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Line 96: DKERR 13-MAY-1999 Replaced chr() with fnd_global.local_chr()

92: - the new sub-procedure set_location_trace is only
93: - called when trace is on.
94: TBATTOO 24-MAY-1999 changed chk_product_install to use hr_legislation_installations
95: MREID 18-MAY-1999 Added I to language code check for 11i
96: DKERR 13-MAY-1999 Replaced chr() with fnd_global.local_chr()
97: which is portable.
98: DKERR 12-May-1999 trace/set_location can use dbms_output.
99: scgrant 21-Apr-1999 Multi-radix changes.
100: DKERR 23-MAR-1999 Added set_trace_options and support for

Line 289: n := instr( call_stack, fnd_global.local_chr(10) );

285: end if;
287: loop
289: n := instr( call_stack, fnd_global.local_chr(10) );
290: exit when ( cnt = call_depth or n is NULL or n = 0 );
291: --
292: line := substr( call_stack, 1, n-1 );
293: call_stack := substr( call_stack, n+1 );

Line 825: l_pos1 := instr(l_msg_encoded,fnd_global.local_chr(12));

823: -- Extract the message application and name from the encoded string
824: -- so that we can get the message number for display purposes.
825: l_pos1 := instr(l_msg_encoded,fnd_global.local_chr(12));
826: l_pos2 := instr(l_msg_encoded,fnd_global.local_chr(12),1,2);
827: l_msg_appl := substrb(l_msg_encoded,1,l_pos1 -1 );
828: l_msg_name := substrb(l_msg_encoded,
829: l_pos1 +1,

Line 826: l_pos2 := instr(l_msg_encoded,fnd_global.local_chr(12),1,2);

823: -- Extract the message application and name from the encoded string
824: -- so that we can get the message number for display purposes.
825: l_pos1 := instr(l_msg_encoded,fnd_global.local_chr(12));
826: l_pos2 := instr(l_msg_encoded,fnd_global.local_chr(12),1,2);
827: l_msg_appl := substrb(l_msg_encoded,1,l_pos1 -1 );
828: l_msg_name := substrb(l_msg_encoded,
829: l_pos1 +1,
830: l_pos2 - l_pos1 - 1);

Line 1798: fnd_global.apps_initialize(l_user_id,

1794: end if;
1795: end if;
1797: -- initialize user/resp
1798: fnd_global.apps_initialize(l_user_id,
1799: l_responsibility_id,
1800: l_application_id);
1801: --
1802: -- set user profiles to enable logging and set level

Line 1807: fnd_global.apps_initialize(l_user_id,

1803: l_b:=fnd_profile.save_user('AFLOG_ENABLED','Y');
1804: l_b:=fnd_profile.save_user('AFLOG_LEVEL',to_char(p_logging_level));
1805: --
1806: -- re-initialize to enable user profiles
1807: fnd_global.apps_initialize(l_user_id,
1808: l_responsibility_id,
1809: l_application_id);
1810: --
1811: -- commit profile option settings

Line 1859: l_user_id := fnd_global.user_id;

1855: where resp.responsibility_id = p_resp_id;
1856: --
1857: BEGIN
1858: --
1859: l_user_id := fnd_global.user_id;
1860: -- if user_id is not set then set to sysadmin user
1861: if l_user_id = -1 then
1862: OPEN c_sysadmin_usr;
1863: FETCH c_sysadmin_usr INTO l_user_id;

Line 1875: l_responsibility_id := fnd_global.resp_id;

1871: CLOSE c_sysadmin_usr;
1872: end if;
1873: end if;
1874: --
1875: l_responsibility_id := fnd_global.resp_id;
1876: -- if responsibility_id is null then select first resp in list
1877: -- ordered by resp key
1878: if l_responsibility_id = -1 then
1879: OPEN c_get_responsibility_id(l_user_id);

Line 1905: fnd_global.apps_initialize(l_user_id,

1901: end if;
1902: end if;
1903: --
1904: -- initialize as user/resp
1905: fnd_global.apps_initialize(l_user_id,
1906: l_responsibility_id,
1907: l_application_id);
1908: --
1909: -- set user profiles to disable logging and set level

Line 1914: fnd_global.apps_initialize(l_user_id,

1910: l_b:=fnd_profile.save_user('AFLOG_ENABLED','N');
1911: l_b:=fnd_profile.save_user('AFLOG_LEVEL',null);
1912: --
1913: -- re-initialize to enable user profiles
1914: fnd_global.apps_initialize(l_user_id,
1915: l_responsibility_id,
1916: l_application_id);
1917: --
1918: -- commit profile option settings