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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 100

        select  start_date,
                        ' ('||
                        fnd_date.date_to_displaydate (start_date)||
                        ' - '||
                        fnd_date.date_to_displaydate (end_date)||
                        ')'                     DISPLAY_PERIOD
        from    per_time_periods
        where   payroll_id = p_payroll_id
        and     p_effective_date between start_date and end_date;
Line: 163

        select  cost_allocation_structure
        from    per_business_groups_perf
        where   business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 170

        select payroll_id
        from    per_assignments_f
        where   assignment_id = p_assignment_id
        and     p_effective_date between effective_start_date
                                        and effective_end_date;
Line: 179

        select  value
        from    pay_restriction_values
        where   restriction_code = 'ELEMENT_TYPE'
        and     customized_restriction_id = p_customized_restriction_id;
Line: 185

        select  fnd_number.canonical_to_number( value )
        from    pay_restriction_values
        where   restriction_code = 'ELEMENT_SET'
        and     customized_restriction_id = p_customized_restriction_id;
Line: 191

        select  value
        from    pay_restriction_values
        where   restriction_code = 'ENTRY_TYPE'
        and     customized_restriction_id = p_customized_restriction_id;
Line: 259

        select  'Y'
        from    pay_run_results       prr,
                pay_element_entries_f pee
        where   pee.element_entry_id = p_element_entry_id
        and     p_effective_date between pee.effective_start_date
                                     and pee.effective_end_date
        and     prr.source_id   = decode(pee.entry_type,
                                          'A', decode (adjust_ee_source,
                                                       'T', pee.target_entry_id,
                                          'R', decode (adjust_ee_source,
                                                       'T', pee.target_entry_id,
        and     prr.entry_type  = pee.entry_type
        and     prr.source_type = 'E'
        and     prr.status          <> 'U'
-- change 115.9
and     NOT EXISTS
            (SELECT 1
             FROM   PAY_RUN_RESULTS sub_rr
             WHERE  sub_rr.source_id = prr.run_result_id
             and    sub_rr.source_type in ('R', 'V'))
Line: 288

        select  'Y'
        from    pay_element_entries_f oee,
                pay_element_entries_f ree
        where   oee.element_entry_id = p_element_entry_id
        and     p_effective_date between oee.effective_start_date
                                     and oee.effective_end_date
        and     ree.assignment_id    = oee.assignment_id
        and     ree.source_id        = oee.element_entry_id
        and     ree.entry_type       = 'E'
        and     ree.creator_type     = 'EE';
Line: 304

        select  'Y'
        from    pay_run_results         RESULT,
                pay_assignment_actions  ASGT_ACTION,
                pay_payroll_actions     PAY_ACTION,
                per_time_periods        PERIOD
        where   result.source_id        = nvl (p_original_entry_id, p_element_entry_id)
        and     result.status           <> 'U'
        and     result.source_type = 'E'
        and     result.assignment_action_id     = asgt_action.assignment_action_id
        and     asgt_action.payroll_action_id   = pay_action.payroll_action_id
        and     pay_action.payroll_id = period.payroll_id
        and     pay_action.date_earned between period.start_date and period.end_date
        and     p_effective_date between period.start_date and period.end_date
-- change 115.12
        and     NOT EXISTS
            (SELECT 1
             FROM   PAY_RUN_RESULTS rev_result
             WHERE  rev_result.source_id = result.run_result_id
             and    rev_result.source_type in ('R', 'V'));
Line: 327

        select  /*+ ORDERED INDEX(ree PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F_N50)*/
        from    pay_element_entries_f oee,
                pay_element_entries_f ree,
                pay_assignment_actions paa,
                pay_payroll_actions   pac,
                per_time_periods period
        where   oee.element_entry_id = p_element_entry_id
        and     p_effective_date between oee.effective_start_date
                                     and oee.effective_end_date
        and     p_effective_date between period.start_date and period.end_date
        and     pac.payroll_id = period.payroll_id
        and     pac.date_earned between period.start_date and period.end_date
        and     ree.assignment_id    = oee.assignment_id
        and     ree.source_id        = oee.element_entry_id
        and     ree.entry_type       = 'D'
        and     ree.creator_type     = 'EE'
        and     paa.assignment_action_id = ree.source_asg_action_id
        and     pac.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
        and     pac.effective_date between oee.effective_start_date
                                       and oee.effective_end_date;
Line: 355

    select /*+ INDEX(paf PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)*/ plr.rule_mode
      into adjust_ee_source
      from pay_legislation_rules plr,
           per_business_groups   pbg,
           per_assignments_f     paf,
           pay_element_entries_f pee
     where pee.element_entry_id = p_element_entry_id
       and p_effective_date between pee.effective_start_date
                                and pee.effective_end_date
       and paf.assignment_id = pee.assignment_id
       and p_effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
                                and paf.effective_end_date
       and paf.business_group_id = pbg.business_group_id
       and pbg.legislation_code = plr.legislation_code
       and plr.rule_type = 'ADJUSTMENT_EE_SOURCE';
Line: 404

PROCEDURE delete_entry_caches IS
  -- no need to delete the g_element_link_id_tab structure as it is always deleted
  -- at the end of population
Line: 409

Line: 410

Line: 417

END delete_entry_caches;
Line: 424

    FROM    pay_element_entries_f pee
    WHERE   pee.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    AND     p_effective_date
    BETWEEN pee.effective_start_date and pee.effective_end_date
    ORDER BY 1,2;
Line: 440

