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1 package wip_mtlTempProc_priv as
2  /* $Header: wiptmpvs.pls 120.0.12010000.1 2008/07/24 05:26:46 appldev ship $ */
4   --Procedure to process WIP transactions out of MMTT. Currently a limited number of transaction
5   --types are supported:
6   -- + component issues
7   -- + component returns
8   -- + component negative issues
9   -- + component negative returns
10   -- + Scraps (no WIP processing involved)
11   -- + Cost Updates (no WIP processing involved)
12   -- Arguments:
13   -- + p_initMsgList: Pass fnd_api.g_true to initialize the message list.
14   --                  Pass fnd_api.g_false to leave the message list intact.
15   -- + p_txnHdrID: the transaction_header_id value of the MMTT records to be processed.
16   -- + x_returnStatus: fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success if all rows were processed successfully.
17   --                   fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error OR fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error if some rows failed.
18   -- + x_errorMsg: A concatenation of all the error messages for any rows that failed. It is limited
19   --               to 2000 characters in length. Each row's error_code and error_explanation columns
20   --               should be updated for that row's specific error.
21   procedure processTemp(p_initMsgList IN VARCHAR2,
22                         p_txnHdrID IN NUMBER,
23                         p_txnMode IN NUMBER := null,
24                         p_destroyQtyTrees IN VARCHAR2 := null,
25                         p_endDebug IN VARCHAR2 := null,
26                         x_returnStatus OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
27                         x_errorMsg OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
30   procedure processWIP(p_txnTmpID IN NUMBER,
31                        p_processLpn IN VARCHAR2,
32                        p_endDebug IN VARCHAR2 := null,
33                        x_returnStatus OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
34                        x_errorMsg OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
37   --does limited validation of MTI records and moves the records to MMTT
38   procedure validateInterfaceTxns(p_txnHdrID in NUMBER,
39                                   p_initMsgList in VARCHAR2 := null,--default false
40                                   p_endDebug in VARCHAR2 := null, --default false
41                                   p_numRows IN NUMBER := null,
42                                   p_addMsgToStack IN VARCHAR2 := null,--default true
43                                   p_rollbackOnErr IN VARCHAR2 := null,--default true
44                                   x_returnStatus out nocopy VARCHAR2);
46 end wip_mtlTempProc_priv;