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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 275

  SELECT se.effective_date
  INTO   l_session_date
  FROM   fnd_sessions se
  WHERE  se.session_id =USERENV('sessionid');
Line: 286

   SELECT null
   INTO   l_dummy
     FROM dual
       (SELECT 1
          FROM per_all_people_f per
 		 WHERE l_session_date BETWEEN per.effective_start_date
                                AND    per.effective_end_date
		   AND per.national_identifier=p_national_identifier)
       or EXISTS
       (SELECT 1
          from hz_parties hzp,hz_person_profiles pro
	 where UPPER(hzp.person_last_name_phonetic)=UPPER(p_last_name_phonetic)
	   AND hzp.party_id = pro.party_id
	   AND pro.effective_end_date is NULL
	      (  UPPER(pro.person_first_name)=UPPER(p_first_name)
	       OR pro.person_first_name is null
	       OR p_first_name IS NULL)
	      (  UPPER(pro.Person_first_name_phonetic)=UPPER(p_first_name_phonetic)
	       OR pro.person_first_name_phonetic is null
	       OR p_first_name_phonetic IS NULL)
              (  UPPER(pro.person_last_name)=UPPER(p_last_name)
               OR pro.person_last_name is null
	       OR p_last_name IS NULL)
	      (   pro.date_of_birth=p_date_of_birth
	       OR pro.date_of_birth IS NULL
	       OR p_date_of_birth IS NULL)
Line: 329

    SELECT null
    INTO   l_dummy
    FROM dual
       (SELECT 1
          FROM per_all_people_f per
 		 WHERE l_session_date BETWEEN per.effective_start_date
                                AND    per.effective_end_date
		   AND per.national_identifier=p_national_identifier)
       or EXISTS
       (SELECT 1
          from hz_person_profiles pro,
	       hz_parties pty
	 where UPPER(pty.person_last_name)=UPPER(p_last_name)
	   AND pty.party_id = pro.party_id
	   AND pro.effective_end_date is NULL
	      (  UPPER(pro.Person_first_name)=UPPER(p_first_name)
	       OR pro.person_first_name is null
	       OR p_first_name IS NULL)
	      (   pro.date_of_birth=p_date_of_birth
	       OR pro.date_of_birth IS NULL
	       OR p_date_of_birth IS NULL)
Line: 388

  SELECT se.effective_date
  INTO   l_session_date
  FROM   fnd_sessions se
  WHERE  se.session_id =USERENV('sessionid');
Line: 401

   SELECT null
   INTO   l_dummy
     FROM dual
       (SELECT 1
          FROM per_all_people_f per
 		 WHERE l_session_date BETWEEN per.effective_start_date
                                AND    per.effective_end_date
		   AND per.national_identifier=p_national_identifier)
       or EXISTS
       (SELECT 1
          from hz_person_profiles pro,
	       hz_parties pty
	 where UPPER(pty.person_last_name)=UPPER(p_last_name)
	   AND pty.party_id = pro.party_id
	   AND pro.effective_end_date is NULL
	      (  UPPER(pro.Person_first_name)=UPPER(p_first_name)
	       OR pro.person_first_name is null
	       OR p_first_name IS NULL)
	      (   pro.date_of_birth=p_date_of_birth
	       OR pro.date_of_birth IS NULL
	       OR p_date_of_birth IS NULL)
Line: 489

   INTO dummy_value
   FROM dual
                   FROM PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F per
                  WHERE per.party_id=p_party_id
                    AND per.business_group_id=Hr_General.get_business_Group_id);
Line: 504

	 SELECT per.party_id
	   INTO dummy_value
	  WHERE per.party_id=p_party_id;
Line: 676

    select distinct per_system_status from per_assignment_status_Types
    where active_flag ='Y';
Line: 784

p_new_row_updated_by	in varchar2,
p_new_row_update_date	in date,
p_Table_key_name	in varchar2,
p_table_key_value	in varchar2)
return boolean
  l_result boolean;
Line: 795

	p_new_row_updated_by  =>  p_new_row_updated_by,
	p_new_row_update_date => p_new_row_update_date,
	p_Table_key_name  => p_Table_key_name,
	p_table_key_value => p_table_key_value);
Line: 818

