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Line 46: v_status_code AR_TRANSACTION_HISTORY.status%TYPE;

42: -- Declare the variables which will hold the results of the SELECT statements
43: v_transaction_type RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES.name%TYPE;
44: v_transaction_type_id RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES.cust_trx_type_id%TYPE;
45: v_status AR_LOOKUPS.meaning%TYPE;
46: v_status_code AR_TRANSACTION_HISTORY.status%TYPE;
47: v_currency_code RA_CUSTOMER_TRX.invoice_currency_code%TYPE;
48: v_balance_due NUMBER;
49: v_functional_balance_due NUMBER;
50: v_customer_trx_id RA_CUSTOMER_TRX.customer_trx_id%TYPE;

Line 112: ,ar_transaction_history_all rah

108: ,rah.status
109: ,arl.meaning
110: FROM ra_cust_trx_types_all ctt
111: ,ra_customer_trx_all trx
112: ,ar_transaction_history_all rah
113: ,ar_lookups arl
114: WHERE trx.cust_trx_type_id = ctt.cust_trx_type_id
115: AND rah.customer_trx_id = trx.customer_trx_id
116: AND arl.lookup_code = rah.status

Line 119: FROM ar_transaction_history_all rah1

115: AND rah.customer_trx_id = trx.customer_trx_id
116: AND arl.lookup_code = rah.status
117: AND arl.lookup_type = ''TRANSACTION_HISTORY_STATUS'''||
118: 'AND rah.transaction_history_id = (SELECT MAX(rah1.transaction_history_id)
119: FROM ar_transaction_history_all rah1
120: WHERE rah1.trx_date <= to_char(:b_status_date)' ||
121: l_org_where_rah1 ||
122: 'AND rah1.customer_trx_id = trx.customer_trx_id)' ||
123: l_org_where_trx ||

Line 139: ,ar_transaction_history_all rah

135: ,trx.customer_trx_id
136: ,ps.exchange_rate
137: FROM ra_cust_trx_types_all ctt
138: ,ra_customer_trx_all trx
139: ,ar_transaction_history_all rah
140: ,ar_payment_schedules_all ps
141: WHERE trx.cust_trx_type_id = ctt.cust_trx_type_id
142: AND rah.customer_trx_id = trx.customer_trx_id
143: AND rah.transaction_history_id = (SELECT MAX(rah1.transaction_history_id)

Line 144: FROM ar_transaction_history_all rah1

140: ,ar_payment_schedules_all ps
141: WHERE trx.cust_trx_type_id = ctt.cust_trx_type_id
142: AND rah.customer_trx_id = trx.customer_trx_id
143: AND rah.transaction_history_id = (SELECT MAX(rah1.transaction_history_id)
144: FROM ar_transaction_history_all rah1
145: WHERE rah1.trx_date <= to_char(:b_status_date)' ||
146: l_org_where_rah1 ||
147: 'AND rah1.customer_trx_id = trx.customer_trx_id)' ||
148: l_org_where_trx ||