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1 PACKAGE BODY pay_us_emp_payslip_accrual_web
2 /* $Header: pyusacrw.pkb 120.5.12000000.3 2007/03/05 06:20:04 sackumar ship $ */
3 /*
4    ******************************************************************
5    *                                                                *
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18    ******************************************************************
20     Name        : pay_us_emp_payslip_accrual_web
22     Description : Package gets all the Accrual plans for an
23                   Employee and populates a PL/SQL table -
24                   LTR_ASSIGNMENT_ACCRUALS.
26     Uses        :
28     Change List
29     -----------
30     Date        Name     Vers    Bug No  Description
31     ----        ----     ----    ------  -----------
32     01-JUL-1999 ahanda   110.0           Created.
33     24-DEC-1999 ahanda   110.1  1115325  Added paramter to procedure
34                                          get_emp_net_accrual to return the
35                                          total no. of Accrual Categories.
36     17-JAN-2000 ahanda   110.2           Changed the logic for getting the
37                                          Current Accruals.
38     20-feb-2001 djoshi   115.2           Added procedure to delete the
39                                          pl/sql table for the accurual
40                                          procedure is
41                                          delete_ltr_assignment_accrual
42     29-NOV-2001 asasthan                 Changed get_net_accruals
43                                          Added p_assignment_action_id
44                                          parameter
45     24-JAN-2002 ahanda                   Added fnd_date.canonical_to_date
46                                          for getting Cont Calc Date
47     12-JUN-2002 ahanda   115.5           Changed length of var lv_accrual_code
48                                          to 100.
49     26-JUN-2003 ahanda   115.6           Changed cursor c_accrual_category
50     06-Aug-2003 vpandya  115.8           Added NOCOPY with out parameter.
51     28-May-2005 sackumar 115.9  4053111  in get_emp_net_accrual procedure the
52 					 values of current arrcrual is coming
53 					 incorrectly for that i introduce a new
54 					 call of the procedure
55 					 per_accrual_calc_functions.get_net_accrual
56     17-JUN-2005 sackumar 115.10          Add distinct in c_accrual_category cursor.
57     17-OCT-2005 ahanda   115.11 4681780  Initalized variables
58     18-OCT-2005 ahanda   115.12 4681780  Initalized all total variables
59     09-JAN-2006 ahanda    115.13 4761039 Passing -1 for asg action in
60                                          pay_us_pto_accrual.get_net_accrual
61     31-MAY-2006 ppanda   115.14 5220628  Cursor c_accrual_category changed in procedure
62                                          get_emp_net_accrual to filter values based on
63                                          Security Group
64     02-OCT-2006 ahanda   115.15 5473954  Storing Accrual Code in PL/SQL table
65     05-MAR-2007 sackumar 115.16 5470648  Modified get_emp_net_accrual procedure.
66   *******************************************************************/
67   AS
68    /*****************************************************
69    ** Global Package Body Variables
70    ******************************************************/
71    gv_package_name  VARCHAR2(100) := 'pay_us_emp_payslip_accrual_web';
74    PROCEDURE get_emp_net_accrual (
75                     p_assignment_action_id  in  number
76                    ,p_assignment_id         in  number
77                    ,p_cur_earned_date       in  date
78                    ,p_total_acc_category    out NOCOPY number
79                   )
80    /******************************************************************
81    **
82    ** Description:
83    **   This procedure puts the Accrual Info for an employee
84    **   and for Payment Date.
85    **
86    ** Access Status:
87    **     Public.
88    **
89    ******************************************************************/
90    IS
92     Cursor c_time_periods( cp_payroll_id     in number
93                           ,cp_effective_date in date
94                           ) is
95       select start_date,
96              end_date,
97              period_num,
98              ptpt.number_per_fiscal_year
99         from per_time_period_types ptpt,
100              per_time_periods ptp
101        where ptpt.period_type = ptp.period_type
102          and ptp.payroll_id = cp_payroll_id
103          and cp_effective_date between ptp.start_date
104                                    and ptp.end_date;
106     Cursor c_payroll_id(
107                  cp_assignment_action_id in number
108                  ) is
109       select payroll_id, business_group_id
110         from pay_payroll_actions ppa,
111              pay_assignment_actions paa
112        where ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
113          and paa.assignment_action_id = cp_assignment_action_id;
