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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 15

              SELECT SUM(decode( pol.matching_basis
                               , 'AMOUNT'
                               , (decode( pll.closed_code
                                        , 'FINALLY_CLOSED'
                                        , ( decode( sign( nvl(pod.amount_delivered,0)
                                                        - nvl(pod.amount_billed,0))
                                                  , 1
                                                  , nvl(pod.amount_delivered,0)
                                                  , nvl(pod.amount_billed,0)))
                                          , ( nvl(pod.amount_ordered,0) - nvl(pod.amount_cancelled,0)) ))
                               , (decode( pll.closed_code
                                        , 'FINALLY_CLOSED'
                                        , ( decode( sign( nvl(pod.quantity_delivered,0)
                                                        - nvl(pod.quantity_billed,0))
                                                  , 1
                                                  , nvl(pod.quantity_delivered,0)
                                                  , nvl(pod.quantity_billed,0)))
                                          * nvl(pll.price_override,0)
                                        , ( nvl(pod.quantity_ordered,0) - nvl(pod.quantity_cancelled,0))
                                          * nvl(pll.price_override,0) ))
	        INTO v_stdpo_amt
		FROM	po_headers_all		poh,
                        po_lines_all            pol,
	                po_line_locations_all	pll,
	                po_distributions_all	pod
		WHERE   pod.po_header_id	= poh.po_header_id
		and	pod.line_location_id	= pll.line_location_id
                and     pol.po_header_id        = poh.po_header_id
                and     pll.po_line_id          = pol.po_line_id
		and	pll.from_header_id	= p_contract_id
		and	nvl(pll.approved_flag, 'N')		= 'Y'
                and     nvl(pod.distribution_type,'-99')  <> 'AGREEMENT';
Line: 50

              SELECT SUM(decode( pol.matching_basis
                               , 'AMOUNT'
                               , (decode( pll.closed_code
                                        , 'FINALLY_CLOSED'
                                        , ( decode( sign( nvl(pod.amount_delivered,0)
                                                        - nvl(pod.amount_billed,0))
                                                  , 1
                                                  , nvl(pod.amount_delivered,0)
                                                  , nvl(pod.amount_billed,0)))
                                        , ( nvl(pod.amount_ordered,0) - nvl(pod.amount_cancelled,0)) ))
                               , (decode( pll.closed_code
                                        , 'FINALLY_CLOSED'
                                        , ( decode( sign( nvl(pod.quantity_delivered,0)
                                                        - nvl(pod.quantity_billed,0))
                                                  , 1
                                                  , nvl(pod.quantity_delivered,0)
                                                  , nvl(pod.quantity_billed,0)))
                                           * nvl(pll.price_override,0)
                                         , ( nvl(pod.quantity_ordered,0) - nvl(pod.quantity_cancelled,0))
                                           * nvl(pll.price_override,0) ))
	        INTO v_amt_released
		FROM	po_releases_all		por,
	                po_headers_all		poh,
	                po_line_locations_all	pll,
                        po_distributions_all    pod,
                        po_lines_all            pol
		WHERE   pod.po_release_id	= por.po_release_id
		and	pod.po_header_id	= poh.po_header_id
                and     pod.po_line_id          = pol.po_line_id
		and	pod.line_location_id	= pll.line_location_id
		and	poh.po_header_id	= p_contract_id
		and	pod.org_id		= p_org_id
		and	nvl(pll.approved_flag,
				'N')		= 'Y'
                and     nvl(pod.distribution_type,'-99')   <> 'AGREEMENT';
Line: 91

