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Line 29: FROM ar_payment_schedules arps

26: CURSOR c_ar_pay_sched ( cp_customer_trx_id in number, cp_status in varchar2) IS
27: SELECT arps.customer_trx_id, arps.payment_schedule_id,
28: arps.terms_sequence_number
29: FROM ar_payment_schedules arps
30: WHERE arps.customer_Trx_id = cp_customer_trx_id
31: AND arps.status = cp_status
32: order by arps.due_date asc
33: ;

Line 45: from ar_payment_schedules ps1

41: l_idx2 BINARY_INTEGER;
42: /* FUNCTION IsCandidate ( fp_customer_trx_id in number )
43: return boolean is
44: CURSOR c_exists is select distinct 'x'
45: from ar_payment_schedules ps1
46: where exists ( select 'x'
47: from ar_payment_schedules ps2
48: where status = 'CL'
49: and ps2.customer_trx_id = fp_customer_trx_id

Line 47: from ar_payment_schedules ps2

43: return boolean is
44: CURSOR c_exists is select distinct 'x'
45: from ar_payment_schedules ps1
46: where exists ( select 'x'
47: from ar_payment_schedules ps2
48: where status = 'CL'
49: and ps2.customer_trx_id = fp_customer_trx_id
50: )
51: and exists ( select 'x'

Line 52: from ar_payment_schedules ps3

48: where status = 'CL'
49: and ps2.customer_trx_id = fp_customer_trx_id
50: )
51: and exists ( select 'x'
52: from ar_payment_schedules ps3
53: where status = 'OP'
54: and ps3.customer_trx_id = fp_customer_trx_id
55: )
56: order by ps1.customer_Trx_id

Line 88: UPDATE ar_payment_schedules

84: return;
85: end if;
86: l_idx2 := l_idx;
87: WHILE l_idx2 >= 1 LOOP
88: UPDATE ar_payment_schedules
89: SET terms_sequence_number = l_arpsched( l_idx2 ).terms_sequence_number
90: WHERE customer_trx_id = l_arpsched( l_idx2 ).customer_trx_id
91: AND payment_schedule_id = l_arpsched( l_idx2 ).payment_schedule_id
92: ;