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Line 824: SELECT 'x' FROM hz_parties hp,igs_pe_hz_parties pe

822: PROCEDURE Check_Parent_Existance AS
823: CURSOR c_check_hz_exists IS
824: SELECT 'x' FROM hz_parties hp,igs_pe_hz_parties pe
825: WHERE hp.party_id = pe.party_id
826: AND pe.oss_org_unit_cd =new_references.owner_org_unit_cd;
827: cur_rec_hz_exists c_check_hz_exists%ROWTYPE;
828: /*************************************************************

Line 835: sommukhe 12-AUG-2005 Bug#4377818,changed the cursor c_check_hz_exists, included table igs_pe_hz_parties in

831: Purpose :
832: Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
833: Change History
834: Who When What
835: sommukhe 12-AUG-2005 Bug#4377818,changed the cursor c_check_hz_exists, included table igs_pe_hz_parties in
836: FROM clause and modified the WHERE clause by joining HZ_PARTIES and IGS_PE_HZ_PARTIES
837: using party_id and org unit being compared with oss_org_unit_cd of IGS_PE_HZ_PARTIES.
838: smadathi 25-MAY-2001 foreign key references to IGS_PS_USEC_RPT_FMLY removed as per new DLD
839: (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

Line 836: FROM clause and modified the WHERE clause by joining HZ_PARTIES and IGS_PE_HZ_PARTIES

832: Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
833: Change History
834: Who When What
835: sommukhe 12-AUG-2005 Bug#4377818,changed the cursor c_check_hz_exists, included table igs_pe_hz_parties in
836: FROM clause and modified the WHERE clause by joining HZ_PARTIES and IGS_PE_HZ_PARTIES
837: using party_id and org unit being compared with oss_org_unit_cd of IGS_PE_HZ_PARTIES.
838: smadathi 25-MAY-2001 foreign key references to IGS_PS_USEC_RPT_FMLY removed as per new DLD
839: (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
840: ***************************************************************/

Line 837: using party_id and org unit being compared with oss_org_unit_cd of IGS_PE_HZ_PARTIES.

833: Change History
834: Who When What
835: sommukhe 12-AUG-2005 Bug#4377818,changed the cursor c_check_hz_exists, included table igs_pe_hz_parties in
836: FROM clause and modified the WHERE clause by joining HZ_PARTIES and IGS_PE_HZ_PARTIES
837: using party_id and org unit being compared with oss_org_unit_cd of IGS_PE_HZ_PARTIES.
838: smadathi 25-MAY-2001 foreign key references to IGS_PS_USEC_RPT_FMLY removed as per new DLD
839: (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
840: ***************************************************************/
841: BEGIN