 select 'Y'
 from per_business_groups pbg
 where pbg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
 and pbg.legislation_code = p_legislation_code;
Line: 855

 select 'Y'
 from hr_legislation_installations hli
 where hli.application_short_name = p_application_short_name
 and hli.legislation_code = p_legislation_code
 and hli.status = 'I';
Line: 941

    select distinct atc.table_name table_name
      from all_tab_columns atc
	 , user_synonyms   usy
     where atc.column_name = 'OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER'
       and atc.nullable    = 'Y'
       and ( ( substr(atc.table_name,1,3) in
              ,'OTA', 'SSP', 'GHR', 'HXT')
             and substr(atc.table_name,1,5) <> 'HR_S_'
             and p_table = 'ALL'  )
           or ( atc.table_name = p_table and p_table <> 'ALL' )
       and atc.owner       = p_owner
       and atc.table_name  = usy.table_name
       and atc.owner       = usy.table_owner
       and not exists
           (select 1
              from all_views uv
             where uv.view_name = atc.table_name
               and uv.owner     = p_owner)
     order by 1;
Line: 974

    select alt.trigger_name
      into l_ovn_trigger_name
      from user_triggers alt
     where alt.table_name = p_table_name
       and alt.trigger_name like '%_OVN';
Line: 1012

    execute immediate 'update ' || trec.table_name || ' set '  ||
                      'object_version_number = 1 where '  ||
                      'object_version_number is null';
Line: 1040

 select 'Y'
 from  hr_locations_all loc
 where loc.location_id = p_location_id
 and   nvl(loc.legal_address_flag,'N') = 'Y';
Line: 1070

         select    vendor_name
         from      po_vendors
         where     vendor_id      = p_vendor_id;
Line: 1124

    select 'TRUE' from sys.dual where
    (column_name like '%AMOUNT%' or column_name like '%AMT%' or
     column_name like '%VAL%' or column_name like '%COST%' or
     column_name like '%PRICE%' or column_name like '%FEE%' or
     column_name like '%MIN%' or column_name like '%MAX%' or
     column_name like '%COMPENSATION%' or column_name like '%COMPNSTN%' or
     column_name like '%CURRENCY%' or column_name like '%PAY%' or
     column_name like '%SAL%' or column_name like '%RATE%' or
     column_name like '%LIMIT') and
    (column_name not like '%CD' and column_name not like '%ID' and
     column_name not like '%ID_' and
     column_name not like '%RL' and column_name not like '%FLAG' and
     column_name not like '%APPROVAL%' and
     column_name not like '%DATE%' and column_name not like '%NUMBER' and
     column_name not like '%NAME' and
     column_name not like '%REASON%' and column_name not like '%TERMINATION%' and
     column_name not like '%FROM' and
     column_name not like '%TO' and column_name not like '%DESCRIPTION%' and
     column_name not like '%COMMENTS%' and
     column_name not like '%FORMULA%' and column_name not like '%PERIOD' and
     column_name not like '%PERIODS' and
     column_name not like '%FREQUENCY' and column_name not like '%APPRAISAL%' and
     column_name not like 'AGE%' and
     column_name not like '%\_AGE%' ESCAPE '\' and column_name not like '% AGE' and
     column_name not like '%TYPE' and
     column_name not like '%STATUS%' and column_name not like '%INDICATOR' and
     column_name not like '%IDENTIFIER' and
     column_name not like '%DAYS' and column_name not like '%WEEKS' and
     column_name not like '%WEEK' and
     column_name not like '%VALUE_SET' and column_name not like '%VALUESET' and
     column_name not like '%VALUE SET' and
     column_name not like '%CATEGORY' and column_name not like '%KEY%' and
     column_name not like '%PARAMETER%' and
     column_name not like '%MULTIPLE' and column_name not like '%METHOD' and
     column_name not like '%CENTER' and
     column_name not like '%PLAN' and column_name not like '%DURATION%' and
     column_name not like '%YEARS' and
     column_name not like '%YEAR' and column_name not like '%IDENTIFICATION') and
     ((instr(column_name,'CODE')>0 and column_name like '%CURRENCY%CODE') or
Line: 1166

