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2 /* $Header: cacsrocps.pls 120.1 2005/07/02 02:18:37 appldev noship $ */
4 /*******************************************************************************
5 ** Datatypes used in APIs
6 *******************************************************************************/
8   RECORD( OBJECT_CAPACITY_ID     NUMBER       -- primary key
10         , OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER  NUMBER       -- The version number of the row
11                                               -- after any updates. Initially it
12                                               -- is set to 1 and incremented
13                                               -- whenever any change in the data
14                                               -- happens. This should be used to
15                                               -- check if another user updated
16                                               -- the same row.
18         , OBJECT_TYPE            VARCHAR2(30) -- JTF OBJECTS type of the Object.
19                                               -- It should considered same as
20                                               -- Resource Type
22         , OBJECT_ID              NUMBER       -- JTF OBJECTS select ID of the
23                                               -- Object Instance. It should be
24                                               -- considered same as Resource Id
26         , START_DATE_TIME        DATE         -- Start date and time of the
27                                               -- Object Capacity record
29         , END_DATE_TIME          DATE         -- End date and time of the
30                                               -- Object Capacity record
32         , AVAILABLE_HOURS        NUMBER       -- The available hours in this
33                                               -- record. Initially, this will
34                                               -- be (END_DATE_TIME -
35                                               -- START_DATE_TIME). As the tasks
36                                               -- are scheduled, it will decrease.
38         , AVAILABLE_HOURS_BEFORE NUMBER       -- The hours that can be made
39                                               -- available before the first task
40                                               -- in this record. It will be NULL
41                                               -- if there are no tasks
42                                               -- associated with this record.
43                                               -- The calculation of this field
44                                               -- will be driven by the business
45                                               -- rules of individual product.
47         , AVAILABLE_HOURS_AFTER  NUMBER       -- The hours that can be made
48                                               -- available after the last task
49                                               -- in this record. It will be NULL
50                                               -- if there are no tasks
51                                               -- associated with this record.
52                                               -- The calculation of this field
53                                               -- will be driven by the business
54                                               -- rules of individual product.
56         , SCHEDULE_DETAIL_ID     NUMBER       -- The schedule detail row that
57                                               -- was used to create this record
58                                               -- It is a foreign key to the
59                                               -- table CAC_SR_SCHDL_DETAILS.
60                                               -- If this record was created
61                                               -- using old JTF Shifts model
62                                               -- then this field will be set
63                                               -- to the value
64                                               -- (0 - SHIFT_CONSTRUCT_ID).
65                                               -- It will be set to NULL if the
66                                               -- record as created manually
67                                               -- without any corresponding shift
69         , STATUS                 NUMBER       -- It will indicate if the record
70                                               -- can be used for scheduling or
71                                               -- not. Initially it will be set
72                                               -- 1 (Available) and different
73                                               -- application can set different
74                                               -- values based on their need.
75         );
81   RECORD( OBJECT_CAPACITY_TBL_IDX     NUMBER    -- The pl/sql table index of the
82                                                 -- object capacity record where
83                                                 -- this tasks lies
84         , TASK_ASSIGNMENT_ID          NUMBER    -- The primary key of the task
85                                                 -- assignment table record
86         , TASK_ASSIGNMENT_OVN         NUMBER    -- The object version no.of the
87                                                 -- task assignment table record
88         , ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_ID        NUMBER    -- The status id in the task
89                                                 -- assignment table record
90         , FREE_BUSY_TYPE           VARCHAR2(30) -- If this task is making this
91                                                     -- resource Free or Busy
92         , TASK_ID                     NUMBER    -- The primary key of the task
93                                                 -- table record
94         , TASK_OVN                    NUMBER    -- The object version no. of the
95                                                 -- task table record
96         , TASK_TYPE_ID                NUMBER    -- The task type
97         , TASK_STATUS_ID              NUMBER    -- The task status
98         , SCHEDULED_START_DATE        DATE      -- The schedule start date of
99                                                 -- the task table record
100         , SCHEDULED_END_DATE          DATE      -- The schedule end date of
101                                                 -- the task table record
102         , PLANNED_START_DATE          DATE      -- The planned start date of
103                                                 -- the task table record
104         , PLANNED_END_DATE            DATE      -- The planned end date of
105                                                 -- the task table record
106         , CUSTOMER_ID                 NUMBER    -- The party id of the customer
107         , ADDRESS_ID                  NUMBER    -- Id of the party address
108         );
113 /*******************************************************************************
114 ** Public APIs
115 *******************************************************************************/
117 PROCEDURE generate_object_capacity
118 /*******************************************************************************
119 **  generate_object_capacity
120 **
121 **  This API calls JTF_CALENDAR_PUB_24HR.Get_Resource_Shifts API and builds the
122 **  pl/sql table with object capacity records. It populates object_capacity_id
123 **  for each record with the sequence cac_sr_object_capacity_s value if the
124 **  parameter p_PopulateID is 'T'.
