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER            => l_object_version_number
        ,P_ORG_NOW_NO_MANAGER_WARNING  => null
        ,P_APPLICANT_RANK_O            => null
        ,P_APPLICATION_ID_O            => null
        ,P_ASSIGNMENT_CATEGORY_O => null
        , P_ASSIGNMENT_NUMBER_O => null
        ,P_ASSIGNMENT_SEQUENCE_O => null
        ,P_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE1_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE10_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE11_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE12_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE13_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE14_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE15_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE16_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE17_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE18_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE19_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE2_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE20_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE21_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE22_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE23_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE24_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE25_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE26_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE27_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE28_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE29_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE3_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE30_O =>null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE4_O =>null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE5_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE6_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE7_O => null
         ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE8_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE9_O => null
        ,P_BARGAINING_UNIT_CODE_O => null
        ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID_O => c_ass_rec.business_group_id
        ,P_CAGR_GRADE_DEF_ID_O => null
        ,P_CAGR_ID_FLEX_NUM_O => null
        ,P_CHANGE_REASON_O => null
        ,P_COMMENT_ID_O => null
        ,P_CONTRACT_ID_O => null
        ,P_DATE_PROBATION_END_O => null
        ,P_DEFAULT_CODE_COMB_ID_O => null
        ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE_O => l_effective_end_date1
        ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE_O => l_effective_start_date1
        ,P_EMPLOYEE_CATEGORY_O => null
        ,P_EMPLOYMENT_CATEGORY_O => null
        ,P_ESTABLISHMENT_ID_O => null
        ,P_FREQUENCY_O => null
        ,P_GRADE_ID_O => null
        ,P_HOURLY_SALARIED_CODE_O => null
        ,P_INTERNAL_ADDRESS_LINE_O => null
        ,P_JOB_ID_O => null
        ,P_JOB_POST_SOURCE_NAME_O => null
        ,P_LOCATION_ID_O => null
        ,P_MANAGER_FLAG_O => null
        ,P_NORMAL_HOURS_O => null
        ,P_NOTICE_PERIOD_O => null
        ,P_NOTICE_PERIOD_UOM_O => null
        ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER_O => null
        ,P_ORGANIZATION_ID_O => null
        ,P_PAYROLL_ID_O => c_ass_rec.payroll_id
        ,P_PAY_BASIS_ID_O => null
        ,P_PEOPLE_GROUP_ID_O => null
        ,P_PERF_REVIEW_PERIOD_O => null
        ,P_PERIOD_OF_SERVICE_ID_O => null
        ,P_PERSON_ID_O => null
        ,P_PERSON_REFERRED_BY_ID_O => null
        ,P_PLACEMENT_DATE_START_O => null
        ,P_POSITION_ID_O => null
        ,P_POSTING_CONTENT_ID_O => null
        ,P_PRIMARY_FLAG_O => null
        ,P_PROBATION_PERIOD_O => null
        ,P_PROBATION_UNIT_O => null
        ,P_PROGRAM_ID_O => null
        ,P_PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE_O => null
        ,P_PROJECT_TITLE_O => null
        ,P_RECRUITER_ID_O => null
        ,P_REQUEST_ID_O => null
        ,P_SAL_REVIEW_PERIOD_O => null
        ,P_SET_OF_BOOKS_ID_O => null
        ,P_SOFT_CODING_KEYFLEX_ID_O => null
        ,P_SOURCE_TYPE_O => null
        ,P_SPECIAL_CEILING_STEP_ID_O => null
        ,P_SUPERVISOR_ID_O => null
        ,P_TIME_NORMAL_FINISH_O => null
        ,P_TIME_NORMAL_START_O => null
        ,P_TITLE_O => null
        ,P_VACANCY_ID_O => null
        ,P_VENDOR_ID_O => null
        ,P_WORK_AT_HOME_O => null
        ,P_GRADE_LADDER_PGM_ID_O => null
        ,P_VENDOR_SITE_ID_O => null
        ,P_PO_HEADER_ID_O => null
        ,P_PO_LINE_ID_O => null
Line: 3881

      UPDATE per_assignments_f ass
      SET    ass.assignment_status_type_id = l_asg_status_type_id
      WHERE  assignment_id = c_ass_rec.assignment_id
        AND  effective_start_date >= p_actual_termination_date;
Line: 3904

   select effective_end_date
     into l_new_effective_end_date
     from per_all_assignments_f
    where assignment_id = c_ass_rec.assignment_id
      and effective_start_date = p_actual_termination_date+1;
Line: 3913

   update per_all_assignments_f
      set effective_end_date = l_new_effective_end_date
    where current of c_assignment;
Line: 3919

   delete from per_all_assignments_f
    where assignment_id = c_ass_rec.assignment_id
      and effective_start_date = p_actual_termination_date +1;
Line: 3928

