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Line 42: -- smvk 16-Dec-2002 Function Call IGS_PS_VAL_US.crsp_val_ver_dt,IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_uv_pnt_ovrd and IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_uv_unit_sts

38: SMADATHI 25-MAY-2001 removed foreign key references to IGS_PS_USEC_RPT_FMLY as per DLD (Enhancement Bug No. 1775394). Also added validation for Curriculum Id*/
39: -- rgangara 03-May-2001 added two Columns ss_enrol_ind and ivr_enrol_ind as per DLD Unit Section Enrollment Info.
40: -- cdcruz 31-Jan-2002 added Two new columns anon_unit_grading_ind/anon_assess_grading_ind added to base table
41: -- as per DLD Anonymous Grading Bug 2198374
42: -- smvk 16-Dec-2002 Function Call IGS_PS_VAL_US.crsp_val_ver_dt,IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_uv_pnt_ovrd and IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_uv_unit_sts
43: -- are modified with additional parameter value 'FALSE'. for Bug # 2696207
44: -- smvk 19-Dec-2002 Removed the OWNER_ORG_UNIT_CD checking for upper case
45: -- from check_constraints procedure. Bug # 2487149
46: -- smaddali 21-jan-04 Modified procedure Check_Child_Existance , to remove cursor c_hesa and call igs_he_st_unt_vs_all_pkg.get_fk_igs_ps_unit_ver_all

Line 659: IF IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_uv_uicl (

655: IF p_inserting OR
656: (p_updating AND
657: (old_references.unit_int_course_level_cd <>
658: new_references.unit_int_course_level_cd)) THEN
659: IF IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_uv_uicl (
660: new_references.unit_int_course_level_cd, v_message_name) = FALSE THEN
661: Fnd_Message.Set_Name('IGS',v_message_name);
663: App_Exception.Raise_Exception;

Line 670: IF IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_unit_lvl (

666: -- Validate IGS_PS_UNIT level.
667: IF p_inserting OR
668: (p_updating AND
669: (old_references.unit_level <> new_references.unit_level)) THEN
670: IF IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_unit_lvl (
671: new_references.unit_level,v_message_name) = FALSE THEN
672: Fnd_Message.Set_Name('IGS',v_message_name);
674: App_Exception.Raise_Exception;

Line 682: IF IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_uv_cp_desc (

678: IF p_inserting OR
679: (p_updating AND
680: (old_references.credit_point_descriptor <>
681: new_references.credit_point_descriptor )) THEN
682: IF IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_uv_cp_desc (
683: new_references.credit_point_descriptor,v_message_name) = FALSE THEN
684: Fnd_Message.Set_Name('IGS',v_message_name);
686: App_Exception.Raise_Exception;

Line 699: -- As part of the bug# 1956374 changed to the below call from IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_ver_dt (

695: NVL(new_references.end_dt,IGS_GE_DATE.IGSDATE('1900/01/01')))) OR
696: (p_updating AND
697: NVL(old_references.expiry_dt, IGS_GE_DATE.IGSDATE('1900/01/01')) <>
698: NVL(new_references.expiry_dt, IGS_GE_DATE.IGSDATE('1900/01/01'))) THEN
699: -- As part of the bug# 1956374 changed to the below call from IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_ver_dt (
700: IF IGS_PS_VAL_US.crsp_val_ver_dt (
701: new_references.start_dt,
702: new_references.end_dt,
703: new_references.expiry_dt,v_message_name,FALSE) = FALSE THEN

Line 710: IF IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_uv_end(new_references.unit_cd,

706: App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
707: END IF;
708: END IF;
709: IF p_updating AND new_references.end_dt IS NOT NULL THEN
710: IF IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_uv_end(new_references.unit_cd,
711: new_references.version_number,
712: v_return_type,
713: v_message_name) = FALSE THEN
714: IF v_return_type = cst_error THEN

Line 726: -- As part of the bug# 1956374 changed to the below call from IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_ou_sys_sts

