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APPS.OTA_TMT_BUS1 dependencies on HR_UTILITY

Line 33: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);

29: Begin
30: --
31: -- check mandatory parameters have been set
32: --
33: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
34: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
35: (p_api_name => l_proc
36: ,p_argument => 'p_effective_date'
37: ,p_argument_value => p_effective_date

Line 40: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 20);

36: ,p_argument => 'p_effective_date'
37: ,p_argument_value => p_effective_date
38: );
39: --
40: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 20);
41: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
42: (p_api_name => l_proc
43: ,p_argument => 'p_tp_measurement_code'
44: ,p_argument_value => p_tp_measurement_code

Line 47: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 30);

43: ,p_argument => 'p_tp_measurement_code'
44: ,p_argument_value => p_tp_measurement_code
45: );
46: --
47: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 30);
48: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
49: (p_api_name => l_proc
50: ,p_argument => 'p_business_group_id'
51: ,p_argument_value => p_business_group_id

Line 56: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 40);

52: );
53: --
54: -- Check that the lookup code is valid
55: --
56: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 40);
57: if hr_api.not_exists_in_hr_lookups
58: (p_effective_date => p_effective_date
59: ,p_lookup_type => 'OTA_PLAN_MEASUREMENT_TYPE'
60: ,p_lookup_code => p_tp_measurement_code

Line 69: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 50);

65: end if;
66: --
67: -- Check that the combination is unique
68: --
69: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 50);
70: open csr_tp_measurement_code;
71: fetch csr_tp_measurement_code into l_exists;
72: if csr_tp_measurement_code%FOUND then
73: close csr_tp_measurement_code;

Line 74: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 60);

70: open csr_tp_measurement_code;
71: fetch csr_tp_measurement_code into l_exists;
72: if csr_tp_measurement_code%FOUND then
73: close csr_tp_measurement_code;
74: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 60);
75: fnd_message.set_name('OTA', 'OTA_13801_TMT_DUP_MEAS_TYPE');
76: fnd_message.raise_error;
77: end if;
78: close csr_tp_measurement_code;

Line 80: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 70);

76: fnd_message.raise_error;
77: end if;
78: close csr_tp_measurement_code;
79: --
80: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 70);
81: end chk_tp_measurement_code;
82: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
83: -- |---------------------------------------------|
84: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 111: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);

107: Begin
108: --
109: -- check mandatory parameters have been set
110: --
111: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
112: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
113: (p_api_name => l_proc
114: ,p_argument => 'p_tp_measurement_code'
115: ,p_argument_value => p_tp_measurement_code

Line 118: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 10);

114: ,p_argument => 'p_tp_measurement_code'
115: ,p_argument_value => p_tp_measurement_code
116: );
117: --
118: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 10);
119: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
120: (p_api_name => l_proc
121: ,p_argument => 'p_tp_measurement_type_id'
122: ,p_argument_value => p_tp_measurement_type_id

Line 125: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 30);

121: ,p_argument => 'p_tp_measurement_type_id'
122: ,p_argument_value => p_tp_measurement_type_id
123: );
124: --
125: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 30);
126: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
127: (p_api_name => l_proc
128: ,p_argument => 'p_business_group_id'
129: ,p_argument_value => p_business_group_id

Line 134: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 50);

130: );
131: --
132: -- Check that the code can be deleted
133: --
134: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 50);
135: open csr_del_tp_measurement_code;
136: fetch csr_del_tp_measurement_code into l_exists;
137: if csr_del_tp_measurement_code%FOUND then
138: close csr_del_tp_measurement_code;

Line 139: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 60);

135: open csr_del_tp_measurement_code;
136: fetch csr_del_tp_measurement_code into l_exists;
137: if csr_del_tp_measurement_code%FOUND then
138: close csr_del_tp_measurement_code;
139: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 60);
140: fnd_message.set_name('OTA', 'OTA_13813_TMT_NO_DEL_BUDGET');
141: fnd_message.raise_error;
142: end if;
143: close csr_del_tp_measurement_code;

Line 145: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 70);

141: fnd_message.raise_error;
142: end if;
143: close csr_del_tp_measurement_code;
144: --
145: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 70);
146: end chk_del_tp_measurement_code;
147: --
148: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
149: -- |----------------------------------------------------------------|

Line 172: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);

168: Begin
169: --
170: -- check mandatory parameters have been set
171: --
172: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
173: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
174: (p_api_name => l_proc
175: ,p_argument => 'p_unit'
176: ,p_argument_value => p_unit