125 **  It will return a list of tasks also if the p_FetchTasks parameter is set to
126 **  true. This is needed only if you want to fetch all the tasks at one shot as
127 **  it will be more performant than fetching tasks for each object capacity
128 **  record one by one.
129 **
130 *******************************************************************************/
131 ( p_api_version      IN  NUMBER               -- API version you coded against
132 , p_init_msg_list    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'F' -- Create a new error stack?
133 , p_Object_Type      IN  VARCHAR2             -- JTF OBJECTS type of the Object being queried
134 , p_Object_ID        IN  NUMBER               -- JTF OBJECTS select ID of the Object Instance being queried
135 , p_Start_Date       IN  DATE                 -- start date and time of period of interest
136 , p_End_Date         IN  DATE                 -- end date and time of period of interest
137 , p_Populate_ID      IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'F' -- Populate the object_capacity_id of the record?
138                                               -- Should be set to 'T' if the ids are needed for foreign key reference
139                                               -- 'F' means the ids will be genrated while inserting these records in the table
140 , p_Fetch_Tasks      IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'F' -- Fetch tasks for the time period too?
142                                               --  return table of object capacity records
144                                               --  return table of object task records
145 , x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2      -- 'S': API completed without errors
146                                               -- 'E': API completed with recoverable errors; explanation on errorstack
147                                               -- 'U': API completed with UN recoverable errors: error message on error stack
148 , x_msg_count        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER        -- Number of messages on the errorstack
149 , x_msg_data         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2      -- contains message if x_msg_count = 1
150 );
152 PROCEDURE insert_object_capacity
153 /*******************************************************************************
154 **  insert_object_capacity
155 **
156 **  This API calls table handler to insert data into cac_sr_object_capacity
157 **  using pl/sql table passed. It populates object_capacity_id for each record
158 **  if with the sequence cac_sr_object_capacity_s value if it is NULL in the
159 **  record.
160 **  It updates the task assignment with the corresponding object_capacity_id
161 **  if the p_Update_Tasks parameter is set to 'T'.
162 **
163 *******************************************************************************/
164 ( p_api_version      IN  NUMBER               -- API version you coded against
165 , p_init_msg_list    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'F' -- Create a new error stack?
167                                               -- table of object capacity records which should be inserte
168 , p_Update_Tasks     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'F' -- Update task assignments too?
169 , p_Object_Tasks     IN  OBJECT_TASKS_TBL_TYPE
170                                               -- table of object task records to be updated
171 , x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2      -- 'S': API completed without errors
172                                               -- 'E': API completed with recoverable errors; explanation on errorstack
173                                               -- 'U': API completed with UN recoverable errors: error message on error stack
174 , x_msg_count        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER        -- Number of messages on the errorstack
175 , x_msg_data         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2      -- contains message if x_msg_count = 1
176 );
178 PROCEDURE update_object_capacity
179 /*******************************************************************************
180 **  update_object_capacity
181 **
182 **  This API calls table handler to update data into cac_sr_object_capacity.
183 **  Only the available hours fields and status can be updated.
184 **
185 *******************************************************************************/
186 ( p_api_version            IN  NUMBER               -- API version you coded against
187 , p_init_msg_list          IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'F' -- Create a new error stack?
