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Line 96: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.add_line('delete from hz_application_trans_gt; ');

92: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.add_line('END IF;');
94: -- initialize API return status to success.
95: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.add_line('x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;');
96: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.add_line('delete from hz_application_trans_gt; ');
97: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.add_line('open repopulate;');
98: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.add_line('fetch repopulate into single_party;');
99: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.add_line('close repopulate;');
100: populate_fk_datatype;

Line 152: stmt3:= 'insert into hz_application_trans_gt(app_id,party_id) select '||appid||', temp.party_id from hz_purge_gt temp where ';

148: if (s1 is not null) then
149: stmt1:= stmt1||fnd_global.local_chr(10)||s1;
150: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.ADD_LINE('--delete and insert records into hz_purge_gt for an application');
151: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.ADD_LINE('appid:='||appid||';');
152: stmt3:= 'insert into hz_application_trans_gt(app_id,party_id) select '||appid||', temp.party_id from hz_purge_gt temp where ';
153: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.ADD_LINE(' if(regid_proc = true) then ');
154: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.ADD_LINE(stmt3||fnd_global.local_chr(10)||s1||';');
155: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.ADD_LINE(' else ');
156: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.ADD_LINE(stmt1||';');

Line 165: stmt3 := 'insert into hz_application_trans_gt(app_id,party_id) select '||appid||', temp.party_id from hz_purge_gt temp where ';

161: end if;
162: id := 1;
163: s1 := null;
164: stmt1 := 'delete from hz_purge_gt temp where ';
165: stmt3 := 'insert into hz_application_trans_gt(app_id,party_id) select '||appid||', temp.party_id from hz_purge_gt temp where ';
166: END LOOP;
167: CLOSE app_id;
169: OPEN app_id;

Line 187: stmt4 := 'insert into hz_application_trans_gt(app_id,party_id) select '||appid||', temp.party_id from hz_purge_gt temp ';

183: cnt :=1;
184: delete_template(e1, fk1, pk1, j1, pe1, fk_data_typ1,'FALSE', s2,cnt);
185: if(s2 is not NULL) then
186: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.add_line('--'||e1||';'||fk1);
187: stmt4 := 'insert into hz_application_trans_gt(app_id,party_id) select '||appid||', temp.party_id from hz_purge_gt temp ';
188: stmt5 := ' where not exists(select ''Y'' from hz_application_trans_gt appl where appl.app_id = '||appid||' and appl.party_id=temp.party_id) and ';
189: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.ADD_LINE('appid:='||appid||';');
190: --HZ_GEN_PLSQL.ADD_LINE('HZ_PURGE.post_app_logic(appid,single_party,check_flag);');
191: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.ADD_LINE(' if(regid_proc = true) then ');

Line 188: stmt5 := ' where not exists(select ''Y'' from hz_application_trans_gt appl where appl.app_id = '||appid||' and appl.party_id=temp.party_id) and ';

184: delete_template(e1, fk1, pk1, j1, pe1, fk_data_typ1,'FALSE', s2,cnt);
185: if(s2 is not NULL) then
186: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.add_line('--'||e1||';'||fk1);
187: stmt4 := 'insert into hz_application_trans_gt(app_id,party_id) select '||appid||', temp.party_id from hz_purge_gt temp ';
188: stmt5 := ' where not exists(select ''Y'' from hz_application_trans_gt appl where appl.app_id = '||appid||' and appl.party_id=temp.party_id) and ';
189: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.ADD_LINE('appid:='||appid||';');
190: --HZ_GEN_PLSQL.ADD_LINE('HZ_PURGE.post_app_logic(appid,single_party,check_flag);');
191: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.ADD_LINE(' if(regid_proc = true) then ');
192: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.ADD_LINE(stmt4||stmt5||fnd_global.local_chr(10)||s2||';');

Line 205: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.ADD_LINE('delete from hz_purge_gt temp where temp.party_id in (select appl.party_id from hz_application_trans_gt appl) ;');

201: end if;
202: END LOOP;
203: CLOSE app_id;
204: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.ADD_LINE(' if(regid_proc = true) then ');
205: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.ADD_LINE('delete from hz_purge_gt temp where temp.party_id in (select appl.party_id from hz_application_trans_gt appl) ;');
206: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.ADD_LINE('end if;');
207: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.ADD_LINE(fnd_global.local_chr(10));
208: HZ_GEN_PLSQL.add_line('EXCEPTION');

Line 317: select distinct(app_id), party_id from hz_application_trans_gt;

313: cursor numparties is
314: select count(*) from hz_purge_gt;
316: cursor appl_trans is
317: select distinct(app_id), party_id from hz_application_trans_gt;
319: cursor purge_parties is
320: select distinct(party_id) from hz_purge_gt;

Line 472: select count(*) from hz_application_trans_gt;

468: party_count number;
469: phone_number varchar2(75);
471: cursor party is
472: select count(*) from hz_application_trans_gt;
474: begin
475: null;
476: /*

Line 1140: select count(*) from hz_application_trans_gt where app_id=appid;

1136: parties_count1 NUMBER;
1137: appid_cnt NUMBER;
1139: cursor appid_count(appid NUMBER) IS
1140: select count(*) from hz_application_trans_gt where app_id=appid;
1142: BEGIN
1144: OPEN appid_count(appid);

Line 1150: insert into hz_application_trans_gt(app_id) values(appid);

1146: CLOSE appid_count;
1147: If(appid_cnt=0) then
1148: parties_count1:=SQL%ROWCOUNT;
1149: if parties_count1>0 then
1150: insert into hz_application_trans_gt(app_id) values(appid);
1151: if check_flag=true then
1152: --dbms_output.put_line('insert single party into table'||appid);
1153: insert into hz_purge_gt(party_id) values(single_party);
1154: end if;