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Line 1893: FROM po_distributions pod, po_headers poh

1889: SELECT NVL (pod.rate, 1), poh.rate_type,
1890: pod.rate_date
1891: INTO l_currency_conversion_rate, l_currency_conversion_type,
1892: l_currency_conversion_date
1893: FROM po_distributions pod, po_headers poh
1894: WHERE pod.po_distribution_id = p_rcv_accttxn.po_distribution_id
1895: AND poh.po_header_id = pod.po_header_id;
1896: ELSE
1897: -- This is also correct for ADJUST transactions where we only create one event

Line 4399: po_headers poh

4395: FROM ap_invoice_distributions apid,
4396: po_distributions pod,
4397: po_line_locations poll,
4398: po_lines pol,
4399: po_headers poh
4400: WHERE apid.invoice_distribution_id = p_inv_distribution_id
4401: AND pod.po_distribution_id = apid.po_distribution_id
4402: AND pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
4403: AND pol.po_line_id = poll.po_line_id

Line 4438: po_headers poh,

4434: l_rcv_accttxn.destination_type_code
4435: FROM rcv_transactions rt,
4436: po_lines pol,
4437: po_line_locations poll,
4438: po_headers poh,
4439: po_distributions pod
4440: WHERE rt.transaction_id = p_rcv_transaction_id
4441: AND poh.po_header_id = rt.po_header_id
4442: AND pol.po_line_id = rt.po_line_id

Line 5489: FROM po_headers poh,

5485: l_po_distribution_id, l_rcv_trx_date,
5486: l_drop_ship_flag, l_po_org_id,
5487: l_rcv_organization_id, l_item_id, l_category_id,
5488: l_project_id, l_accrual_flag
5489: FROM po_headers poh,
5490: po_line_locations poll,
5491: po_lines pol,
5492: rcv_transactions rt
5493: WHERE rt.transaction_id = p_rcv_transaction_id

Line 6288: FROM po_headers poh,

6284: l_destination_type, l_rcv_trx_date,
6285: l_drop_ship_flag, l_po_org_id,
6286: l_rcv_organization_id, l_category_id, l_project_id,
6287: l_accrual_flag
6288: FROM po_headers poh,
6289: po_line_locations poll,
6290: po_lines pol,
6291: po_distributions pod,
6292: rcv_transactions rt

Line 6825: FROM po_headers poh,

6821: l_destination_type, l_rcv_trx_date,
6822: l_drop_ship_flag, l_po_org_id,
6823: l_rcv_organization_id, l_category_id, l_project_id,
6824: l_accrual_flag
6825: FROM po_headers poh,
6826: po_line_locations poll,
6827: po_lines pol,
6828: po_distributions pod,
6829: rcv_transactions rt

Line 7453: FROM po_headers poh,

7449: l_po_distribution_id, l_rcv_trx_date,
7450: l_drop_ship_flag, l_po_org_id,
7451: l_rcv_organization_id, l_item_id, l_category_id,
7452: l_project_id, l_accrual_flag
7453: FROM po_headers poh,
7454: po_line_locations poll,
7455: po_lines pol,
7456: rcv_transactions rt
7457: WHERE rt.transaction_id = p_rcv_transaction_id

Line 8107: l_po_header_id po_headers_all.po_header_id%TYPE;

8103: l_parent_trx_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE;
8104: l_parent_trx_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
8105: l_grparent_trx_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE;
8106: l_grparent_trx_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
8107: l_po_header_id po_headers_all.po_header_id%TYPE;
8108: l_po_line_location_id po_line_locations_all.line_location_id%TYPE;
8109: l_shipment_type po_line_locations_all.shipment_type%TYPE;
8110: l_rcv_accttxn_tbl gmf_rcv_accounting_pkg.rcv_accttxn_tbl_type;
8111: l_api_version NUMBER := 1.0;

Line 8653: FROM po_headers

8650: -- Get Procuring operating unit
8651: SELECT org_id
8652: INTO l_proc_operating_unit
8653: FROM po_headers
8654: WHERE po_header_id = p_po_header_id;
8656: -- Loop Through all Parent Transactions
8657: FOR c_par_txn IN c_parent_receive_txns_csr