Line 179: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 30);

175: ,p_argument => 'p_unit'
176: ,p_argument_value => p_unit
177: );
178: --
179: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 30);
180: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
181: (p_api_name => l_proc
182: ,p_argument => 'p_business_group_id'
183: ,p_argument_value => p_business_group_id

Line 186: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 40);

182: ,p_argument => 'p_business_group_id'
183: ,p_argument_value => p_business_group_id
184: );
185: --
186: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 40);
187: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
188: (p_api_name => l_proc
189: ,p_argument => 'p_effective_date'
190: ,p_argument_value => p_effective_date

Line 205: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 50);

201: nvl(ota_tmt_shd.g_old_rec.unit, hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
202: nvl(p_unit, hr_api.g_varchar2))
203: or (NOT l_api_updating))
204: then
205: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 50);
206: --
207: -- Validate that the code exists in the lookups view
208: --
209: if hr_api.not_exists_in_hr_lookups

Line 215: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 60);

211: ,p_lookup_type => 'UNITS'
212: ,p_lookup_code => p_unit
213: ) then
214: -- Error, lookup not available
215: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 60);
216: fnd_message.set_name('OTA', 'OTA_13804_INV_UNIT_TYPE');
217: fnd_message.raise_error;
218: elsif (p_unit <> 'I')
219: and (p_unit <> 'M')

Line 222: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 70);

218: elsif (p_unit <> 'I')
219: and (p_unit <> 'M')
220: and (p_unit <> 'N') then
221: -- Error, lookup not in sub list of allowed values
222: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 70);
223: fnd_message.set_name('OTA', 'OTA_13804_INV_UNIT_TYPE');
224: fnd_message.raise_error;
225: End if;
226: End if;

Line 233: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 80);

229: --
230: If l_api_updating
231: and nvl(ota_tmt_shd.g_old_rec.unit, hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
232: nvl(p_unit, hr_api.g_varchar2) then
233: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 80);
234: open csr_chk_no_cost_recs;
235: fetch csr_chk_no_cost_recs into l_exists;
236: If csr_chk_no_cost_recs%FOUND then
237: close csr_chk_no_cost_recs;

Line 238: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 90);

234: open csr_chk_no_cost_recs;
235: fetch csr_chk_no_cost_recs into l_exists;
236: If csr_chk_no_cost_recs%FOUND then
237: close csr_chk_no_cost_recs;
238: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 90);
239: fnd_message.set_name('OTA', 'OTA_13803_TMT_UNIT_UPD_COST');
240: fnd_message.raise_error;
241: End if;
242: close csr_chk_no_cost_recs;

Line 244: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 100);

240: fnd_message.raise_error;
241: End if;
242: close csr_chk_no_cost_recs;
243: End if;
244: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 100);
245: --
246: end chk_unit;
247: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
248: -- |---------------------------------------------------------|

Line 277: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);

273: Begin
274: --
275: -- check mandatory parameters have been set
276: --
277: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
278: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
279: (p_api_name => l_proc
280: ,p_argument => 'p_tp_measurement_code'
281: ,p_argument_value => p_tp_measurement_code

Line 284: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 30);

280: ,p_argument => 'p_tp_measurement_code'
281: ,p_argument_value => p_tp_measurement_code
282: );
283: --
284: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 30);
285: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
286: (p_api_name => l_proc
287: ,p_argument => 'p_business_group_id'
288: ,p_argument_value => p_business_group_id

Line 291: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 40);

287: ,p_argument => 'p_business_group_id'
288: ,p_argument_value => p_business_group_id
289: );
290: --
291: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 40);
292: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
293: (p_api_name => l_proc
294: ,p_argument => 'p_effective_date'
295: ,p_argument_value => p_effective_date

Line 298: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 50);

294: ,p_argument => 'p_effective_date'
295: ,p_argument_value => p_effective_date
296: );
297: --
298: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 50);
299: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
300: (p_api_name => l_proc
301: ,p_argument => 'p_budget_level'
302: ,p_argument_value => p_budget_level

Line 317: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 60);

313: nvl(ota_tmt_shd.g_old_rec.budget_level, hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
314: nvl(p_budget_level, hr_api.g_varchar2))
315: or (NOT l_api_updating)
316: then
317: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 60);
318: --
319: -- Validate that the code exists in the lookups view
320: --
321: if hr_api.not_exists_in_hr_lookups