        (p_effective_date                       => l_session_date
        ,p_datetrack_mode                       => 'DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE'
        ,p_validation_start_date            => c_ass_rec.effective_START_DATE
        ,p_validation_end_date          => c_ass_rec.effective_end_date
        ,P_ASSIGNMENT_ID                        => c_ass_rec.assignment_id
        ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE           => l_effective_end_of_time
        ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE         => c_ass_rec.effective_START_DATE
        ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER            => l_object_version_number
        ,P_ORG_NOW_NO_MANAGER_WARNING  => null
        ,P_APPLICANT_RANK_O            => null
        ,P_APPLICATION_ID_O            => null
        ,P_ASSIGNMENT_CATEGORY_O => null
        , P_ASSIGNMENT_NUMBER_O => null
        ,P_ASSIGNMENT_SEQUENCE_O => null
        ,P_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE1_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE10_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE11_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE12_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE13_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE14_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE15_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE16_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE17_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE18_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE19_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE2_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE20_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE21_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE22_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE23_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE24_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE25_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE26_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE27_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE28_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE29_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE3_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE30_O =>null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE4_O =>null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE5_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE6_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE7_O => null
         ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE8_O => null
        ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE9_O => null
        ,P_BARGAINING_UNIT_CODE_O => null
        ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID_O => c_ass_rec.business_group_id
        ,P_CAGR_GRADE_DEF_ID_O => null
        ,P_CAGR_ID_FLEX_NUM_O => null
        ,P_CHANGE_REASON_O => null
        ,P_COMMENT_ID_O => null
        ,P_CONTRACT_ID_O => null
        ,P_DATE_PROBATION_END_O => null
        ,P_DEFAULT_CODE_COMB_ID_O => null
        ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE_O => l_final_process_date
        ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE_O => l_effective_start_date1
        ,P_EMPLOYEE_CATEGORY_O => null
        ,P_EMPLOYMENT_CATEGORY_O => null
        ,P_ESTABLISHMENT_ID_O => null
        ,P_FREQUENCY_O => null
        ,P_GRADE_ID_O => null
        ,P_HOURLY_SALARIED_CODE_O => null
        ,P_INTERNAL_ADDRESS_LINE_O => null
        ,P_JOB_ID_O => null
        ,P_JOB_POST_SOURCE_NAME_O => null
        ,P_LOCATION_ID_O => null
        ,P_MANAGER_FLAG_O => null
        ,P_NORMAL_HOURS_O => null
        ,P_NOTICE_PERIOD_O => null
        ,P_NOTICE_PERIOD_UOM_O => null
        ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER_O => null
        ,P_ORGANIZATION_ID_O => null
        ,P_PAYROLL_ID_O => c_ass_rec.payroll_id
        ,P_PAY_BASIS_ID_O => null
        ,P_PEOPLE_GROUP_ID_O => null
        ,P_PERF_REVIEW_PERIOD_O => null
        ,P_PERIOD_OF_SERVICE_ID_O => null
        ,P_PERSON_ID_O => null
        ,P_PERSON_REFERRED_BY_ID_O => null
        ,P_PLACEMENT_DATE_START_O => null
        ,P_POSITION_ID_O => null
        ,P_POSTING_CONTENT_ID_O => null
        ,P_PRIMARY_FLAG_O => null
        ,P_PROBATION_PERIOD_O => null
        ,P_PROBATION_UNIT_O => null
        ,P_PROGRAM_ID_O => null
        ,P_PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE_O => null
        ,P_PROJECT_TITLE_O => null
        ,P_RECRUITER_ID_O => null
        ,P_REQUEST_ID_O => null
        ,P_SAL_REVIEW_PERIOD_O => null
        ,P_SET_OF_BOOKS_ID_O => null
        ,P_SOFT_CODING_KEYFLEX_ID_O => null
        ,P_SOURCE_TYPE_O => null
        ,P_SPECIAL_CEILING_STEP_ID_O => null
        ,P_SUPERVISOR_ID_O => null
        ,P_TIME_NORMAL_FINISH_O => null
        ,P_TIME_NORMAL_START_O => null
        ,P_TITLE_O => null
        ,P_VACANCY_ID_O => null
        ,P_VENDOR_ID_O => null
        ,P_WORK_AT_HOME_O => null
        ,P_GRADE_LADDER_PGM_ID_O => null
        ,P_VENDOR_SITE_ID_O => null
        ,P_PO_HEADER_ID_O => null
        ,P_PO_LINE_ID_O => null
Line: 4060

        UPDATE per_secondary_ass_statuses sas
        SET    sas.end_date = null
        WHERE  sas.assignment_id = c_ass_rec.assignment_id
        AND    sas.end_date = l_final_process_date;
Line: 4066

        UPDATE pay_personal_payment_methods_f ppm
        SET    ppm.effective_end_date = l_effective_end_date
        WHERE  ppm.assignment_id      = c_ass_rec.assignment_id
        AND    ppm.effective_end_date = l_final_process_date;
Line: 4072

        UPDATE pay_cost_allocations_f pca
        SET    pca.effective_end_date = l_effective_end_date
        WHERE  pca.assignment_id      = c_ass_rec.assignment_id
        AND    pca.effective_end_date = l_final_process_date;
Line: 4078

        UPDATE per_spinal_point_placements_f spp
        SET    spp.effective_end_date = l_effective_end_date
        WHERE  spp.assignment_id      = c_ass_rec.assignment_id
        AND    spp.effective_end_date = l_final_process_date;
Line: 4094

Line: 4127

            update per_assignment_budget_values_f abv
            set    abv.effective_end_date = l_effective_end_date
            where  abv.assignment_id      = c_ass_rec.assignment_id
            and    abv.assignment_budget_value_id = l_c2.assignment_budget_value_id
            and    abv.effective_end_date = l_final_process_date;
Line: 4156

Line: 4167

        p_effective_date                => p_actual_termination_date
        ,p_role_id                      => roles_rec.role_id
        ,p_object_version_number        => roles_rec.object_version_number
        ,p_end_date                     => roles_rec.old_end_date
        ,p_old_end_date                 => null