114 --
115 -- Following cursor changed to filter the lookup values based on security group
116 -- This changes made to fix Bug # 5220628
117     Cursor c_accrual_category(cp_language varchar2) is
118       select distinct flv.lookup_code,
119                            flv.meaning
120         from fnd_lookup_values flv
121        where flv.lookup_type = 'US_PTO_ACCRUAL'
122           and flv.language = nvl(cp_language,userenv('LANG'))
123           and flv.security_group_id = fnd_global.lookup_security_group(flv.lookup_type, flv.view_application_id);
125     Cursor c_accrual_plan( cp_assignment_id    in number
126                           ,cp_effective_date   in date
127                           ,cp_accrual_category in varchar2
128                           )
129       is
130       select pap.accrual_plan_id,
131              pap.accrual_plan_element_type_id
132         from pay_accrual_plans pap,
133              pay_element_links_f pel,
134              pay_element_entries_f pee
135        where pap.accrual_category = cp_accrual_category
136          and pel.element_type_id= pap.accrual_plan_element_type_id
137          and cp_effective_date between pel.effective_start_date
138                                    and pel.effective_end_date
139          and pee.element_link_id = pel.element_link_id
140          and pee.assignment_id = cp_assignment_id
141          and cp_effective_date between pee.effective_start_date
142                                    and pee.effective_end_date;
144       ln_payroll_id          NUMBER;
145       ln_business_group_id   NUMBER;
147       lv_accrual_code        VARCHAR2(100);
148       lv_accrual_category    VARCHAR2(100);
149       lv_correspndence_lang  VARCHAR2(100);
151       ln_accrual_plan_id     NUMBER;
152       ln_accrual_ele_type_id NUMBER;
154       ld_period_start_date   DATE;
155       ld_period_end_date     DATE;
156       ln_period_num          NUMBER;
157       ln_fiscal_period_num   NUMBER;
159       l_net_accrual_hours     NUMBER := 0;
160       l_pre_accrual           NUMBER := 0;
161       l_latest_accrual        Number := 0;
162       l_cur_tot_accrual_hours NUMBER := 0;
163       l_net_tot_accrual_hours NUMBER := 0;
164       l_pre_tot_accrual       NUMBER := 0;
165       l_latest_tot_accrual    Number := 0;
166       ld_dummy_dat            DATE;
167       ld_dummy_dat1           DATE;
168       ld_dummy_dat2           DATE;
169       ln_dummy_num            NUMBER;
171       i_count         NUMBER := 0;
172       lc_plan_exists  VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
174    BEGIN
176       hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.get_emp_net_accrual', 10);
177       hr_utility.trace('p_assignment_action_id = ' || p_assignment_action_id);
178       hr_utility.trace('p_assignment_id        = ' || p_assignment_id       );
179       hr_utility.trace('p_cur_earned_date      = ' || p_cur_earned_date     );
181       open c_payroll_id(p_assignment_action_id);
182       fetch c_payroll_id into ln_payroll_id, ln_business_group_id;
183       if c_payroll_id%found then
184          open c_time_periods(ln_payroll_id, p_cur_earned_date);
185          fetch c_time_periods into ld_period_start_date, ld_period_end_date,
186                                    ln_period_num, ln_fiscal_period_num;
187          close c_time_periods;
188       end if;
189       close c_payroll_id;
191       hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.get_emp_net_accrual', 30);
192       hr_utility.trace('Payroll Start Date    = ' || ld_period_start_date);
193       hr_utility.trace('Payroll End Date      = ' || ld_period_end_date);
195       lv_correspndence_lang := pay_emp_action_arch.gv_correspondence_language;
197       hr_utility.trace('lv_correspndence_lang  = ' || lv_correspndence_lang);
199       open c_accrual_category(lv_correspndence_lang);
200       loop
201         fetch c_accrual_category into lv_accrual_code, lv_accrual_category;
202         if c_accrual_category%notfound then
203            exit;
204         end if;
206         hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.get_emp_net_accrual', 50);
207         hr_utility.trace('Accrual Category = ' || lv_accrual_code);
209         open c_accrual_plan( p_assignment_id
210                             ,p_cur_earned_date
211                             ,lv_accrual_code
212                             );
213         loop
214            fetch c_accrual_plan into ln_accrual_plan_id
215                                    ,ln_accrual_ele_type_id;
216            if c_accrual_plan%notfound then
217               hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.get_emp_net_accrual', 60);
218               exit;
219            end if;
221            hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.get_emp_net_accrual', 70);
222            hr_utility.trace('Accrual Plan ID = ' || ln_accrual_plan_id);
223            hr_utility.trace('Accrual Elem ID = ' || ln_accrual_ele_type_id);
226            /*************************************************************
227            ** Set Var. if Plan Exists.