Line 327: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 70);

323: ,p_lookup_type => 'OTA_TRAINING_PLAN_BUDGET_LEVEL'
324: ,p_lookup_code => p_budget_level
325: ) then
326: -- Error, lookup not available
327: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 70);
328: fnd_message.set_name('OTA', 'OTA_13805_TMT_INV_BUDGET');
329: fnd_message.raise_error;
330: End if;
331: --

Line 339: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 80);

335: --
336: If l_api_updating
337: and nvl(ota_tmt_shd.g_old_rec.budget_level, hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
338: nvl(p_budget_level, hr_api.g_varchar2) then
339: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 80);
340: open csr_upd_tp_budget_level;
341: fetch csr_upd_tp_budget_level into l_exists;
342: If csr_upd_tp_budget_level%FOUND then
343: close csr_upd_tp_budget_level;

Line 344: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 90);

340: open csr_upd_tp_budget_level;
341: fetch csr_upd_tp_budget_level into l_exists;
342: If csr_upd_tp_budget_level%FOUND then
343: close csr_upd_tp_budget_level;
344: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 90);
345: fnd_message.set_name('OTA', 'OTA_13806_TMT_UPD_BUDGET');
346: fnd_message.raise_error;
347: End if;
348: close csr_upd_tp_budget_level;

Line 353: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 100);

349: --
350: End if;
351: --
352: --
353: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 100);
354: end chk_budget_level;
355: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
356: -- |----------------------------------------------|
357: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 373: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);

369: Begin
370: --
371: -- check mandatory parameters have been set
372: --
373: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
374: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
375: (p_api_name => l_proc
376: ,p_argument => 'p_budget_level'
377: ,p_argument_value => p_budget_level

Line 380: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 20);

376: ,p_argument => 'p_budget_level'
377: ,p_argument_value => p_budget_level
378: );
379: --
380: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 20);
381: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
382: (p_api_name => l_proc
383: ,p_argument => 'p_cost_level'
384: ,p_argument_value => p_cost_level

Line 386: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 30);

382: (p_api_name => l_proc
383: ,p_argument => 'p_cost_level'
384: ,p_argument_value => p_cost_level
385: );
386: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 30);
388: l_api_updating := ota_tmt_shd.api_updating
389: (p_tp_measurement_type_id => p_tp_measurement_type_id
390: ,p_object_version_number => p_object_version_number

Line 404: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 50);

400: nvl(ota_tmt_shd.g_old_rec.cost_level, hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
401: nvl(p_cost_level, hr_api.g_varchar2))
402: or (NOT l_api_updating))
403: then
404: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 50);
405: --
406: -- Validate that the combinations exist
407: --
408: If (p_cost_level = 'PLAN' and ( p_budget_level = 'EVENT'

Line 412: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 60);

408: If (p_cost_level = 'PLAN' and ( p_budget_level = 'EVENT'
409: or p_budget_level = 'ACTIVITY' ))
410: then
411: -- Error, combination invalid
412: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 60);
413: fnd_message.set_name('OTA', 'OTA_13807_TMT_BUDGET_COST_COMB');
414: fnd_message.raise_error;
415: End if;
416: --

Line 418: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 70);

414: fnd_message.raise_error;
415: End if;
416: --
417: End if;
418: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 70);
419: end chk_budget_cost_combination;
420: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
421: -- |-----------------------------------------------------------|
422: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 444: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);

440: Begin
441: --
442: -- check mandatory parameters have been set
443: --
444: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
445: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
446: (p_api_name => l_proc
447: ,p_argument => 'p_business_group_id'
448: ,p_argument_value => p_business_group_id

Line 451: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 40);

447: ,p_argument => 'p_business_group_id'
448: ,p_argument_value => p_business_group_id
449: );
450: --
451: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 40);
452: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
453: (p_api_name => l_proc
454: ,p_argument => 'p_effective_date'
455: ,p_argument_value => p_effective_date

Line 458: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 50);

454: ,p_argument => 'p_effective_date'
455: ,p_argument_value => p_effective_date
456: );
457: --
458: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 50);
459: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
460: (p_api_name => l_proc
461: ,p_argument => 'p_cost_level'
462: ,p_argument_value => p_cost_level

Line 477: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 60);

473: nvl(ota_tmt_shd.g_old_rec.cost_level, hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
474: nvl(p_cost_level, hr_api.g_varchar2))
475: or (NOT l_api_updating)
476: then
477: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 60);
478: --
479: -- Validate that the code exists in the lookups view
480: --
481: if hr_api.not_exists_in_hr_lookups