    select 'TRUE' from sys.dual where
    (column_name like '%AMOUNT%' or column_name like '%AMT%' or
     column_name like '%VAL%' or column_name like '%COST%' or
     column_name like '%PRICE%' or column_name like '%FEE%' or
     column_name like '%MIN%' or column_name like '%MAX%' or
     column_name like '%COMPENSATION%' or column_name like '%COMPNSTN%' or
     column_name like '%CURRENCY%' or column_name like '%UOM%' or
     column_name like '%CRN%' or column_name like '%PAY%' or
     column_name like '%SAL%' or column_name like '%RATE%' or
     column_name like 'MX%' or column_name like 'MN%' or
     column_name like '%LIMIT') and
    (column_name not like '%CD' and column_name not like '%ID' and
     column_name not like '%ID_' and column_name not like '%RL' and
     column_name not like '%FLAG' and column_name not like '%APPROVAL%' and
     column_name not like '%DATE%' and column_name not like '%NUMBER' and
     column_name not like '%NAME' and column_name not like '%REASON%' and
     column_name not like '%TERMINATION%' and column_name not like '%FROM' and
     column_name not like '%TO' and column_name not like '%DESCRIPTION%' and
     column_name not like '%COMMENTS%' and column_name not like '%FORMULA%' and
     column_name not like '%PERIOD' and column_name not like '%PERIODS' and
     column_name not like '%FREQUENCY' and column_name not like '%APPRAISAL%' and
     column_name not like 'AGE%' and column_name not like '%\_AGE%' ESCAPE '\' and
     column_name not like '% AGE' and column_name not like '%TYPE' and
     column_name not like '%STATUS%' and column_name not like '%INDICATOR' and
     column_name not like '%IDENTIFIER' and column_name not like '%DAYS' and
     column_name not like '%WEEKS' and column_name not like '%WEEK' and
     column_name not like '%VALUE_SET' and column_name not like '%VALUESET' and
     column_name not like '%VALUE SET' and column_name not like '%CATEGORY' and
     column_name not like '%KEY%' and column_name not like '%PARAMETER%' and
     column_name not like '%MULTIPLE' and column_name not like '%METHOD' and
     column_name not like '%PLAN' and column_name not like '%CENTER'and
     column_name not like '%DURATION%' and column_name not like '%YEARS' and
     column_name not like '%YEAR' and column_name not like '%IDENTIFICATION' and
     column_name not like '%\_NUM' ESCAPE '\') and
    ((instr(column_name,'CODE')>0 and column_name like '%CURRENCY%CODE')
     or (instr(column_name,'CODE')=0));
Line: 1251

	    SELECT per.party_id party_id
	          ,per.person_id person_id
	          ,hr_general2.get_dup_security_status ( per.party_id
	                                               ) security_status
	          ,per.global_name person_name
	          ,nvl(bg.name,hr_general2.get_dup_external_name) bg_name
	          ,loc.location_code location_code
	          ,org.NAME org_name
	          ,adr.postal_code postal_code
	          ,SUBSTR(per.national_identifier,-4,4) national_identifier
	          ,per.business_group_id bg_id
	     FROM per_all_people_f per
	         ,per_all_assignments_f ass
	         ,per_business_groups_perf bg
	         ,hr_locations_all loc
	         ,hr_all_organization_units org
	         ,per_addresses adr
	    WHERE ass.person_id(+) = per.person_id
	      AND NVL(ass.primary_flag(+),'Y') = 'Y'
	      AND NVL(ass.assignment_type(+),'E') = 'E'
	      AND p_session_date BETWEEN NVL(ass.effective_start_date(+),p_session_date) AND NVL(ass.effective_end_date(+),p_session_date)
	      AND bg.business_group_id = per.business_Group_id
	      AND loc.location_id(+) = ass.location_id
	      AND org.organization_id(+) = ass.organization_id
	      AND adr.person_id(+) = per.person_id
	      AND NVL(adr.primary_flag(+),'Y') = 'Y'
	      AND p_session_date BETWEEN NVL(adr.date_from(+),p_session_date) AND NVL(adr.date_to(+),p_session_date)--fix for bug 6748256.
	      AND p_session_date BETWEEN NVL(per.effective_start_date,p_session_date) AND NVL(per.effective_end_date,p_session_date)
	      AND (
	            per.national_identifier = p_ni
	              global_name = p_global_name
	              -- added conditions to use index
	                global_name like l_ul_check OR
	                global_name like l_lu_check OR
	                global_name like l_uu_check OR
	                global_name like l_ll_check
	                per.date_of_birth = p_dob
	                OR per.date_of_birth IS NULL OR p_dob IS NULL
	    SELECT pty.party_id party_id
	          ,to_number(NULL) person_id
	          ,NULL security_status
				                 ) person_name
	          ,hr_general2.get_dup_external_name bg_name
	          ,NULL location_code
	          ,NULL org_name
	          ,NULL postal_code
	          ,NULL national_identifier
	          ,NULL bg_id
	     FROM hz_person_profiles pty,
	          hz_parties par
	    WHERE pty.party_id = par.party_id
	      AND par.orig_system_reference NOT LIKE 'PER%'
		    AND par.party_type = 'PERSON'
	      AND pty.effective_end_date is NULL
	      AND (
	              UPPER(par.person_last_name) = UPPER(p_last_name)
	              --OR par.person_last_name is null
	              UPPER(par.person_first_name) = UPPER(p_first_name)
	              OR par.person_first_name IS NULL OR p_first_name IS NULL
	              pty.date_of_birth = p_dob
	              OR pty.date_of_birth IS NULL OR p_dob IS NULL
Line: 1353