228            *************************************************************/
229            lc_plan_exists      := 'Y';
230            l_pre_accrual       := 0;
231            l_latest_accrual    := 0;
232            l_net_accrual_hours := 0;
234            /*************************************************************
235            ** Get Net Accruals
236            *************************************************************/
237            l_net_accrual_hours := pay_us_pto_accrual.get_net_accrual (
238                                     p_assignment_id    => p_assignment_id
239 	                           ,p_calculation_date => ld_period_end_date
240                                    ,p_plan_id          => ln_accrual_plan_id
241                                    ,p_plan_category    => lv_accrual_code
242                                    ,p_assignment_action_id => -1
243                                    );
246            hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.get_emp_net_accrual', 80);
248            per_accrual_calc_functions.get_net_accrual(
249                  p_assignment_id        => p_assignment_id,
250                  p_plan_id              => ln_accrual_plan_id,
251                  p_payroll_id           => ln_payroll_id,
252                  p_business_group_id    => ln_business_group_id,
253                  p_assignment_action_id => -1, --p_assignment_action_id,
254                  p_calculation_date     => ld_period_end_date,
255                  p_accrual_start_date     => null,
256     	       	 p_accrual_latest_balance => null,
257                  p_calling_point          => 'BP',
258                  p_accrual              => l_latest_accrual,
259                  p_net_entitlement      => ln_dummy_num,
260                  p_end_date             => ld_dummy_dat,
261                  p_accrual_end_date     => ld_dummy_dat1,
262                  p_start_date           => ld_dummy_dat2
263                 );
265            IF ld_dummy_dat1 is not null THEN
266              IF ld_dummy_dat1 >= ld_period_start_date AND ld_dummy_dat1 <= ld_period_end_date THEN
267              -- New Call Suggested for Bug No 4053111
268                  per_accrual_calc_functions.get_net_accrual(
269                  p_assignment_id        => p_assignment_id,
270                  p_plan_id              => ln_accrual_plan_id,
271                  p_payroll_id           => ln_payroll_id,
272                  p_business_group_id    => ln_business_group_id,
273                  --p_calculation_date     => ld_period_end_date - 1, -- Commented for bug 5470648
274                  p_calculation_date     => ld_dummy_dat1 - 1, -- Added for bug 5470648
275                  p_assignment_action_id => -1, ---p_assignment_action_id,
276                  p_accrual_start_date   => NULL,
277         	 p_accrual_latest_balance => null,
278               	 p_calling_point          => 'BP',
279                  p_accrual              => l_pre_accrual,
280                  p_net_entitlement      => ln_dummy_num,
281                  p_end_date             => ld_dummy_dat,
282                  p_accrual_end_date     => ld_dummy_dat1,
283                  p_start_date           => ld_dummy_dat2
284                 );
285               ELSE
286                 l_pre_accrual := l_latest_accrual;
287               END IF;
288             ELSE
289               l_pre_accrual := l_latest_accrual;
290             END IF;
292            l_pre_tot_accrual       := l_pre_tot_accrual + l_pre_accrual;
293            l_latest_tot_accrual    := l_latest_tot_accrual + l_latest_accrual;
294            l_net_tot_accrual_hours := l_net_tot_accrual_hours + l_net_accrual_hours;
295        end loop;
296        close c_accrual_plan;
297        l_cur_tot_accrual_hours := l_latest_tot_accrual - l_pre_tot_accrual;
299        if lc_plan_exists = 'Y' then
301           i_count := i_count + 1;
303           hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.get_emp_net_accrual', 100);
304           lc_plan_exists := 'N';
306           pay_us_emp_payslip_accrual_web.ltr_assignment_accruals(i_count).accrual_code
307                         := lv_accrual_code;
308           pay_us_emp_payslip_accrual_web.ltr_assignment_accruals(i_count).accrual_category
309                         := lv_accrual_category;
310           pay_us_emp_payslip_accrual_web.ltr_assignment_accruals(i_count).accrual_cur_value
311                         := l_cur_tot_accrual_hours;
312           pay_us_emp_payslip_accrual_web.ltr_assignment_accruals(i_count).accrual_net_value
313                         := l_net_tot_accrual_hours;
315           lv_accrual_category      := null;
316           lv_accrual_code          := null;
317           l_cur_tot_accrual_hours  := 0;
318           l_net_tot_accrual_hours  := 0;
319           l_latest_tot_accrual     := 0;
320           l_pre_tot_accrual        := 0;
321        end if;
322     end loop;
323     close c_accrual_category;
325     p_total_acc_category := i_count;
328     for i in 1 .. i_count loop
329         hr_utility.trace('Accrual Code = '
330                   || pay_us_emp_payslip_accrual_web.ltr_assignment_accruals(i).accrual_code);
331         hr_utility.trace('Accrual Type = '
332                   || pay_us_emp_payslip_accrual_web.ltr_assignment_accruals(i).accrual_category);
333         hr_utility.trace('Accrual Current = '
334                   || pay_us_emp_payslip_accrual_web.ltr_assignment_accruals(i).accrual_cur_value);
335         hr_utility.trace('Accrual Bal = '
336                   || pay_us_emp_payslip_accrual_web.ltr_assignment_accruals(i).accrual_net_value);
337     end loop;
339     hr_utility.trace('Total Accrual Account = ' || i_count);
340     hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.get_emp_net_accrual', 110);
342    END get_emp_net_accrual;
345    PROCEDURE delete_ltr_assignment_accrual
347    /******************************************************************
348    **
349    ** Description:
350    **   This procedure Deletes the ltr_assignment_accrual PL/SQL
351    **   Table
352    **
353    **
354    ** Access Status:
355    **     Public.
356    **
357    ******************************************************************/
359    IS
360    BEGIN
361      /* Delete the accrual PL/SQL table */
362      ltr_assignment_accruals.delete;
363    END delete_ltr_assignment_accrual;
366 --BEGIN
367 --  hr_utility.trace_on(null, 'ORACLE');
369 END pay_us_emp_payslip_accrual_web;