Line 487: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 70);

483: ,p_lookup_type => 'OTA_TRAINING_PLAN_COST_LEVEL'
484: ,p_lookup_code => p_cost_level
485: ) then
486: -- Error, lookup not available
487: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 70);
488: fnd_message.set_name('OTA', 'OTA_13808_TMT_INV_COST');
489: fnd_message.raise_error;
490: End if;
491: --

Line 499: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 80);

495: --
496: If l_api_updating
497: and nvl(ota_tmt_shd.g_old_rec.cost_level, hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
498: nvl(p_cost_level, hr_api.g_varchar2) then
499: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 80);
500: open csr_upd_cost_level;
501: fetch csr_upd_cost_level into l_exists;
502: If csr_upd_cost_level%FOUND then
503: close csr_upd_cost_level;

Line 504: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 90);

500: open csr_upd_cost_level;
501: fetch csr_upd_cost_level into l_exists;
502: If csr_upd_cost_level%FOUND then
503: close csr_upd_cost_level;
504: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 90);
505: fnd_message.set_name('OTA', 'OTA_13809_TMT_UPD_COSTS');
506: fnd_message.raise_error;
507: End if;
508: close csr_upd_cost_level;

Line 513: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 100);

509: --
510: End if;
511: --
512: --
513: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 100);
514: end chk_cost_level;
515: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
516: -- |----------------------------------------------|
517: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 549: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);

545: Begin
546: --
547: -- check mandatory parameters have been set
548: --
549: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
550: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
551: (p_api_name => l_proc
552: ,p_argument => 'p_tp_measurement_code'
553: ,p_argument_value => p_tp_measurement_code

Line 556: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 30);

552: ,p_argument => 'p_tp_measurement_code'
553: ,p_argument_value => p_tp_measurement_code
554: );
555: --
556: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 30);
557: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
558: (p_api_name => l_proc
559: ,p_argument => 'p_business_group_id'
560: ,p_argument_value => p_business_group_id

Line 563: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 40);

559: ,p_argument => 'p_business_group_id'
560: ,p_argument_value => p_business_group_id
561: );
562: --
563: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 40);
564: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
565: (p_api_name => l_proc
566: ,p_argument => 'p_effective_date'
567: ,p_argument_value => p_effective_date

Line 570: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 50);

566: ,p_argument => 'p_effective_date'
567: ,p_argument_value => p_effective_date
568: );
569: --
570: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 50);
571: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
572: (p_api_name => l_proc
573: ,p_argument => 'p_many_budget_values_flag'
574: ,p_argument_value => p_many_budget_values_flag

Line 589: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 60);

585: nvl(ota_tmt_shd.g_old_rec.many_budget_values_flag, hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
586: nvl(p_many_budget_values_flag, hr_api.g_varchar2))
587: or (NOT l_api_updating))
588: then
589: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 60);
590: --
591: -- Validate that the code exists in the lookups view
592: --
593: if hr_api.not_exists_in_hr_lookups

Line 599: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 70);

595: ,p_lookup_type => 'YES_NO'
596: ,p_lookup_code => p_many_budget_values_flag
597: ) then
598: -- Error, lookup not available
599: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 70);
600: fnd_message.set_name('OTA', 'OTA_13810_TMT_INV_MANY_BUDGETS');
601: fnd_message.raise_error;
602: End if;
603: --

Line 612: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 80);

608: If l_api_updating
609: and p_many_budget_values_flag = 'N'
610: and (nvl(ota_tmt_shd.g_old_rec.many_budget_values_flag, hr_api.g_varchar2) <>
611: nvl(p_many_budget_values_flag, hr_api.g_varchar2)) then
612: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 80);
613: open csr_upd_tp_budget_flag;
614: fetch csr_upd_tp_budget_flag into l_exists;
615: if csr_upd_tp_budget_flag%FOUND then
616: close csr_upd_tp_budget_flag;

Line 625: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 100);

621: End if;
622: --
623: End if;
624: --
625: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 100);
626: end chk_many_budget_values_flag;
627: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
628: -- |--------------------------------------------------|
629: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 651: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);

647: --
648: -- check mandatory parameters have been set
649: --
650: --
651: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
652: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
653: (p_api_name => l_proc
654: ,p_argument => 'p_business_group_id'
655: ,p_argument_value => p_business_group_id

