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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 33

     select max(effective_end_date)
     from   per_all_assignments_f
     where  person_id        = p_person_id
     and    application_id   = p_application_id
     and    assignment_id   <> p_assignment_id
     and    assignment_type  = 'A' ;
Line: 66

     select 1
     from   per_all_assignments_f  a,
       fnd_sessions           f
     where  a.assignment_id        = p_assignment_id
     and    f.session_id           = userenv('sessionid')
     and    a.effective_start_date > f.effective_date ;
Line: 79

      hr_utility.set_message ( 801, 'HR_6408_APPS_NO_UPDATE' ) ;
Line: 106

               p_dt_update_mode     in varchar2,
               p_business_group_id  in number ) is
     procedure chk_assignment_current ( p_assignment_id in number ) is
     l_asg_max_end_date   date ;
Line: 114

   select max(effective_end_date)
   from   per_all_assignments_f
   where  assignment_id = p_assignment_id ;
Line: 145

   select f.effective_date
   from   per_people_f  p,
          fnd_sessions  f
   where  p.person_id            = p_person_id
   and    p.effective_start_date > f.effective_date
   and    f.session_id           = userenv('sessionid') ;
Line: 155

   select effective_date
   from   fnd_sessions
   where  session_id = userenv('sessionid');
Line: 251

    select grade_structure,
         from   per_business_groups
    where  business_group_id = p_business_group_id ;
Line: 276

               p_dt_update_mode         in varchar2,
               p_business_group_id      in number) is
       -- No changes are allowed if there are future assignment changes
       chk_future_asg_changes ( p_assignment_id ) ;
Line: 291

             p_business_group_id) ;
Line: 299

   procedure update_row ( p_rowid         in varchar2,
           p_application_id         in number,
           p_person_id              in number,
           p_assignment_id          in number,
           p_status_changed      in boolean,
           p_new_system_status      in varchar2,
           p_new_asg_status_type_id in number,
           p_recruiter_id           in number,
           p_dt_update_mode         in varchar2,
           p_effective_date         in date,
           p_effective_start_date   in date,
           p_validation_start_date  in date,
           p_business_group_id      in number ) is
    l_end_row varchar2(5) := 'FALSE' ; -- Should the assignment row's
Line: 331

       select nvl(max(a.effective_end_date),p_effective_date)
       from   per_all_assignments_f a
       where  a.person_id       = p_person_id
       and    a.application_id  = p_application_id
       and    a.assignment_id  <> p_assignment_id
       and    a.assignment_type = 'A'
       and    p_effective_date between a.effective_start_date
                and     a.effective_end_date ;
Line: 364

   delete from per_secondary_ass_statuses
   where  assignment_id = p_assignment_id
   and    start_date    > p_effective_date ;
Line: 368

   update per_secondary_ass_statuses
        set    end_date      = p_effective_date
   where  assignment_id = p_assignment_id
   and    p_effective_date between start_date
            and     nvl(end_date,p_effective_date) ;
Line: 386

    procedure delete_pending_letters ( p_assignment_id             in number,
                   p_assignment_status_type_id in number,
                   p_business_group_id         in number) is
       delete from per_letter_request_lines l
       where  l.assignment_id              = p_assignment_id
       and    l.assignment_status_type_id <> p_assignment_status_type_id
       and    exists ( select 1
             from   per_letter_requests r
             where  r.letter_request_id = l.letter_request_id
             and    r.request_status    = 'PENDING'
             and    r.auto_or_manual    = 'AUTO' ) ;
Line: 399

       message('DELETED '||to_char(sql%rowcount)||' ROWS FROM REQUEST LINES');
Line: 404

       delete from per_letter_requests r
       where  r.business_group_id     = p_business_group_id
       and    r.request_status        = 'PENDING'
       and    r.auto_or_manual        = 'AUTO'
       and not exists ( select 1
         from   per_letter_request_lines l
         where  l.letter_request_id = r.letter_request_id
            ) ;
Line: 412

       message('DELETED '||to_char(sql%rowcount)||' ROWS FROM LETTER REQUESTS');
Line: 414

    end delete_pending_letters ;
Line: 425

    procedure delete_events ( p_assignment_id in number,
               p_effective_date in date ) is
      delete from per_bookings b
      where  b.event_id in ( select e.event_id
              from   per_events e
              where  e.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
                             and    e.date_start    > p_effective_date
            ) ;
Line: 436

      delete from per_events e
      where  e.assignment_id  = p_assignment_id
      and    e.date_start     > p_effective_date ;
Line: 440

    end delete_events ;
Line: 458

Select vacancy_id
From per_all_assignments_f
Where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
And p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 469

   delete_pending_letters ( p_assignment_id,
             p_business_group_id ) ;
Line: 504

Line: 516

    update per_all_assignments_f
    set    assignment_status_type_id = decode( l_end_row,
                      p_new_asg_status_type_id ),
      recruiter_id              = p_recruiter_id,
      effective_start_date      = p_effective_start_date,
      effective_end_date        = decode(l_end_row,
                      effective_end_date )
    where rowid = p_rowid ;
Line: 565

       update per_applications
       set    date_end       = l_max_asg_end_date
       where  application_id = p_application_id ;
Line: 589

  ,p_datetrack_update_mode  => 'UPDATE');
Line: 602

     delete_events ( p_assignment_id,
                p_effective_date ) ;
Line: 616

   end update_row ;