              SELECT SUM(decode( plc.matching_basis
                               , 'AMOUNT'
                               , (decode( pll.closed_code
                                        , 'FINALLY_CLOSED'
                                        , (decode( sign( nvl(pod.amount_delivered,0)
                                                       - nvl(pod.amount_billed,0))
                                                 , 1
                                                 , nvl(pod.amount_delivered,0)
                                                 , nvl(pod.amount_billed,0)))
                                        , ( nvl(pod.amount_ordered,0) - nvl(pod.amount_cancelled,0)) ))
                               , (decode( pll.closed_code
                                        , 'FINALLY_CLOSED'
                                        , (decode( sign( nvl(pod.quantity_delivered,0)
                                                       - nvl(pod.quantity_billed,0))
                                                 , 1
                                                 , nvl(pod.quantity_delivered,0)
                                                 , nvl(pod.quantity_billed,0)))
                                          * nvl(pll.price_override,0)
                                        , ( nvl(pod.quantity_ordered,0) - nvl(pod.quantity_cancelled,0))
                                          * nvl(pll.price_override,0) ))
	        INTO v_amt_released
	        FROM    po_headers_all		poh,
			po_headers_all		poh2,
			po_lines_all		plc,
	                po_line_locations_all	pll,
	                po_distributions_all	pod
		WHERE   pod.po_header_id	= poh.po_header_id
	        and 	pod.po_line_id		= plc.po_line_id
		and	pod.line_location_id	= pll.line_location_id
		and 	plc.contract_id    	= poh2.po_header_id
		and	poh2.po_header_id	= p_contract_id
		and	pod.org_id		= p_org_id
		and	nvl(pll.approved_flag,
	    			'N')		= 'Y'
                and     nvl(pod.distribution_type,'-99')  <> 'AGREEMENT';
Line: 143

                SELECT SUM(decode( pol.matching_basis
                                 , 'AMOUNT'
                                 , (decode( pll.closed_code
                                          , 'FINALLY_CLOSED'
                                          , (decode( sign( nvl(pod.amount_delivered,0)
                                                         - nvl(pod.amount_billed,0))
                                                   , 1
                                                   , nvl(pod.amount_delivered,0)
                                                   , nvl(pod.amount_billed,0)))
                                          , ( nvl(pod.amount_ordered,0) - nvl(pod.amount_cancelled,0)) ))
                                 , (decode( pll.closed_code
                                          , 'FINALLY_CLOSED'
                                          , (decode( sign( nvl(pod.quantity_delivered,0)
                                                         - nvl(pod.quantity_billed,0))
                                                   , 1
                                                   , nvl(pod.quantity_delivered,0)
                                                   , nvl(pod.quantity_billed,0)))
                                            * nvl(pll.price_override,0)
                                          , ( nvl(pod.quantity_ordered,0) - nvl(pod.quantity_cancelled,0))
                                            * nvl(pll.price_override,0) ))
	        INTO v_stdpo_amt
		FROM            po_headers_all		poh,
                                po_lines_all            pol,
	                        po_line_locations_all	pll,
	                        po_distributions_all	pod
	        WHERE   	pod.po_header_id	= poh.po_header_id
	   	and	        pod.line_location_id	= pll.line_location_id
                and             pol.po_header_id        = poh.po_header_id
                and             pll.po_line_id          = pol.po_line_id
		and	        pol.from_header_id	= p_contract_id
	        and             pol.from_line_id        = p_line_id
		and	        nvl(pll.approved_flag, 'N')		= 'Y'
                and             nvl(pod.distribution_type,'-99')   <> 'AGREEMENT';
Line: 180

                SELECT    SUM(decode( pol.matching_basis
                                    , 'AMOUNT'
                                    , (decode( pll.closed_code
                                             , 'FINALLY_CLOSED'
                                             , (decode( sign( nvl(pod.amount_delivered,0)
                                                            - nvl(pod.amount_billed,0))
                                                      , 1
                                                      , nvl(pod.amount_delivered,0),nvl(pod.amount_billed,0)))
                                             , ( nvl(pod.amount_ordered,0) - nvl(pod.amount_cancelled,0)) ))
                                    , (decode( pll.closed_code
                                             , 'FINALLY_CLOSED'
                                             , (decode( sign( nvl(pod.quantity_delivered,0)
                                                            - nvl(pod.quantity_billed,0))
                                                      , 1
                                                      , nvl(pod.quantity_delivered,0),nvl(pod.quantity_billed,0)))
                                               * nvl(pll.price_override,0)
                                             , ( nvl(pod.quantity_ordered,0) - nvl(pod.quantity_cancelled,0))
                                               * nvl(pll.price_override,0) ))
	        INTO v_amt_released
	        FROM    po_distributions_all    pod,
	                po_line_locations_all   pll,
	                po_headers_all          poh,
                        po_releases_all         por,
                        po_lines_all            pol
	        WHERE   pod.po_release_id       = por.po_release_id
	        and     pod.po_header_id        = poh.po_header_id
                and     pod.po_line_id          = pol.po_line_id
	        and     pod.line_location_id    = pll.line_location_id
	        and     poh.po_header_id        = p_contract_id
	        and     pod.org_id              = p_org_id
		and	pod.po_line_id		= p_line_id
	        and     nvl(pll.approved_flag,
				'N')		= 'Y'
                and     nvl(pod.distribution_type,'-99')  <> 'AGREEMENT';
Line: 231