Line: 482

Line: 497

Line: 582

       select 'Y'
       from   pay_quickpay_inclusions incl
       where  p_use_qpay_excl_model     = 'N'
       and    incl.assignment_action_id = p_asgt_act_id
       and    incl.element_entry_id     = p_ee_id
       union all
        * QuickPay Exclusions model
        select 'Y'
          from dual
         where p_use_qpay_excl_model = 'Y'
           and  not exists
              (select ''
               from   pay_quickpay_exclusions excl
               where  excl.assignment_action_id = p_asgt_act_id
                and    excl.element_entry_id     = p_ee_id
Line: 756

        select  ppm.payee_type,
                        ||' : '||pay_type_tl.payment_type_name PAYMENT_TYPE
        from    pay_personal_payment_methods_f  PPM,
                pay_org_payment_methods_f_tl    OPM_TL,
                pay_org_payment_methods_f       OPM,
                pay_payment_types_tl            PAY_TYPE_TL,
                pay_payment_types               PAY_TYPE
        where   personal_payment_method_id = p_personal_payment_method_id
        and     ppm.org_payment_method_id = opm.org_payment_method_id
        and     opm_tl.org_payment_method_id = opm.org_payment_method_id
        and     USERENV('LANG') = opm_tl.language
        and     pay_type.payment_type_id = opm.payment_type_id
        and     pay_type_tl.payment_type_id = pay_type.payment_type_id
        and     userenv('LANG') = pay_type_tl.language
        and     p_effective_date between opm.effective_start_date
                                and opm.effective_end_date
        and     p_effective_date between ppm.effective_start_date
                                and ppm.effective_end_date;
Line: 782

        select  name
        from    hr_all_organization_units
        where   organization_id = l_payee_id;
Line: 787

        select  full_name
        from    per_all_people_f
        where   person_id = l_payee_id
        and     p_effective_date between effective_start_date
                                and effective_end_date;
Line: 869

procedure update_original_if_MIX
-- used by entry.insert_row to nulify creator_type
-- for MIX entry when creating additional entries or overrides
p_assignment_id         number,
p_element_type_id       number,
p_effective_start_date  date,
p_session_date          date
) is
l_element_entry_id   number;
Line: 884

   select peef.element_entry_id, peef.creator_type
      from pay_element_entries_f peef,
           pay_element_links_f pelf,
           pay_element_types_f petf
      where petf.element_type_id = p_element_type_id
      and   pelf.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id
      and   peef.element_link_id = pelf.element_link_id
      and   peef.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
      and   p_effective_start_date between peef.effective_start_date
                                       and peef.effective_end_date
      and   p_effective_start_date between pelf.effective_start_date
                                       and pelf.effective_end_date
      and   p_effective_start_date between petf.effective_start_date
                                       and petf.effective_end_date;
Line: 907

       p_dt_update_mode                         =>'CORRECTION',
       p_session_date                           =>p_session_date,
       p_creator_type                           => 'F',
       p_creator_id                             => null,
       p_element_entry_id                       =>l_element_entry_id
Line: 917

end update_original_if_MIX;
Line: 1175

        select  employee_contribution,
        from    ben_benefit_contributions_f
        where   p_effective_date between effective_start_date
                                        and effective_end_date
        and     element_type_id = p_element_type_id
        and     business_group_id = p_business_group_id
        and     coverage_type = v_coverage_type;
Line: 1188

        select  entry.element_entry_value_id,
                decode (type.hot_default_flag,
                        'N', link.warning_or_error,
                        nvl (link.warning_or_error,
                                type.warning_or_error)) WARNING_OR_ERROR,
                       nvl(link.min_value,type.min_value)) MIN_VALUE,
                       nvl(link.max_value,type.max_value)) MAX_VALUE,
                decode (type.hot_default_flag,
                        'N', link.default_value,
                                nvl (link.default_value,
                                        type.default_value))    DEFAULT_VALUE
        from    pay_element_entry_values_f      ENTRY,
                pay_link_input_values_f         LINK,
                pay_input_values_f_tl           TYPE_TL,
                pay_input_values_f              TYPE
        where   entry.element_entry_id = p_element_entry_id
        and     link.element_link_id = p_element_link_id
        and     link.input_value_id = entry.input_value_id
        and     type.input_value_id = entry.input_value_id
        and     type_tl.input_value_id = type.input_value_id
        and     userenv('LANG') = type_tl.language
        and     p_effective_date between link.effective_start_date
                                        and link.effective_end_date
        -- Bugfix 4438706
        -- Fetch the entry values that match the effective start and end
        -- dates of the entry, not the ones as at the effective date (could
        -- be the wrong values if form is running in QuickPay mode).
--      and     p_effective_date between entry.effective_start_date
--                                      and entry.effective_end_date
        and     entry.effective_start_date = p_ee_effective_start_date
        and     entry.effective_end_date = p_ee_effective_end_date
        and     p_effective_date between type.effective_start_date
                                        and type.effective_end_date
        order by type.display_sequence, type_tl.name;
Line: 1633

  select PAY_ACT.date_earned
  from   pay_entry_process_details ENTRY_PROC,
         pay_assignment_actions ASGT_ACT,
         pay_payroll_actions PAY_ACT
  where  ENTRY_PROC.element_entry_id = ee_id
  and    ENTRY_PROC.source_asg_action_id = ASGT_ACT.assignment_action_id
  and    ASGT_ACT.payroll_action_id = PAY_ACT.payroll_action_id;