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APPS.CSTPACDP dependencies on DUAL

Line 1934: from dual;

1930: l_stmt_num := 50;
1932: select l_acct, l_acct, l_acct, l_acct, l_acct
1933: into l_mat_acct, l_mat_ovhd_acct, l_res_acct, l_osp_acct, l_ovhd_acct
1934: from dual;
1936: l_elemental := 1;
1937: l_ovhd_absp := 0;
1938: elsif (i_txn_act_id in (1,27,29) and i_src_type_id = 3) then

Line 2664: from dual;

2660: /* Bug 2926258 - changed default to -1 to support org_id=0 */
2661: select decode(l_std_from_org, 1, l_from_org,
2662: decode(l_std_to_org,1,l_to_org,-1))
2663: into l_std_org
2664: from dual;
2666: -- For direct interorg transfers, we only care about the transction org id.
2667: --
2668: -- OPM INVCONV umoogala: For process-discrete xfer, txn_org will always be

Line 2730: from dual;

2726: and secondary_inventory_name = l_subinv;
2727: else
2728: select decode(l_std_org,l_from_org,l_from_cost_grp,l_to_cost_grp)
2729: into l_cg_id
2730: from dual;
2732: if (l_cg_id = 1) then
2733: select material_account, material_overhead_account, resource_account,
2734: outside_processing_account, overhead_account,

Line 3715: from dual;

3711: -- Bug 5453173/5453410/5450819/5450615:
3712: --
3713: select decode(i_exp_item, 0, nvl(l_exp_sub,0), i_exp_item)
3714: into l_exp
3715: from dual;
3717: if (l_intransit = 1 and i_exp_item = 0) then
3718: l_acct_line_type := 14;
3719: elsif (l_exp = 1) then

Line 4476: from dual;

4472: 3, l_inv_res_acct,
4473: 4, l_inv_osp_acct,
4474: 5, l_inv_ovhd_acct)
4475: into l_acct
4476: from dual;
4477: end if;
4479: insert_account(i_org_id, i_txn_id, i_item_id, i_qty * l_cost,
4480: sign(i_qty * l_cost) * abs(i_qty)/*modified for bug#4005770*//*i_qty*/, l_acct, i_sob_id, 1,

Line 4520: from dual;

4516: 3, decode(i_res_acct,-1, i_mat_acct, i_res_acct),
4517: 4, decode(i_osp_acct,-1, i_mat_acct, i_osp_acct),
4518: 5, decode(i_ovhd_acct,-1, i_mat_acct, i_ovhd_acct))
4519: into l_acct
4520: from dual;
4521: end if;
4523: insert_account(i_org_id, i_txn_id, i_item_id, (i_qty * l_cost) - l_var-l_onhand_var,
4524: i_qty, l_acct, i_sob_id, 2,

Line 5191: from dual;

5187: l_stmt_num := 10;
5189: select decode(i_exp_item, 0, nvl(i_exp_subinv,0), i_exp_item)
5190: into l_exp
5191: from dual;
5193: if (i_intransit = 1 and i_exp_item = 0) then
5194: l_exp := 0;
5195: l_acct_line_type := 14;

Line 5318: from dual;

5314: 3, l_res_acct,
5315: 4, l_osp_acct,
5316: 5, l_ovhd_acct))
5317: into l_acct
5318: from dual;
5319: end if;
5321: l_stmt_num := 120;
5322: -- Only insert into mta if the cost elemental detail exist in cacd.

Line 5444: from dual;

5440: l_debug := fnd_profile.value('MRP_DEBUG');
5442: select decode(i_exp_item, 0, nvl(i_exp_subinv,0), i_exp_item)
5443: into l_exp
5444: from dual;
5446: -- Currently for an average cost org the inventory valuation accout and
5447: -- the intransit account is the same.
5448: l_stmt_num := 15;

Line 5612: from dual;

5608: 3, l_res_acct,
5609: 4, l_osp_acct,
5610: 5, l_ovhd_acct))
5611: into l_acct
5612: from dual;
5613: end if;
5615: l_stmt_num := 56;
5616: -- Only insert into mta if the cost elemental detail exist in cacd.

Line 5991: from dual;

5987: 3, i_res_acct,
5988: 4, i_osp_acct,
5989: 5, i_ovhd_acct)
5990: into l_acct
5991: from dual;
5992: end if;
5994: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'ElementID: ' || cost_element || ' Amt: ' || (i_p_qty * l_elemental_cost(cost_element)) ||
5995: ' Acct: ' || l_acct);

Line 6289: from dual;

6285: 3, i_res_acct,
6286: 4, i_osp_acct,
6287: 5, i_ovhd_acct)
6288: into l_acct
6289: from dual;
6291: insert_account(i_org_id, i_txn_id, i_item_id, i_p_qty * l_cost,
6292: i_p_qty, l_acct, i_sob_id, i_acct_line_type,
6293: cost_element, NULL,

Line 9782: FROM DUAL;

9778: ,l_mta_rec.GL_SL_LINK_ID
9780: --
9782: FROM DUAL;
9784: END IF;
9785: IF G_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
9786: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'balance_account_txn_type -');