	        SELECT SUM(decode(pll.closed_code, 'FINALLY_CLOSED',
	                             - nvl(pod.quantity_billed,0)),
	                    1, nvl(pod.quantity_delivered,0),nvl(pod.quantity_billed,0)))
	                  (nvl(pod.quantity_ordered,0) - nvl(pod.quantity_cancelled,0))
	        INTO v_stdpo_qty
		FROM	        po_headers_all		poh,
                                po_lines_all            pol,
	                        po_line_locations_all	pll,
	                        po_distributions_all	pod
	        WHERE   	pod.po_header_id	= poh.po_header_id
	   	and	        pod.line_location_id	= pll.line_location_id
                and             pol.po_header_id        = poh.po_header_id
                and             pll.po_line_id          = pol.po_line_id
		and	        pll.from_header_id	= p_contract_id
	        and             pll.from_line_id        = p_line_id
		and	        nvl(pll.approved_flag, 'N')		= 'Y'
                and             nvl(pod.distribution_type,'-99')  <> 'AGREEMENT';
Line: 253

	        SELECT    SUM(decode(pll.closed_code, 'FINALLY_CLOSED',
	                             - nvl(pod.quantity_billed,0)),
	                    1, nvl(pod.quantity_delivered,0),           nvl(pod.quantity_billed,0))),
	                  (nvl(pod.quantity_ordered,0) - nvl(pod.quantity_cancelled,0))))
	        INTO v_qty_released
	        FROM    po_distributions_all    pod,
	                po_line_locations_all   pll,
	                po_headers_all          poh,
	                po_releases_all         por
	        WHERE   pod.po_release_id       = por.po_release_id
	        and     pod.po_header_id        = poh.po_header_id
	        and     pod.line_location_id    = pll.line_location_id
	        and     poh.po_header_id        = p_contract_id
	        and     pod.org_id              = p_org_id
	        and     pod.po_line_id          = p_line_id
	        and     nvl(pll.approved_flag,
	                        'N')            = 'Y'
                and     nvl(pod.distribution_type,'-99')   <> 'AGREEMENT';
Line: 286

	SELECT max(pah.sequence_num)
	INTO 	v_sequence_num
	FROM	po_action_history 	pah
	WHERE	object_id		= p_po_header_id
	and	object_type_code	in ('PO', 'PA')
	and	action_code		= 'APPROVE';
Line: 293

	SELECT pah.employee_id
	INTO 	v_employee_id
	FROM	po_action_history	pah
	WHERE	pah.sequence_num 	= v_sequence_num
	and	pah.object_id		= p_po_header_id
	and	pah.object_type_code	in ('PO', 'PA')
	and	pah.action_code		= 'APPROVE'
        and     rownum < 2;
Line: 316

          SELECT max(pac.action_date)
          INTO 	v_accept_date
          FROM 	po_acceptances         pac
          WHERE   pac.po_header_id     = p_doc_id
          and     pac.accepted_flag    = 'Y';
Line: 322

          SELECT max(pac.action_date)
          INTO 	v_accept_date
          FROM 	po_acceptances         pac
          WHERE   pac.po_release_id    = p_doc_id
          and     pac.accepted_flag    = 'Y';
Line: 347

        SELECT prh.requisition_header_id
        INTO    v_req_header_id
        FROM    po_requisition_headers_all  prh,
                po_requisition_lines_all    prl,
                po_req_distributions_all    prd
        WHERE   prd.distribution_id         = p_req_dist_id
        and     prl.requisition_line_id     = prd.requisition_line_id
        and     prh.requisition_header_id   = prl.requisition_header_id;
Line: 357

	SELECT max(pah.action_date)
	INTO 	v_approval_date
	FROM	po_action_history 	    pah
	WHERE	pah.object_id		    = v_req_header_id
	and	pah.object_type_code	    = 'REQUISITION'
        and     pah.object_sub_type_code    = 'PURCHASE'
	and	pah.action_code		    = 'APPROVE';
Line: 382