722: IF p_inserting OR
723: (p_updating AND
724: ((old_references.owner_org_unit_cd <> new_references.owner_org_unit_cd) OR
725: (old_references.owner_ou_start_dt <> new_references.owner_ou_start_dt))) THEN
726: -- As part of the bug# 1956374 changed to the below call from IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_ou_sys_sts
727: IF IGS_PS_VAL_CRV.crsp_val_ou_sys_sts (
728: new_references.owner_org_unit_cd,
729: new_references.owner_ou_start_dt,v_message_name) = FALSE THEN
730: Fnd_Message.Set_Name('IGS',v_message_name);

Line 741: IF IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_uv_end_sts(

737: (p_updating AND
738: ((NVL(old_references.end_dt,IGS_GE_DATE.IGSDATE('1900/01/01')) <>
739: NVL(new_references.end_dt, IGS_GE_DATE.IGSDATE('1900/01/01'))) OR
740: (old_references.unit_status <> new_references.unit_status))) THEN
741: IF IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_uv_end_sts(
742: new_references.end_dt,
743: new_references.unit_status,v_message_name) = FALSE THEN
744: Fnd_Message.Set_Name('IGS',v_message_name);

Line 770: IF IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_uv_pnt_ovrd(

766: (NVL(old_references.enrolled_credit_points, 0) <>
767: NVL(new_references.enrolled_credit_points, 0)) OR
768: (NVL(old_references.achievable_credit_points, 0) <>
769: NVL(new_references.achievable_credit_points,0)))) THEN
770: IF IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_uv_pnt_ovrd(
771: new_references.points_override_ind,
772: new_references.points_increment,
773: new_references.points_min,
774: new_references.points_max,

Line 790: IF IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_uv_sup_exam (

786: ((old_references.supp_exam_permitted_ind <>
787: new_references.supp_exam_permitted_ind) OR
788: (old_references.assessable_ind <>
789: new_references.assessable_ind))) THEN
790: IF IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_uv_sup_exam (
791: new_references.supp_exam_permitted_ind,
792: new_references.assessable_ind,v_message_name) = FALSE THEN
793: Fnd_Message.Set_Name('IGS',v_message_name);

Line 1365: -- trigger as calling IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_uv_unit_sts from

1361: IF p_inserting OR
1362: (p_updating AND (old_references.unit_status <> new_references.unit_status)) THEN
1363: -- Save the rowid, old expiry date and old IGS_PS_UNIT status so
1364: -- the IGS_PS_UNIT status can be validated in the after statement
1365: -- trigger as calling IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_uv_unit_sts from
1366: -- here will cause mutating table error. Also, the quality check
1367: -- may need to be performed if the status has been altered to
1368: -- active.

Line 1384: IF IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_uv_exp_sts (

1380: ((NVL(old_references.expiry_dt,
1381: IGS_GE_DATE.IGSDATE('1900/01/01')) <>
1382: NVL(new_references.expiry_dt,IGS_GE_DATE.IGSDATE('1900/01/01'))) OR
1383: (old_references.unit_status <> new_references.unit_status))) THEN
1384: IF IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_uv_exp_sts (
1385: new_references.unit_cd,
1386: new_references.version_number,
1387: new_references.expiry_dt,
1388: new_references.unit_status,v_message_name) = FALSE THEN

Line 1398: IF IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_uv_unit_sts (

1394: -- Validate the IGS_PS_UNIT status
1395: IF p_inserting OR
1396: (p_updating AND
1397: (old_references.unit_status <> new_references.unit_status)) THEN
1398: IF IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_uv_unit_sts (
1399: new_references.unit_cd,
1400: new_references.version_number,
1401: new_references.unit_status,
1402: old_references.unit_status,v_message_name,FALSE) = FALSE THEN

Line 1415: IF IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_uv_quality (

1411: -- IGS_GE_NOTE: A IGS_PS_UNIT version can only be created with a status of PLANNED.
1412: -- Hence, only need to perform the check if updating.
1413: IF p_updating AND
1414: (v_s_unit_status = cst_active) THEN
1415: IF IGS_PS_VAL_UV.crsp_val_uv_quality (
1416: new_references.unit_cd,
1417: new_references.version_number,
1418: old_references.unit_status,v_message_name) = FALSE THEN
1419: Fnd_Message.Set_Name('IGS',v_message_name);