Line 672: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 10);

668: nvl(p_item_type_usage_id, hr_api.g_number))
669: or (NOT l_api_updating))
670: Then
671: -- Test that it exists in hr_summary
672: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 10);
673: --
674: open csr_chk_item_type;
675: fetch csr_chk_item_type into l_exists;
676: If csr_chk_item_type%NOTFOUND then

Line 679: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 20);

675: fetch csr_chk_item_type into l_exists;
676: If csr_chk_item_type%NOTFOUND then
677: -- Error, item type does not exist.
678: close csr_chk_item_type;
679: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 20);
680: fnd_message.set_name('OTA', 'OTA_13812_TMT_INV_CALC');
681: fnd_message.raise_error;
682: End if;
683: close csr_chk_item_type;

Line 688: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 30);

684: --
685: End if;
686: End if;
687: --
688: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 30);
689: end chk_item_type_usage_id;
690: --
691: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
692: -- |------------------------------------------|

Line 709: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);

705: Begin
706: --
707: -- check mandatory parameters have been set
708: --
709: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
710: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
711: (p_api_name => l_proc
712: ,p_argument => 'p_tp_measurement_type_id'
713: ,p_argument_value => p_tp_measurement_type_id

Line 722: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 10);

718: open csr_del_tp_measurement_type_id;
719: fetch csr_del_tp_measurement_type_id into l_exists;
720: if csr_del_tp_measurement_type_id%FOUND then
721: close csr_del_tp_measurement_type_id;
722: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 10);
723: fnd_message.set_name('OTA', 'OTA_13802_TMT_DEL_COST');
724: fnd_message.raise_error;
725: end if;
726: close csr_del_tp_measurement_type_id;

Line 727: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 20);

723: fnd_message.set_name('OTA', 'OTA_13802_TMT_DEL_COST');
724: fnd_message.raise_error;
725: end if;
726: close csr_del_tp_measurement_type_id;
727: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 20);
728: --
729: end chk_del_tp_measurement_type_id;
730: --
731: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 753: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);

749: Begin
750: --
751: -- check mandatory parameters have been set
752: --
753: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
754: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
755: (p_api_name => l_proc
756: ,p_argument => 'tp_measurement_code'
757: ,p_argument_value => p_tp_measurement_code

Line 760: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 10);

756: ,p_argument => 'tp_measurement_code'
757: ,p_argument_value => p_tp_measurement_code
758: );
759: --
760: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 10);
761: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
762: (p_api_name => l_proc
763: ,p_argument => 'p_unit'
764: ,p_argument_value => p_unit

Line 767: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 20);

763: ,p_argument => 'p_unit'
764: ,p_argument_value => p_unit
765: );
766: --
767: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 20);
768: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
769: (p_api_name => l_proc
770: ,p_argument => 'p_cost_level'
771: ,p_argument_value => p_cost_level

Line 774: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 30);

770: ,p_argument => 'p_cost_level'
771: ,p_argument_value => p_cost_level
772: );
773: --
774: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 30);
775: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
776: (p_api_name => l_proc
777: ,p_argument => 'p_budget_level'
778: ,p_argument_value => p_budget_level

Line 781: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 40);

777: ,p_argument => 'p_budget_level'
778: ,p_argument_value => p_budget_level
779: );
780: --
781: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 40);
782: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
783: (p_api_name => l_proc
784: ,p_argument => 'p_many_budget_values_flag'
785: ,p_argument_value => p_many_budget_values_flag

Line 788: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 50);

784: ,p_argument => 'p_many_budget_values_flag'
785: ,p_argument_value => p_many_budget_values_flag
786: );
787: --
788: hr_utility.set_location(' Step:'|| l_proc, 50);
789: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
790: (p_api_name => l_proc
791: ,p_argument => 'p_legislation_code'
792: ,p_argument_value => p_legislation_code

Line 827: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 70);

823: and (p_unit <> 'N' or p_cost_level <> 'DELEGATE' ) ) then
824: --
825: -- Error, legislative setup not correct
826: --
827: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 70);
828: fnd_message.set_name('OTA', 'OTA_13876_TMT_INV_SETUP');
829: fnd_message.raise_error;
830: end if;
831: end if;

Line 834: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 100);

830: end if;
831: end if;
832: end if;
833: --
834: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 100);
835: end chk_legislative_setup;
836: --
837: end ota_tmt_bus1;