	SELECT decode(max('Y'), 'Y', 'Y', 'N')
	INTO v_supp_approved
	FROM   	po_distributions_all pod,
       		po_line_locations_all pll,
       		po_lines_all pol,
       		po_headers_all poh,
       		po_asl_status_rules pasr,
       		po_asl_statuses pas,
       		po_approved_supplier_list pasl
	WHERE  pod.po_header_id     = poh.po_header_id
	and    pod.po_line_id       = pol.po_line_id
	and    pod.line_location_id = pll.line_location_id
	and    poh.vendor_id        = pasl.vendor_id
	and    (poh.vendor_site_id  = pasl.vendor_site_id
        	pasl.vendor_site_id is null)
	and    ((pll.ship_to_organization_id = pasl.using_organization_id)
        	(pasl.using_organization_id = -1
         	and not exists
			(SELECT 'local exists with global record'
                 	FROM   	po_line_locations_all pll2,
				po_lines_all          pol2,
				po_headers_all        poh2,
				po_approved_supplier_list pasl2
		 	WHERE  pll2.ship_to_organization_id =
                 	and    pll2.po_header_id = poh2.po_header_id
		 	and    pol2.po_header_id = poh2.po_header_id
                 	and    poh2.vendor_id    = pasl2.vendor_id
                 	and    ((pol2.item_id is not null
                        	  and pol2.item_id = pasl2.item_id)
			  	(pol2.item_id is null
                           	and pol2.category_id = pasl2.category_id)))))
	and    ((pol.item_id is not null
       		and pol.item_id = pasl.item_id)
        	(pol.item_id is null
         	and pol.category_id  = pasl.category_id))
	and    pasl.asl_status_id     = pas.status_id
	and    pasr.status_id         = pas.status_id
	and    pasr.business_rule     = '1_PO_APPROVAL'
	and    pasr.allow_action_flag = 'Y'
	and    pod.po_distribution_id = p_po_dist_id
        and    nvl(pod.distribution_type,'-99')  <> 'AGREEMENT';
Line: 448

  select decode(max('Y'), 'Y', 'Y', 'N')
      into v_supp_approved
      from po_asl_status_rules pasr,
          po_asl_statuses pas,
          po_approved_supplier_list pasl
    where pasl.vendor_id = p_vendor_id
      and (pasl.vendor_site_id is null or
            pasl.vendor_site_id = p_vendor_site_id)
      and pasl.using_organization_id in (-1,p_ship_to_org_id)
      and ((p_item_id is not null and pasl.item_id = p_item_id) or
            (p_item_id is null and pasl.category_id = p_category_id))
      and pasl.asl_status_id    = pas.status_id
      and    pasr.status_id        = pas.status_id
      and    pasr.business_rule    = '1_PO_APPROVAL'
    having count(pasr.allow_action_flag)
            = count(decode(pasr.allow_action_flag,'Y','Y',null));
Line: 483

  select min(ack.check_date)
    into cc_date
    from ap_checks_all 		 		ack,
         ap_invoice_payments_all	        aip,
         ap_invoice_distributions_all    	aid
   where aip.check_id = ack.check_id
     and aip.invoice_id = aid.invoice_id
     and aid.po_distribution_id      = p_po_dist_id;
Line: 513

  select min(ain.invoice_received_date)
   into inv_rec_date
   from ap_invoices_all 		ain,
        ap_invoice_distributions_all   	aid
  where ain.invoice_id = aid.invoice_id
    and aid.po_distribution_id      = p_po_dist_id;
Line: 542

  select min(aid.creation_date)
    into inv_creation_date
    from ap_invoice_distributions_all    aid
   where aid.po_distribution_id      = p_po_dist_id;
Line: 570

  select trunc(min(transaction_date))
   into goods_rcvd_date
   from  rcv_transactions 		rct
   where transaction_type = 'RECEIVE'
     and rct. po_line_location_id = p_po_line_loc_id;
Line: 596

  select  SUM(base_invoice_price_variance) into v_ipv
    from  ap_invoice_distributions_all
   where  po_distribution_id = p_po_dist_id;