	    SELECT se.effective_date
	      INTO l_session_date
	      FROM fnd_sessions se
	     WHERE se.session_id =USERENV('sessionid');
Line: 1511

		SELECT se.effective_date
		  INTO l_session_date
		  FROM fnd_sessions se
		 WHERE se.session_id = USERENV('sessionid');
Line: 1579

      select  per.party_id "PartyId",
      per.person_id "PersonId",
      hr_general2.get_dup_security_status(per.party_id,per.business_group_id) "SecurityStatus",
      hr_general2.get_dup_full_name(hr_general.decode_lookup('TITLE',per.title),per.first_name, per.middle_names,per.last_name,per.suffix,hr_api.return_legislation_code(per.business_group_id),per.per_information19,per.per_information18) "PersonName",
      NVL(bg.name,hr_general2.get_dup_external_name) "BgName",
      loc.location_code "LocationCode",
      org.name "OrgName",
      adr.postal_code "PostalCode",
      SUBSTR(per.national_identifier,-4,4) "NationalIdentifier",
      per.business_group_id "BusinessGroupId"
from per_all_people_f per
    ,per_all_assignments_f ass
    ,hr_all_organization_units_tl bg
    ,hr_locations_all_tl loc
    ,hr_all_organization_units_tl org
    ,per_addresses adr
where ass.person_id(+) = per.person_id
  and ass.primary_flag(+) = 'Y'
  and ass.assignment_type(+) = 'E'
  and per.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
  and l_session_date between nvl(ass.effective_start_date(+),l_session_date) and nvl(ass.effective_end_date(+),l_session_date)
  and bg.organization_id = per.business_Group_id
  and bg.language = userenv('LANG')
  and loc.location_id (+) = ass.location_id
  and loc.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
  and org.organization_id(+) = ass.organization_id
  and org.language(+) = userenv('LANG')
  and adr.person_id(+) = per.person_id
  and nvl(adr.primary_flag(+),'Y')='Y'
  and l_session_date between nvl(adr.date_from(+),l_session_date) and nvl(adr.date_to(+),l_session_date)
  and l_session_date between nvl(per.effective_start_date,l_session_date) and nvl(per.effective_end_date,l_session_date)
  and ((per.national_identifier=p_national_identifier)
      or ((per.last_name=p_last_name) and
          (per.first_name=p_first_name or per.first_name is null or p_first_name is null)
      and (per.date_of_birth=p_date_of_birth or per.date_of_birth is null or p_date_of_birth is null)));
Line: 1616

