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Line 8320: req_data := fnd_conc_global.request_data;

8316: l_lightest_worker NUMBER;
8317: l_lightest_load NUMBER;
8318: l_reqid FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.request_id%TYPE;
8319: BEGIN
8320: req_data := fnd_conc_global.request_data;
8321: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Request Data= ' || req_data );
8322: IF req_data IS NOT NULL
8323: THEN
8324: errbuf:='Done';

Line 8536: FND_CONC_GLOBAL.set_req_globals(

8532: FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Launching Process '||l_worker_id||' with Request ID '||l_reqid);
8533: END IF; -- IF l_worker_load(i).used
8534: END LOOP; -- FOR j in 1 .. l_worker_load.LAST
8535: -- Set the Request Data to be used in the re-run of the Master Program ..
8536: FND_CONC_GLOBAL.set_req_globals(
8537: conc_status => 'PAUSED'
8538: ,request_data => '2 RUN'); -- Instead of NULL, it was i here ..
8539: ELSE
8540: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'No workers assigned due to no data found for prcocesing');