188 , p_object_capacity_id     IN  NUMBER               -- Primary Key ID of the row to be updated
189 , p_object_version_number  IN  NUMBER               -- Object Version of the row to be updated
190                                                     -- If this doesn't match the database value then that means someone else has updated the same row
191 , p_available_hours        IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL  -- The new value of available hours
192                                                                 -- If it is NULL then no change is done to the existing data
193 , p_available_hours_before IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL  -- The new value of available before hours.
194                                                                 -- If it is NULL then no change is done to the existing data
195                                                     -- If it is FND_API.G_MISS_NUM then the value will be set to NULL in the database
196 , p_available_hours_after  IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL  -- The new value of available before hours.
197                                                                 -- If it is NULL then no change is done to the existing data
198                                                                 -- If it is FND_API.G_MISS_NUM then the value will be set to NULL in the database
199 , p_status                 IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL  -- The new value of the status
200                                                                 -- If it is NULL then no change is done to the existing data
201 , x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2      -- 'S': API completed without errors
202                                                     -- 'E': API completed with recoverable errors; explanation on errorstack
203                                                     -- 'U': API completed with UN recoverable errors: error message on error stack
204 , x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER        -- Number of messages on the errorstack
205 , x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2      -- contains message if x_msg_count = 1
206 );
208 PROCEDURE delete_object_capacity
209 /*******************************************************************************
210 **  delete_object_capacity
211 **
212 **  This API calls table handler to delete data from cac_sr_object_capacity.
213 **  It will also update the task assignments and remove the object capacity id
214 **  if the p_update_tasks is true
215 **
216 *******************************************************************************/
217 ( p_api_version            IN  NUMBER               -- API version you coded against
218 , p_init_msg_list          IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'F' -- Create a new error stack?
219 , p_object_capacity_id     IN  NUMBER               -- Primary Key ID of the row to be updated
220 , p_object_version_number  IN  NUMBER               -- Object Version of the row to be updated
221                                                     -- If this doesn't match the database value then that means someone else has updated the same row
222 , p_Update_Tasks           IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'T' -- Update task assignments too?
223 , x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2      -- 'S': API completed without errors
224                                                     -- 'E': API completed with recoverable errors; explanation on errorstack
225                                                     -- 'U': API completed with UN recoverable errors: error message on error stack
226 , x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER        -- Number of messages on the errorstack
227 , x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2      -- contains message if x_msg_count = 1
228 );
230 PROCEDURE build_object_capacity
231 /*******************************************************************************
232 **  build_object_capacity
233 **
234 **  This API calls generate_object_capacity to get the object capacity records.
235 **  It then checks if there are overlapping data in the database for the same
236 **  period and then calls insert_object_capacity to insert data.
237 **
238 *******************************************************************************/
239 ( p_api_version      IN  NUMBER               -- API version you coded against
240 , p_init_msg_list    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'F' -- Create a new error stack?
241 , p_Object_Type      IN  VARCHAR2             -- JTF OBJECTS type of the Object being queried
242 , p_Object_ID        IN  NUMBER               -- JTF OBJECTS select ID of the Object Instance being queried
243 , p_Start_Date_Time  IN  DATE                 -- start date and time of period of interest
244 , p_End_Date_Time    IN  DATE                 -- end date and time of period of interest
245 , p_Build_Mode       IN  VARCHAR2             -- operation mode of the build
246                                               -- 'ADD' - New object capacity records are generated and inserted
247                                               -- 'REPLACE' - Existing object capacity records are deleted and new ones are inserted
248                                               -- 'DELETE' - Existing object capacity records are deleted
249 , p_Update_Tasks     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'F' -- Should the existing task assignments be updated with the object capacity ids?
250 , x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2      -- 'S': API completed without errors
251                                               -- 'E': API completed with recoverable errors; explanation on errorstack
252                                               -- 'U': API completed with UN recoverable errors: error message on error stack
253 , x_msg_count        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER        -- Number of messages on the errorstack
254 , x_msg_data         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2      -- contains message if x_msg_count = 1
255 );