select pty.party_id "PartyId"
      ,to_number(null) "PersonId"
      ,null "SecurityStatus"
      ,pty.person_first_name,pty.person_middle_name ,pty.person_last_name,pty.person_name_suffix,null,null,null) "PersonName"
      ,hr_general2.get_dup_external_name "BgName"
      ,null "LocationCode"
      ,null "OrgName"
      ,null "PostalCode"
      ,null "NationalIdentifier",
      to_number(null) "BusinessGroupId"
from  hz_person_profiles pty
     ,hz_parties p
where p.party_id = pty.party_id
  and p.person_last_name=p_last_name
  and (p.person_first_name=p_first_name or p.person_first_name is null or p_first_name is null)
  and (pty.date_of_birth=p_date_of_birth or pty.date_of_birth is null or p_date_of_birth is null)
  and l_session_date between nvl(pty.effective_start_date,l_session_date) and nvl(pty.effective_end_date,l_session_date)
  and not exists (select 'x' from per_all_people_f per
                   where per.party_id = p.party_id
                   and l_session_date between nvl(per.effective_start_date,l_session_date) and nvl(per.effective_end_date,l_session_date) );*/
Line: 1679

       SELECT per.party_id "PartyId"
             ,per.person_id "PersonId"
             ,hr_general2.get_dup_security_status ( per.party_id
                                                  ) "SecurityStatus"
             ,per.global_name "PersonName"
             ,nvl(bg.name,hr_general2.get_dup_external_name) "BgName"
             ,loc.location_code "LocationCode"
             ,org.NAME "OrgName"
             ,adr.postal_code "PostalCode"
             ,SUBSTR(per.national_identifier,-4,4) "NationalIdentifier"
             ,per.business_group_id "BusinessGroupId"
        FROM per_all_people_f per
            ,per_all_assignments_f ass
            ,per_business_groups_perf bg
            ,hr_locations_all loc
            ,hr_all_organization_units org
            ,per_addresses adr
      WHERE ass.person_id(+) = per.person_id
        AND NVL(ass.primary_flag(+),'Y') = 'Y'
        AND NVL(ass.assignment_type(+),'E') = 'E'
        AND l_session_date BETWEEN NVL(ass.effective_start_date(+),l_session_date) AND NVL(ass.effective_end_date(+),l_session_date)
        AND bg.business_group_id = per.business_Group_id
        AND loc.location_id(+) = ass.location_id
        AND org.organization_id(+) = ass.organization_id
        AND adr.person_id(+) = per.person_id
        AND NVL(adr.primary_flag(+),'Y') = 'Y'
        AND l_session_date BETWEEN NVL(adr.date_from(+),l_session_date) AND NVL(adr.date_to(+),l_session_date)--fix for bug6748256
        AND l_session_date BETWEEN NVL(per.effective_start_date,l_session_date) AND NVL(per.effective_end_date,l_session_date)
        AND (
              per.national_identifier = p_national_identifier
                global_name = l_global_name
                -- added conditions to use index
                  global_name like l_ul_check OR
                  global_name like l_lu_check OR
                  global_name like l_uu_check OR
                  global_name like l_ll_check
                  per.date_of_birth = p_date_of_birth
                  OR per.date_of_birth IS NULL OR p_date_of_birth IS NULL
    SELECT pty.party_id "PartyId"
          ,to_number(NULL) "PersonId"
          ,NULL "SecurityStatus"
			                 ) "PersonName"
          ,hr_general2.get_dup_external_name "BgName"
          ,NULL "LocationCode"
          ,NULL "OrgName"
          ,NULL "PostalCode"
          ,NULL "NationalIdentifier"
          ,NULL "BusinessGroupId"
     FROM hz_person_profiles pty,
          hz_parties par
    WHERE pty.party_id = par.party_id
      AND par.orig_system_reference NOT LIKE 'PER%'
	    AND par.party_type = 'PERSON'
      AND pty.effective_end_date is NULL
      AND (
              UPPER(par.person_last_name) = UPPER(p_last_name)
              --OR par.person_last_name is null
              UPPER(par.person_first_name) = UPPER(p_first_name)
              OR par.person_first_name IS NULL OR p_first_name IS NULL
              pty.date_of_birth = p_date_of_birth
              OR pty.date_of_birth IS NULL OR p_date_of_birth IS NULL